Romance in Color

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Romance in Color Page 191

by Synithia Williams

  For her sake, Cory wanted something to be definitely wrong with Adrian before she made a fool of herself … again. Please God, let him be married or have a child or two baby mamas somewhere, a STD, six toes, hell something … anything. Anything to stop these crazy thoughts from surfacing in her head.

  Only Adrian never once showed any signs of any of those things last night. No, it didn’t matter anyway. Adrian Mendez definitely wasn’t her type. Well, at least that was what she kept telling herself over the entire weekend. So why then are you always responding like that to his every touch?

  The rest of the weekend flew by quickly as she checked the classifieds for an apartment rental. It was about time she got her freak on again. Cory saw only a few places that interested her. They met her requirements of being in the suburbs around the capital city, close to her job to cut back on her work commute, two bedrooms, furnished, and pretty much close to everything. Of course the rental price was an entirely different issue altogether as prices in and around the city were astronomical compared to other areas on the island.

  Before she knew it, it was Monday morning again and back to the grind. Getting up before the crack of dawn and having to brace the early morning rush hour traffic to get to her office and then again having to face it back home on evenings was torture.

  Then there was work and more work to get done at the office. Javier needed to get everything now. Not to mention the added pressure he put on her probably just because he could. He ran the department as if the islanders were still ruled by the colonial government under Her Majesty of Spain. At least, that was what she told him once. Javier made it his job to irritate the hell out of her every day after that.

  Cory was busy putting the finishing touches on a speech she’d prepared for him to give at a cocktail reception being held by the Spanish ambassador on the island. She had been behind all morning because he just had to make a million and one changes to it. Probably just to spite or irritate her. The man was killing the Amazon forest, the amount of paper she’d used for this speech already.

  It was about one in the afternoon and Cory hadn’t even eaten any lunch yet when she received a call from the receptionist downstairs.

  “Just tell him he’ll get it in five minutes, okay,” Cory snapped.

  “What? Tell who they’ll get what?” Rachel, the receptionist, asked.

  “Oh, sorry, Rachel. Sorry for snapping at you. Javier is up my ass again.”

  “I see,” Rachel laughed. “Anyway, you have to come downstairs immediately.”

  “Why? I can’t right now. I have to finish his stupid speech.” Even though she was now an assistant manager, Cory was still functioning in the capacity of Javier’s executive assistant. Since the world recession hit and the oil price fell drastically, the company was cutting back on almost everything in order to trim costs to survive this economic downturn.

  Besides working under this very disgusting Spanish expat manager, handling two separate job portfolios, working ten-hour days and being severely overworked in the process, it was amazing how Cory still managed to love her job. At least she was afforded every other Friday off as a perk. And at least she and Jay had jobs to complain about during lunch.

  “Look, just come down right this minute,” Rachel demanded. She still didn’t give Cory a reason but she sounded excited. “It’ll be worth your while, I promise.”

  “Okay, fine.”

  Cory hung up the phone and took the elevator down. She hoped whatever it was wouldn’t be a waste of her precious, limited time. Cory entered the reception lobby and the first thing she saw was a huge floral bouquet.

  “These are for you,” Rachel beamed, presenting the flowers to her like she’d just won the first prize in a beauty pageant. There were beautiful orange lilies, yellow and white orchids, and tall birds of paradise flowers with other greens filled in between. Cory loved flowers and this beautiful vase touched her.

  “You’re so lucky, Cory. And to think it’s not even Valentine’s Day yet,” Rachel went all romantic-sounding on her. “So … who are they from? You must share.”

  Cory inhaled the divine scent of the lilies. Receiving flowers at the office was nothing new to her but when she opened the card she gasped. It simply read, Cory, thanks for making me laugh. I had a great time the other night. Adrian. So it was Adrian who sent her these gorgeous flowers?

  All the while Rachel was busy cooing away. “Ooh, how sweet. Cory, this guy must really like you.”

  “Nah, it’s nothing like that,” she responded. She didn’t bother to tell Rachel the details and that it was she who had asked Adrian out in the first place.

  As soon as she put the huge arrangement down on her desk and reached for her cell phone, Jay came waltzing in and comfortably plunked himself down on her visitor’s chair.

  “So who’s the lucky, pussy-whipped fella?” he asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “He isn’t pussy-whipped. Yet.”

  “But let me make a wild guess. It’s from your ass-admiring soldier, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Jay. Now could you get back to your office and do some work. I’m very busy.”

  Ignoring Cory, Jay began rubbing his hands together. “Just think, Cory, if soldier boy plays his cards right, I’ll finally be free.”

  “You’re such an idiot. Get out, please,” Cory demanded.

  As soon as Jay left, she dialed Adrian’s number. Javier would just have to wait a few minutes more. She was feeling a bit apprehensive but still waited, listening as the phone rang. A handsome low voice with an American accent answered this time. Cory sighed in relief. It was the same familiar voice she heard in her head every night since she first met him. It was the same sensations she felt every time it rained and every time her heart beat quickened. This voice warmed her all over.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” Adrian answered.

  “Hi, I just called to say thank you for the beautiful flowers.”

  “Oh, but what makes you think that I had anything to do with that?” he joked.

  “Maybe because you signed your name at the end of the card.”

  “Damn girl, somebody must have forged my signature.”

  “So what’re you doing right now?” Cory asked.

  “Working like you.”

  “Chasing car thieves?” she joked. It was Adrian’s turn to laugh now. They spoke some more and after wishing her a beautiful afternoon, he ended the call. Cory had the broadest smile on her face when she hung up the phone. The rest of her day went incredibly great. Neither Javier’s rants of her tardiness could spoil it for her nor his other million changes to the speech that afternoon.

  Chapter 11

  On Saturday, the entire atmosphere in Trinidad was buzzing with pre-Carnival excitement. Cory loved this time of year, with activities and different parties every night.

  She and her friends Elisha, Gabrielle, and Kerry were attending one of the biggest Carnival parties of the season, featuring Trinidad’s finest and most spectacular soca artiste. Machel Montano’s music was both infectious and energetic and Cory loved it. The party was a fashionable affair filled with animated conversations, loud laughter, and fun. There was nothing better than going out with her girls and having a good time.

  When they entered the stadium, the place was already packed to capacity with thousands of people. The atmosphere was electrifying and there was a certain excitement in the air tonight that completely energized Cory. The four bought some drinks and sipped on them and their bodies slowly gave in to the sensuous soca rhythms. They swayed in sweet abandon to the pulsating music that represented Carnival in sweet Trinidad and Tobago.

  • • •

  Adrian was not a happy camper to be working at this party tonight. He wanted to be partying himself. Unfortunately, he had lost a bet and this was his punishment. He hated crowd control. Their
job was to ensure all party-goers were safe and physically restrain the ones that wanted to start any trouble.

  At least there was lots of eye candy for the guys to feast upon. There were many beautiful, not to mention very sexy, women everywhere they looked. And as they were making the usual rounds of the venue, one of them caught Adrian’s eye. A woman with crazy hair dressed in a very short pair of denims and tall black boots.

  Cory? Adrian could never miss those wild curls anywhere. Neither the sultry movements of those hips. But he had to be sure. She was definitely having a great time with her friends around her. They were all laughing and chatting and swaying their bodies, all a bit too provocatively.

  “Guys, this way,” Adrian shouted as he headed in the direction of the curly hair. As the line of them was passing, people in the crowd were moving briskly aside to clear a path for them. The smart ones obviously didn’t want to mess with the heavily armed militia tonight.

  “Give me a minute,” Adrian announced when he stopped. All the others in line immediately stopped and waited on him. Adrian went up to her and whispered her name.

  An excited Cory jumped and spun around. “Adrian,” she exclaimed. Her arms instinctively flew around his neck.

  Her reaction took Adrian quite by surprise. Not that he minded one bit. Clearly, she’d had a few drinks already.

  “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Adrian finally managed to say. He was busy drinking in her sweetness. Her shorts were hugging her shapely hips and that top she was wearing clearly didn’t require a bra. All the women around him ensured they dressed their sexiest at these parties and he wasn’t one to complain. His eyes were transfixed on Cory, however, the only object of his desire.

  “I don’t miss this for the world,” Cory was beaming.

  Adrian finally looked at the other women in Cory’s group.

  “Oh, how rude of me. Adrian, these are my girls. This is Elisha, Gabrielle, and Kerry,” Cory announced, pointing out each one of them after she called their names. Girls, this is Second Lieutenant Adrian Mendez.”

  “Ladies, it’s a pleasure,” Adrian briskly dipped his head as they all sang hi in unison. Then he bent and whispered again to Cory, “So I’ll see you soon, Cory?”

  “I’ll try my very best,” she whispered back.

  Adrian smiled at them and continued on his way through the thick crowds, quickly followed by the others.

  • • •

  “Okay, could somebody please explain to me what all that lusting was all about just now,” Gabby dramatically enquired as soon as Adrian left. Cory apparently wasn’t the only drama queen in business.

  “Yeah, Cory, who the hell is that?” Kerry piped in.

  Cory licked her lips and tried to wipe the stupid look off her face. “That’s Adrian, I told you all,” she said.

  “Adrian? Who’s Adrian?” Kerry asked again.

  “That, my dear friends, is the man who sent her flowers the other day,” Elisha interjected.

  “Hold up. He sent you flowers? And we’re only now hearing about this?” Kerry asked.

  “Wait! Just in case you all missed this and didn’t realize, that man who was practically eating out of your ear is a soldier. A heavily armed soldier, too,” Gabby exclaimed.

  “Yeah, well, he’s always armed,” Cory calmly offered.

  “That’s right! Cory, since when are you into soldiers and men of arms?” Kerry asked, looking puzzled. “The last time I checked, you hated men in uniform.”

  “I am not into soldiers, okay,” Cory vehemently remarked. She lied. She was definitely into this one. She loved the intensity with which Adrian did things. At least the intensity with which he always looked at her with those beautiful brown eyes of his. He looked at her as if no one else was around. As if only the two of them existed on this earth. Making his intentions well known to her without even uttering a word.

  “So what was that all about, then?” an inquisitive Kerry was asking and jolting Cory from her thoughts.

  “We all have to admit it. That man is hot, girlfriends,” Gabby blurted.

  “He sure is, girl,” Cory excitedly added. “And the things he can do with those lips … .” Realizing what she was about to say, she stopped herself and trailed off.

  “What did you just say? I must be tripping because I just thought I heard you say that you kissed the guy,” Kerry said.

  “Oh, it was a little more than that actually,” Cory announced casually.

  All three of their jaws dropped in surprise.

  “Okay, it looks like you have some explaining to do, young lady,” Elisha was able to rush out first.

  “Fine, but after the party,” Cory said.

  “No. Now, please. We want you to share all the juicy details,” Gabby said, rubbing her hands together.

  “Fine,” Cory said. So she finally told her friends all about Adrian and how they’d met. And of course, everyone had their opinions on the matter, as would be expected with girlfriends.

  “But you know how men are. They’re only interested in sleeping with you. And that look soldier boy just gave you, spelled it out loud and clear,” Gabby, the oldest of the four and the harshest where men were concerned, was the first to give her two cents.

  “And what if that’s what I’m interested in as well?” Cory interjected.

  “And since when are you into the whole casual sex thing, Cory?” Elisha asked. She had a certain degree of alarm in her tone. Probably because she was the only one in the group happily married.

  “Since this year,” Cory responded. “Remember this was all your idea in the first place, for me to find a man for the New Year?”

  “Yeah, but not the first one that comes along. Or not one that makes you just want to climb into bed with him, Cory,” Elisha explained in her signature lecturer’s voice.

  “Oh my God, Cory. I can’t believe you’re falling for that BS. This is the epitome of a player. The charm, the flowers, the random acts of kindness. Girl, are you really falling for all that?” Gabby enquired. “He probably only found your damn car so that you’d sleep with him.”

  “Oh, Gabby, you sound just like Jay,” Cory retorted.

  “And what exactly did Jay have to say about all this?” Gabby asked. “Just out of curiosity.”

  “Looks like soldier boy’s working overtime to hit that ass,” Cory said in her best Jay impersonation.

  “Yep. That sounds like a typical Jay comment,” Gabby laughed.

  “And steps one, two, and three, direct from the Players Handbook,” Elisha added, backing up Gabby’s point. At this, everyone erupted into loud laughter, all except for Kerry. She was the only one just listening in on the conversation now.

  “Although I have to admit, the casual sex thing is good. As long as you can keep your heart out of it,” Gabby interjected.

  “And that’s coming from the queen of casual sex,” Elisha hastily added.

  “You and a soldier, Cory?” Kerry finally broke her silence. “I just can’t see the both of you together. What could you two possibly have in common?”

  “Look, maybe we need to change our perceptions about military men,” Cory reasoned.

  “We? I don’t believe this crap,” Kerry exploded, sounding annoyed as hell.

  “What’s your problem, Kerry?” Cory demanded, beginning to sound a little annoyed herself.

  “My problem? Oh, you’re so freaking unbelievable, Cory. It was you all along who had that problem ever since Collin’s death,” she shouted. “And now for some strange reason, one comes along with an American accent and you can’t wait to do him!”

  For the first time everyone in the group went completely silent. They all understood Collin’s death was a never-talked-about topic for Cory. After what seemed like forever, she finally broke the silence. “Wel
l, maybe I’m starting to see things differently now, Kerry.”

  “And I suppose we should all be grateful for that, right?” And with that Kerry stormed off, pushing her way through the thick crowd, much to everyone’s total disbelief.

  Chapter 12

  Another hectic and stressful work week greeted Cory. She stopped and took a minute to gaze through the windows from her office overlooking the Queens Park Savannah just across the street. How she loved this magnificent overhead view that offered so much for her to lose her thoughts in.

  Cory’s thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of her cell phone vibrating on the desk. When she looked at the screen, Adrian’s name was flashing across it. She immediately grabbed it. This was just the right kind of distraction she needed.

  “Hi, gorgeous. What’s up?” Adrian asked.

  “I’m fine now that I’m hearing your voice,” Cory teased. Now it was her turn to flirt with him. “Because right now, I’m so stressed out, I can’t even think clearly.”

  “Well, how ’bout I take care of that stress for you?”

  What was he asking here? “Hmmm, your offer sounds rather tempting.”

  “So what’re you doing this evening?”

  “Oh, I have plans,” Cory blurted out without even thinking. Anyway, that was good so that he wouldn’t think she was just sitting around waiting for him to call.

  “Okay. Maybe we could hook up some other time, then?”

  “On second thought. It’s nothing really special. I was just going jogging, that’s all,” Cory hurriedly interjected.

  “That sounds like a great way to relieve that stress. Will you mind if a soldier joins you on his day off?”

  “Only if he could keep up with me,” Cory teased.

  Adrian was already waiting across the street from her office building when she came outside a little after five. He was definitely a man on time. Cory figured it had to do with his military training. She was impressed nevertheless.

  “Hey,” he waved to her as she crossed the street. Adrian was sitting on the beautiful black wrought-iron railings that wound its way around the entire Savannah.


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