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The Temple of Heaven

Page 15

by Z. Allora

  Jordon shook his head. “No. No. I know it’s dumb, but ever since I was little, I believed that someday I’d find someone and we’d spend our lives together… and since he wasn’t with me, I didn’t want him to miss all the things I’d seen or done before I met him.”

  Tian Di wanted to raise his hand and volunteer with such enthusiasm he could barely restrain himself. He settled for saying, “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. Any man would be extremely lucky to be able to call you his.”

  As long as he was that man.

  There was a lingering silence as Tian Di studied Jordon, who considered the table.

  When Jordon finally raised his gaze and met Tian Di’s, he asked, “Do you think things work out the way they’re supposed to?”

  More than anything, Tian Di wanted what was growing between them to come to fruition, but there were so many odds against that happening… against them. Made in China’s success could be jeopardized if Indigo’s dire warning could be believed. Jordon lived half a world away, apparently with overprotective and possibly controlling brothers. Tian Di’s mother would continue to try and convince him homosexuality was simply a Western concept meant to confuse young people.

  Though nothing could contain the hope trying to burst from his heart. “Chinese people won’t talk about lost causes because there’s no benefit in doing so. We say it’s like climbing a tree to catch a fish.”

  Jordon sniffed, and the light in his eyes was dimmed by the glistening tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

  “My brothers have always said if you want something bad enough, you find a way.” A tear fell and tracked down his cheek as he smiled.

  Tian Di didn’t know what to say.

  Pointing to the weeping willow dangling over the canal with long hanging branches, Jordon said, “Maybe you just have to pick the right tree.”

  Tian Di grabbed Jordon’s hands. “Do you want to climb a tree with me?”

  Jordon sniffed again and nodded.

  Trying not to crush Jordon’s hands, Tian Di squeezed them. “It won’t be easy, but—”

  Jordon’s cell phone danced across the table. He ignored his phone and declared, “I want this.”

  “Me too.”

  THEY ROAMED back through the ancient town and collected and weighed the comforters. Tian Di convinced Jordon to accept the shop owner’s son’s help in carrying the comforters to the exit. Jordon generously tipped the kid.

  Jordon pulled out a ring of taxi cards and started to flip through them. He shook his head and asked, “Hey, instead of me playing with taxi cards, could you translate where we want to go?”

  “Of course.” Tian Di explained the order of the stops and their final destination to the taxi driver as they filled the trunk and passenger seat with comforters.

  The remaining space in the back seat became filled around Jordon and him. Tian Di appreciated the excuse to press close to Jordon.

  Snuggling a bit closer than necessary, Jordon sighed as they were whisked to his hotel. He dropped his bundles at the front desk with requests to deliver a set to Zack, each of the Dark Angels’ couples, himself, and their manager, Megan, then raced back to the car. “I escaped before either of my brothers waylaid me.”

  A quick stop at Tian Di’s apartment allowed him to drop off the comforters Jordon gifted him. He avoided the band by not going into the apartment; he simply set the bedding to the side of their private hallway and left.

  Jordon exhaled. “Whew! I feel like we got away with something.”

  The taxi took them to the far side of the lake and turned into the first parking lot.

  Tian Di translated what the taxi driver said. “He’ll drop us off here for the restaurant so he doesn’t get stuck in the traffic.”

  Jordon was lightning fast with his wallet and paid the driver.

  Tian Di piloted Jordon away from the chaos of people and cars to the path along the lake. The wooden boardwalk led through a garden to the famous restaurant De Yue Lou.

  The restaurant’s interior was exactly how Tian Di remembered, all lush cherrywood and lots of windows overlooking the lake. Dark tables were scattered through the room, with a lazy Susan on top. Or at least that was what Indigo called the spinner.

  Once they were seated, he told Jordon, “The restaurant does the Suzhou specialty of squirrel fish.”

  Jordon snorted. “That sounds terrible.”

  Could he be any more adorable? “No. Imagine a mango turned inside out.”

  Jordon shifted forward and grinned at Tian Di. “So it’s not a squirrel?”

  Laughing, Tian Di shook his head. “No. The fish is cut into cubes but remains attached to the skin. They turn the fish inside out and deep fry it, then add peas, crystal shrimp, and sweet and sour sauce. It’s delicious.”

  “Hmm. I guess I like sweet and sour, and I trust you. I’ll try it.” Jordon kept his arms folded, and he remained suspicious until the watercolor paintings distracted him.

  Tian Di ordered when the waitress came over.

  “Look at how a few strokes of color are used to make the petals.” Jordon studied the picture closest to their table. “And the dragonfly’s determined expression is impressive.”

  Now that Jordon mentioned the dragonfly’s expression, Tian Di could see the personality and character shine through. “I really love how I can see things differently through your eyes.”

  Jordon fluttered his long lashes breaking their extended stare. “Um, tell me what it’s like singing in Made in China?”

  “I love our music. I’m beyond excited about the tour. Who wouldn’t be? I cannot believe this is going to happen. I have wanted this since I was six years old singing into my sister’s hairbrush.” Tian Di closed his mouth on the gush of words.

  “How are the other guys?”

  “Styx, Jin, and Li are great and very talented. I consider them friends.”

  “And Indigo?” Jordon’s gaze narrowed on him.

  Tian Di chuckled. He had no doubt Jordon was perceptive. “Indigo is extremely gifted, and when it comes to business, I trust him completely.”

  Jordon grinned. “Though his wild reputation precedes him. Ha, even Angel warned me about him.”

  “Wow, that is saying something. I guess I wish he could be… less wild.” Was that too vague?

  Jordon tilted his head, encouraging him to continue.

  “Li is a great guy, and, well, Indigo should focus on being a better partner.” Tian Di didn’t want to tell tales, but it irked him that Indigo didn’t appreciate what he had.

  Twirling one of his chopsticks through his fingers, Jordon mused, “A lot of people have open relationships.”

  Tian Di shouldn’t have been surprised Jordon understood the issue. It made him wonder. “Would you ever want that?”

  Jordon sat upright. “An open relationship? Nah, seems like a lot of drama to me. You?”

  “No. I only want one person in the tree fishing with me.” Maybe Tian Di shouldn’t be so honest.

  Jordon’s cheeks colored to a pink, and a smile brightened his face. “Good, because I don’t share well.”

  The American adage of honesty being the best policy was one to live by.

  Tian Di asked out of curiosity, “Have you met Indigo’s father?”

  “Song Young? Yeah, he was involved with the Dark Angels, especially early on. The guy is a genius. Dusty and Angel credit him for putting the Dark Angels on the map.” Jordon poured Tian Di and himself tea.

  “Thanks.” Tian Di mused, “It must have been incredible to grow up in the music scene.”

  Jordon wobbled his head. “Dust kept me and Zack out of it, for the most part.”

  Not being able to imagine the excitement and access Jordon had, Tian Di asked, “Was it strange having a rock star for a brother?”

  Giggling, Jordon claimed, “I wouldn’t know.”

  Tian Di snorted and then cracked up, drawing the attention of other diners. He restrained his mirth by covering his mo

  Jordon waited until Tian Di regained his composure and then said, “Nah, it wasn’t weird. I loved traveling with the band because I like their music, got to hang with my brothers, and I’ve gotten to see some great museums.”

  He could see Jordon focusing on the positives. “What about school?”

  “Dusty got me a tutor who was ruthless. My online sessions would last for a year every day. Not for nothing, but I think I should have a PhD in everything.” Jordon gave him a lopsided smile.

  “Was it lonely? Not going to school and traveling all the time?” Tian Di didn’t have the greatest experiences in school, though he would have been lonesome without any interaction with other kids.

  Jordon swirled the tea in his cup. “I had my brothers, my art, Robin….”

  Tian Di had noticed the connection Jordon had with another member of the Dark Angels. “You’re close to the keyboard player?”

  “Yeah, when I came out—” The waitress delivered their squirrel fish with sides of broccoli and rice, along with a knife and fork for Jordon. “Xiè xie.”

  The waitress smiled and said in English, “Your Chinese is good.”

  Jordon inclined his head and returned his skeptical attention to the fish. He turned the plate around again and again, studying their dinner.

  Tian Di bit back a laugh and served him a large piece of fish along with some shrimp and peas. He spooned some of the sweet sauce over the fish. “There shouldn’t be any bones in that piece, but still be careful.”

  Ignoring the knife and fork, Jordon used his chopsticks to try the fish. “Mm, that’s delicious. It’s like a sweet and sour blooming fish.”

  “A what?” Tian Di spooned some rice onto Jordon’s plate.

  “There’s a restaurant in the States that does this same process to an onion.” Jordon served Tian Di some broccoli.

  “Interesting….” Tian Di had hoped to hear what Jordon started to say before the food arrived. He lowered his voice and encouraged him. “You were telling me about coming out?”

  Jordon swallowed and then took a sip of tea. “Oh, yeah. Robin threw me a party when I came out. It was the same night my mother had just kicked me to the curb. Well, I mean she packed my things and took me to Dusty’s. She dropped me on his doorstep like a flaming bag of—sorry.”

  “That’s terrible.” Tian Di couldn’t imagine. As distant as he had become with his family, they had never disowned him.

  Jordon sipped more of his tea. “Yeah, it was horrible. I was hurt and devastated, but Robin turned a band dinner into a coming-out party for me.”

  Tian Di refilled Jordon’s teacup and tried to piece together the foreign concept. “He gave you a party because you admitted who you were?”

  “Basically. My world had imploded. Even then, I never wanted to be a burden to Dusty or Zack, but I knew my mother’s decision would impact them negatively.”

  “Negatively? I don’t know your brothers well, but neither of them seem to think taking care of you as a negative.” Tian Di didn’t want to overstep, but he didn’t want Jordon to continue carrying false beliefs.

  Jordon frowned. “Maybe negatively is the wrong word.”

  “What happened after you were dropped off?”

  A small smile turned Jordon’s lips up. “Robin calmed me down, put green eyeliner on me, and then made all the Dark Angels celebrate me. Angel even sang me a song.”

  “A song?”

  “Angel changed the words to ‘Over the Rainbow.’” Jordon leaned forward and said, “He sang something like this.” He whisper-sang,

  “Somewhere over the rainbow….

  Your prince waits there….

  Among the men that I’ve heard of

  Once in a lullaby.

  Somewhere over the gaybow

  Men are hot,

  And your wet dreams, you dare to cream

  Really do come true.”

  Tian Di tried to imagine what impact such words and support would have had on him, and couldn’t. “What amazing friends you have.”

  Jordon sniffed, and his eyes welled with tears. “As upsetting as that night was, Robin and every one of the guys helped me find the joy in being me. And if I’m honest, Robin’s better at mothering me than my own mother ever had been….”

  Tian Di wanted to hug him and take away all his pain. Not being able to do that without causing a scene, he said, “I’m sorry that happened to you, but I’m glad you have Robin and your brothers.”

  “Me too. Most of the time. But it’s hard with my brothers, though, sometimes.”

  Having seen the overprotection, Tian Di understood, but Jordon seemed to want to share more with him. “What do you mean?”

  Jordon ate some rice and broccoli. Then he said, “They basically raised me, and I’m so grateful, but both Dusty and Zack still see me as a kid. You’ve seen how they check on me constantly. They plan most things for me and take care of the details of my life. I admit I’ve let them. It was nice, but now it’s time they start seeing me as an adult. I’ve been trying to do things differently. Be more responsible. I need them to see me as a grown man capable of running his own life.”

  Tian Di was not sure what to say other than the obvious. “I have always seen you as a man… a quite lovely one.”

  The smile that reached Jordon’s eyes said Tian Di had found the right words. “Thank you.”

  “It surprised me when you said your brothers didn’t know about Sakura Rose,” Tian Di confessed, hoping it didn’t upset Jordon.

  Jordon shrugged. “I think part of the reason I never told them about Sakura Rose was because I was desperate for some independence. And everything I did under this pseudonym was all mine.”

  “I can certainly understand that. It’s probably one of the reasons I never wanted to go into the family business.” Tian Di wanted a slice of the world that belonged to only him.

  Eating a bit of fish, Jordon focused on his plate, then glanced at Tian Di. “Funny, now I need to figure out how to tell them, because Sakura Rose needs to go to Japan for a dinner event with my publisher. I can’t just disappear, so I’m going to have to deal with it.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to assist….” Tian Di would do anything to make Jordon’s life better or easier.

  “Thank you. The more I get to know you, the more I want….” Jordon waved his hand between them.

  “Me too.”

  AFTER A tasty dinner, Tian Di pointed across the lake. “Do you want to walk to your hotel?”

  Jordon nodded. “Yeah, we’re just on the other side of the lake.”

  Tian Di escorted Jordon to the boardwalk that circled in the direction of the apartment. A breeze coming off the water cooled the air enough to make it pleasant. Crickets chirped. Early dragonflies hung low, predicting tomorrow would be humid.

  He didn’t need to speak; just walking close to brush arms and shoulders with Jordon was almost enough. They ambled past empty playgrounds, sculptures, and restaurants.

  The neon rainbows off the restaurants and buildings chased shadows in vivid color across Jordon’s blond hair, making the strands magenta at one point. They passed the vendors selling ice cream and bottles of water. The strains of “Hotel California” spilled out into the night from the bars and pubs catering to expats and tourists.

  He couldn’t resist humming until the music evaporated.

  “I love your voice,” Jordon confessed in that breathless way of his.

  Tian Di had to have a little more Jordon, so he veered them off the path, down to a solitary pavilion. Hidden in the shadows, he finally pressed his mouth to Jordon’s.

  The ache in his soul eased as Jordon moaned, deepening the kiss. His tongue swept into Tian Di’s mouth, erasing rational thought. Jordon tasted like the peppermint candy he’d sucked on after dinner, and happiness. Tian Di could stay right here forever and be content.

  A distant horn hauled Tian Di back to his senses. “Shouldn’t do this here.”

  “The hotel.
” Jordon pointed at a distance that seemed impossibly far, but they picked up their pace and hurried.

  Chapter 10

  JORDON LEANED against the opposite wall of the elevator and stayed pinned there. He ached to touch Tian Di but settled for anticipating what was to come.

  Hopefully, both of them, and soon.

  Tian Di had a hungry look that excited and worried Jordon.

  What were Tian Di’s expectations of him? Could Jordon meet all of Tian Di’s needs? What were they going to do?

  Jordon didn’t snap out of his head until the hotel door clicked shut.

  Tian Di latched the secondary lock, spun into Jordon’s arms, and planted his lips on him.

  Yes! The embrace had been worth waiting for and chased away his worries.

  Ending the kiss, but pressing closer, Tian Di whispered, “I wanted to do that all day long.”

  “Me too.”

  Tian Di ran his hands up and down Jordon’s back, massaging the remaining tension away. He slid his hands down to Jordon’s ass and pulled him in tight, forcing their erections to nudge against each other.

  Sparks ignited, but Jordon wasn’t sure what to do. Maybe he should—

  “You mind if I take a shower again?”

  “What? Oh, um, yeah. It was pretty hot today.” Jordon could probably use one too.

  Tian Di smiled, giving Jordon a come-hither look, and then stepped into the bathroom.

  This was it! Second invitation. Step up! Why did his internal voice now sound like Gwen? Well, he’d do her proud.

  Jordon tripped on his own feet getting to the bathroom. “You have enough towels?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” Tian Di unzipped his jeans.

  Facing away, he pushed down his jeans, exposing an incredible backside. He stood, glanced over his shoulder with a grin and stepped under the shower.

  The cascading water danced along Tian Di’s body.

  Jordon followed the rivulets beading and running down Tian Di’s back and over his ass. His raven-colored hair morphed into liquid silk.

  Watching a man unscrew a tube of liquid soap shouldn’t have been a turn-on, but the way Tian Di worked to uncap the top was shower porn.


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