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Drew_A Historical Scottish Romance Novel_Highlanders Warriors Clan McClair

Page 9

by Barbara Bard

  * * *

  “Nay Blair, I've never thought any of that. All I want from ye is tae lead this clan and bring them taegether. I dinnae want it all tae break apart. I dinnae trust Rosemary, and I just wish ye would consider the possibility that she is nae truly who she claims.”

  * * *

  “What reason could I possibly have tae think that?”

  * * *

  Drew exhaled deeply. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this, for he didn't want to stab his brother in the heart. But it was better that he knew the truth. If Blair hadn't been so stubborn this entire matter would have been far more easily handled. All he had to do was agree to keep an eye on her. Why was it so impossible for Blair to admit that Rosemary may not be entirely trustworthy?

  * * *

  “I came across her in the woods, Blair. I heard her say that she disnae want to stay here, that she misses her home. If she's given the chance then I dinnae think she will hesitate in going back.”

  * * *

  “Ye lie,” Blair gasped, clenching his fists.

  * * *

  “Nay, I-” Drew said, but he didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying. Blair had already launched a fist at him, and it was only because Drew had quick reflexes that he was able to lurch back and dodge the blow. He could not dodge the other one. Blair's fist found Drew's stomach. The wind was knocked out of him, and then Drew felt Blair's arms wrap around him, pushing him back to a table.

  * * *

  Drew flailed his fists against Blair's back and tried to wriggle free. As soon as he was able, he broke Blair's grip, and blocked a punch that had been destined for his face.

  * * *

  “I dinnae want tae fight ye!” Drew called out.

  * * *

  “Then ye should nae hae come with these dark words,” Blair said viciously. He pummeled Drew's stomach, and as much as Drew did not want to fight, he knew that he couldn't just sit there and take it. Whenever Blair got into a rage there was no shaking him from it.

  * * *

  Drew rolled back over a table, creating some distance between them. Breathing heavily, he summoned his strength and clenched his fists. Blair stalked around the table like a predator, every fiber of his being primed for battle. Lunging forward, Drew managed to duck down, evading the blow, and then struck back with one of his own. Blair grunted and staggered back, but he was not dissuaded. The lust for blood was strong within him.

  * * *

  However, something else was different. Blair paused for a moment. He breathed deeply and stared at Drew.

  * * *

  “Hae ye lost confidence, brother?” Drew asked.

  * * *

  “Nay, but we should nae be fighting,” Blair said. “This is not proper.”

  * * *

  Drew looked at his brother curiously. He'd never heard Blair speak like this before. Usually when he was in a rage he was unstoppable.

  * * *

  “It's the English lass. She's made ye soft, Blair,” Drew said, goading Blair to get angry.

  * * *

  “Don't ye dare say anything about her,” Blair said.

  * * *

  “I already hae,” Drew said, and wasn't about to let this momentary advantage slip. “She's twisting yer mind, Blair. Ye think a lass as pretty as that could love ye?”

  * * *

  Drew felt his hand crack against Blair's face, but Blair came back with even more force. He jabbed his shoulder into Drew's chest, then grabbed his legs and pulled them up from underneath him. Drew's back slammed against the floor and his eyes went wide with pain. Up until that moment Drew had remained in control of himself, wanting to try to wait until Blair calmed down, but as Blair straddled him he knew he had to fight back, lest his face be turned into a bloody pulp.

  * * *

  Blair's fists beat down upon him. Drew raised his own hands in a cross over his face, blocking the blows, but he could not do this forever. He tightened his thigh muscles and started moving from right to left, eventually gaining enough momentum to throw Blair off. The two men were free again, circling each other, before Blair lunged forward once more, always the aggressor.

  * * *

  They locked arms, wrestling now, their biceps bulging and every sinew in their bodies screaming. Drew knew his brother was stronger, especially when he was in a rage like this, but that didn't mean he was unbeatable. Drew struggled against Blair's strength, then deliberately gave way and fell to the floor, sweeping Blair's legs from underneath him. The great man fell to the floor with a clatter.

  * * *

  Seething with anger, Blair rose again and came forward, swiping with deadly fists. Drew dodged as much as he could, but he could not escape all the blows. One caught him around the side of the head and he tumbled onto a table, laying flat on his back. Blair brought both fists crashing down, aiming for the middle of Drew's chest. A moment before he struck, Drew opened his eyes and was able to roll away. The wooden table almost cracked in two under the force of Blair's blow.

  * * *

  “Stop, brother! Can ye no’ see what ye are doing?” Drew shouted, using the table as a barrier between them.

  * * *

  “Ye started this!” Blair yelled as he leaped onto the surface of the table, and then fell onto his backside, kicking out. Drew hadn't seen the move coming and staggered back, seeing red in his eyes, tasting copper in his mouth. He spat out blood as Blair came towards him again, enveloping him in a bear hug. Drew could feel the air being strangled from him. He grunted and gasped, trying to break free of Blair's grip, but it didn't seem as though anything was going to work.

  * * *

  “Blair...” he pleaded, his voice cracking, but Blair showed no sign of stopping. Drew should have foreseen this. How many times had they been in this exact situation when they had been younger? He hoped that as Blair grew older he would have been able to manage his rage better, but it seemed as though it had only gotten worse.

  * * *

  In a last hope before he lost consciousness Drew struggled again, but Blair had hold of him so tightly that Drew could not move one muscle. He could feel the strength leaving his body, and although he was a formidable warrior in his own right, Drew was once again forced to face the reality that when it came to brute strength he was no match for his older brother.

  * * *

  “Blair, what are ye doing!” Fianna cried. She rushed into the hall and pulled Blair away. His mother's voice was enough to break the spell anger had cast upon him.

  * * *

  “I thought ye two would be beyond this! Why are ye acting like wee lads again?” she said.

  * * *

  “Ask him,” Blair said bitterly, turning away to the throne. He walked towards it and sat down petulantly, resting his chin on his hand. Drew fell to the floor, hand reaching to his throat. He gasped for breath. Every inch of his body ached. Fianna fell to her knees and helped him up. He placed his hands against the edge of a table and reached for a jug of water that had been left there. It ached as he swallowed.

  * * *

  “I am asking ye,” Fianna said. “I told ye long ago nae tae treat yer brother this way.”

  * * *

  “That was before he came to me with disrespectful words. I hae made my position clear. Rosemary is staying here. She is my woman and nobody is tae say anything against her,” Blair said.

  * * *

  “Is this never going tae be settled?” Fianna asked.

  * * *

  “Nae while people like him plot against her!” Blair said.

  * * *

  “I was trying tae warn ye of a plot!” Drew yelled, more loudly than he had intended. He instantly regretted it, for the pain in his throat was vexing.

  * * *

  “Both of ye need tae calm down. Just because Aife is dead disnae mean that ye can get away with anything. I am still yer ma and I will nae stand here and watch ye both tear yerselves apart, especially not when there is a greater enemy out there. No
w then, Drew, ye must accept that Blair hae made his decision. And Blair, ye must accept that people aren't going tae be happy about it. Ye both need tae look at the bigger picture here. What are ye like, fighting among yerselves. What kind of message is that sending to the rest of the Highlanders? Ye say that we need tae be united tae fight the English, but ye cannae even stop fighting each other!”

  * * *

  Both men looked chagrined. Even though they were both proud, fierce warriors there was nothing that could make them regret their actions more than their Fianna's scolding tone. They looked downcast, avoiding each other’s gaze.

  * * *

  “I was trying tae help Blair, before things get any worse. There are people who dinnae trust Rosemary, and I'm starting tae wonder if they hae good reason. I heard her in the woods, praying tae get home. If she is so eager tae leave then why does she stay here?”

  * * *

  “If you wanted to know that, you could have just asked me,” Rosemary said, striding into the hall. Drew had no idea how long she had been standing there for. He expected her to walk towards Blair's side for protection, but instead she stood by Fianna.

  * * *

  “I also don't appreciate you spying on me while I am enjoying communion with God,” Rosemary added.

  * * *

  “Apologize to the lass, Drew,” Fianna commanded. Blair stifled a chuckle, and it was all Drew could do to not glare at his brother.

  * * *

  “I am sorry, Rosemary, I did nae mean to spy, I was merely walking along when I heard the words. But perhaps ye would dae us the honor of telling us why ye wish tae go home so badly?”

  * * *

  The question was finally out there. Rosemary had seemed reasonable while at the feast the previous night, but Drew needed an answer. If she was going to make Blair so enraged then he had to be sure that she wasn't some English spy, sent here to sow discord and then leave as soon as she was able. He had to make sure that Blair hadn't compromised himself by falling in love.

  * * *

  Rosemary stared at him as if he was out of his mind.

  * * *

  “Are you really so astonished that I would miss my home? Have you not even spared a thought for what I have been through?” Rosemary said, aghast.

  * * *

  Drew was about to say something in reply, but Fianna held up her hand and inclined her head.

  * * *

  “Let the lass speak, Drew,” she said.

  * * *

  Rosemary stepped forward and looked directly at Drew. “I have tried to hold my tongue in an effort to be diplomatic. I understand that my presence here isn't to everyone's liking, but it is not as though I had much of a choice. I saw evidence of my future husband's cruelty. I chose to flee, hoping that I would have a better, safer life in the wilderness than I would in the home of a monster. There have been moments when I have questioned that decision. I had to leave everything and everyone I know. I can never go back to England now, but that does not stop me from hoping that one day I will see my father again. You have lost yours, and I am sorry for that, but mine is still out there, alive somewhere, and I do not know if I will ever see him again. As far as he is concerned I am probably dead.”

  * * *

  She took a deep breath, and moved closer to Blair.

  * * *

  “When I met your brother I was frightened. He rescued me. I saw cruelty in my husband-to-be when I saw his men execute others on his orders, your kinsman among them. They took great delight in the death of these men and I knew I could never stay with a man who would condone such actions. They did not deserve that punishment, and I was so aghast that I ran away. But one of Lord Flynn's men followed me, hunting me like an animal, and Blair was the one who saved me.

  * * *

  At first I did not know if I would be safe here, but we fell in love. I can't explain it myself as I never thought I would fall in love with a Highlander, but here we are. I told Blair a long time ago that although I may be English, my heart is my own. I have pledged myself to him, and I do not know about you, but I take my oaths seriously. I love Blair with all my heart. I am devoted to him, and I consider this place my home, even if some people treat me as an invader.”

  * * *

  She walked up to Blair and took his head, gazing deeply into his eyes.

  * * *

  “Blair, what Drew said was true. I did speak those words, but it is not because I am unhappy here, or because I am looking to leave. You know that I would never do anything to betray you or the bond we have forged. You must see that it is only natural for a girl so far from home to pine for what she misses.” She then turned to face Drew and Fianna.

  * * *

  “I am certain that any of you would feel the same if you were forced to flee this place and make a life elsewhere. If I am to be judged by that then so be it, but do not judge me harshly. I have made no move against you or your clan, neither will I. In fact, I am just as troubled by this need to go to war as any of you. I would rather live my life in peace. If you do intend to judge me then I ask that you do so by my actions, not by your own fears.”

  * * *

  “Ye have a home here, child,” Fianna said, moving to stand beside Rosemary. Blair rose from his throne as well, and placed a hand on her own. Drew looked at the scene with a troubled heart. His family had taken Rosemary to their heart even though the clan hadn't. But was this a sign that something was wrong with their opinion?

  * * *

  Her last words struck at his heart. Rosemary had in fact done nothing wrong. They were all worried about what she could do, and that was not a way to treat anyone at all. He looked at her and for the first time saw her not as the strange English girl who had suddenly appeared in their lives, but as a young girl who had to run away from home and find solace in the arms of the enemy.

  * * *

  Drew saw the tenderness between herself and his brother. Never before had he seen his brother look so content and at peace. Never before had he seen his brother willing to fight for anything so fiercely. Drew nodded.

  * * *

  “I must apologize. I hae nae been looking with my eyes. I see the change in ye, Blair, and it is a good change. Rosemary, I hope ye feel at home here. I hae nae thought about what ye must hae gone through, and how much ye must miss home. I hope one day ye will see yer father again. I know I would like tae have one more moment wi' mine,” Drew said.

  * * *

  Blair left Rosemary's side and came towards Drew. He opened his arms and clasped Drew tightly, slapping him on the back.

  * * *

  “Let us nae fight like that anymore,” Blair said. “We hae bigger battles to fight.”

  * * *

  “Aye, that we dae,” Drew agreed. As they were embracing, Blair whispered in Drew's ear.

  * * *

  “One day ye shall meet a lass that makes ye feel the same way I dae about Rosemary. Ye will nae see it coming, but then ye'll understand what hae been going through my mind and my heart.”

  * * *

  Drew nodded, although he didn't particularly think that anything like that would happen soon. Where was he going to find a girl to love anyway? There was no time for loving someone, not when war beckoned.

  * * *

  “Speaking of the fight,” Blair said, turning away from Drew. “We should begin tae move out soon. The clans will all be here soon.”

  * * *

  “If they are nae here already,” Drew said. “They are all eager tae take the fight tae the English.”

  * * *

  “Aye, it will be a glorious battle,” Blair said, then glanced at Rosemary, stopping himself from saying anything else.

  * * *

  “It seems as though ye lads have a lot of work tae do,” Fianna said. Drew took the hint and excused himself from proceedings, leaving Blair and Rosemary to talk between themselves about the topics that so occupied lovers.

  * * *

  Drew walked out
side with much on his mind. There was much he didn't know about his own brother, and Rosemary. Love seemed to be such an enigmatic thing, ethereal and mysterious. There had been occasions when he had been taken with women, but it had always been a primal and passionate affair. Never had he experienced something as deep and tender as Blair had. He never would have thought his brother capable of something like that if he had not seen the evidence with his own eyes.


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