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Inconvenient Wife

Page 17

by Natasha Boyd

  We ordered pizza and took the two remaining beers out of the fridge in my dad’s office .

  “His Blondes Have More Fun album is way better,” Beau challenged .

  “That may be, but it’s from another decade. You can’t compare.” I knew better than to tell him he was plain wrong. “You’re better off comparing Foot Loose and Fancy Free . ”

  “You totally can compare. They could easily have been written in the same time frame .”

  “Says you. The sound is not the same. At all .”

  After the last strains of “Trade Winds,” he pressed the eject button and slipped in another tape. As the upbeat but sexy beat began, Beau sang along and pretended his beer was a microphone. “Mm-mm Sugar, ” he sang the opening and gyrated his hips. “Mm-mm, Sugar . ”

  I giggled. “Stop .”

  Beau didn’t break character. Grooving around the shop, he pretended he was on stage in front of an invisible audience. He got totally into it, shaking his head, making lewd movements with his tongue and his hips .

  I tapped my foot along to the beat, smiling and shaking my head at him. “Are you Mick Jagger or Rod Stewart ?”

  “Beau, baby. I’m Beau, the one and only. If ya want my body, and ya think I’m sexy, ” Beau sang, trying and failing at Rod Stewart’s husky sound, but not caring .

  He was being so ridiculous and making such fun of himself, I couldn’t stop laughing .

  Eventually, I joined him and we kept dancing and singing and hamming it up .

  “Give me a diiiiime, so I can call my mother,” we sang .

  We finally got to the end of the song, laughing as we whispered along to the ending lyrics. “If ya really need me, just reach out and touch me. C’mon, Sugar, let me know . ”

  A throat cleared .


  My father was grinning as he walked in .

  Beau trotted over and punched in the stop button as the grinding guitar started on the next track .

  “Lots of work happening here, I see,” my dad said as I kissed his cheek in greeting .

  “You know it,” I said. “Best way to work .”

  “Rhys,” Beau greeted and they shook hands, my dad squeezing Beau’s upper arm affectionately at the same time .

  My dad went to his office and changed, and then the three of us spent the final hours of the day working together. As evening fell, I became nostalgic, knowing there wouldn’t be any more years of this, the three of us working here together. My nose burned and I blinked, the feeling of wanting to cry coming on too quickly. I glided over to the office aiming for the bathroom. Glancing over at Beau, I caught him watching me again. I knew he was feeling it too, coming to terms with the thought all this was ending .

  “Rhys,” Beau said, his gaze peeling off me slowly and refocusing on my dad. “Did Gwen tell you …”

  His words faded as the office door closed behind me, though I could make out that he was telling Dad about the marriage to Marjorie Smith and the loan paperwork .

  I stayed still. The urge to cry passed, and I listened on the other side of the door .

  My dad apologized again to Beau for springing it on him so suddenly, reiterating it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Beau reassured him he understood, and that Rhys didn’t owe him anything .

  I retreated into the bathroom and pulled myself together before heading back out there .

  “Hey,” Dad said. “I was just telling Beau I need to deliver this boat by next weekend. Is there any chance I can ask the two of you to take it down to Fripp Island ?”

  “Next weekend?” I repeated needlessly. I didn’t have anything going on, and my dad knew it .

  “I can follow in the Monty, ” Beau added, referring to his grandfather’s boat. He was the only one of his family to actually use it, and his grandfather had now officially left it to him .

  “Sure,” I agreed. I patted our current project. “If she’s ready, it would be an honor to be the first one to have her on the water .”

  “I can tell the client you’ll be there Saturday afternoon. He’s coming down for the weekend. Wants to get his kids out fishing on it as soon as possible .”

  “There’s weather coming in this week,” Beau said. “But it should blow through by then .”

  “Great. It’s settled. I’ll let him know.” My dad wandered back through to the office .

  “Thank you,” I told Beau .

  He frowned. “Of course .”

  “It’s just above and beyond. Especially now .”

  “It never used to be .”

  I nodded. Everything was different now that my father had decided to wrap up the business completely rather than letting Beau buy him out or transition into partner. I knew Beau too well to pretend it hadn’t hurt him .

  My father had to know that too .

  Which was what made this whole thing quite strange now that I was really thinking about it .

  “I’ll close up,” I told my dad. “You go on .”

  “I have to get back to Awendaw tonight,” Beau said. “I’m working on the house tomorrow, and I want to check on Eileen .”

  “I’ll be fine on my own .”

  I waved them both off .

  As soon as they were out of sight, I ransacked every filing cabinet in my father’s office. If he was in some kind of debt or dangerous situation that was making him close up shop so fast, I wanted to know about it .

  And if there was some reason he was shutting Beau out, I wanted to know about that too .



  I paced around my condo, avoiding the memories of my bedroom .

  My search at the boat shop had turned up nothing in the paperwork that answered my question. If anything I had more questions because there were three orders for boats. Lucrative orders that my father would have had to turn down. But I’d opened my father’s email and gone to his sent mail, comparing the dates from the orders and looking for an email refusing the work. There was nothing like that. In fact I’d found one email, letting a client know there was a waitlist and the project wouldn’t be started until spring the following year .

  Why would my father not turn down the work if he was closing the business? He must be though. He’d let all the staff go. It was hard to find super skilled builders, there was no way he’d have let Jimmy go if he’d had a choice. Was he counting on Beau to take on the work? If that was true, it was thoughtful at least .

  My father and I were going to have words .

  And not only about that. On my dad’s scribble pad next to his phone, I found a message from about two weeks ago to call Isabel Montgomery back. Now that Beau had to get married, I’d bet she was making sure I didn’t get my hooks into him. It was no secret she’d been condescending to my father too. He disliked her immensely. I was so glad he’d never painted Beau with the same brush. That woman knew no bounds. I needed to ask my dad about it and make sure he wasn’t upset. She could be a real bitch, and I always felt guilty about it, even though I knew there was nothing I could do about the fact she hated me .

  I could at least assure my dad that once Beau married someone Isabel would have another focus for her judgment .

  Entering my bedroom, I stripped for bed and brushed my teeth, refusing to let my mind roam to what had occurred earlier today. But as soon as I crawled between the sheets I gave in and relived every look, every touch, every feeling. It wasn’t as satisfying, but after I’d brought myself to a shuddering release, I was at least able to close my eyes and drift into restless sleep .

  * * *

  I knocked on Penny’s door at ten a.m., holding two Colombian coffees from Armand’s Deli. It was a hike for me to get there, but so worth it. And I’d needed to walk and clear my head this morning .

  The door opened, revealing my bleary-eyed friend .

  “I hope it’s still hot,” I said and thrust the cup at her .

  “Thanks.” Penny yawned, taking the coffee, her eyes suddenly shifty and glancing behind he
r .

  “You have someone here ?”

  “Mornin’ luv,” said Euan, striding out of Penny’s bedroom. His hair was wet from a shower and he was pulling a t-shirt on and wearing the swim shorts I’d seen him in yesterday .

  He came up and took Penny’s cup, taking a sip and handing it back. I didn’t realize my mouth was hanging open until he reached over and placed two fingers under my chin and pressed up .

  “The legendary British charm. What can I say?” He winked at me, then gave Penny a loud, wet kiss on the cheek. “Bye, luv. And thanks. Great way too spend my night off .”

  Penny was nonplussed, as if she was piecing everything together and hadn’t quite gotten there yet. The penny had definitely not dropped, so to speak .

  “Gwendolyn,” Euan added with a smirk and stepped past me .

  Penny yanked me inside and closed the door. “Omigod, omigod, omigod .”

  “Yeah,” I said. “That was a surprise .”

  She flopped down on her couch. Morning light streamed in through her balcony doors. Her condo was the exact same floor plan as mine but just flipped. All the finishes were exactly the same. Same cabinets, same carpet. Neither of us had ever painted the walls a different color than the off-white the builder had picked. It was a bit mind-bendy to be honest .

  “Any good,” I asked .

  She rested her head back. “Actually, yes .”

  I smiled. “Good .”

  She opened one squinty eye at me as I sipped my drink .

  “You disappeared yesterday. Did Derek come after all ?”

  “Nope. He cancelled .”

  “Yet you are looking freshly shagged too .”

  “Okay, look, I’m telling you because I’ll explode if I don’t tell someone, but then we need to forget it ever happened, okay ?”

  She sat up, her feet slamming down on the carpet. “You’re kidding .”

  I grinned and shook my head, then my smile faded. “So now I know. And it was spectacular. But nothing changed. It can’t. I don’t want it to. We need to get Beau married so I can move on. I need to move on. Okay? Please ?”

  “What do you mean you don’t want it to change ?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just … we’re out of time. I think this Lieutenant Marjorie Smith is going to work out. He’ll be married within the week if all goes well. Then he’ll have everything he ever wanted. And I’m happy about that. Truly.” I sipped some more coffee, focusing on the bittersweet taste. “So happy that he’ll be happy .”

  Penny sat quietly. She either wasn’t listening or —

  “You are so full of bullshit,” she said. “So full .”

  “So full,” I agreed. “It’s a big weight to carry around,” I deadpanned .

  She slowly shook her head side to side. “I can only imagine .”

  “You have to let this be. Okay? I don’t want you guys getting more involved or trying to intervene. He needs to get his inheritance and this loan, and if you did something to derail him and he somehow found out, he’d blame me. I can’t be responsible for him not getting this business started. It’s bad enough I wouldn’t marry him to help him out, I can’t stand in the way of him finding someone else too .”

  Penny reached over and grabbed my hand. “Okay,” she said. “I promise .”

  “And tell Sylvie, Daisy, and Alice too? Not about me sleeping with him, but that we have to step back and let this marriage happen .”

  “I will .”

  “Thank you.” I blew out a breath of relief. “So … Euan ?”

  She covered her eyes. “Oh my God. I know .”

  “Do you think you’ll see him again ?”

  She turned her head toward me. “He’s …” Her gaze drifted off as if she was watching a whole scene in her head. “We had fun. A lot …” her cheeks went deep red, “a lot of fun. But he’s a player. I doubt it was as earth shattering for him.” She laughed awkwardly. “I feel thoroughly used, in the best way. It was an eye-opener I can tell you. Those Brits are dirty bastards.” She shook her head and went back to her coffee. “This is great. Thank you .”

  “You’re welcome .”

  We both grinned into our drinks .

  * * *

  A few nights later, I called my dad at the boat shop to make sure he was there and not at home. He and Beau had been working nonstop on the finishing elements of the boat .

  I told my dad I had a date, then I jumped in my Jeep and headed over the bridge to West Ashley. The Mission Impossible theme played in my head. Too bad Henry Cavill’s mustache wouldn’t make an appearance in my quest. I wondered what Beau would look like if he grew one. Probably a bit like Henry. They had the same jaw and the same soft, wavy, dark hair .

  I pulled onto my father’s concrete driveway and parked under the thick limb of a live oak, the Spanish moss drifting down like a curtain and tickling the roof of my Jeep. The spare key was where it always hid, in a small black magnetic box attached to the metal down spout .

  I let myself into my childhood home, breathing in the scent of old wood, mildew, and plug-in air-fresheners, Eucalyptus edition .

  The floor was refinished wood, my father having finally pulled up the pink carpet that had been there since he and my mom had bought the place in the early eighties .

  My room was now his office, the walls still in soft pastel pink. Mom had painted the wall around the window with green hills and little bunnies when I was five. There was a unicorn and a rainbow too. A long, low filing cabinet covered up a good portion of the lower painting. I wondered if my father felt closer to the memory of my mother in here than he did in their room, simply from being able to see something she’d made .

  I sat down in his rolling desk chair and quickly checked the drawers. Then I spun around and made a start on the filing cabinets. The end one was locked as always. It was where he kept our passports, birth certificates, wills, and insurance. I felt around in the back of the desk drawer for the keys, my fingers finding them easily, and then hurriedly unlocked the filing cabinet .

  My father had never told me not to go into this drawer. In fact, I knew where the key was because he’d told me where it was .

  A file with the marina address of the boat shop was the first thing I saw. My heart pounded and I began to sweat, but I convinced myself I wasn’t doing anything wrong by being a bit nosey .

  Opening the file, I found a thick, pages long purchase agreement, stapled together. I scanned the document looking first at the hefty price tag. I gasped. No wonder my father hadn’t said no. I was almost relieved because I felt like I understood why everything was happening so fast. It was a once in a lifetime lottery ticket. He and my mother had gambled on that property and it had finally paid out. God, I was happy for him. I just wished my mom could have been here for them to enjoy it together. I knew right then, that my father was going to head down to central America and live off coconuts and beer like he’d always joked about doing. To be honest, now that I knew, I was surprised I hadn’t seen a For Sale sign in the front yard of the house too .

  I almost smiled and then my roaming eyes stopped. I froze on the name of the buyer .

  Isabel Montgomery .



  I drove past the Montgomery home on South Battery four times, building up the courage to go and pound on that front door and demand an explanation .

  By the time I pulled up to the curb in a no parking zone, I was fully fired up at the level Isabel Montgomery would go to to keep her grandson from pursuing his dreams. I knew I couldn’t tell Beau, it would break his damned heart to see how close he’d come, and how she’d ruined it .

  But I could sure as shit tell her how I felt about that. I marched up the stairs and pounded on the front door .

  It opened to a tall, scowling man who looked vaguely like Beau but who was very, clearly not Beau .

  “Gwen?” he asked, his scowl clearing. He was wearing jeans and a button down. Not the menacing suit from the other day at the fune
ral but still quite intimidating .


  He smiled and held his hand out. “Yeah. This is a surprise. Come in .”

  “Thanks.” I shook his hand. “Is the dragon home ?”

  “Ah. Not here looking for Beau, huh ?”


  “She’s upstairs, I’ll get her .”

  I followed him in. “How are you enjoying Charleston ?”

  “I spent Sunday afternoon out at Awendaw with Beau, grilling shrimp, drinking beers, and pissing off the dock. I’m really taking to this whole Lowcountry life .”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Sounds like it .”

  “You should come the next time .”

  “I don’t pee off the dock .”

  Trystan chuckled .

  “Besides, we’ll see if I survive a round with your grandmother first .”

  “What did she do this time ?”

  “Just trying to derail the rest of Beau’s life .”

  He frowned slightly. “Right. Well, I’ll go and get her. Make yourself at home.” He motioned me to the drawing room and trotted up the stairs .

  I stepped into the high-ceilinged room stuffed with antiques and ballooned silk curtains. I almost sat on the couch, but it looked hugely uncomfortable. Besides, I’d rather be standing when she got here .

  “Gwendolyn,” her voice came from the doorway .

  I spun. “Mrs. Montgomery.” She didn’t loom as large as I remembered .

  “To what do I owe the pleasure ?”

  “Pleasure?” I crossed my arms and focused on all the righteous indignation that brought me to her door. “Right, well. I think we can just skip the pleasantries. Why are you trying so hard to stop Beau following his dream ?”

  Her face remained passive. God, she was good. “Whatever do you mean ?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Look I know you’ve never approved of my father and me, but you know Beau has dreams of boat building. You just can’t stand all the time he’s spent with us, the way he’s eschewed your family. It would have been perfect for him to buy into my father’s business, and he was so close to either that or starting his own, and you had to go and yank it all away by forcing my father into retirement .”


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