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Revenge Games (Revenge Games Duet Book 1)

Page 31

by Sky Corgan

  Once Dominick was finished with his shower, we traded places. I smelled like a mix of alcohol and sweat. No wonder he hadn't wanted to sleep with me. By the time I finished my shower and was toweling off, Dominick was already dressed and sitting in the living room, waiting for time to pass before he had to go out and meet with the movie director.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, looking up from his ereader.

  “All I have left to do is sleep again and the process will be complete,” I replied, sitting down beside him.

  “What time did you wake up?”


  “Ah. Not feeling too well, are you?”


  “I told you you should have stopped drinking.”

  “And I told you it's my vacation.” I leaned against him.

  “It's not much of a vacation if you spend the majority of it hungover.”

  “The hangover isn't that bad,” I paused for a moment, feeling embarrassed. “I'm sorry about last night.”

  “It's fine.”

  “No. I wrote a check with my mouth that my ass couldn't cash.”

  “You wrote an IOU that you'll pay off tonight.”

  I blushed at his words. “Is that so?”

  “Mhm. I tend to get frisky after business meetings.”

  “Is that so?” A lecherous grin spread across me lips.

  “That is so.” He stood, leaning down to kiss me on top of the head. “Behave yourself today. I have no idea how long this meeting will last, but it shouldn't be too long.”

  “You're leaving already?”

  “Yes. The limo will be here to pick me up at ten.”

  “Alright.” I tried not to pout.

  “Don't look so sad. You knew I had business to attend to. Don't you have homework to do?”

  “It's not ideal to do homework with a hangover,” I grumbled.

  “Perhaps you should have thought about that before you tied one on last night.”

  “Vacation.” I scowled, tired of listening to him trying to be fatherly. I found him least attractive when he acted this way.

  “Responsibility,” he replied, looking at me nonchalantly before grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.

  The day was boring. When I wasn't lying in bed or watching TV, I was staring out the floor to ceiling windows in the sitting area, watching as people went about their daily business, searching the crowd below for movie stars. Part of me wanted to go explore, but the other part of me was too afraid to leave the hotel room. It was strange thinking about how insecure I was without Dominick or my sister around. Perhaps it was because I was in an unfamiliar place. Maybe it was because I didn't have any money to really do anything. I wasn't sure, but I wished I was more adventurous.

  Eventually, I was able to go to sleep, and when I awoke at two o'clock, my hangover was pretty much gone. Then it was back to being bored and looking for something to do. I had hoped Dominick would return in time for us to get some sightseeing in, but by three o'clock, I realized that probably wouldn't happen. A bit depressed, I finally sat down to do my homework. When that was done, I raided the Munchie Box again and then went to stare out the window some more. Perhaps I could see Dominick when the limo dropped him off.

  There was a lip against the wall where the space had been carved out to accommodate the serpentine sofa. Out of extreme boredom, I decided to turn the television onto a music channel and climb up onto the lip to dance in front of the window, wondering if anyone down below could see me. At that point, I didn't really care. I was just looking for anything to do to keep me occupied, and dancing around in front of all of Hollywood seemed entertaining enough.

  I couldn't even hear the sound of the door opening over the music, and I didn't see Dominick's reflection in the window until he was right behind me wrapping his arms around me. When his hands touched my sides, I jumped, startled, but as soon as I realized it was him, my body instantly relaxed. He leaned in to kiss my neck, and I craned it, allowing him easy access. It was no joke that he was frisky after meetings. I could feel his erection through his slacks pressing against my nightshirt.

  “What are you doing, silly girl?” he purred into my ear.

  “Being silly,” I replied, grabbing his hands and moving them up my body.

  It was a dangerous move to make in front of the glass, overlooking the world. My mind was still in not-giving-a-fuck mode though, and his mind was obviously far beyond that.

  Dominick's hands groped my breasts, eliciting a moan from my throat as his fingers roughly needed into my soft flesh. Then they traveled down, pushing under my shirt to touch my skin.

  A man walking below glanced up toward the window. Whether he could see us or not, I couldn't really tell, but it suddenly made me feel very self-conscious. I spun around to face Dominick. He took a step forward, causing me to press my body back against the glass.

  “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom, stud,” I teased him, tugging on his tie.

  “I rather like it right here.”

  “Someone might see.”

  “Let them see.”

  “I thought you didn't want that.”

  “And I thought you did want that. At least, that's what you seemed to want last night,” he said before craning his head to attack my neck with kisses. While his touch aroused me, my mind kept going back to the man who had looked up. What if he could see us?

  “I was a lot braver last night,” I confessed.

  “Maybe you'd like another drink.”

  “I thought you said I shouldn't drink anymore.”

  “And I thought you said this was your vacation.”

  His hands were persistent, gripping at the bottom of my nightgown and pulling it up over my head. I didn't want to seem childish, so I went along with it, lifting my arms, so he could take it off, though I felt embarrassed knowing that everyone on the street could see my naked back. They were about to see a whole lot more of me if Dominick had his way.

  “I'd rather take this to the bedroom,” I told him, wrapping my arms over my breasts in paranoia.

  Dominick sighed, “You're only going to live once, Kim. So what if they see us? What are they going to do?”

  I shrugged. “I don't know. Report us?”

  “To who? We're in the privacy of our own room.”

  “But they can see us on the street.”

  “Only if they look up, and not very well. I thought you wanted to be more adventurous.”

  His words stung, for some reason. I did want to be more adventurous, but perhaps it would be better if I was eased into it. The alcohol was gone from my system, and with it the bravery I needed to do crazy stuff like this.

  Dominick grabbed my wrists, pulling them away from my chest. My body instinctively gave resistance as confusion took over.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, a bit annoyed.

  He raised my arms above my head, and when he started to turn me around to face the window, I began to panic.

  “Dominick, no,” I told him, trying to be stern.

  For as much as I struggled though, he was stronger. Before I knew it, he had me pressed against the window, my breasts and body making a fleshy display for all the world to see. I closed my eyes, partially afraid of the height and partially scared that someone below was staring up at me, seeing me in that shameful state.

  Dominick's breath was hot against my ear, whispering, the full weight of his body pressed against mine, keeping me in place, “You belong to me, and this is what I want to do, so we're going to do it. I told you that you wrote me an IOU last night. This is how you're going to pay it. Don't you want to please me?”

  For as frightened and nervous as I was, his deep husky voice didn't fail to send electric currents throughout my body, striking at all of my most sensitive erogenous zones. He held me in place until my breathing steadied and I stopped struggling, then he pulled me away from the glass and into his arms, wrapping them around me and cupping my breasts to fondle them in front of the

  I looked down below, and there was no one staring back up at us. It was like we were invisible, several stories above the street traffic. My body relaxed, and I felt a rush of relief course through me. I could do this.

  Dominick wrapped an arm around my chest, pulling me back against him while his other hand greedily dug into my underwear. As his fingers sought entry between my pussy lips, I blushed and moaned. Soon, my breathing was ragged, and the window was no longer an enemy. All I could think about was my own pleasure as he worked the tiny bundle of nerves that would eventually send me plummeting over the edge.

  “That's better,” he said.

  “Mhm,” I replied absentmindedly, holding onto his arm as if was the only thing keeping me standing.

  “Are you going to be a good girl for me now?”

  “Yes, Dominick.”

  “You used my full name. I like that,” he purred, sending a shiver down my spine.

  His hand withdrew from my panties, leaving me wanting more.

  “Turn around,” he told me, and as I did, I watched him lick his fingers, though he hadn't dug deep enough to get to the wetness further below. “Take off your underwear and get on your knees.”

  My heart rate elevated as I dropped my panties to the floor. It felt strange being naked in front of the window, as if each layer of clothing I shed made me more ashamed of my body. There was nothing to be ashamed of, really. It was only the exposure getting to my head.

  I knelt down in front of Dominick and waited, unsure of what was going to happen next. He let his jacket slip over his shoulders and threw it onto the sofa, then he grabbed the zipper of his slacks. The bulge of his erection was so prominent that I could almost see its perfect outline. He pulled down the zipper, and his cock sprang out, thick and eager. When he stepped forward, I knew what he wanted, and my cheeks brightened in embarrassment. All the confidence I had the night before had definitely disappeared.

  “I don't know how,” I said sheepishly, avoiding looking at his manhood, even though I loved every inch of it.

  “That wasn't going to stop you last night.”

  “Last night I was being stupid.”

  “Last night you were being sexy.”

  His words only made my blush deepen. I had thought I was being a complete asshat, clumsy and careless and slutty. Apparently, it wasn't all bad though.

  “What do I do?” I asked, feeling like an idiot as I turned back to face him.

  “As long as you don't use teeth, I don't care what you do. I'm kind of curious what you'll do without direction.”

  I frowned at him. “Don't you want me to do it right?”

  “Do you even want to do it?” He gave me a quizzical look.

  I thought for a moment. This was already getting a bit awkward. Things would have gone a lot better if I had gotten to blow him last night. Still, I hated the idea of being a disappointment.

  I shifted my weight, reaching up to wrap my hand around the base of his cock. My nose wrinkled as I bent forward. Cautiously, I stuck out my tongue and flicked it across the tip, then I looked up at Dominick for approval. He wasn't impressed.

  “If you don't want to do it, you don't have to,” he told me.

  “No. It's not that. I'm just really clueless,” I sighed.

  “How about this? Just open your mouth and try to keep your teeth out of the way.”

  “Alright,” I replied hesitantly.

  My mouth opened to receive him, and I tried to steady myself as best I could. The position made me feel weird, like a baby bird waiting to be fed by its mother. Except for instead of getting worms, I was about to get a big cock to swallow—an oversized worm.

  Dominick inched forward, looking every bit as unsure as I felt. I couldn't help but wonder if there had ever been a more awkward blow job in the history of blow jobs. We should have definitely waited until I was drunk again.

  His glans brushed against my bottom lip, smooth and warm. I tried to stare straight forward, focusing on my breathing and keeping my mouth open as he rubbed his tip around my lips as if it was a fat lipstick. The thought made me want to giggle, but I was far too nervous to giggle. Instead, I sat there as still as a statue, waiting for him to put it inside. After a few minutes of teasing himself with my lips, he did slide it into my mouth. My tongue tasted him pushing toward the back of my throat, and I almost immediately wanted to gag, but I refrained.

  “Now suck,” he told me.

  My lips closed around him softly, feeling the velvet of his skin and the bulging veins beneath. He tasted like flesh and salt. Very slowly, he began pumping his hips back and forth, pulsing in and out of my mouth. I tried to keep the pressure gentle, afraid I would hurt him if I sucked too hard. Apparently, I wasn't doing a bad job, because he closed his eyes and groaned. The sound resonated throughout his body, traveling through his cock into me, making me feel pleasure from the act as well. My eyes grew hooded and I began to relax, falling into the rhythm of sucking him off, getting braver by the moment. I varied the pressure of my lips and the intensity of the sucking. Then I threw some tongue action in, pressing my tongue against his phallus as it rocked in my mouth, tracing the veins on the underside, flicking out at the tip. Most of what I did seemed to drive Dominick wild. Soon, he had me pressed up against the glass, invading my mouth with aggressive vigor. My jaw began to hurt, and I wondered how much more I could handle. To add to the discomfort, I had retreated as far as I could go. It wasn't until I gagged that he finally backed off, pulling his manhood out of my mouth and allowing me to breath. By that time, I felt half-suffocated. My jaw ached and all I could taste was his pre-seed, warm and salty.

  “Sorry. I got a bit carried away,” he confessed, rubbing the back of his head as he watched me pant for breath.

  “It's fine,” I replied, just happy I had pleased him, though I quickly decided blow jobs were only going to be a special-occasion thing.

  Before I even had a chance to recover, he was turning me around on my hands and knees, and I could hear the sound of a condom wrapper being torn in the background. My eyes drifted to the street below, and I was relieved to see that no one had stopped to watch us. There wasn't much time to look around before I felt his tip pressing between my pussy lips. The urgency with which he bucked into me was enough to make me gasp. I dug my fingers into the floor, bracing myself as he began thrusting. If someone looked up at the window now, all they would see was my breasts swaying back and forth and my face contorted in pleasure.

  My body had missed Dominick's cock more than I had realized. When he was inside of me, everything else disappeared. It was just the two of us, flowing into each other, connecting perfectly.

  I leaned forward on my elbows, sticking my ass up. The position was bit cramped due to the lip around the window barely being big enough for two bodies, but we made do. I pressed my cheek against the cool glass window, trying to diffuse some of the heat coursing through the rest of my body. In that moment, I didn't care how stupid or not sexy I looked. All that mattered was getting off, and I could tell that Dominick was gearing up for the final countdown.

  He picked up the pace, and the friction built to an unbearable level. I brought my hand up to tweak one of my nipples, giving my body the last push it needed to crumble completely. As the contractions rolled through me, I heard Dominick groan, his breath hitching as he tensed inside of me. A content grin spread across my face, thinking about how we had come at the same time.

  Dominick pulled out of me, leaving me feeling empty but fulfilled, and I maintained my position, letting my head fall in between my arms but keeping my ass in the air. The cool air on my overheated pussy felt exquisite, and I figured that Dominick probably enjoyed the view. Men are visual creatures, after all.

  A hard slap across my ass made me yelp, and I looked back at Dominick to see him smirking, his cock hanging out of his pants half-hard, the condom filled with semen.

  “Get dressed,” he said, pulling it off.

  “I want cuddles,
” I complained, crawling onto all fours.

  “I'll cuddle you tonight. We have a dinner to attend in a little less than two hours.”

  “We?” I stood up. There was still no one watching us when I glanced out the window.

  “Yes. The director wants to take me out to dinner tonight. I told him I brought a guest.”

  “Didn't you spend all day together?”

  The thought of meeting an important movie director was exciting, the thought of getting to leave the hotel even more so. But I had no idea how to react around business people, and I was afraid I would screw things up.

  “That was business. This is pleasure.” Dominick jumped off the edge of the lip and tossed the condom in the trash before he headed to the bathroom to clean up.

  I pulled on my underwear and slid down onto the sofa, wondering what I should wear. The only nice thing I had brought was the red dress, if you'd call that nice. It probably wouldn't be appropriate for a meeting with someone important. I frowned, wishing I had done a better job of packing.

  “I have nothing to wear,” I told Dominick when he emerged from the bathroom. By looking at him, you'd never know he had just had sex. He looked perfect, as usual.

  “Wear what you wore last night.”

  “It smells like vomit.”

  “But you didn't throw up.”

  “No, but it still smells like I drank a gallon of booze and sweated it out.”

  “Well, I don't think we have enough time to go buy you another dress. Do you have a nice pair of jeans and a blouse?”

  I nodded. “Are you sure that's going to be alright?”

  “It's going to have to be.”

  I frowned. “Blegh. I'll feel so out of place. Maybe you should go without me.”

  He gave me a sardonic look. “Go get dressed.”

  “Fine,” I huffed, practically stomping to the bedroom.

  My mood only depreciated the more I looked through my suitcase. Why hadn't I planned better? In truth, it wasn't really my fault. I hadn't thought I'd get invited out to something important like this. If I embarrassed Dominick with my appearance, he only had himself to blame. Instead of having hot steamy window sex, we should have been out shopping for something appropriate for me to wear. It was poor time management on his part.


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