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McGavin Brothers 13 - A Cowboy's Holiday

Page 12

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  She faced him, her chest heaving. “Let’s…never do…that again.”

  “Yeah, let’s not.” He held her gaze, tried to get his footing. Now that the immediate danger was over, he was no longer the one in charge. Her house. Her rules.

  She dragged in another breath. “I had no idea it would get so…intense.”

  “Next time you’ll have a rope line.”

  “You know it. Thank you for getting us back safely.”

  “You’re welcome.” Evidently she wasn’t going to throw herself into his arms out of gratitude or she would have done that already.

  Breaking eye contact, she glanced down at the polished wood floor where puddles were forming around each of them. “Let’s move this party to the kitchen, or better yet, the laundry room.”

  “Good plan. I left my phone in the kitchen. I need to call my dad.” He followed her, sticking to the same path she made so the water would be contained as much as possible. “The rope line, by the way, will run from the barn to your back door, so you can avoid this kind of mess in the main part of the house.”

  “That’s sensible.”

  “It’ll be up before the next storm.” Good thing he wasn’t in the habit of crying over spilled milk or he’d be lecturing himself for not taking immediate action this morning.

  “Considering what we’ve just been through, water on the floor is a minor detail. We’re fine and the horses are fine. That’s all that matters.”

  “I agree.” He took off his gloves and held onto them while he picked up his phone from the kitchen table. A text from his dad was on the screen.

  Walking into the laundry room, he breathed in the fragrant cedar stacked in the corner. At least the wood supply had been taken care of. “I’m going to call my dad.” He laid his hat and gloves on top of the industrial-sized dryer and unbuttoned his jacket. “He’s already texted me wanting to know if we’re okay.”

  “By all means.” She took off her parka and put it on a hanger. “Give me your jacket and I’ll hang it up to dry.”

  He handed it over. “Thanks.” Her hair was tangled and damp from getting snowed on earlier. He’d never seen it that disheveled, as if she’d come out of the shower, grabbed a towel and rubbed it over her wet hair.

  A shower would feel great right now. His clothes were wet and clammy. She might be in the same fix. If she’d be willing to join him in the shower…

  Oh, hell, he was getting way ahead of himself. No telling how tonight would go, and even if they turned up the heat, certain activities were off the table. He hadn’t anticipated this eventuality. But they could have a whole lot of fun playing around in the shower…

  The laundry room grew smaller, more intimate. His body tightened. He’d better get the hell out of there. He quickly pulled off his boots. “Got a couple of old towels? I’ll wipe up the floor while I make the call.”

  “Sure. Here you go.” She pulled two out of a canvas bag hanging on the wall.

  He took the frayed towels. “I’ll build up the fire, too,” he said over his shoulder as he fled.

  “Then I’ll make us some hot tea,” she called after him.

  “Great!” He didn’t need hot tea. Too bad he couldn’t take a detour outside. Stepping barefoot onto the porch would take his mind off warm showers and wet, naked bodies. He’d been alone in the house with her for less than ten minutes and he was already bolloxed up.

  He walked toward the front door, rolling his shoulders to ease the tension. After dropping both towels onto the puddles, he called his dad, who answered right away.

  “Where are you, son?”

  “Safe and warm in Taryn’s living room.” He stepped on the towels and moved them around with his feet. “Where are you?”

  “Safe and warm in my living room.”

  “With Kendra?”

  “Nope. The blizzard came up so fast we got caught on opposite sides of the road. I’ll be spending the evening with your favorite uncle, who—”

  “I’m his only uncle! But I’d be your favorite even if you had ten others in the queue, right, mate?”

  “Absolutely, Uncle Brendan.”

  “He asked me to put your call on speaker, in case you haven’t figured that out.”

  “’Course I asked to be on the call! Had to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth that my nephew’s all right. Damn sneaky blizzard. Happy to know you’re not out in it.”

  “Nobody should be out in it,” his dad said. “I advise you to stay put.”

  “I planned on it, Dad.” When the area by the door was fairly dry, he skated over the wet footprints leading to the kitchen. “How about everybody else? Who’ve you talked to?”

  “All three. You were the only one left. The GG closed early so Michael and Roxanne are tucked into their new house with plenty of supplies. Wes cancelled his appointments and he’s with Ingrid. Their building has a generator so the bakery won’t lose power. Gage, Emma and Josh are safe and secure at Gage’s house. Kendra’s brood is all accounted for, too.”

  “That’s good to hear.” He reached the kitchen doorway. The teakettle on the stove was whistling and Taryn was finger-combing her hair, her back to him. He picked up the towels and retreated.

  “Impressive crisis management,” his uncle said. “When the zombie apocalypse hits, I’ll be on the first flight over here.”

  “Zombies are even more unpredictable than blizzards,” Pete said. “Better make that move now.” He crossed to the fireplace where a few embers still glowed.

  “That’s what your dad says. He misses me.”

  “Yeah.” His dad chuckled. “Even if you are a pain in the ass. So, Pete, is everything copasetic over there? When I didn’t hear back from you right away, I—”

  “Had some trouble getting back to the house from the barn just now.” He dropped the towels on the hearth and moved the screen. “No rope line.”

  “Ah. Bet you’ll have one set up next time.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He stirred the embers and added kindling. “I’ll be all over that when the weather clears.” The kindling caught and he put on a medium-sized log.

  “But you made it through, despite that. I take it her critters are fed?”

  “Yep. They should be fine until tomorrow.”

  “How about you?”

  “We have plenty of firewood, enough food for now, a shovel, flashlights, lanterns and batteries. I think we’re set.”

  “That’s good,” his dad said. “I—”

  “Hey, mate, sounds like a cozy situation you got, there.”

  “I guess you could say that, Uncle Brendan.”

  “See, the thing is, I’m slightly worried that you’ll—”

  “Don’t be, Brendan,” his dad said. “Pete will be fine.”

  “If you say so, big brother.”

  “I do. Have a good night, son.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” his uncle added with a laugh right before his dad disconnected the call.

  What the hell was he supposed to make of that? If he interpreted the various comments correctly, his dad was subtly giving his blessing and Uncle Brendan was sending warning signals.

  After replacing the fireplace screen, he picked up the towels and walked back into the kitchen.

  Taryn finished pouring tea into one of the two mugs on the counter and gave him a quick glance. “You can put those on top of the dryer. And thanks for doing that.”

  “You bet.” He got rid of the towels and walked back in.

  “Everything all right with your dad?” She set the teapot aside.

  Judging from the spicy aroma, they’d be drinking the same cinnamon blend they’d had for lunch. Seemed like hours ago. “He’s fine. Everybody’s checked in and Kendra’s been in contact with her kids, too. They’re all accounted for.”

  “Good.” She gestured toward the mugs. “Tea’s ready. If you’ll take it in by the fire, I’ll get my laptop and work on uploading Caitlin’s video to th
e website since we still have power.”

  He picked up both mugs. “I stoked the fire just now.”

  “Thought I heard you doing that. The bakery was closed when I went into town for a few groceries yesterday, so I bought a package of chocolate fudge cookies. Want some?”

  “Sure do.” He’d take whatever she offered—including a night in her arms. If that turned out to be the worst mistake of his life, so be it.


  Tea, cookies and working on her laptop. Wasn’t this wholesome? Concentrating wasn’t easy while sharing the couch with a virile cowboy who’d heroically guided them through a blizzard, but Taryn managed to upload the video and an announcement of next year’s Christmas getaway.

  “That’s enough for now.” She shut down her laptop and set it on a small end table next to her empty mug.

  Pete took another cookie from the package sitting between them. If they’d left them on the coffee table, heat from the fire might have melted the chocolate frosting. Amazing that they hadn’t melted sitting between her and Pete.

  “I’m glad you got something up there.” He bit into the cookie.

  “I am, too.” She helped herself to another cookie. Chocolate was a poor substitute for what she craved, but a safer option. If Pete scooped her up and hauled her back to the bedroom, she doubted her ability to resist.

  He didn’t. Instead he ate cookies and tended the fire as if sex was the last thing on his mind. That couldn’t be right, not after the way he’d reacted to those pictures of their kiss.

  Would they avoid the subject all evening? Would she eventually hand him a pillow and blankets so he could make a bed on the couch while she slept alone in her roomy king?

  That was assuming the power stayed on. If it didn’t, she’d be right here with him next to the fireplace. They’d need to keep each other warm, share body heat. Game over.

  He got up to tend the fire. Impossible to ignore the sheer masculine beauty of him as he grasped the tongs with his capable hands. From his first day on the job, she’d been fascinated by the skillful way he knotted a rope or effortlessly slipped on a bridle. Fascinated and aroused. She’d denied the attraction.

  He could dance. Didn’t surprise her. He rode a horse with a natural rhythm that stirred her blood. His guidance had turned her into a decent rider, but she might never achieve his ease in the saddle. A sexy nonchalance settled over him like a superhero’s cloak when he mounted up.

  She’d been alone with him countless times in the seven months since he’d come to work for her. But never like this. The barriers had been partially destroyed by their hot kiss. Today the force of a shared crisis had knocked down the bulk of her defenses. The blizzard’s muscular winds would have brought her to her knees if not for his steady grip.

  Not all the barriers had disappeared, though. If they sat here long enough making pleasant conversation, they might succeed in rebuilding the walls between them. It was the sensible course of action. The safest path.

  What to do? She didn’t know, damn it! And she couldn’t keep sitting there, pretending she didn’t want…everything he had to offer.

  She couldn’t have everything, though. He wouldn’t be prepared for that. Not his style. But there were alternatives. Did she have the courage to make the first move?

  Exhaling an impatient breath, she stood. “I’m desperate for a shower, but it seems unfair for me to get comfy when you don’t have a change of clothes.”

  He set the tongs in their stand and replaced the fireplace screen. “Got a blanket I could borrow?”

  She stared at him as the implications of that exploded like firecrackers in her brain. “You’d be okay wrapping up in a blanket?” Naked?

  “Compared to sitting around the rest of the night in what I have on? You betcha. Water ran down my collar so my t-shirt got wet. Not pleasant then and less pleasant now. As for my jeans—well, they’re in the same condition as yours.”

  “Clammy and icky.”

  “Pretty much. Thanks to the fire, the denim below my knees is drying, but just the front. I’ve made sure only the dry part of me touches the couch cushions, which is less than relaxing.”

  “I could put your stuff through the washer and dryer. In fact, I should do that ASAP in case the power goes out, but…a blanket? Are you sure?”

  “It would be a huge relief to get out of these clothes and into a warm shower.” He hesitated. “But if the blanket plan would make you uncomfortable, then—”

  “If you’re fine with it, I’m fine with it.”

  “I don’t claim to be the most modest guy in the world. Used to go skinny dipping all the time when I lived on the Lazy S.”

  “Not here?”

  “Not yet.” He grinned. “My boss has kept me busy.”

  “Then follow me. I’ll get you set up in the guest bathroom.” She led the way down the hall and flipped the wall switch to light up the bathroom located across from her office. Taking inventory, she came back out. “You’ve got soap and even a bottle of shampoo if you want to wash your hair. Plenty of towels, too.”

  “Awesome. Thank you.”

  “I’ll wait here. Toss your clothes out the door when you’re undressed and I’ll start the washer before I take my shower.”

  “Alrighty.” He walked into the bathroom and pushed the door almost closed. “I just thought of something.” Snaps popped as he took off his shirt. “I was planning to help you fix dinner, whatever that turns out to be.” His belt buckle clinked as it hit the tile floor. “If I’m wearing a blanket I could be a hazard in the kitchen.”

  “No worries. I’ll wait on you.” Like this wasn’t arousing, standing out here listening to him strip down.

  “Here you go.” He extended his bare, muscled arm through the opening and handed out a bundle of his clothes. “Appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Once I’ve started the washer, I’ll get you a blanket and put it beside the door.”

  “Excellent. Thanks.” He left the door slightly open. Water splashed into the tub and then spray hit the shower walls.

  When he started humming Tim McGraw’s I Like It, I Love It and slapping a washcloth against his skin, she gave herself a mental shake and hurried away from the door. Get a grip, girlfriend.

  Laundry wisdom said she shouldn’t wash his shirt, t-shirt, jeans and knit briefs together. Oh, and his socks, which he’d left on the dryer when he’d taken off his boots. But this was a special case. The intimate task required her to handle his soft knit briefs. Dark gray. His t-shirt was also soft and snowy white.

  She lifted the shirt to her nose and closed her eyes. Such a familiar scent. She’d never consciously admitted that it turned her on.

  After dumping soap in the dispenser, she was about to tap the Start button. Then she paused. Why not? Quickly taking off her clothes, she tossed them in with his and started the washer.

  Although she had no neighbors, she’d never dashed naked through her house before. Again, why not? Pete’s skinny dipping comment inspired her to risk it.

  Hey, it was kinda fun! Liberating, even. She’d reached the hallway when he poked his head out the bathroom door.

  His eyes widened.

  She barreled past him. “Your blanket! Be right back with it!” She ducked into her bedroom.

  “Love the streak!”

  “Thanks!” She pressed a hand to her wildly beating heart. Whew. Bold move. And she would own it.

  On the other hand, running around naked for no reason when there was a blizzard raging outside veered toward stupid. Grabbing her thick terry robe from its hook on her bathroom door, she put it on and quickly tied the sash. Then she threw back her comforter and pulled her favorite blanket off the bed.

  After folding it, she walked down the hall with the blanket clutched in her arms. Her face was warm so she was probably blushing. Couldn’t do anything about that.

  He stood in the bathroom doorway with a towel tucked around his hips, his broad chest on display, his hair damp
and a smile on his handsome face. “If it weren’t so chilly, I could go with just the towel.”

  “You’d be cold.” She handed him the blanket. “That’s why I was running. Threw my clothes in with yours and took off.”

  His smile widened. “Figured that was the situation.” He cradled the blanket against his chest. “Thanks for this. It feels as soft as the one you put on the bed in the honeymoon cabin.”

  “Same brand.”

  “Is this yours, then? The one you have on your bed?”

  “Yes, it is, but don’t worry about it. I—”

  “I’m honored.”

  She blinked. “I thought you were about to turn it down and ask for a different one.”

  “Nope. I’m not that noble. If you’re willing to let me use it until my clothes are dry, I accept. I’ll bet wrapping myself in it will feel great.”

  “Oh, it will. Um, I mean—”

  “You’ve curled up in it naked?”

  “Maybe a time or two.”

  A gleam of amusement lit his gaze. “Taryn Maroney, you have hidden depths.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?” She backed away. “I need to take my shower.”

  “Want help with that?”

  Her pulse raced as she hesitated. Nope. Not that bold. “No thanks. I’ll be out soon.”

  “Mind if I get us a couple of longnecks and some munchies?”

  “Help yourself. At this point it’s share and share alike.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  She gave him a quick smile. “Yeah, me, too.” Turning, she walked into her bedroom and shut the door. He’d seen her naked. She’d seen him semi-naked. No going back, now.

  Nothing about this encounter was familiar. No romantic strolls, no flowers, no candlelit dinners. They might end up with that last experience if the power went out, but it would be unlike any candlelit dinner she’d ever had.

  The wild weather had stranded them here and helped set the tone for…what? A romp. That’s exactly where they were headed. She glanced at the digital clock on her bedside table. The night was still young. Bring it on.



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