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Page 21

by R. Jean Wilson

  The eyeliner and black dress made her bright green eyes and blonde hair appear even more remarkable. Instead of her customary curls, she’d carefully straightened her long hair so that it ran sleekly down her back, falling just above the triangle cutout. She felt sexy and alluring, knowing Holden would love the dress just as much as she did.

  A quarter past seven Holden called to say he was on his way.

  “Ah, he’s almost here!” Addison tried to hurry Bethenny out of her apartment but not before saying a thousand thank-you's and promising at least one tux picture.

  “I mean if you get one with him bending over, I wouldn’t object...” Bethenny laughed as she paused in the doorframe.

  Addison giggled, “Okay, now you’re actually outrageous and I’m concerned I should have thought about doing a background check before becoming friends with you.”

  Bethenny turned in the hallway with a silly grin, “The only thing you should get a background check on is that boy in a tux, because it should be illegal.”

  “Oh my god, that was sooo cheesy. Your tux picture is about to be revoked.”


  Addison’s laughter froze at the sound of Holden’s voice. Bethenny’s head snapped in the direction of the apartment stairs and her mouth dropped open. Addison was still standing inside her apartment so she couldn’t see him yet but Bethenny’s expression said it all. Her eyes widened as she took in Holden’s appearance and Addison appreciated the excitement building within her. He probably looks sinfully sexy in his tux.

  “This is my cue,” Bethenny said, giving Addison a wide grin that spoke volumes. “You two stay out of trouble. Or don’t, I’m not the police. Call you tomorrow Addison.”

  Addison waved goodbye to her friend unable to muster any words. She took a deep breath, and shuffled on her high-heeled feet. She looked down to make sure her dress was laying as it should: wrapping seductively tight around her body, and when she looked up, he was standing in her doorway.

  She drank in the sight of his dark hair and cleanly shaven face. Her eyes traveled down his long lean body that wore the black tuxedo as if it was what his elegant muscles were made for. It was almost too much to take in; his deep brown eyes, perfect features, and dimpled smile were enough to steal her breath away. He had one hand tucked into his pocket and the other was holding a bouquet of white peonies. I don’t think I can move.

  “Wow,” Holden spoke taking a step toward her. “We should leave now or we won’t be making it to that fundraiser at all.” His eyes scanned down her long gown, taking his sweet time. She blushed under his gaze and performed a little twirl so that he’d see the little cutout on the back.

  “But I’m all dressed up,” she joked leaning in for a quick kiss. She lingered longer than she intended, breathing him in.

  “You look...stunning,” he spoke, handing her the bouquet after they’d reluctantly pulled apart. His eyes never faltered from her, as if he were trying to pin down every piece of her to memory. Each spot he cast his gaze seemed to warm in response and she couldn’t still the arousal building within her. She shook her head. This is ridiculous; we’re both undressing each other with our eyes like two hormonal teenagers.

  “They’re perfect, I wish I could take them with me.” She smiled at the bouquet, hoping to subdue the sexual tension threatening to explode between them, “Would you mind putting them in that glass vase on top of the fridge while I grab a few things?”

  She turned and walked into her room to grab her clutch and a small overnight bag. She hadn’t told Holden she planned to stay the night with him after the fundraiser, but he’d invited her to stay at his house quite a few times over the past week and tonight just felt right. She’d packed a pair of pajamas, an outfit for tomorrow, and a few essentials. When she came out of her room he eyed the bag with a knowing grin.

  “You can wipe those little dimples off your face. Maybe this is a really large purse. I’m taking it inside the fundraiser with me,” she bluffed as he held his hand out to carry it for her.

  He glanced subtly into the bag. “Mhmm, I bet you’ll definitely need makeup remover wipes and polka dot pajama pants during the fundraiser,” he remarked, his head titled adorably to the side.

  She arched a brow, continuing the facade, “I don’t know. I hear these things run late. Doctor’s know how to parrr-tay.” She smiled coyly at her lame joke, as he shook his head, most likely thinking, “What am I going to do with you.”

  “It’s a wonder I still find you irresistible.” A side smile studded his mouth before he leaned in for one final kiss before they left her apartment.

  The Driskill Hotel was a historic landmark in downtown Austin and its interiors definitely played the part. The marble columns and elevated ceilings were breathtaking and lent the fundraiser an air of grace and elegance. A ten-piece orchestra was in full swing by the time she and Holden had stepped into the room and she paused for a moment, taking in the entire display.

  As her eyes scanned the room she noticed lingering gazes aimed in their direction. In normal circumstances she thought they made a cute couple, but with Holden in a tuxedo, no other man in the room stood a chance. It felt surreal to be on his arm in public especially when she made eye contact with various staff members from the hospital. She smiled at a few of the nurses she recognized, noting their surprised expressions as their eyes fell on Holden’s arm casually wrapped around her.

  “You look so beautiful, Addy,” Holden whispered, his breath seductively hitting her neck just below her ear. She laughed at the thought, but tried to accept his sweet compliment anyway. Yeah right, Mr. GQ.

  “I think that table over there is ours,” he continued. “I’ll go get us a drink, is white wine okay?” he asked, reluctantly withdrawing his arm from around her waist.

  “White wine would be great.” She offered him a reassuring smile, holding her clutch with both hands. She watched him walk away toward the bar, moving gracefully in his tux, oblivious to his spell over her. Even though she knew he would meet her at the table with drinks, her body was still bereft at the sudden separation. When he touched her, every nerve seemed to fire in response. Over the weeks she’d learned to accept the goose bumps when he kissed her cheek and the weak knees after his finger grazed across her skin, but at times her overpowering desire for him astonished her. She prayed they were on the same page, that he was as lovesick as she was.

  She took a breath and attempted to shake off the feeling as she headed towards the table he’d pointed to and was pleasantly surprised to find both Dr. Richard and Dr. Patrick already seated at the table with their dates. Their expressions didn’t look shocked when they noticed her approach so she figured Holden had already mentioned their relationship to his colleagues. She greeted them with a warm smile and introduced herself to their beautiful dates. This night may actually be perfect, she thought as the group welcomed her. Right before she was able to take her seat however, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

  As she turned toward the touch she was met by Holden’s chocolate brown eyes, though they were connected to a much different body. Standing in front of her was a familiar ghost from the past; the same brunette that had caused so much pain a year ago. Holden’s sister.

  “I’m so sorry to interrupt but would you mind if I stole you away for a moment?” she asked charmingly.

  Addison’s heart began to race at the situation she suddenly found herself in. She nodded, unable to find words, and followed his sister to a small bar in the corner of the ballroom. Holden didn’t tell me his sister was coming...Dear god she’s as beautiful as he is handsome. What the hell did they eat growing up?

  “I’m so sorry to awkwardly spring myself on you like that. I didn’t tell my brother I was coming so you don’t have to be mad at him for not mentioning it to you,” she laughed, instantly putting Addison’s mind at ease. She’s good.

  “I’m Jessica,” she said, extending her hand.

  “Addison,” she answered, trying to compo
se her thoughts, “It’s such a pleasure to meet you. You and Holden look so much alike.” His sister wasn’t what she had expected. She was beautiful, but she wasn’t intimidating. She had the demeanor of a kindergarten teacher, and Addison silently rejoiced at that fact.

  “We get that a lot. It used to bother me to be honest, but now that we’re older I don’t mind being told I look five years younger,” she spoke with a red-lipped grin.

  Addison returned the smile, wondering why Jessica had pulled her aside. She could see out of the corner of her eye that Holden had returned to the table and was casually looking around for her. She hoped one of the doctors would inform him where she’d gone.

  “So you and my brother are dating pretty seriously now?” Jessica asked, bringing Addison’s attention back to her. The directness of her question surprised Addison and she couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh. How much had Holden shared with his sister? She didn’t want to say the wrong thing and embarrass herself. Holden was the head resident and Addison was just a PA student; what if Jessica thought she was just some fling? What if she knew Addison’s expiration date was soon approaching?

  “Well, we were friends before I left for P.A. school, and then things sort of changed when I came back to Austin...” Addison stammered, knowing she wasn’t exactly answering the question.

  Jessica’s smile was genuine as she nodded her head, seeming to gather her thoughts before she spoke again.

  “You know I was with him in the hospital on the day you left for PA school. We rarely have time to see each other but he called me that day and told me he needed me to come meet him for lunch. He told me he needed advice about a girl… about you.”

  Addison nodded her head, not wanting to reveal what she thought was really taking place that day.

  “I know my brother is handsome, I mean I grew up seeing the way my friends reacted to him... But you know what the crazy thing is Addison? He’s a big sweetheart, and I just can’t see him get hurt, not after what happened with you the first time,” she said before gently placing her hand on Addison’s arm. “You’re the only girl he’s even mentioned to me in the past few years, since his college girlfriend. I just want you to know that he’s a good guy and if you hurt him, I’ll definitely have a bone to pick with you.” She smiled and squeezed Addison’s hand to let her know she wasn’t trying to be harsh.

  “I had no idea…” Addison couldn’t think of anything to say. She focused on Jessica’s soft grip on her hand, trying to piece together her advice. Or warning.

  “I’ve kept you long enough though, I have to go rejoin my date and I think my brother is looking for you as well,” She said, before letting go of Addison’s hand and stepping away.

  “I hope we get the chance to get together soon, Addison,” she spoke with a nod before walking away.

  (♫12)Addison stood rooted to the ground. Her stomach twisted into knots as she tried to process the last few minutes. Only girl? She didn’t know anything about his college girlfriend other than that they dated for three years. She also knew he had dated women since college. However, the fact that none of them had been important enough to mention to his sister, other than Addison, seemed shocking.

  The entire fundraiser was in full swing; people milled around greeting friends and acquaintances as the orchestra played soft music from the stage. Addison could see Holden standing with a few doctors at their table. He was speaking with a smile, yet all the while continued to scan the room looking for her. A moment later Addison watched Jessica walk up and give him a quick hug. They spoke for only a moment before she continued on to her table. Addison knew she should go back to Holden but she found herself wanting to watch him from afar instead.

  Addison was taken aback by Jessica’s confessions. Until then, Addison hadn’t let herself think about how truly crazy it seemed that Holden had chosen to be with her. Addison watched as countless women walked by him allowing their gaze to linger longer than necessary, and yet he didn’t even seem to notice. Why did he find her interesting enough to pick out of all the rest? Like an apple on a tree, Addison was one girl among many, and she couldn’t figure out what had set her apart in his eyes. She’d fallen for him a year ago and had deluded herself into thinking she could live her life separate from him. It was time to finally succumb to fact that she’d never been completely whole without him in her life.

  When the lights began to dim Addison realized she’d been frozen in place for far too long. Oh shoot. The fundraiser auction was about to begin and she had to fast walk back to the table so she wouldn’t interrupt the elegant woman about to give a speech. She slid smoothly into her seat while everyone’s attention was turning to the speaker on stage and when she looked up Holden’s eyes were locked on her.

  “Is everything okay? I hope my sister didn’t scare you away, I didn’t know she’d be here,” he whispered, wrapping his arm around the back of her chair.

  Addison was still in shock from the last few minutes and she knew she couldn’t look him in the eye just yet, scared of what her own would reveal. She nodded and offered a weak smile, her eyes glued to the stage. She could feel his gaze on her still; his warm brown eyes seemed to penetrate the very marrow of her bones. She knew he wasn’t happy with her response but she felt like every emotion was colliding within her – excitement, fear, happiness, shock – and if she spoke they would all come tumbling out and now wasn’t the time. He picked his hand up off her chair and ran it reassuringly along the back of her neck. The innocent touch left a trail of fire on her skin and she found herself biting her lip, trying hard to concentrate on the stage.

  “Just know that I’m the luckiest man in this room,” he whispered before finally turning his attention to the speaker. Even though his gaze was now locked on the auction taking place, his hand drifted down to her leg under the table. The silky fabric of her gown did nothing to prevent his searing touch from possessively claiming her leg. Addison reached for her wine, needing something to distract her from how much she wanted the man sitting next to her.

  Chapter 29

  “Our next item up for bid is a one of a kind design consultation with the award winning architect team at Design+Trace.” The auctioneer bellowed on stage as the tuxedoed waiters began passing out plates of appetizers to each of the tables.

  During the fundraiser’s four course meal, Addison had only one thing on her mind: Holden’s hand absentmindedly caressing her leg beneath the table. Each circle his finger completed sent her stomach into a new wave of somersaults, but Addison still forced herself to eat a few bites of each course, not wanting to let the decadent food go to waste. She indulged in seared lamb shoulder with fruit mostarda, apple jam with sweet breads, and delicious dark chocolate truffles, all the while enthralled by his touch.

  There were no fireworks in the moments that unfolded during that fundraiser dinner. The ground didn’t shift, nor did any stars fall from the sky. Holden didn’t ride up to her on a white horse. Addison simply decided to let go. To jump off the bridge, knowing that Holden was waiting for her at the bottom. He’d jumped in long before her and until that moment he was patiently waiting for her to join him. She subtly shifted her gaze to his profile, taking in his cleanly shaven chin and confident cheekbones. I love this man. He sensed her eyes on him and turned to her with an inquisitive glance. Time to be brave. She leaned in close to him, letting his mix of body wash and cologne ensnare her senses.

  “I bought a few new delicates while we were at the mall yesterday, they fit perfectly under my gown tonight,” she spoke, hoping she sounded half as seductive as she was attempting to be.

  She heard him take a sharp intake of breath as his gaze fell lazily down the length of her slinky gown. He was undressing her with his eyes as a slow, sexy grin spread across his lovely face. He carefully tightened his hold on her leg, dragging his hand an inch higher. Addison knew she was plunging into a dangerous game she wasn’t sure she could win, but it seemed only fair that they both be uncomfortably distracte
d for the remainder of the event.

  “Addy… I think you know exactly what you’re doing to me right now,” he spoke, his eyes heavy with desire and something a bit more dangerous as he watched her tongue nervously dampen her lips, “and believe me, my strength and resolve have been worn down far too much these last few weeks... I’d hate for you to make a scene in front of all these people.” His hand bolding inched up her thigh letting her know exactly what kind of scene he was hoping to make.

  “7,500!” shouted Dr. Richards a few seats away, causing Addison to jump a mile in the air. Oh, god. She’d completely forgotten about the auction going on around her. Holden let out an easy laugh, causing Addison’s blush to deepen even further. She cast him a wicked look, and was rewarded with the sexiest wink she’d ever seen. Wooow… can we get this auction going a little faster? I’ll gladly go into debt buying all the items if it means I’d get to be alone with this man sooner.

  “$8,000,” Holden raised his arm causing Addison’s chin to drop. Wait. What’s he bidding on? She heard gasps and sporadic claps from the crowd.

  “$8,000, going once, going twice. SOLD,” The auctioneer shouted, pointing to Holden. The room erupted in applause and the spot light flashed across their table. Addison sat, her mouth still agape when Holden finally turned to her.

  “You’ve never been skiing before. I saw a weekend getaway to Aspen on the auction list and figured it was about time you learned how,” he explained confidently. Oh, right when you put it like that it seems so simple… not.

  It was almost two hours later when they were finally making their way toward the exit with a gift package for a weekend getaway to a ski lodge in Aspen, Colorado in tow. Holden’s hand was on the small of her back, teasing the bare skin that her dress’ triangle cutout exposed. Addison was silent, simply reveling in the deliciousness of his touch as they stepped through the crowd.


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