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Body Heat

Page 38

by Mia Ford

  “Bev! You look like you had a rough night,” John said and I didn’t bother to respond to that.

  “What are you guys talking about?” I asked, hitching the sunglasses up on my head.

  They exchanged looks, till Susan cleared her throat and fixed her eyes on me.

  “We heard about your decision. The lawyers got your email,” she said.

  “Oh, that!” I said and shrugged my shoulders. “That was a no-brainer. It had to be done,” I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

  They were still exchanging nervous looks, till I placed my hands on my hips and stared them down.

  “You don’t look like you’ve taken it well, Bev,” Sasha commented and I rolled my eyes. That was a bad idea, because it made my brain hurt and I winced.

  “I’m not thrilled about giving my company away, if that’s what you mean,” I said and rubbed a hand over my face. As long as they didn’t find out that I also nearly slept with Grant Jennings, I figured I’d be alright.

  Susan stood up from her chair and walked towards me.

  “Do you want something to eat?” she asked in a kindly motherly voice.

  “I’m fine, Susan. I’m not hungry and I’m not sick. I suppose we should continue on as usual till everything is finalized,” I said a little sharply.

  “Will you still be working with us?” John asked and I shook my head.

  “Why would I be working here? It isn’t my company anymore,” I told him and they all stared at me, like they were worried for my health.

  “From what I could tell, Mr. Jennings…Grant is a reasonable man. In fact, he thinks of you as his friend. I’m sure he would want to keep you on. We want you to stay on, be our boss,” Sasha said and I let out a deep sigh.

  “Well, you better get used to not having me around, because things are going to change here very soon,” I snapped and realized that I was taking out my anger with Grant on them, and I checked myself.

  “Sorry…I’m sorry guys. I’m getting too emotional. I’m fine, really,” I said as Susan approached me to give me a hug.

  “We all know how hard you’ve worked. You started this company from scratch and you gave it your best,” she said and I pulled away from her.

  “So did Grant Jennings. Look at what he’s achieved. I’m a failure and the sooner I accept it, the better it is for me,” I said to her and looked at the guys. They all looked worried for my welfare.

  “I’m fine! I really am. In fact, I’m actually going to go get something to eat,” I said and pulled the sunglasses back down on my face.

  “Where are you going?” Sasha asked.

  “Pop’s Bar maybe, I don’t know,” I snapped at him again.

  “Are you planning on drinking? It’s only two in the afternoon,” Susan offered and I whipped around to look at her.

  “I’m an adult Susan, but thanks for your concern,” I snarled at her and left the office, pulling the door shut behind me.

  At the back of my mind, I knew they had every reason to be concerned. They had never seen me in this state. I was hungover, upset and going hunting for more alcohol. They were naturally worried for me. But they didn’t know what I was feeling, what I was going through.

  Despite being hungover, I perfectly remembered the previous night. Why had I just decided to show up at Grant’s house? Why hadn’t I been able to resist undressing?

  And then the phone call! I remembered the phone call as well and I winced. That was such a disaster. I had said embarrassing things to him about enjoying orgasms and beer-pong. I hoped I would never have to see him again. That this deal could just get over, and I could finally move on with my life.

  I’d been happy when I was engrossed with work. I didn’t have time for a social or love life and I was content with that. And now, all I could think about was Grant and how good he had made me feel. All those unrequited feelings I had for him in college came gushing back in an avalanche that was set to bury me. And this time, I knew exactly what I was missing out on.

  I walked to the bar around the corner from our office building and walked in. It was dark inside the place, even though there was bright sunshine outside. I pulled out a stool at the bar and sat down, covering my face with my hands.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender’s voice cut through my thoughts and I slowly dragged my hands away from my face.

  “Just some water, please, thank you,” I said to him and buried my face into my arms on the counter. I wished I could just shut the world out for a few days and wake up as a new person.

  Chapter 14


  I hadn’t been able to concentrate all day at the office. My lawyers had already begun the process of absorbing Beverley’s company and other than signing a few papers and an early morning meeting, I had nothing else to do.

  I was mad at her, mad at myself for feeling the way I felt. I wished she would just talk to me so we could figure things out. I didn’t want her to think that this was just a seduction. I wanted her to know that I was buying her company to keep her work safe. I had tried to explain it to her the previous evening, even on the phone call, but she wasn’t willing to listen.

  “I’m going out,” I said to my assistant as I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and walked out of the building. Paul, my chauffeur held the door of my car open for me but I dismissed him.

  “I’ll drive, thanks Paul,” I said and he handed the keys over to me.

  In the car, I tried to settle the thoughts I had of Beverley. I had made the wrong decision. We should have just talked. I shouldn’t have kissed her and we shouldn’t have stripped down naked the previous night. We needed to talk and have a logical conversation before taking it to the next step.

  What next step? Why was I even thinking there could be a next step? Hadn’t she made it very clear that she despised me? Besides, I wasn’t the kind of person and neither was I at the stage in my life where I could think of next steps in a relationship.

  I parked my car outside the office building and took two steps at a time upstairs. I barged in through the door and found a woman sitting behind a desk. She looked up at me, surprised to find a man bursting in through the door.

  “Can I help you?” she asked standing up.

  Sasha appeared from a room when he heard the door slam.

  “Grant!” he exclaimed and I swung my head from the woman to him.

  “Is she in?” I asked him and they must have both seen the madness in my crazed eyes. I was desperate to see Beverley again. Before she completely slipped through my fingers.

  “Bev?” Sasha asked and I let out a sigh.

  “Yes, where is she?” I asked and Sasha exchanged looks with the woman.

  “She said she was going to Pop’s Bar. It’s just around the corner, but we can’t be sure if she’s still there,” he said and I clenched my jaw. What was happening to her? Why had she gone to a bar in the middle of the day? I was worried for her well being, but also conscious of what the others might be thinking. They were her employees after all and she must have an image to maintain. I didn’t want them to get the wrong idea.

  “Thank you, Sasha,” I said and forced a smile on my face.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked and I smoothened the lapels of my suit.

  “Yeah, of course. We just needed to discuss some things,” I told him and nodded at the woman who had been glaring at me all this while. She didn’t look too impressed with me. I figured that everyone else, except Sasha apparently; probably hated me for buying the company.

  “Hopefully she’s still at the bar,” he said and I smiled at him again.

  “Thanks, I’ll find her. So stupid of me to not try her phone,” I said, trying to sound casual and taking my leave, I walked out of the office.

  Out on the streets again, I caught sight of the bar at the corner. I clenched my jaw as I walked towards it. I may not have been best friends with Beverley, and I might not have even been in her life for all these years but I was sure that s
he wasn’t the type of person to be lounging in a bar in the middle of the day. I hoped she was alright.

  I walked hurriedly and pushed open the doors of the establishment. It was a dark place, with a handful of people in there already. Techies with their laptops and glasses of cold beer beside them. I scanned the room and found Beverley slumped on the counter. The barman was listlessly polishing glasses in front of her, unbothered. I weaved through the tables towards her, and before I could stop myself I was pulling her up by her shoulders.

  “Beverley! Are you okay?” I asked and realized that she had her eyes open. She wriggled against me and finally managed to push me away.

  “What do you think you’re doing? Leave me alone!” she hissed and I stepped away from her. I pulled my jacket back down in place and fixed my cufflinks. She was glaring at me and looked me up and down like she was assessing me.

  “What are you doing here? And why are you in a suit?” she said.

  “I had a morning meeting, and what are you doing here?” I asked her in a softer voice. Beverley reached for the glass of clear liquid in front of her and emptied it in her mouth. I clenched my jaw as I stared at her.

  “What are you drinking? Why are you drinking?” I said, in a low guttural growl and she arched an eyebrow at me.

  “It’s just water, and anyway, what do you care? And what makes you think that I need to answer to you?” she said. Defiance was streaming out of her large green eyes. Her straight hair was a little frizzy today and she was in old clothes.

  “I care because I’m worried that this business deal is taking an emotional toll on you, and I feel responsible,” I said and shoved my hands into the pockets of my pants. A half weak smile crept up on her face and she looked away from me.

  “You’re not responsible for me, Grant. I’m my own person,” she said.

  Chapter 15


  “Beverley, I’m trying to help you,” Grant said it through gritted teeth and brought his face really close to mine. If other people in the bar could hear us, he didn’t seem to care. He was standing in front of me and now had me cornered; with his arms on either side of me. Our faces were only inches apart.

  “Why?” I spat out and he took in a deep breath.

  “Because your product is good and you’re an old friend,” he said and a sarcastic laugh escaped my lips.

  “Friends? We were never friends, Grant!” I said and he stared at me. His blue eyes had darkened and I could see every strand in his beard. His gaze was focused on me, on my nose and my lips and then back to my eyes again.

  “Call it what you want then, college loyalty,” he said, in a softer voice. But my nostrils were flared. I wasn’t prepared to see him, not so soon after what had happened the previous day. In fact, I had planned on never seeing him again.

  “You don’t need to help me, and you definitely don’t need to show up at a bar and rescue me,” I said, jutting my chin out at him. For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me again. His lips were set in a thin line and I could smell the heady musky scent of his cologne. He was too close to me for comfort and I shifted in my stool.

  “I’m not trying to rescue you, I’m just trying to talk to you,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

  “You keep saying that, but I don’t know what we can talk about. It’s a business deal and our lawyers will see it through,” I said and looked away from him. Even with my eyes averted, I could tell that he was glaring at me. Thinking of the next thing to say.

  “Beverley, this isn’t a competition anymore,” he said, in a much quieter voice and I whipped my head around to look at him.

  “Who said it’s a competition? What makes you think I’m competing with you?” I asked him, trying to fool myself at the same time. It had always been a competition with Grant. Previously, in college it had been just friendly fire, but now it was a full fledged war. At least in my eyes.

  “Why are you taking it so badly then?” he asked and I straightened myself.

  “I would have taken it badly no matter who was buying my company. It isn’t about you,” I told him and I realized that my lips were quivering. He watched my lips and then narrowed his eyes at me again.

  “So, why did you leave last night?” he asked, after a few seconds of silence. I crossed my brows and pretended to not know what he was talking about.

  “Because I didn’t…” I tried to say the words, but I was melting in his eyes.

  I felt him reach for my hand and he yanked me off the stool. My heart was racing again, as he tugged me gently, leading me around the tables till we reached the toilets at the back of the bar. When I realized where he was taking us, my stomach fell. I knew what was going to happen and my mind went into a tizzy.

  But I didn’t resist it, because that was exactly what I wanted. Once again, in Grant’s presence; all common sense had disappeared and I was left with this raw need to have him.

  Unconcerned by who was watching us, Grant pushed open the door of the toilet. There was just one, a unisex toilet that was thankfully well maintained and he let go of my hand when he locked it shut behind us.

  “Grant, I…” I tried to say but he had grabbed my face with both hands again and we were kissing.

  This time the kiss was hungry and it was like we were devouring each other. His beard scratched against my face, as I weaved my fingers through his hair. With one hand he pinned me by my neck to the toilet wall, and his other travelled down my front.

  With his fingers splayed, he grazed my stiff nipples through the fabric of my t-shirt, while our lips remained locked. I could feel myself growing wet and I thrust my hips towards him. This time I wanted more than just his mouth and he knew it too. I could feel his rock-hard cock throbbing in his pants as he pressed himself to me.

  Grant pulled away his lips from me, just when his hand travelled down my jeans. I gasped when his fingers found my wet core.

  “There it is again,” he grunted and I bit down on my lip. He nibbled on the side of my jaw and his tongue traveled down my neck, which I was now presenting to him. His hand was still inside my jeans, slowly beginning to stroke my clit.

  I couldn’t control myself any more, and I reached for his belt which I undid in a flash. He didn’t help me as I unzipped him and finally his pants fell to the bathroom floor. Grant quickened the speed with which he was stroking me, I could feel his fingers getting wet with my own juices. I pressed my back against the toilet wall and wound my arms around his neck to pull him close.

  Grant slid out his hand and then started undoing my jeans. He looked up at me suddenly and our eyes met. His were small and glazed over, his lips were wet with my saliva. I licked my lips in anticipation.

  Grant pulled my jeans off in a hurry, and then my panties; and before I could say or do anything, he had lifted me off the floor, guiding me to wrap my legs around his waist. We kept our eyes locked as I settled in and he pressed me to the wall again. He had both his hands holding me up now, and I knew my mouth was hanging open.

  The velvety smooth tip of his cock was grazing against my wet hot core. I gulped and kept my eyes on him. I knew he was big already, I’d seen his cock earlier and I was preparing myself for the sensation.

  But nothing could have prepared me for what I felt when he slid into me, smoothly and an inch at a time. I moaned and he grunted as he continued. My back was pressed to the wall, both our eyes were wide open and he had no idea how long I’d waited for this. I wanted to scream. I wanted to tell him how good it felt, but I kept my mouth shut.

  Grant was inside me. I could feel his hard cock stretching in me, stroking me at the spot that needed to be stroked. When he slid out, I gasped and then he slammed into me again. Now it was all about the speed and creating friction and he started pumping into me.

  I closed my eyes, because I couldn’t bear to look at him any more. He drove into me with force and both our breaths caught in our throats. He grunted with every thrust, while my back slid up and down the wall with every push. M
y hands were on his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin through the jacket of his suit.

  He looked handsome, he was the most good looking guy I’d slept with…and also the man who had been the object of my affection for all these years. This felt better than my fantasies.

  Grant moved his hips and now his cock stroked me deeper inside. He didn’t slow down, he kept pumping into me and I knew he was bringing me closer and closer to the edge. If his mouth on me had felt amazing, this felt even better…if that was possible.

  I braced myself for an orgasm and my eyes flew open. Grant had a lingering smile on his face, he wanted to watch me come. He was enjoying putting me in this position. I screamed as I came, unbothered by who could hear us outside. Grant grunted and I felt him release himself inside me at the same time. We were looking at each other as we came together. My toes curled in my sneakers while my nails dug deeper into his skin. If I was hurting him, he didn’t say anything and instead kept thrusting into me. I could feel him shoot inside me, empty himself into me.

  As I felt my breath beginning to recover, I realized that it was ending and I didn’t want it to. I wanted to experience it for longer, I didn’t want my orgasm to end because that would mean that I’d have to go back to the real world. And go back to hating him.

  Grant kept me hoisted up, with my legs around his waist till we were both breathing normally again. Then slowly, he slid himself out of me. I was quick to jump off and I was unsteady when my feet hit the ground. He found my waist again.

  “Steady,” he said in a quiet indulgent voice and I shot him a look.

  “I’m fine. You can let go of me now,” I said and he took his hand away.

  It was only now that I was noticing how small the bathroom space was. I had no idea any more how we’d managed to have sex here. I looked around me, while pulling my panties and jeans up my legs. Grant was doing the same beside me, and neither of us had said a word.

  I could feel myself weakening already. I’d just had sex with Grant Jennings. My biggest fantasy from college had come true. I turned to him then, while he ran his fingers through his hair to smoothen it.


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