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The Slave's Initiation

Page 6

by Ian Smith

  Rosie said matter-of-factly, “no, she won’t be back until the morning.” None of the Bingham family felt like making any further comment.

  But as they went up the stairs and out of sight, Sue was just hoping her daughter would get through the ordeal all right.

  Mandy was led up to the master bedroom. At precisely eight o’clock, according to the clock on the wall, she knocked timidly on the door and was invited in.

  The room was large and sumptuous. To one side was a large four poster bed, clearly a double, which she tried to ignore. To the other side was a dining table and chairs, candle-lit and with the table classily laid out with food. Proby was sat in a dressing gown, clearly trying to emulate Noel Coward. Mandy thought he looked ugly but tried to push the thought aside.

  His eyes feasted on her. Only a few hours ago she had stood naked whilst he looked her over and she didn’t feel that much more comfortable now, for all that she knew she looked her very best. He gestured for her to join him at the table and, trying to walk as elegantly but also as carefully as she could on the stilettos, she came over and sat.

  He was in a relaxed, talkative mood and chatted away as he ate. Mandy, who had eaten in the canteen not so long before and was very nervous, only nibbled. She remembered to address him as ‘master’ and he controlled the conversation, which he turned to her personal history and then her sexual history. Mandy was too frightened of him - and she hadn’t forgotten her whacking at his hands this afternoon - to be anything other than completely truthful. She had only had two previous sexual partners. With her first one, they had undressed in each other’s arms on both the occasions they had had sex and with the second, she had been with him half a dozen times, but always in the back of his car in winter. It had been too cold to take off more than she had to, so she had only stripped from the waist down. So she admitted that today was the first time she had ever properly undressed in front of a man with him watching her - and no, she didn’t like it.

  Variations, experimentation? Not really, she said. They’d tried a few different positions, but not much. The boy with the car had persuaded her to try sucking his cock, but she wasn’t very good at it (or didn’t really know what to do) and it didn’t appeal to her anyway. Other than that, she admitted, nothing.

  His eyes continued to rove over her and he complimented her several times on how she looked. After seeing how attractive Nicky and Erica were, she felt flattered by that, but still nervous and unhappy with the overall situation. Having finished with the food, he took her over to another side of the room where a large sofa was in front of a roaring fire. Making her sit next to him on the sofa, he came up close to her and at last his hands began to make contact. Had he been her age and handsome, Mandy might have enjoyed it despite everything, but he was neither of those things. Although his hands began to get more intrusive, the dress shielded her from most of it, but of course that didn’t last. He found the zipper at the back of it and soon she was out of it. The stilettos were also discarded, he was running his hands up and down her silky smooth stockinged legs and slipping his fingers almost playfully into the waistband of her panties or under the back of her bra strap. Acutely aware that simple acquiescence was not sufficient - she had been shocked when Rosie had told her that girls were beaten not just if they resisted but even if they allowed things but were not sufficiently pleasing - Mandy moved herself on top of him and, fighting down her revulsion, began to slip his clothes off even as she rubbed her teenage body against him. Clearly pleased, his manhood began to rise; she could feel it beneath her. She hadn’t removed his y-fronts, suspecting that this would be the signal for him to take off her own underwear, though she knew that would have to come eventually; but she could feel the bulge growing larger.

  At last he pulled his pants down and said thickly, “there are some condoms on the table. Put one on me.”

  Apprehensively, Mandy fumbled with the condom. The boys she had copulated with had always worn them, at her own insistence, but she had never had to put one on before. She had been taught how to do it at school but the reality was a little different. However, she managed it. While she did, she felt him removing her own bra and panties. Only the stockings now remained.

  As she finished putting the condom on, he told her, “the doctor will be coming tomorrow to check the three of you out and put you on the pill. After that, we won’t need to bother with condoms any more.”

  “Yes, master,” she acknowledged, mortified.

  She was still wearing the stockings when he entered her. They were still on the couch and she was on top of him and had to use her limited experience to augment his thrusts. But then he rolled the two of them over and began to push in more dominantly from above. Mandy bit her lip as she felt him deep inside her. This was not like the boys she had been with. For all that he was more experienced than them and just as well endowed, she could not escape the fact that she was a slave being fucked, not an equal partner.

  He came with gusto she could not match or pretend to match and then lay contentedly, still inside her. Eventually he extracted himself. Mandy had to carry out the disgusting job of removing the condom and disposing of it and cleaning him up - certainly something she had never had to do with the boys she had been with. All the time his hands continued to rove over her. Then he led her, his arm around her waist, to the bed. For a long time he caressed and fondled her, which she endured with as much co-operation as she could muster. Eventually she had to dive under the sheets with a fresh condom and put it on and he rolled on top of her once more and she had to submit to a longer, more measured shagging. At long last he fell asleep, his head nuzzled in her breasts. Mandy made herself as comfortable as she could and, trying to forget the whole experience of the day, did her best to sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Rosie unlocked Sue and Charleen from their cell at eight the following morning and took them up to the canteen for breakfast. There was no sign of Mandy.

  “The master isn’t an early riser,” Rosie said cheerfully, a point she had also made yesterday. “He’s rarely up before nine at the earliest, so Mandy won’t be dismissed until then at least.”

  After breakfast, they were returned to their cell. As Rosie had predicted, Mandy was brought back to the cell just after nine by Joe, one of the two young male servants. Mandy was stark naked but seemed too preoccupied to be bothered by it. She entered the cell without a word to her mother or sister and went straight to the shower and, despite the freezing water, stayed under it for some time.

  At around quarter to ten, Rosie arrived once more, carrying two maid’s uniforms. “These are for our new Level One slaves,” she announced brightly, obviously trying to put a positive slant on their ‘promotion’, though it also as good as announced graphically what Mandy had done the previous evening. It was Charleen, however, who looked the most embarrassed; she remained dressed in her t-shirt and shorts.

  The maids’ uniforms were black with white trim and apron and would not have been out of place at a Rocky Horror Show meeting or a fetish gathering. Both had very short skirts and were low cut, showing off plenty of cleavage. The outfits were not quite identical: Sue’s skirt was slightly longer, but split at both sides and the cut at the top was a bit lower still than Mandy’s.

  “You’ve all got appointments now to see the doctor,” Rosie told them. “Don’t worry,” she added, “he’s actually very professional. He’s even got a female nurse with him for the more intimate examination. And of all the professional and trades people that come here, he’s the only one who doesn’t take his payment via our bodies.”

  As usual, she was right. The doctor checked them over thoroughly, even leaving the room when the nurse carried out the gynaecological exam. All three were confirmed fit and healthy and in particular clear of any sexually transmitted infections and Charleen was also, slightly humiliatingly for her, confirmed as a virgin. But even then, the doctor did
not broadcast the fact and even formally requested her permission for him to pass the information on to Proby, though she was expected to agree to that, which she did, albeit slightly reluctantly. All three of them were then put on the pill.

  After he had gone, Rosie took them back down to their cell for an ‘orientation chat’. “When you’re not required for use by the master, the house staff or guests, you’ll have domestic duties,” she told them. “Slave Sue, you’ve been assigned to help Fred in the kitchen. Slave Mandy, you’ll be on dusting and polishing around the mansion. Charleen, once you get your slave status, you’ll be working in the laundry. Down here you should just wear your underclothes, upstairs it’s your maid uniforms except when you go to the master’s lounge.”

  “What do we wear there?” Mandy asked.

  “Nothing. It’s a strict rule that you only enter there naked. Now, you’ll each get two uniforms, one to wash and one to wear, but if you’re doing any job which is likely to be mucky, you’d be expected to take the uniform off. If there are any men around, well, there are men around. Learn to live with it.

  “All men you meet are to be obeyed completely. As far as you’re concerned, every man is your master. Obviously there is a pecking order, guests and the master come before Forsythe, then Joe and Fred, but you obey all of them. Also you must obey higher level slaves, though that’s only for direction of duties and so on. But all men have every right imaginable over you.” All three members of the Bingham family listened glumly to this. “As far as sex is concerned, there is a difference. With the household staff, you’re just expected to be totally co-operative and obedient, but if you’re required to go with a guest - and you will be, frequently - they have to fill out a report form on you. If you’re not sufficiently pleasing, you’ll get the cane.” Rosie paused to let that sink in. “I know that, apart from Charleen, you’ve already felt the strap or something similar. Let me tell you that it’s nowhere near as bad as the cane. The cane really hurts.”

  “Do you ever get the cane for not being sufficiently pleasing, Rosie?” Mandy asked cattily.

  Rosie didn’t bat an eyelid. “Sometimes, if a guest is particularly demanding or just feels like being cruel,” she said openly. “As for when you go with the master, obviously you don’t need me to tell you how much it’s in your interest to do everything you possibly can to please him.”

  “Obviously,” Mandy said with a slight sneer and then coloured because she knew they all knew she had been with him last night. She shut up.

  “To get to Level Two, you need to show real willing and enthusiasm,” Rosie explained. “They assess you continuously and once they feel you’re ready they’ll test you formally. You get tested in four areas: obedience, pain-taking, fucking and sucking. And please don’t think that obedience is the easy one out of the four, though it’s the most fundamental one.”

  And I haven’t even got to Level One at that yet, thought Charleen with dread as the meeting broke up.

  At eight o’clock that evening, a weary Sue and Mandy trudged back down to the cellars with Rosie. They removed their maids’ outfits, hung them up and, now clad in underwear, walked into the cell. Rosie locked the cage door behind them, wished them goodnight and left.

  They found Charleen sitting on the bed, staring into space. She was still wearing her t-shirt and shorts.

  “What happened?” asked Mandy, somewhat sharply.

  “I bottled it again,” said Charleen simply.

  Her mother sat on the bedside next to her and put a protective arm around her. “Are you all right?” she asked.

  Charleen ignored the question and answered Mandy’s more fully. “I was brought to stand in front of the desk again. He ignored me for an hour and then ‘invited’ me to strip for him. I ... well, I just stood there. He waited for a few moments, then told me he had withdrawn the invitation. He didn’t seem angry or anything, just deadpan. He ignored me for the rest of the day. I was just left to stand there.”

  Mandy sat down on her mattress. “Well now,” she said acidly, “shall I tell you about my day?”

  “Mandy, dear, I don’t think ...” Sue began.

  “No, no, I want to tell you about my day. There’s enough wood and silver in the halls and lounges here to build a new Ark Royal and I’ve been polishing nearly all day. Now, around the middle of the afternoon, there I was on hands and knees, polishing some skirting board, my bum in the air. OK, maybe not the cleverest position to put myself in, but it was the easiest way to get to it and I thought I was alone. That Forsythe might be old but he moves like a cat, completely noiselessly. Maybe it’s the thick carpet that does it. Anyway, he was behind me before I knew it. Well, it wasn’t a flattering position for me to be in so I started to stand up, but he told me sharply to stay exactly where I was. Know what he did then? He lifted my skirt up, pulled my knickers down and fucked me. Ever done it in doggy position, Charlie?”

  “I ...”

  “No? Me neither, before today. Can’t say it was great fun, but never mind. I’m getting quite a few new experiences which aren’t great fun. You too by the sound of it, I mean standing fully dressed in front of a desk all day, bet that takes some doing?”

  “Mandy ...” Sue began.

  Mandy spun round to face her mother. “And you got fucked today as well, didn’t you, Mum? I heard Fred telling Joe he’d had you after lunch. Or was he just boasting?”

  “No, dear, he wasn’t just boasting,” Sue said quietly. “After we’d finished all the clearing away after lunch, he ordered me to take my uniform off and lie down on the floor for him. Like all of us, I didn’t have any choice. But I don’t think we’re helping ourselves by ...”

  “Well, little sister here seems to have a choice, she just keeps her knickers on and everything else for that matter. Anyway, back to my day. Round about half six, Forsythe comes to tell me that’s the end of my working day. He looks round all the work I’ve done, says it’s not bad, not bad at all, but he’s sure I can get better. He points out a few small bits I’ve missed. Then he bends me over a chair and gives me ten whacks with a strap. Stung like Hell, but he said it could have been a lot worse if I hadn’t worked well and I kind of believe him. Anyway, then I’m dismissed and allowed to go to the canteen for evening meal, then it’s meet up with Mum and come back down here to get locked in for the night. Unless, of course, one of them takes a fancy to one of us tonight, in which case any of them could come down here and take their pick, well apart from you, little sister. Nicky told me that often happens.” Mandy looked Charleen directly in the eye. “Anyway, at least that’s one day out of our terrible year ahead gone. Except it isn’t. The year doesn’t start until we’re all three at Level One, remember? So today was just like an extra freebie from us to them, just because you can’t get on with it. I suppose tomorrow will be the same: just because the prissy little miss can’t even get her kit off.”

  The last phrase was spoken with considerable venom. Charleen lifted her head, looked at Mandy for a second, then burst into tears.

  Sue gathered her younger daughter into her arms and glowered reproachfully at her older daughter. “Did any of that help, Mandy?” she asked sharply. “Are you happier now?”

  For a moment, a caustic retort seemed to be forming on Mandy’s lips, but then she looked at her crying younger sister and her posture softened. Sitting down on the bed next to Charleen, she said, “Charlie, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Things just got to me. Look, maybe we can talk to Proby. Maybe we can leave you out of the equation. Maybe I can do a longer time here ...”

  “NO!” Charleen’s voice was fierce through her tears. “I’m gonna do my part. I swear, next chance he gives me, I’ll get on with it.”

  “I think he’ll give you another one tomorrow,” Mandy said. “What’s today, Wednesday? Tomorrow I’m supposed to clean all the guest rooms. There’s four guests coming at the weeke
nd, so the guest rooms need doing, Forsythe instructed me. I’ll bet that all four of those guests are men, so I reckon Proby will want his entire contingent of girls ready for them.”

  “That was not a helpful piece of information to share with Charlie, dear,” Sue remonstrated softly.

  But Charlie was wiping away the tears. “I’ll be ready,” she said, though with a quaver in her voice.

  “Well, I have one little idea which might help, dear,” Sue said gently. “But since I can’t get to Mr Proby to suggest it, you’ll have to suggest it to him yourself ...”

  The next morning followed a similar routine. At seven, Rosie came and released Sue from the cell to help start breakfast - apparently they would be locked in at all non-duty times until all three were Level One slaves. At eight, she returned to let Mandy and Charleen out to go to the canteen, Mandy in her maid’s outfit, Charleen in her usual shorts and t-shirt. Mandy was then sent off on her domestic duties, whilst Charlie was taken to Proby’s office and told to stand in front of the desk until he arrived. She did so, as nervously as ever, perhaps now slightly even more so. Proby didn’t arrive until after ten, which did not help her nerves at all. However, the moment he had settled into his chair, before he could even turn the computer on, Charlie spoke, as politely as she could.

  “Permission to speak, master?”

  He had so far ignored her, but now he looked owlishly over the rims of his glasses at her. “Proceed,” he said pompously but cautiously.

  Charlie licked dry lips. “Master, I’d like to request permission to strip myself down to my underwear.” It was a sentence (in more ways than one) she had rehearsed many times since last night.

  He raised an eyebrow quizzically. “Do you think that would be sufficient?” he asked.

  “No, master, of course not. But I thought ... I need to get over the hurdle and maybe doing it in two stages would do it. The one stage now and perhaps the other after a few minutes.”


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