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Puppy Love and Mistletoe

Page 3

by Merrillee Whren

  “Sure. Thanks.” Scott chuckled as he handed her the box. “You did catch me off guard. I’ll remember that the next time I challenge you to a race.

  Amelia doubted there would be a next time.

  After Scott opened the door, Lily and Jet slipped inside. Scott motioned for Amelia to go in ahead of him. She stepped into the living room with its wide oak plank flooring. A redbrick wall ran along one side and sported a fireplace with a mantel made of the same oak. The room’s temperature and comfortable furnishings wrapped Amelia in a warm cocoon. How had a bachelor who had just moved in manage to make a place so welcoming?

  She turned to give him the box. “Your home is lovely.”

  “Thanks. I just got everything unpacked today.” He placed the pizza on the kitchen table. “We’ll eat in here.”

  Lily bounded into the room, with Jet on her heels. “Sit by me, Amelia.”

  Amelia looked at the chair Lily indicated. Jet sat next to it. Cautiously, Amelia approached and hoped the dog wouldn’t bark. She slipped out of her coat, then stuffed her hat and gloves into a sleeve before hanging the coat on the back of the chair. Sliding into the seat, she held her breath. The only sound came from the clanking of flatware and plates as Scott set the table.

  After he finished, he grinned as he looked in her direction. “Help yourself.”

  Taking a slice of the pizza, she nodded, unable to speak. Without his stocking cap, he was even better looking. His light-brown hair had an unruly cut that made her want to smooth it into place. She balled her hand into a fist in her lap to keep from acting on the impulse. What was she thinking? She had only met the man a few minutes ago. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “This looks good.”

  “Haven’t you ever eaten their pizza before?” Scott asked.

  “Not in a while.” She didn’t want to tell him she’d been trying to lose weight. Bulky winter clothes disguised excess weight well. By summer she should be back at her normal weight unless she let job stress lead her to overeating again, not to mention the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with too many good things to eat. He didn’t want to know or need to know any of this. One slice would have to be her limit.

  He continued to stand next to her chair. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Sure. Do you have a diet cola?” She looked into those gorgeous blue eyes and wished Lily could be her matchmaker, too. Crazy thought. Just crazy.

  After Scott served everyone a drink, he sat across the table from her. Amelia wanted to ask about his relationship to Lily, but that kind of question was definitely too intrusive. Was Lily his daughter? She didn’t look like him at all. Could she get him to tell her anything about himself?

  “Jet likes you.” Lily pointed to the dog lying at Amelia’s feet.

  Amelia smiled, not believing a dog actually liked her. “I think he’s waiting for me to drop a piece of my pizza.”

  Scott laughed out loud. “You’re very perceptive. That dog eats about anything except spinach. How do we know that? Lily tried to give her spinach to Jet. I found it on the floor.”

  “Got caught, did you?” Amelia smiled at Lily.

  Lily nodded. “I was in trouble after that. Now Daddy makes sure I eat my spinach.”

  Amelia glanced over at Scott. “So you’re a real disciplinarian?”

  “Most of the time, but I think she’s got me wrapped around her little finger.” Scott reached over and hooked pinkies with Lily, then tugged on one of her braids. “She keeps me on my toes.”

  Scott obviously loved this little girl. Had he adopted her? “So what made you leave the city and move to Hallburg?”

  “A job. I’ve been hired by the town to work on the mayor’s budget task force.”

  Amelia swallowed hard. This man could possibly eliminate her job. Did she dare mention that she worked for the city, or should she just wait and let him find out on his own? She pasted a smile on her face. “Looks like we might run into each other at city hall.”

  Scott wrinkled his brow. “You’re on the task force?”

  “No. I work for the town.”

  “Oh.” Scott took a big bite of his pizza.

  He obviously didn’t want to talk about the task force. Neither did she, but maybe she needed to let him know how she felt. Budget cuts were sure to come, and that might mean job losses. She prayed hers wasn’t one of them.

  Scott laid the uneaten portion of his pizza slice on his plate. “How long have you lived in Hallburg?”

  “I’ve been here for five years. I got a job with the town right out of college, and I love my job. I love this town.” Amelia didn’t know if that statement would make him think twice about eliminating her position. Probably not. When it came to budgets, the bean counters always won, and great programs and people received the ax.

  He nodded. “It’s always good to love your job.”

  “Do you love yours?” If he said yes, did that mean he didn’t care about the people who lost theirs?

  “Most of the time. I like helping companies and municipalities figure out how to get their budgets under control.” He took a big gulp of his drink.

  “I hope you can help our little town figure out how to make things work without cutting important programs.”

  “Me, too. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be moving back to the city after you finish the job?”

  Scott didn’t say anything for a moment as he took another bite of his pizza. After he set the slice on his plate, he captured her gaze with those brilliant-blue eyes. “I plan to stay. I’ve talked to the owner of the electronics factory here. They’re going to need a controller after the first of the year because their current controller is retiring. I have another interview next week.”

  “So you really are planning to stay?” His interest in living in this little town surprised Amelia. Not many city people learned to like the quiet life here.

  Scott nodded. “That’s the plan. I need to settle down for Lily’s sake. Hallburg seems like a good place for a little girl to grow up. Now that she’s in first grade, I’d like not to have to move around.”

  “Small towns don’t always have a lot of employment opportunities.” Could she make him see how important every job was in this town? “Just like you, people have settled here to have a good life, and that means keeping their jobs.”

  A smile tugged at the corners of Scott’s mouth. “Is that a not-so-subtle way of telling me that the task force shouldn’t eliminate any jobs?”

  “Take it however you’d like.” Amelia shrugged. “I’m just stating facts.”

  “Or maybe you’re working the guilt angle.”

  Trying not to let her annoyance show, she shrugged again. “Think whatever you want.”

  Scott eyed her. “Does that mean you don’t want to discuss it further?”

  “I think that would be best.” Amelia forced a smile, then took another bite of pizza. If she had known about his job, she probably wouldn’t have accepted the invitation to join them for dinner. This was not going well. Could she politely excuse herself and head home?

  “Daddy?” Lily’s eyebrows scrunched together in a little frown.

  Scott looked Lily’s way. “What?

  “Are you and Amelia angry with each other?”

  Scott immediately looked at Amelia, a wide-eyed expression of guilt marking his handsome features. Sorry, he mouthed, then turned to Lily. “No, sweetie, we’re just having an adult disagreement.”

  “Oh. Does that still mean you’re angry?” Lily wouldn’t let go of her earlier assessment.

  Scott let out a harsh breath. “No. We can disagree without being angry.”

  “That’s good, but I like it better when you agree with each other.”

  “Me, too.” Scott shrugged, then looked Amelia’s way and gave her a wink.

  Amelia mustered a smile as she shrugged back. Embarrassed that she had caused the li
ttle girl’s concern, Amelia wasn’t sure what to say. She finished her pizza and tried to figure out a way to excuse herself without seeming rude. She stood. “Thanks for the pizza. I’d better be getting home.”

  “Do you have to go?” A pout crossed Lily’s face.

  Amelia nodded and shrugged into her coat. “I do.”

  “You could stay and play games with us.” Lily sidled up to Scott. “Daddy’s real good at games.”

  “Lily, don’t be a pest. Amelia says she has to go, so don’t try to change her mind. It’s not polite.” Scott patted her head.

  “Thanks for the invitation and the pizza, Lily. I’m sorry I can’t stay.” Heading for the front door, Amelia couldn’t shake the surprising disappointment that Scott didn’t echo Lily’s invitation to stay longer. “Maybe another time.”

  Lily’s expression brightened. “Yeah, how about tomorrow?”

  Amelia didn’t want to see the look on Scott’s face after she had practically invited herself over for a game night. She concentrated on zipping her coat and hoped Scott would answer Lily’s question.

  “Lily, go get ready for bed while I talk to Amelia about a game night.”

  “Okay.” Lily raced for the stairs, then paused on the bottom step. “Tell her how much fun we have.”

  As Amelia opened the door that led to a little vestibule, Scott placed a hand on the door’s edge as he gave her a lopsided smile. “Lily is very persistent, and I’m sorry she has tried to manipulate both of us. Would you like to come over tomorrow night and play a few games?”

  Chapter Three

  The question hung in the air as Scott took in the surprise and hesitation in Amelia’s hazel eyes. She stared up at him, her mouth slightly open, as if she couldn’t believe what she had heard. Flabbergasted, he wasn’t sure what had possessed him to succumb to Lily’s insistence that Amelia share more time with them. Could it have something to do with the rosy color in her cheeks that grew a shade deeper after Lily’s request, or was it the brunette hair that hung halfway down her back? He’d always loved women with long hair, especially those with hazel eyes.

  He didn’t want to believe a pretty face was making him forget the promise he had made to himself not to get involved with any woman. He was too flawed for a relationship. Besides, Amelia could have a boyfriend, and she worked for the city. That couldn’t be a good thing going forward.

  “Unless you have other plans, I could fix you dinner as a peace offering.” He was getting in deeper and deeper every time he opened his mouth.

  Amelia’s brow wrinkled in a frown. “Peace offering?”

  “Yeah.” Scott shrugged. “You know, for coming in and upsetting things in your town.”

  Amelia let out a heavy sigh. “You haven’t upset anything so far. Does this mean you’re trying to soften the blow?”

  “I’m not sure of anything right now, because I don’t know what will happen until I look at the city budget in detail and study what is going on in each department.” Scott ran a hand through his hair, then shook his head. “I could use a friend here.”

  At that moment, Lily bounded down the stairs and grabbed one of Amelia’s hands. “You’re going to come over and play games with us, right?”

  Resignation colored Amelia’s smile as she gazed down at Lily. “Okay, but I’m warning you. I’m a champ when it comes to games.”

  Lily turned a grin on Scott. “Daddy, you better look out. She’s going to beat you.”

  “I like competition.” He eyed Amelia, glad she had accepted despite his misgivings.

  “You can count on that. I come from a long line of competitive people.”

  “So I should put on my game face tomorrow night?”

  “Definitely! Now I’d better get going.” Amelia stepped into the vestibule. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind walking home alone?”

  Amelia shook her head. “Hallburg is a safe little town, not like the city. One of the reasons I like living here.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow at five.”

  Chuckling, Amelia nodded. “Can’t wait to beat you soundly.”

  “I’ll withhold judgment on that.” Scott stood in the doorway with Lily and watched as Amelia walked down the steps and turned down the sidewalk with a wave.

  He waved back, still wondering about the wisdom of tomorrow night’s plans. He closed the door and stood there for a minute while negative thoughts roamed through his mind. He closed the door on those, too. A new town, a new job, and a new friend would combine to make his life better.

  Lily pulled on his arm, shaking him from his thoughts. “Daddy, we’re going to have fun, aren’t we. Amelia’s really nice, don’t you think?”

  Scott stared down at Lily’s eager expression. “Yes, she’s nice. Now it’s time for your bedtime story.”

  “Aaah. Can’t I stay up later? I don’t have school tomorrow.” Lily pouted.

  Scott chuckled. “You’ll get to stay up later tomorrow night. Don’t push it.”

  “Okay.” Lily’s shoulders slumped as she climbed the stairs.

  After Scott read Lily a story, listened to her bedtime prayers, and tucked her into bed, he made his way downstairs and plopped onto the sofa. He laced his fingers behind his head, stretching his long legs out in front of him as he stared at the opposite wall. He still couldn’t shake his second thoughts about the upcoming game night.

  Had he made a wrong decision that put matchmaking ideas into Lily’s head? The child showed no inhibitions when it came to finding him a girlfriend. Lily clearly had put her stamp of approval on Amelia. While that implication roamed through his mind, his cell phone rang. He picked it up from the coffee table. His sister, Nicole.

  “Hi, Nic. Checking up on me?”

  She laughed. “Would I do something like that?”


  “Then why’d you ask? You know I have to keep tabs on my little brother.”

  “You’ll be glad to know I have almost everything unpacked and put away.” Scott got up and paced through the living room and hoped she wasn’t going to meddle in his life. She was as bad as Lily when it came to matchmaking.

  “So you don’t need any help?”

  “Nope. Got it all under control.” Scott stopped and looked out the window at the streetlamp that cast a light across the snow-covered landscape. The only thing he didn’t have under control was his unexplained interest in a cute brunette dog rescuer. He had to quit thinking about Amelia.

  “Scott, did you hear what I said?”

  “Sorry. I got distracted.” He hit the side of his head with the heel of his hand to get his focus back on his sister and this phone call.

  “Sounds like you need a visit from your big sister. Chip is leaving town on business tomorrow, so the boys and I will come for a visit and check out your new place tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Not necessary.”

  “Of course it’s necessary. You can’t keep us away.”

  Scott wondered whether he could visit with his sister and get her on her way home before Amelia showed up. He didn’t want Nicole to speculate about Amelia’s presence. What difference did it make? Lily was sure to let Nic know all about Amelia’s planned visit. He was stuck no matter what. “If I can’t stop you, when will you get here?”

  “Sometime in the afternoon. I’ll give you a call when we’re on our way.”

  “I’ll be waiting for your call.” With a heavy sigh, Scott swiped End.

  As he continued to stand in front of the window, Jet whined. Scott’s gaze followed Jet to the back door. The dog needed to go out, but now Scott knew better than to just let him out in the yard by himself. The wayward animal needed supervision. Scott put on his coat as he opened the door. “Okay, buddy. I’ve got your number. Sorry, but your roaming days are over.”

  Jet looked up at him with sad brown eyes as Scott hooked the canine up to his leash. He trotted down the steps into the
patch of concrete and snow-covered dirt that comprised the backyard. That tiny piece of ground would make a little garden where he could teach Lily how to grow a few vegetables. He rubbed his hands up and down his arms to ward off the cold as snowflakes appeared in the light that illuminated the alley. More snow. Sometimes he wished he lived in a warmer climate, but he had to make the best of where he was.

  He had to make the best of tomorrow’s visit with his sister and Amelia.


  “Auntie Nicole, guess what?” Lily bounced up and down as Nicole and her two sons, Brandon and Drew, took off their coats.

  Nicole tugged off her stocking cap and ran a hand over her short light-brown hair to smooth it down, then handed her coat to Scott. She hunkered down in front of Lily. “You sound excited. Tell me all about it.”

  “We’re having a special guest over tonight.”

  Nicole straightened and looked Scott’s way with a smile. “A special guest, huh? A lady friend, by chance? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Scott wished he had a good response for his sister’s inquiry, but he didn’t know how to describe Amelia. Faux pas? Friend? Foe? He didn’t know now, and he wasn’t sure he’d know tomorrow. “Yes, we have a guest coming for dinner and games, at Lily’s insistence.”

  “I want to hear more.” Nicole gave him a no-nonsense look as Lily and the boys ran off to play.

  “Not much to tell.” With very little detail, Scott recounted the story about Jet’s running away.

  When he finished, Nicole eyed him further. “So are you hoping the boys and I will be gone by dinner?”

  “You’re welcome to stay. Lily made the invitation. I didn’t.” Scott shrugged, knowing that wasn’t completely accurate. He had suggested Amelia come for dinner, but it didn’t mean a thing. And Nicole didn’t need to know.

  Nicole glanced around the room. “You do have everything pretty well in order. I’m impressed.”


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