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Protecting the Heiress

Page 11

by Martha Kennerson

“Everything cool?” Jeremy, his assistant, asked. “I see she’s in.”

  “Yeah, we’re cool,” Meeks replied, stripping down to the bare minimum. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “Not like you gave me much choice,” Jeremy said, chuckling. “Didn’t you tell me you wanted her tracked from now on?”

  “Absolutely. As long as she keeps playing full-time agent, I want to know if she’s putting herself in any danger.”

  “You headed down?”

  “In a bit. I need to hit the shower first,” Meeks said before ending the call and placing his phone on the edge of the sink.

  When he stepped under the spray, the cold water pelted his body, putting a cool damper on the heat that had flared the moment he had laid eyes on Francine.

  * * *

  The sheer blinds that Meeks had closed prevented the afternoon sun from piercing the wall of windows of the glass high-rise building where they both worked and lived. Francine tossed and turned in what felt like a confined space. Finally, she reached for her phone to dismiss her screaming alarm at the same time the aroma of freshly brewed coffee assaulted her senses.

  She stretched, checking for any lingering pains and released a deep sigh after finding none. “Looks like I owe you another one, Meeks,” Francine said to herself as she pulled off the throw, smiled up at the Vincent van Gogh painting she’d recently purchased at Sotheby’s that was now hanging on her wall and headed to her kitchen to pour a huge cup of Juan Valdez’s best.

  As she sipped the contents, Francine dialed Meeks. At the sound of his voice, she smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Are you feeling better?” Meeks asked, his tone just as soft as their last kiss.

  “Much,” she said, trying to temper the excitement she felt at the sound of his voice.

  “See you in a few.”

  Francine finished her coffee, showered and dressed in the agency uniform. Meeks might still be a little upset with her for covering for Jasmine last night and she was sure he would have more to say about it. But Francine had the perfect change of subject—the outfit she’d wear to dinner, which she hoped would ensure their evening would end on a much sweeter note.

  Francine exited the elevator onto the floor where their office was housed and ran into a nervous-looking Kelly. “Good, I was coming to find you.”

  “Find me, why? What’s up?”

  “Miss Tiffany’s stalker struck again.”


  “Last night.” Kelly was leading her toward the conference room. “While...” She stopped talking the moment they entered the conference room.

  Meeks was standing next to the windows with his legs slightly apart, his arms folded at his chest with a deep frown on his face. Jasmine was sitting at the conference room table, surprisingly wearing their same uniform with her arms folded and lips stuck out like a child being scolded. Robert sat to her right, looking like he’d rather be anywhere but there. Farrah, who was looking beautiful in a formfitting lavender dress, a fact that clearly didn’t go unnoticed by Robert, came and stood next to her.

  “What’s going on?” Francine asked, her eyes scanning the room.

  “If that’ll be all?” Kelly asked.

  Meeks gave a curt nod and she scampered out, closing the door behind her. “That’s what’s going on,” he said, pointing to a note sealed in one of their evidence bags. It had been created by pasting magazine clippings together. Francine walked over to the table and read the document. “‘Sorry I missed you at Red’s—’” the last club they’d visited “‘—Oh, well, next time. I thought telling people you were there would have been more of a distraction. I underestimated your bodyguard. That won’t happen again.’”

  “Where did this come from?” she asked, staring down at the note.

  “Tiffany’s maid found it this morning in the coat she wore last night,” Jasmine explained, her eyes darting between her and Meeks. “Bill Morgan called me this morning as soon as they found it.”

  “He called you first?” Francine asked, turning her attention to Jasmine.

  “Who the hell cares why he called her first?” Meeks bellowed at Francine. “You’re missing the damn point. You aggravated your injury at that club last night where Tiffany’s stalker was, a place you shouldn’t have been. You didn’t have enough significant backup.”

  “Ha...significant backup, as in you?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Damn right!”

  “This is my case,” Francine threw back, pointing at herself. “I’m fine and I did have the appropriate backup and you know it. Stop making this about me!” Francine hated that her wayward body was so aware of Meeks in that moment.

  They both stood glaring at each other, each with one hand resting on the hip that held their gun. The energy flowing between them was almost visible. It was like their anger and passion were at war.

  “You don’t see that every day,” Jasmine murmured.

  “Yes, we do,” Farrah and Robert declared in unison.

  Farrah gave Robert a tight smile. “Look, Cine, the note just came in, so let’s go take it down to the forensic team,” she said, grabbing her sister’s hand. “Jasmine, why don’t you go remind Bill of the proper notification protocols, and Robert, I’ll leave you to deal with Meeks?”

  “Thanks,” Robert replied to their quickly retreating forms.

  Chapter 17

  Meeks opened the door to Francine, who was about to knock. She wore a low-cut black mini wrap dress with a pair of red heels that made her legs look exceptionally long, and her beautiful hair was hanging down her back just the way he liked it. His heart began to race from a combination of gratitude, desire and fear. Gratitude that she’d agreed to keep their date that night after that afternoon’s display of madness, desire for the woman who stood before him and fear that Jasmine’s presence could taint the beautiful evening he’d planned.

  “Perfect,” Meeks murmured.

  Jasmine laughed and walked past Francine. “Have a nice evening, you two,” she said as she made her way over to the elevator.

  Francine entered Meeks’s apartment without looking back at Jasmine. Meeks closed the door, doing his best to block the dramatic exit Jasmine was clearly trying to provide.

  Francine stopped and turned to face him. Meeks searched her face for any indication of what she might be thinking, but as usual Francine covered her feelings with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Unexpected houseguest?” she asked him, gesturing to the lipstick-stained glass sitting on the bar.

  Meeks walked into the kitchen. “To say the least,” he said, picking up the glass and placing it in the dishwasher. He returned and stood with his hands in his pockets in front of Francine and smiled down at her. “I’m really glad we didn’t let what happened earlier today ruin our plans, although I feel a little underdressed,” he said, looking down at the black jeans and T-shirt he was wearing, “because you look absolutely beautiful.”

  Francine eyed him up and down, biting the corner of her lip before offering him a slow, sexy smile. “Thank you. And I’ve always liked you in jeans and a T-shirt,” she replied, as he watched her breasts rising and falling slowly.

  Unable to hold back any longer, Meeks removed his right hand from his pocket and slid the back of it down her cheek. He knew that the fire raging inside him would consume them both much sooner than he’d like if he didn’t have at least a small taste of her. Meeks held her gaze, searching for any signs of doubt as he lowered his head to hers. Francine remained perfectly still, parting her lips slightly, and Meeks captured them in a passionate kiss that only intensified his needs; with his hands buried in her hair, he devoured her mouth as though this would be his only opportunity.

  Francine’s hands slid up his chest and around his neck as she pressed her body against his
. Meeks knew that if he didn’t pull back soon, the evening he’d planned would take a delightful detour that needed to be put off just a bit longer. He reached behind his neck and unclasped her hands and slowly stepped out of her hold.

  “If we keep this up, we’ll never get to dinner,” he said, holding her hands.

  Francine looked over into the kitchen and laughed. “Well, it does look like you went through an awful lot of trouble. Smells like your mother’s sauce.”

  Meeks gave her another quick kiss before he started moving around the kitchen, preparing to serve dinner.

  “You sure I can’t do anything to help?” Francine asked.

  “Nope,” Meeks said as he removed two bowls filled with a green salad mix from the refrigerator. After adding his homemade dressing, Meeks handed Francine a bowl and said, “Bon appétit.”

  “Mmm, this is so good.” Francine closed her eyes for a moment as she took a bite. “I love your dressing. You have to give me the recipe.”

  Meeks reached over and gave her a not-so-quick kiss on the corner of her mouth, using his tongue to swipe away some of the dressing that rested there. “Delicious,” he said, giving her a wicked smile. “And I’ll consider sharing my recipe with you if you’re a good girl...a very good girl.”

  Francine covered her mouth to hold in a laugh.

  Meeks poured the sauce over the plated noodles and placed the plates on the bar. He took the seat next to Francine and took a sip of his wine. “I hope you like it.”

  Francine swirled the noodles around her fork and took a bite. She swallowed and smiled. “Meeks, this is wonderful. Your mom taught you well,” she said as she took another bite.

  “Thanks. Other than grilling steaks and preparing a few breakfast dishes, this is by far my favorite thing to make.” Meeks reached for the bottle and topped off her glass. “You know how much our mom wanted to make sure we could take care of ourselves until we found wives.”

  Meeks’s nonchalant comment reminded Francine of the conversation she’d just had with Jasmine, and her appetite began to wane.

  Francine pushed her plate forward and wiped her mouth with her napkin.

  Meeks frowned. “You done already?” he asked between bites. “You still have half a plate, and we both know you can eat more than that.”

  Francine gave him a half smile and said, “It really was wonderful, but I’m stuffed.” She got up, taking her plate with her, and started cleaning up the kitchen.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Meeks said as he placed another bite of food in his mouth.

  “You know the Blake rule. You don’t cook, but if you eat, you clean,” she said, laughing.

  Meeks finished his meal and helped Francine tidy the kitchen in spite of her protests. She decided not to let his comment about finding a wife ruin the rest of their evening, so they shared another bottle of wine while they relaxed on his sofa.

  “So... Jasmine...” Francine asked.

  “What about Jasmine?” Meeks replied as he took another sip of his wine and sat farther back into his seat.

  Francine sat forward and placed her glass on the table. She turned toward Meeks. “Is this how you want to handle this...really?” Francine asked, crossing her arms and giving him a defiant stare.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful when you’re mad,” Meeks said, eyeing her up and down and giving her that sexy smile she loved.

  “Stop looking at me like that when I’m trying to get some answers,” she snapped.

  Meeks laughed.

  Francine ignored what her body was telling her and continued to glare at him.

  He sighed, sat forward and placed his glass on the table next to hers. “All right, what do you want to know?”

  “What was she doing here?”

  Meeks unfolded her arms and intertwined their fingers. “It was nothing. She just wanted to clear the air between us since we’ll be working together,” he explained as he circled her palm with his thumb before lightly kissing the back of her hands.

  Francine’s body immediately responded to his touch. Her nipples hardened, and her breasts felt heavy. Francine crossed her legs, trying to ease the pressure—she could tell by Meeks’s smile that the move didn’t go unnoticed.

  “Really? You think that’s all she wants?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Why, did she mention something different to you when you two met earlier?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Were you going to tell me she came to see you?” he asked, his eyes not leaving her face.

  “Were you?” she challenged.

  “Of course. There’s nothing between me and Jasmine, Francine.”

  Francine gave him a knowing look, and he amended his statement. “Not anymore,” he clarified.

  Francine nodded, but she wasn’t so sure if she believed him one hundred percent, although she desperately wanted to.

  “Besides, it was never anything serious. We dated off and on—mostly off—for about a year, but things didn’t work out. We both just wanted different things out of life.”

  I could never give Meeks what he wanted. Jasmine’s words popped into Francine’s head.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all damn day,” Meeks said, kissing Francine’s hands again. “Can we talk about Jasmine and anything else that you think we should another time?”

  Meeks’s words and touch broke through Francine’s thoughts. “I’ve been thinking about and missing you, too,” she replied.

  He swept her off her feet. “I think it’s time for us to pick up where we left off the other night, don’t you?”

  Francine answered him with her kiss as he carried her into his bedroom. She kicked off her heels as soon as they entered the room, which screamed testosterone: oatmeal-colored walls, dark wood furnishings that complemented the hardwood floors perfectly, and an oversize bed dressed in chocolate-and-cream sheets. The one noteworthy item that caught her attention was a picture of a naked, dark-skinned couple sitting with their bodies intertwined and held together by a chain. By the way the female subject’s face was contorted, it was clear that she was in the throes of passion. The picture had been framed in a hand-carved wooden box and hung above his bed. Francine recognized the frame immediately—it was the first piece she had ever sold.

  Meeks stopped in front of his bed when he realized what had captured Francine’s attention. “I bought that a few years ago.”

  “How?” she asked, her eyes wide with wonder. “I sold that frame to an artist in Europe. At the time he had no idea how he’d even use the frame.”

  “Your mom told my mom about it, and my mom mentioned it to me. I wanted to own your first piece. So I contacted the artist and commissioned that picture with the stipulation that it be placed in your frame.”

  Francine always knew that he’d supported her art, but she had had no idea to what degree.

  Meeks placed her on her feet but didn’t release her as he said, “I think your woodworks are spectacular.”

  Francine closed her eyes, dropped her head and shook it slowly. “You’re unbelievable. Thank you,” she said without raising her head to meet his gaze.

  Meeks took the index finger of his right hand, placed it under her chin and raised her head.

  Francine opened her eyes, which were glossy with unshed tears, and looked into his. “You are the one who is unbelievable,” he whispered before lowering his head to capture her lips again.

  Francine rose up on her tiptoes to meet his kiss. Moments later she pulled away and took a step back. Meeks watched as Francine slowly untied the bow at the side of her dress. As the dress fell open, a hot-pink lace strapless bra and matching lace panties made an appearance and captured his attention. Francine used the tips of her fingers to act as a guide for his desire-filled e
yes to follow as he explored her body while she stood before him. Meeks made Francine feel bold,

  “You’re b-beautiful,” Meeks stammered as he continued to stare.

  Francine let her dress fall to the floor and stood still as Meeks took his fill of the lush curves of her body. She bit her lower lip, feeling excited and brave about her next move. She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor and repeated her previous exploration, touching her neck, collarbone and breast before placing her hands on her hips and widening her stance.

  “Damn,” Meeks whispered.

  As his gaze roamed her body, his breathing grew audibly labored as the crotch of his pants expanded, and her nipples hardened. Francine felt overwhelmed by her need and an emotion she wasn’t ready to put a name to yet. She only hoped that her wetness didn’t make its way down her legs.

  * * *

  “Those panties, are they your favorite pair?” Meeks asked in a husky tone.

  “No,” Francine said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “Good!” Meeks dropped to his knees in front of Francine, stared up into her eyes and ripped them in half. He placed Francine’s left leg over his shoulder, grabbed her buttocks with both hands and took her hard and fast with his mouth. Meeks licked, bit, teased and sucked Francine’s flesh until she shook and screamed his name with her release. He scooped up her limp body and placed her in the center of the bed.

  He stood and retrieved a condom from his nightstand before he took off the remainder of his clothes, tossing them to the side, then sheathing himself within that thin wall of protection. When he lowered his head and used his nose to push aside the beautiful hair that was covering her nipple before he took one breast into his mouth, pulling and sucking in a manner that had Francine arching her back to offer him more of herself, he nearly lost what was left of his control. He repeated the ritual with the other breast, and she whispered, “Meeks, please... I want you now.”

  “Damn. You’re so beautiful,” he said, ignoring her plea, lost in his own desire. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  “Please, baby...please!”


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