Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6)

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Nobody's Dream (Rescue Me Saga #6) Page 64

by Masters, Kallypso

  He grinned. “Good girl.”

  His fingers ruffled the curls covering her precious triangle. He liked that she wasn’t shaved. Somehow that made her more innocent. Not that he wouldn’t like to shave her sometime—but that would be different because he would be the first—and only—one to do so.

  He pulled gently at the hairs before sliding his middle finger down the slit. She brought her knees up and opened wider for him.

  Anxious, Sweet Pea?

  He slipped inside her folds, avoiding her clit, and found her wet for him. He teased the sides of her clit hood until she began panting. That’s it, baby girl. He continued to explore and tease her as she rocked her pelvis against his hand. So responsive. When she finally allowed herself to let go, he’d better be ready.

  Without letting up on what his hand was doing, Luke bent his head over her again and took her nipple into his mouth, flicking the peak until it became hard.

  “Oh, yes, Luke! Faster.”

  Hearing her excitement, he sucked hard until her thighs squeezed his hand. His finger slid down toward her opening but he didn’t enter her.

  Not yet.

  Knowing Cassie’s history, he needed to hear her words. What her body wanted and what her mind was ready for could be two wildly different things.

  But he hoped like hell she’d let him make her come before calling an end to this session.

  Luke removed his mouth and hand and leaned away. “Sweet Pea, open your eyes for me.”

  A frown creased her forehead. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes, you do. We need to talk.”

  “Now? Can it not wait? We were in the middle of something wonderful.”

  “Tell me where you want this to go so neither one of us is on the wrong page in our ever-changing playbook.”

  She blinked. “You are finally going to touch me there. And…I want you to.”

  What did she mean finally? He’d wanted to for…

  Wait! “What did you say?”

  “Yes, I want you to touch my private areas, Luke.” She smiled. Jeezus, hearing her say those words made him harder than ever.

  She was ready for more.


  The girl continually surprised him.

  * * *

  “Whatever the lady wants.” Luke reached for a pillow and tossed it to the foot of the bed. Without another word, he lowered his mouth to her nipple again. Electricity shot up to her jaw and down to…

  She placed her hand on the back of his head, not wanting this to end by letting him get away. The intense emotions roiled through her like a storm through the mountains. She wanted to be loved in every way by Luke.

  He moved away from her breast only to take her other nipple between his teeth.

  Ay-eee. Her nipples burned while her body screamed for some kind of release. Would he give her what she wanted? Needed?

  He let go and trailed kisses down her tummy. Why was he taking so long to move to her sex? He was so slow, it was nerve-racking!

  He crawled to the bottom of the bed and stared at her, not saying a word. Did he wish for her to do something? What? His penis was erect, jutting out from a nest of hair. She blushed and met his gaze again.

  Perhaps he wanted her to give him the go-ahead again—to reassure him. But she had not used their safeword. She was not ready for him to enter her, but she needed some kind of release. “Touch me, Luke.” She clenched her fists as she held on to the sheet and prepared herself.

  “Lift your hips.”

  She quirked her eyebrow and met his gaze again at his command. Her take-charge guy was in control now. Thank the Goddess because she had no clue what to ask for or what to do.

  She tented her knees and lifted up so he could slide the pillow under her bottom. When he looked at her again, she fought the urge to close her knees but the desire to open herself to him was stronger.

  He trailed his hands down the insides of her thighs, closer and closer to her core. Her womb contracted under his intense scrutiny.

  When he began to lower his head to her, she did fight to close her legs, but his hands blocked her from doing so. “What are y-you doing?”

  “My bride asked me to touch her. I’m about to do so.” He grinned at her. “My way.”

  She tried to squirm away. “No, not like that! I meant the normal way!”

  He pulled back. “Sweetheart, what did I just say about normal?”

  “We are going to define our own idea of normal.”

  “Good girl. Now, unless I hear you say ‘pickle’ to stop or ‘yellow’ to slow down, I want you to lie there and enjoy the ride.”

  She had the power to end this if she wanted to.

  She did not want to do that.

  Yet, after giving her time to speak her safeword, he hooked his arms under her thighs, placed his hands over her hips, and lowered his head once more.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, and heat infused her face as Luke’s tongue touched her most private place. She held herself so rigid her muscles soon began to ache. Why was he doing it this way?

  He pulled away. “Relax, Sweet Pea. It will be a helluva lot more fun that way.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the air making a whooshing sound between her lips. He returned to what he had been doing, and she reminded herself to breathe deeply as she attempted to relax her body. His tongue pressed inside her vagina. He held it there, as if waiting for her to scream her safeword. She tensed. No triggers. She relaxed.

  What did she taste like? Her face burned. No, her entire body did. She would not worry about that now, especially when he slid his tongue along the bundle of nerves that had been begging for his touch for so long.

  But she wanted more. What other surprises were in store for her?

  When his lips surrounded her hood as if to kiss it, her hips jerked up. The movement intensified the effect of his mouth on her. He chuckled as though he had been anticipating this response. Then he sucked on her hood.


  Tension built inside her belly. She could no longer relax no matter how intentionally she breathed. What was he doing to her? She reached down to grab his head, intending to push him away, only to have him start flicking the little button.

  “Yes! There!” She latched onto his hair. More!

  Oh, Goddess! Her heart pounded as the tension rose. She could no longer breathe. Her chest ached as the pressure continued to build.

  His finger entered her and began pumping in and out of her wetness. No resistance. He pulled his finger out but quickly filled her with two. The feeling of fullness made her close her eyes and imagine it was his penis. She was ready for him.

  “Yes. Oh, Luke. Come inside me!”

  What had she just asked? No matter, because he ignored her and continued to use his fingers and mouth to elicit such exquisite responses from her. But what was he waiting for? She was on the brink of…something wonderful.

  When he flicked his tongue rapidly against her sex, the world exploded into thousands of shards of light.

  “¡Sí! Do not stop!”

  Unable to hold back, she shattered as the waves rolled through her body.

  She rode a wave of ecstasy that went on forever. But all too soon she began to float back to earth, noticing her rapid breathing and heartbeat.

  His tongue became painful as he continued stroking her sensitive bundle of nerve endings. “Stop! I cannot take anymore!”

  He lessened the pressure, removed his fingers from inside her, and stretched out to cover her body with his, careful not to allow his entire weight to crush her. Still, she felt the monsters looming. He sensed her rising panic and rolled onto his side.

  “You okay, Sweet Pea?”

  “Yes.” She did not want to talk about the near-panic. “That was amazing! I had no idea!”

  He smiled and kissed her. She turned away again, embarrassed at smelling her scent on his lips.

  “What are you thinking now?”

  Her face flushed. �
��That it is strange to smell my…myself on your lips.”

  He chuckled. “You taste as sweet as honey. I just might have to have another nibble before the day’s over.”

  His penis throbbed, reminding her they were not finished yet. Why had he stopped? She did not want to deprive him of that euphoric experience. No wonder Kitty was so frustrated with Adam all these months when he held back.

  She reached up and brushed her fingertip across his lower lip. Her face grew warm thinking about his lips on her so intimately, but she did not intend to shy away from going all the way with her husband any longer. “Make love to me, Luke. Now.” She was ready. She hoped. All she knew was that she wanted to feel him inside her.

  He grinned. “Bossy little thing. You sure? There are other ways I can come without being inside you.”

  “I am sure.” As sure as I will ever be.

  “First, I want to make you come.”

  “I just did.” Did she do it wrong? How could he not tell?

  He chuckled. “You ladies are luckier than us men. You can come again and again in no time. Takes us a little longer to build up to another erection, then it’s over. So I plan to take my time and enjoy you as long as I can.”

  She had so much to learn about how to have sex. No, to make love. Thankfully, Luke was a patient man and would guide her along the way.

  He kissed her again and she ran her hands over his broad shoulders. So strong.


  Thank you, Mama Quilla, for entrusting him to my care.

  His erect penis throbbed against her thigh as he kissed her again. She opened her mouth to his, but when he placed his hands on either side of her head to deepen the kiss, her body stiffened.

  Triggers. Damn it, not now!

  Frustrated with her body, Cassie pushed him away but did not surrender. Instead, she guided him onto his back. “Please avoid holding my head that way. It makes me freeze up—and I want to stay hot for you.” His lopsided grin told her she had said it wrong but that he understood her meaning. “Let us try me being the one on top.”

  He opened his eyes wide in surprise. “Hell, yeah. You’re in charge, Sweet Pea. Have your way with me.” He was teasing, but she had no clue what to do next. “Why don’t you start by straddling my waist?” he suggested.

  Thankful for the direction, she nodded and placed her leg over him until she was kneeling on the mattress, with his torso between her knees. If she sat back, she would be on his…

  Not ready for that yet, she remained upright. Her hair would soon be in the way so she wound it around her fist to try and tame the mass, but it had a mind of its own. “Let me get something to get my hair out of the way.”

  When she would have moved off him, he placed one hand on each of her hips and stopped her. “No way.” He reached up and loosened her hair again, letting it cascade over her breasts. “I love your hair loose like this.”

  She had no idea. He had never asked her to wear it down. What else did she not know about this man’s likes and dislikes? At least they had a lifetime to learn it.

  * * *

  Jeezus, Cassie was every man’s dream.

  And all mine.

  “I also love looking at you like this, darlin’. You can be on top anytime you want.”

  She smiled and bent over to kiss him. The rasp of her lips against his five-o’clock shadow made his cock throb even more. When she broke the kiss and sat up again, her breasts bounced. She smiled in triumph.

  Cassie Denton sitting on top of him, with her hair shielding her bare breasts from view, just made him ache to bury himself inside her. Her long curls didn’t completely hide one nipple this time.

  He reached up to pinch the protruding nipple. Her tiny gasp excited him even more. When a look of concern came over her face, she stretched out over his chest. Damn. Another trigger?

  Her words were barely a whisper. “Teach me what to do next.”

  At least she didn’t apologize for a lack of carnal knowledge, because nothing excited him more than to instruct his virgin bride in her first experience with making love.

  He placed his hands lightly on her back, waiting to see if her body rejected his touch, but she relaxed into his chest as if in surrender. Having her pressed against him like this did amazing things to his ego. She trusted him.

  He wondered how long he could hold out. His hands swept up and down her bare back, keeping her in the moment. So soft. “Hope I’m not scratching you with my calluses, darlin’.”

  “Hmmm? Oh, no! Do not stop. I like the sensation.” She lifted herself up, placing her hands on his shoulders before leaning down to kiss him again. Her hair curtained them in their own private world.

  He moved his hands lower and placed them over her butt cheeks. She moaned, rather than try to escape. He broke the kiss. “Lift your hips up.” Reaching between her legs to take his cock, he rubbed it along her slick cleft. She closed her eyes when he touched her clit and leaned back, her mouth open. So full of passion.

  Jeezus, take me now.

  His blushing bride was every man’s wet dream—and she was all his.

  He reached up to tuck the strands behind her ears, careful not to touch the sides of her head, although he suspected the trigger came from using firm pressure. Fucking bastards. He tried not to let thoughts of them violating her body ruin this moment.

  He’d let her set the pace and give her free rein.

  Her breasts beckoned and he reached up with his hand to give in to the temptation to cup and squeeze them. His thumb and index finger rolled her nipple, and she clamped her thighs against his sides.

  God help him survive this girl because he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to keep up with her now that she’d decided to explore her sexuality with him.

  Once again, he marveled that he had to be the luckiest man alive. What he’d ever done to deserve this girl in his life, he didn’t know. He just hoped he didn’t ever screw things up with her.

  She stared down at him with a puzzled expression on her face. “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “I’m pretty sure anywhere you want to touch me would be right, darlin’.”

  She reached out and ran her hands over his pecs before letting her fingernails trail down his rib cage. He hissed, not expecting her touch to be so lethal.

  When she bent over and took his nip between her teeth, his hips bucked and her teeth bit into his skin. She pulled away in horror.

  “I am sorry! I did not mean to do that!”

  “A little pain never hurt anyone—not when it’s part and parcel of such a pleasurable act.”

  Cassie smiled. “Still, I will try to be gentle with you. I am not one for giving—or receiving—pain.” She bent over his chest again and nibbled this time. He splayed his hands over the cheeks of her ass, kneading them and wishing he could touch her clit, but he didn’t want to have her move from where her sweet pussy was pressed against his hard-on.

  That she didn’t seem bothered having him so close to her made him want to bury himself inside her even more. He would wait until she was screaming for him to take that step first. Now all he had to do was take her to that point. Although she was well on her way.

  Her lips surrounded his nip in a gentle kiss. When her tongue licked over his tender peak, he bucked again. Sweet Jesus, the girl’s mouth was deadly. He might be the one screaming for release soon if she kept this up.

  Scooting down his thighs, she let her tongue trail toward his abs, and he clenched in anticipation of where she might go next. He wanted more.

  Her chin bumped against his erection, and she pulled away. Her eyes opened wider before she smiled, and he wondered what she planned to do next.

  “I cannot believe how quickly you become so…hard.”

  “Darlin’, being naked with the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world has that effect on me.”

  She glanced back at his hard-on and then up at him, insecurity showing in her eyes. “I do not know if…”

  He held
up his hands to halt her before she let fear or doubt take over. “Come here.”

  She crawled up his body again, and he pulled her onto his chest where he let her rest her head on his chest. “Why don’t we start by talking about what we do want to have happen next? In explicit language, darlin’.”

  “I am not sure. I know what I feel…” Her hand reached out to stroke his pec. “However, I am not sure how to….”

  “Tell me what you feel.” Come on, baby girl. Say the words.

  She idly flicked at his hard nip, driving him a little more crazy for her, before continuing. “Like my body is ready to explode. I am ready for you to…come inside me.” The remaining words came out in a rush. “I am afraid having you on top of me will be a trigger, but I do not know how to…do it with me on top.”

  His cock jerked in anticipation. Easy now. Don’t scare her away, Denton.

  Knowing how serious she was, he fought back the urge to laugh. Okay, probably a little nervous energy on his part. “Sweet Pea, you’re assuming there are only two options here. We can do this in any number of ways. Heck, think of the Kama Sutra and all the positions that are possible.”

  She leaned up and met his gaze, her eyes opening wide. “I never thought about the more advanced positions for making love.”

  He stroked her cheek. “One’s not more advanced than another. Just different.” He lowered his hand to her shoulder and slowly pressed her onto her back. Careful not to put too much pressure on her chest, he positioned himself so he could take her nipple into his mouth. The responsive peak hardened and grew as he sucked, and her hips jerked up when he gave her a nip similar to one she’d given him. Her breathing grew more labored, but she wasn’t where he wanted her yet. His hand reached out to her other breast, and he plucked at the nipple there until it equaled the size of the one in his mouth.

  “Oh, Luke! That feels so good!”

  He pulled at her nipple, stretching it until it plopped out of his mouth. She hissed.

  “That’s it, baby girl. Just feel.” Without waiting for further response, he maneuvered onto all fours. “Raise your knees and spread your legs. It’s my turn.”


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