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Valour and Victory

Page 27

by Candy Rae

  “You heard that Davin died of his wounds this morning?” Julia asked. “Razdya death-wished shortly afterwards.”

  “Yes,” he replied, “we had heard.”

  “I would like you and Taraya to take their place.”

  “Us?” exclaimed Niaill. “I would have thought Brion and Quindya,” his voice tailed off.

  “They wish to remain with the Fifty-first,” said Julia. “In fact, it is best that they do. The Fifty-first and the Avuzdel will be working closely with the Larg over the next months, hunting out the Dglai who escaped the explosion. Twelve Quorko are unaccounted for. Alyei and I felt that they should remain with that task and even if they had not, we feel that they are not really suited to the position of second in command of the Vada. You and Taraya are.”

  : Taraya? :

  : We should accept. It is a great honour :

  : It is :

  “Very well, we accept,” Niaill told Julia, who smiled.

  “Nadala and Teriyei can take over the First. They will do well.”

  “Will you tell them or shall we?” asked Niaill.

  “You may and do it now,” she replied and added, “and you have no idea how good it feels to be addressed as Susa again rather than Susyc. Between you, me and the gatepost, Alyei and I never want to hear the word Susyc again for as long as we live.”

  “I can imagine,” said Niaill as he and Taraya took their leave.

  * * * * *


  “The Ducal House of Cocteau has been almost completely wiped out,” Kellen Martin Taviston informed his King. “The other houses are not so bad though all have suffered.”

  “Is there an heir, however distant?” asked Elliot.

  Martin Taviston nodded, “one, Kellene Tamsin, widow of Kellen Dubois. She has a small son who will be the new Duke Cocteau. You have no less than four underage dukes to arrange regents for.”

  “That’s all I need,” an exasperated Elliot responded, “half the nobility in the Kingdom will be arguing about who gets what regency.”

  Elliot was genuinely sorry about Isobel Cocteau’s death. She had been his betrothed and she had been so young.

  He was sorry about James too. The two of them had grown up together and had shared many a prank and ploy.

  He had been upset about James’s desertion back in Duchesne but he had got over it.

  He made a mental note to speak to the Archbishop about what to do with the boy dukes and began, again, to wonder what was happening up in Duchesne.

  News was sketchy. He was hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

  The Quorko could arrive any day. He could only warn his people about what to expect and advise about how to mitigate the effects.

  During the quiet periods, of which there were few, Elliot’s thoughts would return to the untimely death of Isobel and what it portended.

  There were already murmurings amongst the courtiers that he needed a wife, even the Archbishop had mentioned it.

  Only Elliot’s mother was cautioning patience, telling Kellen Martin Taviston to wait.

  Robain was not consulted. Many were half-afraid of the tall fair-haired northerner who stood by Elliot’s side.

  He, of course, could have told them not to waste any sleep thinking about it. Robain had a nagging suspicion that Elliot’s bride would come from out-Kingdom or not at all.

  * * * * *


  “Julia?” Weaponsmaster Jilmis ducked his head inside the command tent. “I’ve just been advised that Danal, Asya and what I can only describe as a motley crew of assorted individuals have crossed the border into Duchesne.”

  “A motley crew Jilmis?” Julia lifted her head from the casualty lists. There were pages of them and Julia had only just begun to assess the damage to the Vada ranks. “You know, I think we’re going to have to graduate all the senior cadets, not just the four stripes and post them to the active Ryzcks. If we don’t then I have no idea how we’ll be able to fulfil our obligations.”

  “It’s definite that the privateer ships have all disappeared back to the islands?”

  “I’m afraid so. We probably shouldn’t have expected any different. Rand only promised to help us until the Dglai had been eliminated.”

  “It was in his interest to do so,” answered Jilmis. “If we had been defeated and the Ammokko not destroyed, the Quorko would have descended on the islands and taken out his ships one by one.”

  “I had hoped …”

  “That he would see the error of his ways?” laughed Jilmis. “I never thought it.”

  “Which leads us to the necessity that the Ryzcks must return to their duty sectors along the coasts as soon as possible. I have to graduate the cadets. I’m also going to accept the services of some of the older, retired vadelns until we can train more, enough to at least partly replace those who have been killed. Anyway, what was it you were saying? That Danal and Asya return?”

  “With a large amount of ex-slaves they encountered in the desert and Susa Zaoaldavdr and his Larg.”

  “Now that is an interesting development,” said Julia, shelving the problem of the Ryzcks for the moment. “Any idea why here?”

  “Seems that in return for their help to find the gridref Danal promised them a place of their own. It appears that most of them intend to decant to the Island of Hallam, it is still rather sparsely populated after that slaver raid some years ago. It’s where Captain Robain Hallam originates. His missing sister is one of the ex-slaves.”

  “They’ll be needing transport?” enquired Julia. “Well, I think we can provide that. Zaoaldavdr and his Larg?”

  “It’s a bit confusing, but he and the others of his kohort believe that they are no longer a part of Larg. He also wishes a place of his own, for him and his pack. The females and the young are hidden in one of the mountain ranges to the south east, which is another problem. Wherever these exiles go we shall have to provide transport for them too.”


  “His word, not mine. They refused to answer the Largan’s call to arms, descended on the desert and I believe actually fought and killed some of the Larg who had picked up Danal’s trail and were hunting for them.”

  “No doubt we can provide transport for them too once it is decided where they are going.”

  “And I was speaking to Haru on my way here,” said Jilmis, “he says that Zaoaldavdr and his rtath are most welcome on their continent. Remember, the Lai don’t think of the Lind or the Larg as being different. He also wondered about Big Island, it’s been uninhabited for decades, since the slavers descended on it en masse and almost depopulated it.”

  Julia considered the options.

  “What does the new Largan say?”

  “He doesn’t want them. Oh, I know he’s murmuring sweet words about peace between us but he wants us to find somewhere else for Zaoaldavdr and his rtath.”

  “There will be peace if the Lai have anything to do about it.”

  “True, but once the rest of the Quorko are hunted out and destroyed who knows?”

  “The Lai intend a lasting peace.”

  “They might get it too. The Larg I’ve met seem to think the Lai are some kind of demi-gods, but this doesn’t mean that they will accept Zaoaldavdr back into their fold. Haru suggests that we all have a talk about it before Zaoaldavdr gets here. If he fancies the idea of Big Island Haru says he and some of the others can fly them over to inspect it.”

  “Meeting at Ninth Bell?”

  “I’ll let him know. Now, do you want a hand with these lists? Fastia and Xlei are with the cadets, assessing the new ones with the help of the seniors.”

  Julia’s face brightened a little. The melancholy job would certainly go much faster with two.

  “Would you Jilmis, I would really appreciate it if you would.”

  “Of course Susa,” he answered, drawing up a chair.

  * * * * *

  Rilla and Zilla

  “Goodbye sis,” said Rilla on
the eve of the departure of the First Ryzck.

  “Good bye for now,” Zilla corrected her as she hugged Rilla tight. “Come and visit when I get home. I’ll write and tell you when I do.”

  “That’s a deal.”

  “You look so smart in your new uniform.”

  A self-conscious Rilla ran her hand round under her collar.

  “The silver is much nicer than the cadet white.”

  “Still can’t get used to it,” admitted her sister.

  “What happened to your friend Shona?”

  “She’s with the Fourteenth, so we are parted, alas.”

  “You’ll miss her.”

  “Not as much as I’ll miss you,” answered Rilla.

  “Give Mother and Father my love.”

  “I will,” Rilla promised. “Come home as soon as you can.”

  Zilla’s answer was an enigmatic smile.

  * * * * *


  Julia and Alyei had one last duty to perform as Susyc.

  They had to order out those who were going to help the Lai and the Larg hunt for and eradicate the world of the remnants of the Quorko.

  There were twelve of them unaccounted for.

  They were heading south at daybreak towards the swamplands where the Quorko had been sighted, through an area where nolind had ever been before.

  It was the Avuzdel who were going as were the fifty-first Ryzck.

  Their route would take them past the blast site where the Ammokko had met its end.

  Brion and Quindya, Ryzckas of the Fifty-first had instructions to examine the wreckage and to report back on any interesting finds. They hoped to find some trace of Tala and Chizu but knew it was unlikely they would find anything. The blast had swept most of the area clean. Nothing would live there for many a long year.

  “Good luck and good hunting,” Julia said to Brion and Quindya.

  * * * * *

  Niaill and the Lai

  “Come visit us, Niaill and Taraya of Vadath,” said Haru.

  “We will,” Niaill promised, “soon as we get the chance. We’ll be busy for a while, helping Julia and Alyei rebuild the Vada but next long leave we will come. This is a goodbye, not a farewell.”

  “I must go,” said Haru. He furled his great wings. Niall marvelled again at how beautiful they were. “Don’t forget Niaill. We are friends, you and I.”

  “We will come.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4

  Fourth Month of Summer - Sanrhed


  A number of the northern wounded were still in Duchesne, being too ill to travel and with them were a number of doctors, medics, nurses and Holad. Robain’s brother Liam had remained in the southern continent and after the battle when he had found out where his older brother was, he wrote to Robain.


  I’ve just found out that you are alive! Wonderful news, no one knew where you were until Danal and Asya came looking for Danal’s brother Niaill who commands the Vada First Ryzck and who also made it through the battle. I was with Niaill at the time as it happened, pure chance. They arrived that morning, together with a hodgepodge of assorted people, Lind and Larg and wait for it! Our sister Aline was with them! She had escaped from the slave-pens in Sahara and was living in the desert with others.

  You can imagine what our reunion was like but that can wait. Suffice to say that she is well and has turned into a beautiful young woman. She is married to one Padrig, the leader of the escaped slaves. No children yet, but I’m sure that’s on her agenda. Mother is dead, I didn’t get any details, I suspect she doesn’t want to talk about it and who can blame her?

  Anyway, she intends to depart for Hallam as soon as transport can be arranged but only after she has seen you and Ansell, so get up here as soon as you can manage it. Most of the ex-slaves are going with her and Padrig, all but one who cannot be prised away from Danal’s side and who says she is going to Vadath with him and Asya.

  I do have some other news and not all of it is good.

  It’s hardly a consolation but I thought it best you heard it from me rather than through official channels. Hilla Talansdochter died in the battle. She fought bravely by all accounts but fell on the second day when the Larg broke through on the right wing. Very few of the Officer Trainees survived. Her sister Zilla is very upset, she is one of my volunteer nurses. She does wonderful work with the wounded, a born nurse. The other triplet, Rilla is her name, did make it although their brother Zak was killed the same day as Hilla. Now I hear that it was their older sister Tala who died dropping the power-core on the Dglai ship.

  I’m so very sorry about the death of your Hilla, I know how much she meant to you. I grieve for you brother, as will Ansell when he hears but it is hard to grieve for her on a personal basis, I didn’t know her and there have been so many dead.

  There are only two words I can use to describe the battle, slaughter and carnage. The wounds were horrific, great long gashes where Larg claws tore their victims apart. I will find it hard to forgive them, I will certainly never forget. I know they turned on the Dglai in the end but it doesn’t stop me feeling as I do. The Lind are far more forgiving. Danal and Asya tried to explain but I know that most of the humans here think as I do.

  Our medical team will be here for another month at least. We will be one of the last to leave, a compliment of a sort, I suppose though I’m desperate to get home so that life can get back to normal again.

  By the way, I met an old friend of yours the other day, his name is Duncin and his Lind is called Stasya. They both asked after you and I told them that I would include their best wishes when I wrote. When the Duke of Duchesne and his son were killed, the two of them took over command of the first division on the right wing. That’s where Zilla’s sister Rilla was, how she and that blue-striped Lind of hers emerged virtually unscathed I’ll probably never know.

  Anyway, I’d better finish this or else you’ll never get it. Susyc Julia is sending her despatch to the Citadel (where I’m told you are) within the bell.

  Try and make it up here.


  * * * * *

  Elliot and Robain

  “Go on, read it,” said Robain, sliding the close written sheets over to Elliot. “It’s from my brother Liam.”

  “Good news?” asked Elliot, stretching a long arm and picking them up.

  “Good and bad. Hilla is dead.”

  “Oh, I am sorry my friend. We seem both to have been fated to lose our future wives. What’s the good news?”

  “My sister Aline has been found.”

  “Now, that’s all that’s wonderful!”

  “It is,” agreed Robain. He felt curiously unaffected by Hilla’s death. They hadn’t seen each other for so long. He was sad but not inconsolable.

  “So what are your plans?” asked Elliot, beginning to read Liam Hallam’s letter. “You’ll have to go see her.”

  “I’d like that. Little Aline! Last time I saw her she was just a kid. Wonder if I’ll recognise her.”

  But Elliot wasn’t listening. His eyes had been arrested on sight of one name. Zilla! Zilla Talansdochter was here in Murdoch. What an opportunity. He looked at Robain.

  “How would you like to take my despatches north to Duchesne for me? You would be doing me a great favour if you would and once you’ve delivered them, seen your sister and brother you could possibly do me something else on my behalf.”

  “If you like. What is it? I’m buying no pigs in pokes Elliot. I know what you are like, I should by now. Devious doesn’t describe even the half of you.”

  Elliot laughed.

  “I’d like you to deliver another letter, a private one, to Zilla Talansdochter and if she says yes then bring her back to me.”

  “You dark horse!” exclaimed Robain with a knowing wink. “You never said exactly, but I knew it! All those bells the two of you spent together in the stables at the inn. You obviously weren’t discussing the merits and demerits of c
ertain breeds of horses.”

  “I’m going to ask her to become my wife,” agreed Elliot, his face a fiery red.

  “These Dukes of yours will have collective apoplexy,” Robain declared.

  “One of them won’t,” said Elliot.

  “Just the one?”

  “The Duke of Sahara,” Elliot informed him with a sly grin.

  “I didn’t know Sahara had a Duke.”

  “It will have if the man I have in mind chooses to accept.”

  “You intrigue me. What are you planning? Who is it?”


  “Me? Me! Duke of Sahara!”

  “You can rename it Hallam. New beginning, new name. It’s a tough undertaking and you are the only man I know who has any chance of success. The slaves are free. A good many intend to go back there. Mining is all they know but they return as free men and women and will get paid a wage for the candle-marks they work. It’ll be your job to organise it.”

  “Well …”

  “I also most definitely don’t want you to return to the north. I need friends around me and I also need your support in Conclave. This country of mine is long overdue for a shake up. With you by my side I can do it, emancipation of all the slaves, rights for women. In fact I’ll be starting on the latter immediately.”

  Robain stared into the fire. Why not? With Hilla dead there was really nothing to draw him back to Argyll and Elliot had become a good friend.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll do it. I accept. I still think the dukes will have a fit though. Promise me you’ll keep it under wraps for a while, at least until I get used to the idea.”


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