Romance in Color

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Romance in Color Page 190

by Synithia Williams

“Great. And Cory?”


  “I’m really glad you came by today.”

  “Me, too. So I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” Cory waved as she drove out the compound.

  She felt like a slut. But a happy slut! Cory couldn’t help what just happened here. She had come just to thank the guy and apologize. Not only did she manage to ask him out but she also found herself making out with him. In the middle of the day. On his desk. At a military base of all places! It seemed like she was losing her damn mind.

  Chapter 9

  The next day couldn’t have come quickly enough for Cory. Technically, it wasn’t really a date per se but she was going to see Adrian again. And after yesterday, who wouldn’t? But this time in a different setting. One where they could finally sit across from each other and have a decent conversation over drinks. Especially one without guns and military uniforms, curious onlookers, and anything dark green. And one without a desk as well. Cory warmed all over as she remembered. But Adrian would be in her world now.

  The sports bar she chose strategically because it was just next door to her office building and a cool walking distance. The American-style cuisine and casual dining atmosphere should make Adrian feel right at home, too. He had told her all about his shared heritage and ancestry. This she was already accustomed to; she, too, was the product of a biracial marriage. Though she was a native Trinidadian, Cory shared an African and East-Indian parentage, hence her extremely wild and curly hair.

  She was almost half an hour early and was promptly seated at the bar. Okay, so maybe she was a little excited. She ordered her favorite cocktail, a sour apple martini, and waited on Adrian’s arrival. As she sipped on the sweet and tangy drink, Cory reflected on all the men in her life now. There was her father, brother, and Jay. Then her gynecologist, who also happened to be her good friend as well as Elisha’s husband, Curtis. A weird friendship some might say but an important one nonetheless. All of them served a specific purpose.

  So any other man who may come waltzing into her life now would have one sole purpose — to physically satisfy her. Cory had everything all figured out. Why bother to go through all the troubles and hassles of a relationship when in the end, it all just boiled down to the damn sex, anyway?

  She hadn’t always thought this way. She had believed in the whole marriage thing before — the man of her dreams sweeping her off her feet, the magical proposal, the fancy house with the white picket fence, the two kids and two dogs dream. But all it took was one man, enough shed tears, and a broken heart to let go of all those.

  So here she was, one asshole and three wasted years of her life later. But with a changed mindset. All she required now was a good orgasm after an extremely hard day ever so often. What she really needed was a man to knock her freaking boots off. And Cory believed the most promising candidate to more than likely fill this position should be joining her any minute now.

  Above the rim of her martini glass, Cory saw Adrian approaching, his walk upright and purposeful like he couldn’t wait to reach his destination, the sight of him totally not what she was expecting. If she thought he looked gorgeous in his military uniform, in civilian clothing, Adrian was even more striking. It was her very first time seeing him out of uniform, dressed casually in a black long-sleeved cotton shirt that was pulled snugly across his broad chest and slim dark blue jeans. Cory was experiencing flashes of its hardness where her hands freely roamed yesterday. Adrian looked — as she would usually say in Spanish — muy caliente!

  “Hi, hope I didn’t keep you waiting long?” Adrian bent his head to kiss her cheek, pulled out the bar stool opposite to Cory and sat. His lips were hot, burning her already flushed skin.

  “No, you’re on time,” Cory answered, taking a long seductive sip of her martini.

  “You look amazing as always, Cory.”

  “Thank you. You look really nice yourself. Like a normal civilian at last.” In civilian clothing, Adrian was no soldier to her, and she it was easy to fool herself. And he smelled simply luscious. Cory had to ask something quickly to distract herself from becoming lost in the depths of those smoldering eyes and from that look he was giving her with them. She was normally on top of her game. She was usually the one who pushed the buttons in the opposite sex. Now, all it took was one look from this man and she got all flustered.

  “So what would you like to have?” Cory asked.

  Adrian smiled and started laughing. “About that,” he began. “You know, Cory, I’m really not much of a drinker. Only on really special occasions do I have alcohol.”

  “Why didn’t you just say something, then?” Cory wanted to just kick herself for not finding that out before asking him out. Then again, it was so spur of the moment. Besides, which man on this island didn’t drink alcohol?

  “Look, it’s no big deal, really. And why would I want to jeopardize a chance of going out with such a beautiful woman?”

  Cory blushed. “Don’t be silly. You should have just said so.”

  Adrian finally settled on a local Carib beer. “For you, I’ll drink paint if I have to today. And just so you know, I do consider this a very special occasion.”

  Cory felt a lot better sipping on her martini now. At least he didn’t order fruit punch.

  “To good times,” Adrian raised his bottle to clink her glass.

  Cory reciprocated the gesture. To good times indeed, she smiled. “Salud!”

  Cory wanted to find out everything she could about him. They both sat and chatted for what seemed like hours as they dined on hot wings and celery sticks dipped in blue cheese dressing.

  He was not only easy on the eyes; he was good on her body and mind. He was easy to talk to on just about anything.

  Okay, so this didn’t turn out to be one of those horror dates from hell where you just wanted to dash to the ladies’ room and call up your girlfriends to come rescue you. Cory found herself having a really good time and from all signals Adrian was giving, he was too. But she really needed to go to the ladies’ now.

  • • •

  When she excused herself, Adrian took notice of the short blue cotton shirt-dress she was wearing. She really did wear these vibrant Caribbean colors well. All he was able to see before were those luscious legs and calves. He had to admit, this woman sure did know how to get his blood pumping. Was she just trying to deliberately drive him insane?

  Adrian’s eyes never left Cory’s swaying behind as she walked off because she sure as hell knew how to sway those hips with conviction. As Adrian watched her go, a waitress came over to his side of the bar, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Can I get you anything else?” she asked cheerfully, sweetly.

  “No, thank you, ma’am,” he responded, never taking his eyes off Cory’s backside.

  “Are you sure?” she asked again. “Anything at all?”

  Okay, was she offering more than what was on the menu here? Adrian thought he was right about that hint in her voice and that smile she was wearing.

  “No, I’m fine, ma’am,” he insisted as he turned to face her this time. “Actually, you could bring me the bill.”

  The visibly disappointed looking waitress left without saying another word. Adrian sat and waited till Cory emerged from the ladies’.

  “I’m back,” she announced.

  “I missed you already,” Adrian quipped. Then he realized just how much of a good time he was having with her. Cory was a ray of bright sunshine lighting up his evening. When the waitress finally brought the bill, she all but slammed it down on the bar counter. She then flashed Cory The Look and left.

  Cory smiled mischievously; she must have realized what was going on. “Was that waitress just hitting on you?” she inquired.

  Adrian just grinned at her, shrugging his shoulders. He instinctively dipped into his pocket to reach for his wa
llet but Cory promptly stopped him, unconsciously resting her hand on his arm.

  “Oh, no you don’t. What’re you doing? I invited you out, remember?”

  Not wanting to insult her further, Adrian backed down and allowed Cory to foot the bill.

  “Okay, you win. This is just so strange for me, though.”

  “Adrian, we are in the twenty-first century!” Cory insisted after swiping her credit card and making the payment.

  “I guess we are.”

  • • •

  Not wanting to leave him yet, Cory asked Adrian to walk her to her car that was still parked at her office. Not that she expected anything less of him. She had to admit, she was pleasantly surprised at how mannerly, polite, and gentlemanly he always was.

  It was one of those hot, balmy nights on the island. They walked side by side. The usual night breezes were slow in coming. The car park was just a short distance away, so Cory ensured she took her sweet time in getting there. She turned it into a very slow and sexy stroll with Adrian.

  A gentle breeze blew past, rippling through her curly hair. Cory stopped arms outstretched, enjoying the feel of it cooling her face and legs.

  “So how come you still live with your parents?” he asked her after a while.

  “Huh … that’s a long story,” she sighed. “My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer so I moved back home to be with her and spend more time with her and to help out my dad. When she died, I just didn’t leave again.” It was so much easier for Cory to talk about her mother’s death. It was natural. But Collin’s death? His was too unnatural to discuss with anyone and it was still much too painful to even try.

  “I had to take care of my dad and my younger brother still has to finish high school,” Cory explained. “So that was that and here I am two years later and still living at home. Pathetic, I know.”

  “I’m really sorry to hear about your mom. That must’ve been really hard on you.”

  “You have no idea. And to top it off, my dad treats me like I’m still five years old.”

  “Hey, you can’t really blame the man. After all, he has such a beautiful daughter. He’s just looking out for you like any father should. Besides, Caribbean parents have a harder time letting go of their kids, it seems. The longer they could keep you living under their roof, the better.”

  “Yeah, that’s so true,” Cory said.

  “Imagine, my cousin’s forty and he still lives with his parents.”

  “So I have hope yet,” Cory burst out laughing. “I mean, I love my father and brother to death but sometimes they just love to make me scream.”

  “If I had a daughter, she wouldn’t be able to speak to boys till she’s like fifty,” Adrian said. “But honestly, though, I think it’s really commendable. That you were there for your family when they needed you most.”

  “Thank you,” Cory said. “It means a lot to hear somebody say that.”

  “It’s important, for me at least, to know the people you love most have your back when need be,” he said.

  Adrian sounded very serious now, a little pained, too. Cory noticed his tone changing. She wondered what that was all about but didn’t ask.

  When they finally reached her car, and Adrian opened her door, there was that exciting feeling approaching. He was standing so close, his face just mere inches away. He touched her on her cheek and stroked it gently. Cory shivered. How she yearned and craved Adrian’s body touching hers again. It was incredible how he could ignite her entire body with just a single touch. She could smell the cologne on his shirt as he came closer. Cory tiptoed, meeting him on the half.

  Adrian lowered his head for a kiss. His hand settled on her bare leg as it slid under her dress, playing with the smooth, cool flesh underneath.

  “I’ll follow you home,” he muttered against Cory’s lips.

  “What?” Cory was in shock. Her eyes immediately flew open. She hadn’t been expecting to hear that. “You don’t have to,” an out-of-breath Cory replied. Her legs felt like they had no bones left in them, threatening to give way at any moment. Thank God she had her good old car to lean against.

  “No, but I want too. I need to know you’re safe.”

  “No, really, it’s not necessary.”

  “Cory, could you please allow me to do this?”

  “Okay, I’d love the security detail, Adrian,” she laughed.

  In the rearview mirror, Cory noticed Adrian right behind her all the way during the careful drive to her house. She’d had a few casual dates before this one and not one of the guys ever offered to follow her home. Cory was shocked that he was actually following her all the way to Lange Park and more shocked that he hadn’t invited her over to his place.

  She wondered what it was that was holding him back from doing so. Was he not interested in being with her? Why was he driving all the way to her house knowing full well that she still lived with her father and brother? They could have easily gone to his place right in the city.

  Her lips were still burning from that kiss and those apple martinis had her so damn horny right now. Every time he looked at her she felt the chemistry between them. Or was it purely lust on her part? She was going insane from want. She had to find out sooner or later what Adrian’s whole hang-up was because after tonight, she most definitely had plans for him.

  Adrian strolled up to her as she was getting out of the car.

  “Well, thank you for the security detail. And everything else,” Cory beamed at him.

  “It was my pleasure, ma’am. I’m here ready and willing to serve you,” he said, a gleam in his eyes.

  And she was ready and willing to be served. God, did he always have to sound so damn sexy, too?

  “Sweet dreams, Cory.”

  Cory waved as she opened the door to her house. It was probably the first time the poor guy had followed a twenty-six-year-old, grown-ass woman all the way home to her father’s house after a date, she thought miserably. If it were anybody else, he would have been busy getting his freak on right about now.

  This depressing thought only gave her renewed vigor to find her own place even sooner, starting tomorrow. She would have probably been in heaven at about now, she fumed. Thank God her father wasn’t up and about. Knowing him, he would have only added to her misery and interrogated her about her whereabouts. He constantly reminded her of what happened to Collin. Well, that was the small price you had to pay for living under your father’s roof still.

  • • •

  As Adrian was driving back to the city, he was thinking of how the times had changed. How women were now asking the men out, paying for the dates, initiating all the moves, proposing, the whole nine yards. They were no longer dependent on men for anything it seemed. It was as if they no longer needed a man in their life. Except for one thing, probably. And still men had competition in that arena.

  Gone were the good old days of picking up your date at her home, meeting her parents, being interrogated by her father, making out in your car, bringing her home, and then making out some more. The tables were indeed turning. Relationships were just like a game waiting to be played these days. But now, the players were the ones being played by the women.

  And somehow he didn’t seem to mind when it was Cory. That was when he knew he was getting himself dangerously too close to her. Well, she wasn’t just any woman, that was for sure. Cory was the entire package you brought home to your mother. She had the looks, the body, the confidence, the independence, the ambition, the personality. All the things he found to be incredibly sexy and attractive in a woman.

  Was all this just the loneliness or boredom creeping up on him? Though his routine boredom was quickly disappearing since meeting her. He had instantly felt a strong sexual tension between them. That body of hers was just begging to be touched. And the way Cory had responded to him
yesterday … Adrian knew he had a job to finish. He still wanted her so badly.

  However, he had no intention of getting emotionally entangled with her. It wasn’t just his work that made it difficult to think of settling down, it was also that Cory had no problems making it known how she felt about guys like him. That didn’t mean he would stop seeing her. He knew exactly what she needed from him and he had every intention of giving her exactly that. No, it was his duty to give her exactly what she needed and that was all it was going to be.

  Chapter 10

  Cory awoke the next morning to the sounds of a painful and irritating banging in her head. She only had three sour apple martinis last night and now she was paying for it. She wandered to the kitchen to get water for an aspirin and still didn’t see anyone around. Looked like she would have the house all to herself for a while. Oh, how she missed living alone.

  Her father had probably gone to the supermarket. Her brother, Christian, on the other hand, she hadn’t a clue. She didn’t know if he still lived in this house or not, actually. Cory had no idea where he was at any given day. What else could you really expect from an eighteen-year-old? She remembered the things she’d done when she was Christian’s age. She had started university and was finally away from her parents’ clutches.

  She took the pill and made a steaming cup of coffee. Back in her bedroom, she thought of Adrian, since the aspirin was taking rather long to kick in. If anything else could ease her pain, she knew it would be thoughts of him. She grabbed her cell phone to call him. The call went straight to voicemail and she was in no mood to leave a message.

  Her brain madly drifted in all different directions, making her head pound even more. She was right. She knew his type. The tall, gorgeous, charming, player type. The smiling, sweet-talking until he got what he wanted type. The only wanted to pull down your panties type. This reminded her of an e-mail she’d received from Gabby the other day, “Wherever there’s a good-looking, sweet, single man, there’s some woman who’s tired of his bullshit.”


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