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The Reclaiming: The Keepers Saga: Volume Two

Page 29

by Dillon McNaight

  The Keeper Alandra decided to take rest in the security of the castle, though Ayden chose to show solidarity with his men, and stayed with them in the camps outside the castle walls. Ayden, as well as his close friend and Lieutenant Nathian, spent the night sharpening not only their blades, but their minds, to fully prepare them for the battle to come. Although she has kept a certain distance from the captain as of late, Ayden was not focused on her as he made his rounds through the camp, waking up stragglers. As their captain, Ayden felt responsible for their lives, and he wants to make sure they are as prepared as they can be. He knows that many of them will lose their lives, and no matter how prepared or capable they are, casualties are an inevitability of war. He knows quite well that he may even lose his life, or his brother and best friend. Although initially concerned, Ayden was glad that he didn’t have to worry about his nephew as well, for all he knew, Dathian was safe in Riverton.

  While King Daane’s forces set off from Brithehallow, back in the Melentine Mines, the days have grown darker as of late. Tensions were growing between the Kain and the Clauggs as food stores and supplies ran dangerously low. The portions they were used to were reduced to just a third, with only enough for one meal a day. The Clauggs were growing tired of the Kain that were housed in their homes. It has been over a month with no word from the outside world. There wasn’t enough water to go around for everyone to bathe, so most of the Kain often went days without, spreading a certain aroma throughout Belroot. A sickness was growing amongst the young children from the overcrowding, spreading to their parents. The sounds of cries from the sick children could be heard throughout the city. The overall moral of the refugees and the Clauggs were decreasing with each passing day.

  The Keeper Sadja was growing increasingly impatient as Malthius constantly reassured him that the others will come back. Sadja wanted to gather what soldiers they had and open the doors to the capital, which they both knew would be nothing more than a slaughter. Malthius demanded Sadja to come to his senses, that the soldiers were too weak, and the Clauggs weren’t fighters, so they wouldn’t even put up a fair fight. As it turned from night to day, it didn’t change within the mountain. Sadja has never spent a prolonged time underground, and neither have the rest of the Kain. Some even began to go mad, and had to be restrained, sometimes by the Keepers themselves. Sadja could not take one more day without word from the outside, and decided to take his frustration out on his fellow Keeper.

  “I am sick and tired of hiding in here like a rat!” Sadja yelled, “I cannot take this anymore my friend, I simply can’t!”

  “I know that you are restless,” replied Malthius in a calming manner, “but there is nothing we can do about it. We have no idea what lays on the other side of the doors. We cannot allow them to enter the Mines at any cost.”

  “I know that!” Sadja snapped back as he got in Malthius’ face. “You think I don’t know that?!”

  “Then why are we having this discussion?!” yelled Malthius back.

  “Because I am ANGRY!” screamed Sadja as he turned around. “We have been trapped in here for far too long. Kaelithus should have returned by now, or at least sent a messenger. Where are the Angels? Where is the Golden Army and the Kain’s Guard?! They should have all been here by now!”

  “I know my friend,” replied Malthius as he calmed his voice once again, “I know they should be, but we cannot control whether they come or not. We can do nothing but hope. I trust our leader, as you should too. Kaelithus and Alandra will return to us and free us from this temporary refuge.” Sadja turned and looked at him as he continued, “Trust me as you once did. Have faith in our fellowship. They will come.”

  Sadja knew that Malthius was right, though his anger wasn’t completely extinguished.

  “Fine… have it your way,” said Sadja with a forced smile.

  Not completely convinced of his intentions, Malthius nods before he turns, and walks. Sadja waits until he is out of sight before he turns and walks off towards the outer layer of Belroot, where the refugee camps were. He searches for almost an hour before he finally finds the young man named Joseph, who he has grown quite close to. Joseph was tending to his sick mother, who has grown increasingly ill in the past week.

  “There you are,” said Sadja as he patted the boy on the back, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  Joseph turned to face Sadja, who had an uncharacteristically wide smile on his face. “You seem more chipper than usual,” said the boy.

  Sadja then directs his attention to the teen’s mother, and says, “How about you love, you doing alright? Are you getting the best medicines and everything?”

  She replied with an uneasy tone, “I believe so, my son is caring for me, though he doesn’t need too. I’m just fine.”

  Joseph looks at her and says with a sincere smile, “No you’re not mother, we’ve talked about this. Let me take care of you, it’s the least I could do after raising me all these years.”

  She looks back as she gently caresses his cheek with the back of her hand, and replies with a tear in her eye, “I know you do son, but it’s not your job to look after me. That’s my job.”

  Sadja notices that Joseph and his mother are growing thinner with each passing day, and says, “Look, neither one of you should have to worry right now. I will make sure you get the proper means, such as a decent meal, both of you look affright.”

  Joseph turned to Sadja, and replied, “Not if it means taking it from someone else that needs it just as bad. I know we’ll manage until the King comes back. It won’t be long now.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Sadja.

  “I added it all up in my head,” began the teen. “The capital was attacked thirty-three days ago.”

  Surprised, and even inquisitive, Sadja interrupted, “Wait… how do you know that?”

  “Let me finish,” insisted the teen. “Like I said, the capital was attacked thirty-three days ago. It took six days before we heard from the outside. Well, by we, I mean you and the other Keepers. Anyways, the Keepers of the Bow and Staff left with the King that night.”

  “How did you know it was night? For I can’t even keep track of the hours in here,” asked Sadja.

  “I found a watch the first night in here,” answered Joseph. “Now please, let me finish, my god, you’re so interruptive.” He smirked before he continued, “It would have taken the King two days to ride to Riverton if they didn’t stop, but they most likely did in Greenglen because it lies directly in-between the capital and Riverton. That puts them in Riverton in, let’s say, four days. That leaves twenty days to muster the Kain’s Guard and come back. They will be here any day, I just know it!”

  Sadja smiled as he said, “You have some mind, I’ll give you that. You have a talent for numbers and strategy, you ever thought about joining the Kain’s Guard?”

  Joseph blushed as he replied, “Me? Join the Kain’s Guard?! No, they would never accept me. I mean, look at me!”

  “I am,” said Sadja with a proud look. “The Kain’s Guard isn’t made up of only brute strength, you know. There are also strategists, logistics analyzers, cartography experts, and more. If we ever get out of here, I will make sure there is a spot open for you… that is, if you want it.”

  Joseph’s eyes grew twice their size as he gleefully replied, “Yes, my god, yes! I would give anything to join the Kain’s Guard!” He then hugged the Keeper, and said, “Thank you. It means the world to me.”

  Slightly uncomfortable, Sadja awkwardly patted the teen’s back as he said, “It’s alright, no need for the hugging.” Once he was free from the unwanted embrace, he continued, “Now, I have to go, you make sure to take care of your mother, no matter how much she tried to deny you.”

  Sadja then winked at the mother as he turned to leave.

  “Wait, didn’t you come here to ask me something?”

  The Keeper stopped and turned around, and replied, “I never said that I was going to ask you something.”

  Joseph smirked as he said, “I may not know you as well as most, but I can tell when someone isn’t being genuine, which usually means they want something. The question truly is, what could one of the great Keepers possibly want from me?”

  Sadja lowered his chin as he laughed at himself, before he answered, “I can see there is no fooling you. The truth is, I did come to ask you something… rather for something I need.”

  Growing excited, Joseph said, “Well, tell me, what is it?!”

  Sadja was not sure whether he wanted to involve the innocent teen in what he was planning to do, after what he heard him say about the King’s supposed inevitable return. But he could see the look in his eyes, and the determination he has to make even the smallest impact on the world. What he would require of the boy would in fact not put him in any real harm, but he worried nonetheless.

  After a quick mental deliberation, Sadja said, “Alright… come with me.”

  Meanwhile, a few miles north of Brithehallow, Ayden rides in silence as his thoughts consume his attention. Nathian rides up next to him, and is about to say something, until he notices his best friend’s emotionally tormented face and decides to wait and see how long it takes Ayden to notice him. He even pulled back on the reins, and moved to Ayden’s other side… nothing. Not being able to constrain himself, Nathian moves his horse directly in front of Ayden’s, and pulls back on the reins hard. Ayden’s stallion Ronan abruptly stops, causing Ayden, who is not paying attention, to be jerked into his saddle horn, resulting in the type of pain no man wants to feel. His right foot, which was barely in his stirrup to begin with, fell out, and Ronan felt this. Ayden was quickly jolted out of his transfixations in sheer pain, and tries to correct himself, but it’s too late. Ronan took playful advantage and moved to the right, causing Ayden to fall off. He was able to use the saddle horn to steady his fall as he bounced on one foot, trying to get the other out of the stirrup, meanwhile, trying to control Ronan from moving further. In the process, Ronan accidently stepped on Ayden’s foot, and twisted it into the dirt. Several undesirable words involuntarily escaped Ayden’s mouth as Nathian rolled in laughter.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?!” snapped Ayden as he regained control of his horse.

  Nathian jumped down, patted Ronan on the neck, and said, “Oh come on man, I was trying to get your attention in a less abruptive manner, but you were off in some far-off land. There was no getting to you.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, did you try saying my name?!”

  “Meh, that wouldn’t have been as funny to watch.” Nathian gave Ayden a gently slap on the back as he continued in a slightly more serious tone, “What’s got you all bothered anyways?”

  Ayden, trying to judge the subject, replied, “Nothing’s got me bothered, I’m just trying to clear my head before we get there.” Ayden then got on Ronan, as he continued, “Which, by the way, you should be doing as well. Dammit, now my foot, and… somewhere else hurt now, thanks to you.”

  “Oh, you’ll be fine, you big baby,” smirked Nathian as he got back on his horse. “So, tell me what it is? Are you having ‘lady’ problems?”

  Ayden rolled his eyes as he replied, “Like you’re an expert in that department, you can’t even keep the three you have in a row, let alone give advice on them.”

  “Hey, Lady Elandrina and I may have our faults, and occasionally lay with others, but that is our business. It just works for us, and we both know what we want, which is more than I can say for you two.”

  “Listen,” Ayden snapped back, but before he could finish, a Griffin flew overhead of them, and something fell from it.

  Ayden quickly reacted and caught the falling object, which upon inspection, was an apple. He looked up to see Alandra on top of the Griffin heading north towards the Cleft of Karnith.

  Nathian looked at the apple, and said, “Would you look at that? She does love you.”

  Ayden wasn’t humored by his friend’s sarcasm, and when he wasn’t looking, gave a smile towards the apple. It was a simple gesture, but at least it meant that she was still thinking of him.

  King Daane and company still have many hours and miles of riding ahead of them. Alandra and Glammdreing set out ahead of the rest alone to scout the Cleft before their arrival. The two Guardians, who before the war only met each other on a few occasions, have begun to grow quite close. They shared similar interests, making it easy for them to converse and tell stories from the past. Glammdreing never spoke of his time before coming to Kranos, back when he was an Angel of Aya, and served the god Eillea, nor did he speak of the war between the Angels and Demonkin, before Kranos ever rose from the seas. The story is more myth than legend, but every child grew up listening to the stories. Alandra was tempted to ask, but respectfully declined.

  Glammdreing is not known for his communication and social skills, and very few really know him, save the other Angels. The leader of the Skyborns, Krendweil, is one of the only living people that knows the Warrior Angel to great lengths. About a hundred years ago, Krendweil and Glammdreing battled a gigantic sea serpent off the coast of Blacktail Island. The long stretching collections of islands that connect Blacktail Island and the Bailyn peninsula are called the Serpent Islands because of the legendary sea Dragon that the Sabertooths called Pantha the Merciless. The serpent was all the size of the Black Dragon. Some call the creature a Dragon, but it was more snake like, without wings or limbs. This creature of myth began terrorizing ships traveling from the Golden Harbor to Mir-Menthiel. Glammdreing and Krendweil were sent to defeat the beast. Krendweil distracted Pantha just long enough for Glammdreing to fly in from behind and rid the serpent of its head. The skull still remains on display in Fendwyn. He had only been the leader of the Skyborns for a few years, and this proved his worth to his people. Glammdreing asked Krendweil to fly ahead with him and Alandra, but he respectfully declined to stay with his people.

  Alandra and Glammdreing arrived at the Cleft a few hours after midday. Glammdreing landed at the entrance to the hidden valley first, with Alandra shortly behind.

  As she landed her Griffin with an attempt at grace, she jumped off, and said to the Griffin, “I think we are beginning to understand each other. You didn’t try and knock me off your back this time, and I call that… progress.”

  The white and brown Griffin chirped as he blinked his black eyes. Alandra took out a piece of dried meat from her saddle bags and gave it to the hungry Griffin. He didn’t yet have a name, for they usually aren’t given that until they are paired with their Ela owner, so Alandra called him Chip, because of a chip in his beak that was very distinctive. According to Krendweil, he has had the chip from birth. He is one of the chicks from his own Griffin’s clutch. He favored the chick and took him wherever he and Athorn went. When it came time to fly east to Riverton, he couldn’t bear to leave the chick behind, so he took him with him. When Alandra requested a Griffin, he asked her if she didn’t mind taking the chick, for if anyone could train him, it would be the owner of the giant eagle Moonshine. She reluctantly accepted.

  Glammdreing walked over to her and said, “A little different from your eagle.”

  Alandra smirked as she replied, “Nothing I can’t handle. He’s nothing like Moonshine though. Nothing ever will be.”

  “I bet you worry about her.”

  Alandra smiled as she said, “I do, but I trust Sadja with my own life, so I trust him with hers. He won’t let anything happen to her while I’m gone.”

  “About that…” came a different voice from behind them.

  Alandra turned around and saw someone standing there that she did not expect.

  “Sadja!” yelled Alandra as she ran up to him, and embraced him fully. She could not stop a few tears from falling as she hugged her oldest friend.

  Glammdreing, who was just as stunned, walked towards them and said, “Well look who it is. I’m surprised you stayed in the Mines as long as you did.”

  Sadja, who just a few hours ago was still in the Mines, re
plied as he gently peeled Alandra off, “If it was up to me, I would’ve never stayed there in the first place, but our ‘great’ leader decided I was better off babysitting. Speaking of whom, where is he?”

  Realizing that Sadja was talking about Kale, her heart sank, for she forgot he doesn’t know. Sadja looked at the expression on her face, and did not understand it. He looked at Glammdreing, who shared a similar expression. Alandra tried to speak, but no words came out.

  Seeing that she was having trouble, Glammdreing said, “There is no easy way to say this my friend, but your leader, Kaelithus, stood against the Shade Lord. He did not survive.”

  Sadja, who seemed more confused than emotional, said, “That cannot be.”

  Alandra regretfully added, “It’s true… he’s gone. He sacrificed his life to save countless others.”

  Shaking his head, Sadja said, “No, I mean that cannot be, because he told me to come here.”

  Alandra’s heart skips a beat as her lungs stop taking in air. She then took Sadja’s hands and looked him deep in the eyes and says, “That’s impossible. The Shade killed him. He’s gone.”


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