The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Jo Penn

  “It is unheard of for mates to reject each other. For one, fate has provided a creature’s soul mate, and to help them see this, the pull to one another is too great to resist. In this particular case, both used spells and potions to nullify most of the mate pull effects and consequently caused themselves a lot of pain, confusion, and misunderstanding. If, by some chance, a creature does reject their mate, we can provide medications and use gifts to help creatures past a mate’s rejection. But in the end, mates are left wounded and a shell of what they once were, a high majority dying from the overwhelming loss. This mateship board works to stop that from happening, as does fate by making it far more difficult over time for mates to be apart. Each situation is different and requires assistance in different ways. We will provide this for as long as it takes—years, if necessary. I do not believe that is the case here. Lord Mason has agreed to accept his mate and to mate and merge with Enforcer Drax.

  “Now, are there any comments? Anything left to be discussed? Any concerns?”

  “Yes.” Mason flicked a hand dismissively at Drax. “There are many private matters within a coven that a wolf should not be privy to. At these times, Enforcer Drax is to not interfere and cannot be near me.”

  Sebastian nodded. “If I may, Emile?”


  “Thank you. I had considered this and see your point, Lord Mason, and agree in a number of respects. Enforcer Drax will not be privy to private matters your coven members come to you with unless that member agrees or it affects your safety and the coven’s. Enforcer Drax will be in charge of coven security. There have been a number of incidents that pack or pride have assisted with over the years, and though the coven can in general take care of most issues, as we discussed before, through our Alliance, pride and pack, fae and the Durand vampire coven will be on hand to make sure these incidents are drastically reduced. Renegades want to capture magic wielders and will use them violently to get what they want in this fight. We do not want this to happen to any individual, and we don’t want Renegades gaining any more power than they already have.

  “As for coven matters, Enforcer Drax works for the High Council, so he is entitled to know what issues there are and consult on them with yourself and Lady Delia. Drax is not invading coven territory or taking over. He is there as your mate and as such, will be a valued member of the team, a protector and advisor. You retain all your rights, Lord Mason, and rule as usual, with Lady Delia’s consent and approval.” Seb smiled. “And you also have a vampire as a coven member, one who works for the High Council also. There has been no conflict of interest, in fact, it has assisted.”

  Drax hid his smirk. Apparently, Sebastian had done more than simply consult his brother the strategist. He had Trent come up with every counter move and how to deflect them. That was what Trent was brilliant at and why the closed-off, difficult Sanchez was always away working for the High Council against the Renegades.

  Mason inclined his head after a few moments of thoughtful silence. “Very well, that is fair.”

  “And a good point,” Emile said thoughtfully. “Perhaps every group should also take another member of a different species to provide advisement. This would only aid. I will speak to my public relations officers. Perhaps you will do the same, Lady Delia, Alpha Urian?”


  “I will.”

  “Good. This case is concluded. In one month, a review will be held by Sebastian. He will also visit the coven every few days and assess, assisting in mediating if necessary.”

  “Wonderful. Thank you, Emile. Senator Rolf, it was lovely to see you again.” Lady Delia beamed.

  “And you, Lady Delia. I do believe you grow more beautiful as the years go on.”

  Delia blushed, Randolf groaning at the flirting between his mother and the vampire. They rose, Sebastian coming around the table and giving Uri and Drax a hug.

  “Mason is so pissed off he’s going to explode. Beware,” Seb whispered.

  Yes, those pale blue eyes were like icicles. Obviously, his father and grandmother had taken Mason to task. Which meant Drax was going to have a difficult mate on his hands. And Drax wasn’t the best at settling down his wizard it appeared, not if the past few years were an example.

  Ran edged away from everyone, allowed Drax to pat his shoulder before the pup bolted from the room.

  Drax moved to the doorway and saw that Ran had been snatched up by his mates, Deakin, the part human with sprite ancestry, talking a hundred miles an hour and petting Ran while Avenger Vicus simply assessed everyone and then got his mates moving.

  Luka, Laurie, and Marco were laughing with both pack and coven, but when he appeared, they went to their separate seats and put on stern expressions for the pack, bored ones for the coven members. He smirked, standing aside to let everyone else out. Emile was next, eying everyone speculatively and patted Drax’s shoulder.

  “You are very fortunate to receive such a mate. Mason is powerful, intelligent, and he cares deeply for others.”

  “Thank you. Mason is all that and much more. I am blessed.”

  Emile smiled. “You are, as he is once he’s over his tizz.”

  Emile strode off with barely an acknowledgement of those here, though his younger cousin Marco did rush to catch up with Emile and probably talked the older shifter’s ear off. Drax waited until everyone was out of the conference room, Mason being one of the last and nodding at whatever his father was saying.

  “Ah, Drax.” Randolf winked at him, cheery as ever. “I would love to stay and catch up with you, unfortunately I have pressing engagements and a mate to return to. Mason’s mother and I shall return in a few months for a visit, and I hope we can spend family time together, with your parents and siblings of course, too.”

  “They would enjoy that, as would I, Lord Randolf.”

  “None of that, we are family! Call me Randolf. And remember, united front, get these groups working together again.”

  Drax held out his hand. This was the first step. If Mason didn’t take his hand and refused to show a united front, to mate, claim, and merge, he would invoke the rules of the contract. And Drax was prepared to just lock his mate up until they sorted this out, for however long it took.

  He watched his mate closely, no longer sure what Mason would do. Where once Mason was consistent and thought before reacting, since the tizz had set in, the wizard was unpredictable and often short-tempered. Agreeing to the terms of the agreement was one thing, actually sticking to it completely different, and right now Drax was prepared for anything.

  Which way would Mason go?

  Chapter Four

  Mason did take Drax’s hand, thankfully, and without too much of a hesitation.

  The feel of his mate’s hand spiked Drax’s need. He had been far too long without Mason, been denied too much, and torn apart by the cold and hot rejections. He stroked his thumb over the top of Mason’s smooth skin and was disappointed his wizard did not look at him, so Drax turned his attention to the groups watching them with keen interest and caution.

  “As you can see, any issues have been resolved in relation to the mateship between Drax and Mason,” Urian stated clearly and firmly. “Drax will be joining Mason at the W&W coven to live. Whatever other issues are simply theirs, as normal mates have from time to time.”

  Everyone nodded, but there was tension. Drax wanted to growl at them. That was how he usually dealt with problems.

  Fortunately, Mason was smooth and adapt at sorting things out.

  “Enforcer Drax is my mate. As such, he is welcome in our coven and will be a valued member, head of security and advisor to me and Lady Delia on Alliance, interspecies, and personal matters. Also coven. As a member of the High Council, Drax has vast knowledge and will share this knowledge with us. He will also protect, as will a number of the pride and pack. We are grateful for their protection and assistance, as they are for what we provide in return. Thank you all for coming and putting up with my mate’s and my…” M
ason quirked a smile. “Tiff. We will endeavor to keep these to the bedroom from now on.”

  Everyone laughed, tension easing. That was his mate, smooth, reassuring, direct without giving anything away, and humorous. The first to congratulate them were Laurie and Luka and then everyone quickly followed. Baron arrived, staying back, watchful. Sebastian went to his brother and leaned against the other tiger, smiling. Seb had a way of easing down his relatives and others, and after a few minutes, Baron smiled and ruffled his brother’s hair.

  The unity front vanished as soon as they slipped into the W&W coven limousine, one of them anyway. Drax would have to check out how many the coven actually owned. He knew they had a helicopter and if he wasn’t mistaken, a private plane, though that appeared to be hush-hush.

  Mason purposefully sat in a seat on the side.

  “We’re still in public, mate. Have to show unity,” Drax drawled.

  Mason gave Uri a dismissive look. “He’s not public. Somewhere we can drop you, Alpha Starters?”

  “Sure, at the central police station in town. Nice ride you have here, Mason.”

  “I think so.”

  They all frowned when the limousine, which had only just begun to move, stopped again. Both Uri and Drax sniffed as the door was opened and Seb climbed in, followed by Xavier.

  “Hello, cousin.” Xavier sat beside Drax, Seb beside Urian.

  “Xavier. Why are you coming along? And Sebastian?” Mason frowned as the limousine moved again. “You two live here.”

  “Your father decided to stay a few hours and reacquaint himself with the Sanchez pride. Said it was good for relations.” Xavier gave an elegant shiver, fangs descending. “He is so cheerful and exuberant. I find that difficult.”

  Mason gave a short laugh. “Try having him around for two days cheerfully telling you everything you’re doing wrong.” He glared at Drax. “Thank you for that, mate.”

  “If it worked, I’m all for Randolf visiting.”

  Now Xavier laughed. “You will regret those words, Drax. As my uncle, I love and admire Randolf. As a sane, intelligent vampire, I flee for my sanity.”

  Uri snorted. “And as you fled, you left both your mates to fend for themselves.”

  “Keeley and Drake both enjoy cheerfulness. They will learn and trust me in future. There is only so much cheerful a creature can tolerate without wishing to tear out vocal cords.”

  Drax could see that as Xavier flicked a long razor-sharp claw out, the wolves and tiger in the limousine moving back a touch. Yeah, Xavier was lethal, best not to tick him off. The limousine phone rang as they reached the compound gates and cruised through. Mason flicked a button.


  “Mason, is my mate with you?”

  “Which mate, Drake? You appear to have two,” Mason said with calm insolence.

  Drake growled. “Well, as I only appear to have one here and the other was seen sprinting from the compound offices as your limousines were leaving, I suspect you have my other one.”

  “Yes, Drake, I am here.”

  “Xavier! You left us with a maniac!” Keeley yelled in the background. “How could you?!”

  “My light, I told you this and said to trust me. You did not, and I went for self-preservation. All my love.” Xavier leaned over and disconnected the call.

  Sebastian laughed himself silly, Mason chuckling.

  “Oh, you are so going to get it when you get home, cousin.”

  “Who says I shall return anytime soon? I do have covens to attend business with, a little trip at this time would be nice. Ah, yes, what did Keeley call this? A breather.”

  Seb winced. “Yeah, a breather. I still don’t get what that is.”

  “It is spending time away from those who irritate you. Oh, look, a lovely field for the shifters to go frolic in. Please, do not let us hold you up.” Mason smiled serenely.

  Drax rolled his eyes and stretched out his long legs. “Nice, mate, real nice. Remember, we have company, show that public unity required.”

  “Of course, mate, how silly of me to forget. May I rub your feet? Give you a shoulder massage? Assign you to coven business in Alaska for a breather?”

  “Snarky. I will make note of that.” Sebastian mimicked writing with a pen and paper. “You agreed, Mason.”

  Mason’s eyes went frosty. “Yes, I did, and won’t forget. For the good of the coven and Alliance, I shall put on my happy public face. Beginning now. Refreshments, gentlemen? Forgive me, how rude of me not to offer before.”

  Xavier flicked a long razor talon up in front of Drax’s face as Drax tensed and went to move.

  “Tell me, Drax, what do you know of the wizard and witch tizz? And yes, I am aware that is the most ridiculous term for a mate reaction ever given, but it is accurate.”

  “I know a lot about it now,” Sebastian spoke. “Spent the last three days researching so I know what I’m dealing with. Mason is showing all the classic signs. Mood shifts, aggression, displacement, need, lack of emotional connection.”

  “Good. And how do you combat the tizz, Sebastian?” Xavier said regally.

  “Ride it out. Give the mate what he or she needs. Not space and time, that draws the tizz out longer, causes more disruption. Not in your face, makes them more aggressive. Don’t back them into a corner, or they lash out.”

  “Good. Affection, showing you are willing to compromise, being there. Honesty. And most important, realize the creature will walk away if they are pushed too far. Drax, Mason was at that stage and had bags packed.” Xavier lowered his deadly talon and glared at the phone that rung again. The talon flicked up, and Mason grabbed the phone quick.

  “I’ll deal with this. I just had this phone installed. It’s top of the range, Xavier. You killed my last three. I’d like this one to live a little longer.”

  “Your phones ring too much.” Xavier looked tired suddenly and eased back on the seat.

  Drax reacted quickly, as did Sebastian and Urian, but Drax was closer and grabbed Xavier’s hand before the vampire rubbed his face and sliced his head open. Xavier blinked, hissing at Drax’s hold of him.

  “Easy, Xav, I’m not manhandling,” Drax spoke with quiet firmness. Vamps could be testy and loathed to be manhandled, which was touching without their permission. “You could have torn your face apart with that talon. Why don’t you retract it?”

  Xavier frowned at his talon as though he wasn’t sure how it had come to be out. The talon slid in, and Drax released, holding up his hands before lowering them.

  “Come sit me with, cousin,” Mason said quietly, tenderly.

  Xavier did, flopping back in the seat and turning his face front.

  Drax and Uri looked to Sebastian to find out what was up with the usually calm, in control vampire. Sebastian was frowning and shrugged that he had no frigging idea, then slipped a phone out of his pocket, and began texting.

  When the car phone rang again, Mason simply disconnected it. The rest of the trip was done in silence except for a few murmured comments between Seb and Urian. They dropped Uri outside the central police building in the city and continued through the maze of streets out to the coven fifteen minutes outside of the city limits.

  “How big are the coven grounds?” Sebastian asked.

  “Not big, ten acres. That was one of the reasons I was out near Minstral the day the vampires attacked. The coven wishes to purchase a small allotment to practice environment magic and magic that can be too loud and disruptive for coven members.”

  “I have the deed.”

  Mason stiffened. “That was my coven’s property.”

  “Yes, and I’m giving it to you.”

  “We do not require others to give us property. We are more than capable of purchasing whatever we want ourselves.”

  Drax nodded, staying calm, especially when Xavier, who hadn’t moved the entire time, not even to respond to Urian’s good-bye, gave him a calculating glare. Right, real testy vamp in the car, just what he needed when trying to deal
with his equally testy wizard. But he had paid attention to what Xavier and Sebastian said about the tizz, and once he was aware of something, he handled it.

  “Yeah, I know. The Starters pack wished to give you and your coven the property as a mate present and offer any assistance in setting it up as the coven wishes. We don’t want to overstep, but that is the way of the pack when one of ours mates. For example, when Luka mated with Tudor and Cas, the pack offered to build the fae the garage their property does not have and an additional workroom outside for Tudor’s potion room and an office for Luka, as he is the pack’s interspecies public relations officer. Apparently the fae took all the rooms inside and houses outside, and Luka would have to share an office with Cas, which didn’t suit either of them as Cas is always in meetings and Luka wouldn’t get any work done.” Drax gave a half smile, thinking of his brother. “Now he’s mated, maybe my brother will actually do some work.”

  “Not much more with Laurie and Marco always hanging around out there. And now with Ran following them around and getting Ace to join in.” Seb grinned.

  Mason was frowning. “That is…very nice of your pack, Drax. It is not something my kind knew. I wonder why Laurie did not mention this to me.”

  “Lady Delia knew. Perhaps you were busy, mate.” Drax was warmed to see Mason no longer frosty.

  “It is neglectful of me not to know. But still. Thank you, it is a very thoughtful and kind gift that my coven and I will accept.” Mason seemed to struggle and then threw up his hands, artificial politeness gone. “Now I feel terrible. What does the pack need? What can we give in return?”

  “It’s not about giving in return. That’s just the wolves’ way. They’re not big on affection outside their mate and family, those they consider family. They’ll throw a big party, get you drunk, and have a good time. They protect and defend. We felines”—Seb gave a big cat grin—“will curl up next to you and give lots of affection, listen, and stalk down whatever ails. What about vamps, Xavier?”


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