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The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Jo Penn

  Uri smiled slowly. “So it is true! You’re mates. Oh, did my Enforcer get your wizard hat in a tizz, Mason? I’m sure we can settle this over a drink. Come on, pack up a few things. We’ll head back to pack lands—”

  “Get out,” Mason snarled.

  Drax winced. “Uri, my mate’s home is here. I remain with him.”

  Uri’s brows shot up. “Huh, right, but—”

  “Get the hell out of my coven! Neither of you are welcome here! From this moment, Alpha Starters and Enforcer—”

  “Stop!” Delia stood and slapped her hands together. “Magic dispel! Mason, enough. You are angry right now, understandably. That was unbelievably disrespectful, Alpha Starters. I am completely surprised at you. With all my coven does to assist others, your pack included, the tireless work my grandson contributes to our Alliance here in Milson Valley and all of this part of the States, I would have thought you would not take for granted, but appreciate and give the highest respect.”

  Drax saw his Alpha and one of his best friends cover his startled reaction. Urian was thoughtful a moment, but always quick on the uptake, bowed. Yeah, Uri had walked right into a shitstorm and was backstepping real fucking quick before everything exploded.

  “I apologize. You are correct. I was thoughtless and out of line. I will not be again.”

  “Thank you, Alpha Starters. It would be best if you and Enforcer Charmers left now. I will speak to you later.”

  Drax did not wish to leave, but he saw this going nowhere but downhill, and if he pushed further, he’d be tossed out of here by magic users, so he left with Urian. They were halfway to town before the Alpha growled.

  “What the fuck, Drax? Mason very nearly banned us from the coven, and Delia was more pissed off than I’ve seen her in a hell of a long time. We have a tight group. We need to stay tight and work together. I also consider those in that coven part of our pack. We lose more than just an Alliance and solid skills if relations between us fall apart.”

  “I’m aware.”

  Drax, Uri, and a few other wolves, humans, and felines had grown up together, were tight, watched each other’s backs, and worked together to make Milson Valley the great place it was. Keeping a secret like he had for years ate at him and drove him nearly insane when all he wanted was to be with his mate and protect those he considered family and pack. Keeping it from Uri, Sebastian Sanchez, and his brother Luka had been hardest of all. In recent months, he’d even acquired a surrogate younger brother whom Drax was guardian for, and Ran Markson just seemed to know something was wrong and often sat with Drax in wolf form and used his calming gift.

  Though now that he thought of it, Luka seemed to have known about him and Mason. Drax would have to ask about that later.

  So Drax spilled everything. Uri listened quietly, nodding a few times, growling a lot, and slamming his hand on the dash of his truck and crumpling part of it.

  “I don’t like you keeping secrets from me, Drax. We may not be blood related, but I consider you a brother, family. I may have been able to help, and I would have protected Mason, will, with my life.”

  “I know. That was one of the reasons I kept quiet. I didn’t want any of you hurt. I have gone about it wrong, but that is what happened. I can’t—I won’t—have family hurt. They came after me five years ago, yes, and the pack. They tried to kill me because I’m a three wolf, and they wanted to do the same for you ’cause you’re the Alpha.”

  “As your family and Alpha, you tell me. Dammit, Drax. Did Vicus know?”

  Drax nodded, sighing. “Can’t keep anything from the Avenger, you know that. He went underground to find the source while I dealt with those coming at me.”

  Urian grunted, not pleased. “Delia’s right. Mason is into everything, knows everything, and he can chill us out, just like all the Armstrong bloodline. They have ice in their veins when crossed. Okay, okay, I get that after the infiltration, Mason was angry and you’ve been struggling to respect your mate’s wishes, but this has gone too far. You need to claim him and let him merge with you.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been trying, but he has me so tangled up in magic and vows I haven’t been able to!” Drax growled. “Hell, he’s put in a refusal with the High Council on our mateship. They could rule against it because I refused to claim him and rejected his merging with me.”

  They were sitting outside the police station, creatures passing them and peering curiously inside. Urian was quiet for some time, running a hand through his dark hair.

  “Fine then, we do this another way. The Council takes at least a month when deliberating something of this magnitude, so that gives us time.”

  Sebastian Sanchez climbed into the back of the police car. “Seems like a bit of a situation has occurred. Mason’s recovered?”

  “Yes. I take it word has spread high and low.”

  “Like the wind, Drax, my friend. I have to say you’re one lucky bastard. That wizard is scorching hot, but he also burns colder than frost bite.”

  Drax knew all about that. “I have no plans right now. He’s clammed up tight, shut me out.”

  “Well, you were never good with charm, though your last name is Charmers. I think Luka got all the charming, and you got all the dominance. Which isn’t going to work so well with Mason.”

  Huh, except in bed. His mate let Drax lead there, or used to. These days not at all.

  “Thanks, Seb, real helpful,” Urian snapped. “Before we lose all focus here and have an interspecies shitstorm, we need to figure this out. I can deal if the Armstrong coven pulls away. It’ll take time to get them back on our side, but the most important thing is to get Drax his mate. Which will be tricky unless you think he’ll cool down in a few days?”

  Drax snorted. “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Fine. Then let’s give a little back. Mason is all about Alliances, keeping the creature groups united. Let’s ruffle his wizard hat a bit. I doubt Delia wants this to go too far and will begin making Mason see some reason. She’s worked hard over the decades to establish good relationships. She won’t want that ruined, not even for one of her golden boys.”

  Seb grunted. “True, Mason, Xavier, and Laurie can usually do no wrong, but if Mason causes too much of a rift, she’ll be tested in how far to let it go. And you’re both forgetting something important that Drake reminded me of. Mate bonds take precedence over everything else. Mates are together; they go together. It is one of our most sacred rules among paranormals. It also hurts us to be apart, and Delia won’t want Mason hurt.”

  Drax scowled. “Neither do I!”

  “Of course not, but think clearly. You’re good at strategizing and compartmentalizing.” Seb nodded. “I called Trent, and he reminded me of the mate laws and a few other things I’ve begun putting into action.”

  Drax frowned over that. When Trent Sanchez gave advice to do with plotting and strategizing, you took it or you were a frigging idiot.

  “The pack is going to be up in arms for Drax. That’ll cause some discord toward the coven, start the process rolling. What side is the Sanchez pride falling on?” Uri asked.

  Seb winced. “Well, it’s difficult because Xavier is Mason’s cousin as well as mated to Drake. No one wants a rift between them. Hells, Xavier got real testy when Drake didn’t follow his vamp customs and was ready to walk out on Drake. He couldn’t, of course, not without Keeley, and Drake wasn’t going to let that happen. Plus, Xavier is all about principles and mates come first. Though I do think he would have sliced Drake up in his sleep if Drake hadn’t acted so fast.”

  Yeah, Drax could see that. “So, what? Pride are siding with coven?”

  “No.” Sebastian chuffed softly. “We’ve got a big divide. Have to remember, Mason and the coven have spent a lot of time out at the compound helping over the years. As have pack, I know, so it’s a tough one. Us felines just loooove Mason and the rest of the W&Ws. And don’t forget, my brother Baron is Mason’s best friend, and he is pissed. Apparently, the fae prince, Cas, can see
mate threads. He saw yours and Mason’s. He went and told Baron that the thread between you is there, got the five-year mark, but it wasn’t secure, wasn’t, I don’t know, fixed?” Seb waved his hands about, frowning, green eyes troubled. “And it was frayed on Mason’s side. Cas said from injury. So, want to tell me about that?”

  “Hells.” Drax felt like a heel.

  Uri filled Seb in, the tiger tutting and shaking his big head of red-auburn hair streaked with black.

  “I heard about the near fight between you and Baron, and I have to say, I love you as a brother, but if you go for my littermate again, I’ll stick dynamite up your ass.”

  Seb was loyal, was one to keep everyone together. Uri and Drax had first met Seb when he joined the Milson City school at ten a hundred years ago. He had been a little feline, often referring to himself as the runt of the litter, and his brother Baron was big and protective of him, as was their other brother and part of their litter. These days, that other brother was in Europe and mated. He rarely visited home.

  Urian and Drax had come across Seb being attacked by a bunch of creatures one day after school, no protective brothers in sight. They were in the same class but didn’t have anything to do with Seb usually. He was quieter and hung back, but wicked smart. Drax and Uri stepped in that day and beat the shit out of the creatures picking on the little kitty. After, they took Sebastian back to Drax’s house, where his mother patched Seb up and gave him cookies and milk. Since then, Seb had been theirs to protect. Baron hung out but never really formed any bond with them. He spent most of his time training and with his cousins and other brother, but he did warn Drax and Uri if they ever hurt Seb, the Sanchez pride would tear them apart. And, hells, did they believe the tigers. And Seb could have a nasty little side, which was good in a fight. He loved to blow things up.

  These days Seb wasn’t a little runt; hadn’t been for a very long time and didn’t need protecting.

  “Okay, Uri’s right. Give it a week. Let this play out a bit. If it doesn’t work, then we have time to formulate another approach.” Seb grinned. “Isn’t Mason’s father a diplomat for the W&W Council?”

  “Yeah. What are you planning, Sebastian?” Uri asked warily.

  “Well, it was something Emile got steamed about when he heard there was another mateship refusal placed with the High Council. You know what my cousin is like, real stickler for rules, and he doesn’t tolerate much. So let me speak to Emile, and in the meantime, give Mason a chance to cool down. How pissed off can one wizard be with a mate?”

  Chapter Three

  This was becoming tedious. Over the last three days, Mason had seen, and experienced personally, a wide divide among the creatures in Milson City. Pack either growled at him or ignored him rudely. Some feline shifters from the Sanchez pride were okay. Some hissed at him, while others were nice, which must come down to having Baron as a best friend and his cousin Xavier mated to their Crown Prince.

  The rest were a mix. Some humans were fine with it. They didn’t get the mateship business unless they themselves were mated to a creature. Fae just seemed to be watching and waiting, and the few other creatures in the city, the surrounding suburbs, and the valley picked sides fairly quickly, depending with whom they affiliated and needed the most. It was an even divide, which Mason was pleased to see. He especially liked how the Durand vampire coven placed bets against the wolves. Vamps and shifters tended to irritate and stir one another.

  His grandmother was becoming irritated and demanding the coven be polite and not cause upsets. And in private, she kept at Mason about mates and fixing the problems.

  Mason also had a run-in with Drax’s father, who was the town mayor. Mayor Rainier Charmers had smiled at Mason, welcomed him to his family, and then changed abruptly.

  “Oh, how foolish of me to forget! You are not joining my family. In fact, you have cast aside my son and caused half the town to be in mourning for him.”

  The mayor then proceeded to tear up the property purchase contract and drop the pieces in his waste bin. Mason understood, but damn, he wasn’t pleased. He turned to leave without a word and found Drax leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching.

  Mason had been momentarily distracted from what was going on between them, and apparently the entire city, with the big, hot male in front of him. Long and solid with huge muscles, big thighs, wide chest, slender waist, and one of the best asses around, Mason just stood there drooling a little. Drax’s creamy blond hair was always smooth and silky and hung down longish and thick, eyes a deep brown, always a bit of bristle on that square, solid jaw. He was one very fit, very handsome man.

  Realizing that he was staring and checking out Drax, Mason had waved a hand good-bye to Mayor Charmers and had to squeeze past Drax in the doorway to leave the room. That had his cock leaping up and the wolf smirking as he sniffed the air that was suddenly filled with Mason’s arousal.

  Getting out of the Mayor’s building like a pack of wolves were on his heels, Mason stepped outside to find a few creatures, including Luka, Drax’s brother, and Baron’s youngest brother, Marco, lounging around with a few others.

  “Afternoon, Mason, how’s it going?” Luka asked, big grin on his face.

  “Fine, fine, how is Tudor?”

  “Oh, my mate is lush.” Luka chuckled. “How about yours, Mason? You must be getting a little twitchy by now, eh? When I saw you and Drax together those times, it was all heat. You must miss that. He’s big, I’ve been told, and real good at—”

  “Say hi to Tudor for me and remind him to come visit when he’s ready.” Mason ignored the shifters who sniffed the air and laughed.

  Great, just great. He really didn’t like how shifters could tell when he was aroused, made for no privacy whatsoever, and damn Luka was an incorrigible tease and flirt; always had been. At least now that he was mated, he’d stopped running around town getting laid all the time.

  Next, Mason found a ticket under his windshield wiper for parking in front of a hydrant, which had not been there when he parked. After that, the delicatessen said they couldn’t fill the coven’s order, as the pack just bought out everything.

  But the worst was when Urian called Mason in for an urgent chat about coven Alliance business. For years, Uri had been the Chief of Police for Milson City police force, but over the last six months, he began to let his second, a large bear shifter named Tripp Croggen, take over the duties, and it was a wise decision. Though the bear wasn’t the subtlest creature in the world, he held a certain charm and just seemed to look at a crime scene and know exactly what had gone down. It was an impressive gift.

  Usually Uri was tough but fair, and a good friend. This time he’d been distant and brought up numerous laws he said the coven overstepped lately, and this was a friendly reminder to Mason, as second in charge of the Armstrong coven, to pull his members into line or face the consequences. These could be harsh as they had agreements, and apparently, his coven members weren’t meeting those agreements.

  Again, Drax had turned up.

  Mason smiled and took the printout Uri held out. He went with polite courtesy and respect to avoid any further issues he just didn’t want to deal with right now.

  “Thanks for the warning, Alpha. I will inform my coven members and apprise you if necessary.”

  “Definitely necessary, Mason. If not adhered to, I will go directly to the Council and we can consider our Alliance strained.”

  Mason might have had to look up to do it, but he looked Urian straight in the eye.

  “I will speak to my coven and discuss how we wish to address these issues and let you know in due course. Alpha Starters, Enforcer Charmers.”

  “Oh, that’s not all, Mason.”

  Mason paused on his way to the door. “Yes?”

  “Enforcer Charmers has informed me Lady Delia gave a direct order that you were to have bodyguards at all times, yet I do not see them. Why is this?”

  “That is none of your business, Alpha Starters. I’ll
see myself out.”

  Drax reached across the doorway and blocked it. “You are supposed to be guarded, mate. You stay here until your guards arrive, proper ones, not some of your W&W assistants and friends.”

  “Excuse me, Enforcer Charmers? You’re out of line.” Mason knew not to use magic and push Drax out of the way. That would be seen as aggression and a reason to take him down.

  Though they’d have to stop him first. He gave a smile, eyes chilly, and waited. After a five-minute standoff, Drax stepped aside and gave a little bow. Mason swept past, ignoring the creatures all watching as he left the station.

  And found his car had been towed.

  Well, fuck, that was just great.

  He needed to get some of his coven members into the police force here. There were humans, wolves, and other shifters, mostly feline, but there was Tripp and his brother Trekk also, though they were part of the Starters pack. It was difficult to see where alliances could be formed.

  Looking around, he saw a limousine pull up beside him.

  Oh, damn no. Mason winced as a man about his height, six feet tall, stepped out of the limousine, big grin on his face, arms spread wide.

  “Son! Come give your father a hug.”

  Ugh, right, great, just what he needed. Mason put on a tight smile and was engulfed by his father. At least Randolf Armstrong wasn’t a big man. That would have caused more a feeling of suffocation as his father’s hugs were wildly exuberant and crushingly tight. Most witches and wizards were on the slender to skinny side, just their genetic makeup, and probably due to the amount of fuel magic used, so being hugged so tightly by others always made his kind a bit uncomfortable.

  “Hi, Dad, good to see you. What brings you to Milson City?” Mason went wide-eyed, stepping back. “Mom’s not here, is she?”

  Randolf laughed boisterously. He was always loud and happy, except when on diplomatic business.

  “No, no, your mother had a few urgent projects. She was disappointed not to be able to make this trip, but be assured; we will visit again very soon. Now, climb in. Let’s go see your grandmother.”


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