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Protecting the Heiress

Page 7

by Martha Kennerson

  Francine turned from her sister to face Jasmine. “It’s Francine,” she corrected, offering her hand. “Francine Blake. Cine is an old family nickname. And you’re J.B., right? I’ve heard a lot of great things about you.”

  Jasmine smiled, showing off a perfect set of white teeth and high cheekbones, then glanced at Meeks before returning her attention to Francine. “Yes,” she said, accepting the extended hand. “Jasmine Black, actually. J.B. is a nickname, too. Pleased to meet you, Francine. I’m really looking forward to working with you.”

  Francine released her hand and gestured toward her sister. “This is my sister Farrah.”

  Farrah gave Jasmine a two-finger wave. Francine offered Jasmine a tight smile “Please don’t take this personally, because you have a stellar reputation in the industry, but Bill never mentioned—”

  “I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out,” Meeks interrupted, sending Cine a warning glance.

  Francine bit her tongue and gave Meeks a short nod. “I’m sure we will.”

  “Time to get this party started,” Tiffany yelled, sticking her head out the sunroof of the limo.

  Meeks checked his watch. “Yes, we better go, or we’ll make Miss Tanner late. I assume you’re armed?” he asked Jasmine.

  She extended her arms out at her sides and did a slow turn, giving Meeks a three-hundred-sixty-degree view. “Care to frisk me?” she asked, her tone every bit of husky.

  “Jasmine...” Meeks sighed, keeping his gaze focused on her face.

  Jasmine dropped her arms. “Of course I’m armed,” she replied.

  “Where?” Robert asked.

  Farrah smacked Robert in the back of the head, and his smile disappeared.

  “I’ll ride with Tiffany,” Jasmine said as she started making her way toward the limo. “Meeks, you coming?”

  Francine moved forward. “Actually, I think I’ll be accompanying Tiffany on the red carpet alone. Three of us on the carpet could be a bit much. That’s all right, isn’t it, Meeks darling?” she said over her shoulder.

  “Right,” Meeks replied drily, as he followed behind both women.

  Robert shook his head. He kept in step with Farrah as they headed for the area where the limos were parked. “This is going to be one long-ass night,” Robert said to Farrah.

  Meeks looked over his shoulder to give both of them the evil eye.

  * * *

  Everyone loaded into two black SUV limos—with two additional black SUVs following close behind—and made their way through the streets to the Theater District, a seventeen-block area in the heart of downtown Houston that was home to several premier entertainment complexes, including the Alley Theatre, where the premiere was being held. The two large searchlights, as well as the thousands of well-wishers that lined the street, made it impossible to miss the castle-like venue.

  As they approached the theater, the screams of the thousands of people waiting behind the red velvet ropes to meet their favorite hometown actress were audible. As the group started exiting the vehicles, Meeks stopped Tiffany and her guests. He explained that he and Robert had to assure that their team was in place before allowing Tiffany and her entourage to exit the limo; the women reluctantly agreed. Farrah walked ahead of the group to ensure that everything in the lobby had been set up to their specifications. After the security experts were satisfied that everything and everyone was in place, Tiffany and her friends exited the limo.

  Robert had another member of their team escort Tiffany’s entourage through a separate side entrance, while Tiffany started ascending the massive red-carpeted steps leading to the theater’s entrance. Jasmine walked alongside Tiffany but Francine brought up the rear. Tiffany and Jasmine laughed and smiled for the cameras as if they were lifelong friends, while Francine followed slowly behind them, keeping her eyes on the crowd.

  “See anything out of the ordinary, anything out of place?” Farrah asked her sister through her earpiece.

  “Other than Jasmine?” Francine replied drily.

  “Be nice, Cine,” Farrah said.

  “We’re good,” Francine responded.

  “Ten-four. See you in a bit,” Farrah replied.

  The Alley Theatre, with its multiple towers and open-air terraces, had been commandeered and retrofitted for the movie premiere and after-party. The opulent decorations spoke to the period of the movie: the 1500s. The multilevel indoor reception area just outside the main stage where the movie would be viewed, bordering two elegant terraces that overlooked downtown Houston, showcased life-size pictures of Tiffany and the other cast members dressed in their costumes. Tiffany’s latest movie was a period piece about Queen Elizabeth I.

  The main stage, which accommodated seating for over eight hundred people, featured a massive viewing screen that had been erected for Tiffany’s new movie. When everyone took their seats to watch the film, Meeks and Robert positioned themselves to secure the theater with half of their team, while Francine and Farrah secured the reception area with the other half. Once everyone was in their places, Francine walked out on the terrace.

  “You all right?” Farrah asked as she exited onto the terrace behind her sister.

  “Yes, of course,” Francine replied, looking out over the city. Francine made a slight turn to face her sister and leaned against the cement railing. “Everything set for later?”

  “Yep, everything’s all good. Everyone’s in place, and on the last sweep, the entire wait staff was briefed on when to start serving the food, and the champagne fountains have been set to start flowing right before everyone’s scheduled to file out of the theater,” Farrah shared, pushing a wayward strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Good,” Francine said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. “I still can’t believe how many people came out on a Tuesday night.”

  “This is Tiffany we’re talking about.”

  Francine stood watching the lights of the city as she played with her diamond cross necklace—a nervous habit she’d tried hard to break, but under the circumstances, she decided not to beat herself up about it.

  While Francine believed Tiffany’s production company had only her best interests and safety in mind, she didn’t buy that Jasmine’s appearance was an innocent coincidence. What was worse was that Francine had no idea what Meeks thought about Jasmine’s sudden appearance, and she was choking on her sudden bout of insecurity.

  Farrah pulled her sister off to a quiet corner toward a set of counter-high tables and chairs, where they sat down. “Everything’s set and we have several minutes to spare. want to talk?”

  “No,” she snapped. “I don’t want to talk about Jasmine or Meeks. And I certainly don’t want to talk about Jasmine and Meeks.”

  “All right—”

  “I mean, where do these people get off bringing in another agent without talking to us first? And why her? I know she’s supposed to be good and all, but her, really?” Francine pulled out her compact and used the mirror to reapply her lipstick.

  Francine knew she was being ridiculous but she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was get through the night without hurting someone. At that point she wasn’t sure who would be her first target: Meeks or Bill.

  “So much for not talking about it,” Farrah said. “Cine, it’s not the first time a client has asked to have their own personal security assigned to their case.”

  “Yes, but not one where there’s obvious history with one of the agents of record. Something’s just not right about all this. Meeks’s old lover showing up out of the blue like that can’t be a simple coincidence. You know their breakup didn’t end on the best note.”

  “Most breakups don’t,” she said, frowning.

  “I just don’t know why a woman with her credentials would take a job like this if she didn’t have some ulterior motive.”

/>   “So this is about Meeks and Jasmine.”

  “Of course not,” Francine said, grabbing a small bottle of water from the tray that had been placed in the middle of each table. “It’s just we don’t know anything personal about her,” she said, staring down at the water bottle as if she’d forgotten that she was holding it.

  Farrah smiled and shook her head.

  “Other than the fact that she’s tall, beautiful and has at least one creative way of hiding a weapon in a dress that fits like a second skin.”

  Farrah laughed. “We don’t need to know anything personal about her. We know she’s one of the best in the industry. In fact, she was trained by Meeks and they’ve even worked together on a few occasions since she went out on her own.”

  “I bet,” Francine spit out, not even trying to hide her annoyance with the situation.

  “Francine Blake, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were jealous.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Francine took several sips of her water.

  “Jasmine’s no threat to you,” Farrah said, grabbing a bottle of water for herself. “Everyone knows how much you and Meeks care about each other. We’re just waiting for you two to figure it out and do something about it already.”


  “No, listen to me,” she said, raising her voice slightly because a live band had started playing. “I know you’re concerned about your lack of experience,” Farrah said, interrupting a protest she knew was coming.

  “I’m not—”

  Farrah held up her hand. “ are. And it’s not necessary. So what if the only two men you’ve been with were both jerks? We both know sex doesn’t keep people together. It’s everything else that goes on between you that does.” Farrah took a sip of her water. “Besides, when you’re as emotionally connected as you and Meeks are, there’s no such thing as bad sex.”

  Francine shook her head. “I’m not doing this here,” she snapped.

  “Cine, this isn’t like you. You really have to deal with this thing between you and Meeks,” Farrah said with concern in her voice.

  “Not tonight, I don’t! Let’s just get through the premiere without any incidents so we can call it a night,” Francine said.

  “You know, if you want to cut out now, you can. We have more than enough folks on hand to cover things here.”

  “Thanks... I’m fine,” Francine said, never taking her eyes off the city’s skyline.

  Farrah sighed and fell silent.

  The sisters sat in comfortable silence, periodically sharing idle chitchat while they waited for the movie to end. After an additional hour had passed, the theater door opened and everyone filed out and started mingling.

  The sisters stood simultaneously. “Time to get back to work,” Farrah said as they went and stood in the doorway that separated the reception area and the terrace. Francine stood back and reveled in the way her team successfully mingled in and out of the party guests, ensuring everyone’s safety, especially that of their clients, seamlessly.

  Francine’s eyes scanned the room and landed on Jasmine, who was standing and laughing with Tiffany. Several men watched their interaction; they couldn’t keep their eyes off the woman with flaming red hair, long legs and perfect butt. Her clear disinterest didn’t seem to discourage them, either.

  Farrah followed her sister’s line of vision. “You got to give it to her. The woman has style,” she said.

  She has something, all right.

  Francine watched as Jasmine made her way over to where Meeks was standing. The exaggerated way she swayed her hips sent a clear message to Meeks and everyone else watching—she wanted him. Francine could feel the jealousy she refused to acknowledge bubbling up inside her. You’re dangerously close to reaching your breaking point; it’s time to call it a night.

  “Things are starting to wind down and you and Robert are here, not to mention Meeks and what’s-her-name,” Francine said, smirking.

  Farrah’s eyes grew wide and her lips parted slightly.

  “Kidding, I was just kidding,” Francine clarified. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  Farrah giggled. “No problem.”

  “Good night, sis.” Francine gave Farrah a hug and made her departure virtually unnoticed.

  Chapter 11

  Francine entered her apartment, locked the door behind her and kicked off her shoes. She went to her refrigerator and removed the bottle of Chardonnay she’d pulled from her prized wine collection before she left. She took a glass from her cabinet and poured some for herself, which she polished off while standing in the middle of her kitchen. After refilling, she returned the bottle to the refrigerator and headed to her bedroom. But before she could make it down the hall, there was a knock on her door.

  “Now what?” she murmured as she placed the glass on the bar and went to the door. Francine leaned forward and checked the door’s peephole. Seriously? Meeks had his tie loosened and top button undone. She thought the man was too sexy for words.

  Francine took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before she opened her door. “What are you doing here?”

  Meeks’s gaze lowered to her feet. “Nice polish,” Meeks said, admiring her red toenails.

  Francine wiggled her toes. “Thanks. What are you doing here?”

  Meeks leaned into her doorjamb and gave her a sexy smile that made her heart stop for several seconds. “You left before we had a chance to talk. The party was wrapping up and as soon as Tiffany opens the last of her congratulatory gifts, the team will see her home. Besides, I think we’ve put this conversation off long enough.”

  Francine’s body quickly moved through the stages of desire—from slow tingle to full-blown ache. She wasn’t sure if the feelings were intensified by the wine or if it was all Meeks.

  “Look, it’s late,” she said, gesturing toward the watch she wasn’t wearing. “Whatever it is, can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

  “No, it can’t. You going to let me in or what?” he asked, presenting her with another smile.

  Francine stepped aside to let him pass.

  Spotting her glass of wine on the bar, he asked, “May I join you?”

  Francine retrieved a glass from the cabinet in the kitchen and the bottle from the refrigerator, then poured him a glass and handed it to him. An electric shock went through her body as their fingers touched.

  “Have a seat.”

  Meeks took a seat at the bar while Francine leaned her hip against one of the bar stools. “What’s so important that you had to come over now?”

  Meeks drained his wine glass before he spoke. “Jasmine.”

  “What about her?” she asked as she took a sip of her wine.

  “If she’s going to be working with us, I thought we should talk about it,” he said as he ran his fingers along the stem of his glass.

  “More wine?” she offered, lifting the bottle on the counter between them.

  “No, I’m good.”

  Francine replaced the bottle. “How much are you willing to share?”

  “What do you mean?” Meeks pulled his tie free and placed it on the bar.

  “Well, I know you’ve worked together, that you’ve even trained her. What I don’t know is how personal your relationship got. It’s obvious there was something between you two, right?”

  “Right,” he said as the line on his forehead deepened.

  “Well, in all the years we’ve worked together, known each other, for that matter, you’ve never mentioned her...brought her around. I’ve at least seen the other women you’ve dated, but not her. What makes her so special?” Francine folded her arms under her breasts.

  “Jasmine and I started working together before you even joined the company. I’ve probably worked with a lot of people you don�
�t know, Cine.”

  “Don’t do that. You wanted to talk, so let’s talk. We both know that your relationship with Jasmine was more than professional. Was it serious and why hadn’t we ever met her?” she asked before taking another sip of her wine.

  Meeks pushed out a slow breath. “Jasmine and I dated off and on for a while, and by the time you’d joined the company, it was over. And in all the years that you’ve known me, have you ever actually met anyone that I may have been seeing?”

  “No, I never actually met any of them. You either dragged them off so fast whenever I was around, or they were so enamored of you they didn’t seem to even notice when other people come near. And why is that? You’ve certainly known about all the guys I’ve dated,” she challenged.

  “That’s because your father had me checking them out and I’ve never dated anyone serious enough,” he said, tilting his head with his left eyebrow raised.

  “That’s beside the point!”

  “What is the point of your questions, Cine?” he asked, holding her gaze.

  Francine shrugged. “I just want to make sure the professional and personal lines don’t get blurred.”

  Meeks stood and closed the gap between them, trapping Francine against him and the bar. He removed the glass from her hand and placed it on the counter. Francine’s breathing escalated, her breasts rising and falling.

  “Are your questions professional or personal?” he asked, his eyes roaming from her heaving chest to her full lips, to stare into her eyes.

  Francine’s heart started racing, and her mouth suddenly went very dry as she leaned her head back in order to maintain eye contact. “Depends,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “On what, exactly?” Meeks whispered as he lowered his head, slowly rubbing his nose along her cheek before capturing her mouth, giving her a slow, gentle kiss that sent shock waves through her body.

  The kiss turned deep and purposeful. His hands found her hair clip and released it, allowing her long locks to fall over his long fingers.

  Francine was overwhelmed by his scent, his touch and his kiss.


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