The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Wizard's Tizz [Milson Valley 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Jo Penn

  Xavier shrugged elegantly. “We are not like shifters.”

  Mason patted his cousin’s leg. “Vampires like Xavier are behind the scene most of the time making things happen. They right the wrongs, set others on the right path, mediate, and rescue when needed. This does place me at a disadvantage.” Mason brightened. “What do fae do? They are magical creatures also.”

  Drax was stumped and looked to Seb, who laughed.

  “Fae seem just as confused by this, as well. When the wolves gave their gift, Cas just stood there frowning until Luka rolled his eyes and thanked the pack and promised a big party once everything was finished. Wolves like to party. Felines, we like to laze in the sun by the pool and very lightly barbecue our lunch.”

  Mason cracked a real smile. “Well, we won’t be throwing a party. I don’t think the wolves would appreciate a witch and wizard ball. I will consider this and show we greatly appreciate their gesture and good will.”

  “Not because you have to. The pack just wanted to give,” Drax said firmly.

  Mason just nodded as they pulled up outside the coven. He climbed out first, Xavier next, Drax following up the rear, and did as they all did. First, looked around to make sure there were no problems before entering the coven.

  Drax took note of everything. Security was one of his skills, and this place needed fixing up. Over the last five years, he had sneaked security in here and there. Mason hadn’t been very happy with Drax trying to make too many changes, so he’d had to be sneaky to protect his mate and the W&W coven. Now he had free rein, and that felt good. He wanted those here safe. They were his now also.

  Immediately, members of the coven poked their heads out of doorways. Mason nodded and greeted each with a smile and drew everyone into a large ballroom at the back of the mansion and gave a similar speech to the one at the compound. He answered questions and then gestured for Drax.

  Hell. He was more used to growling and giving orders. He’d have to go easier on these creatures, or they’d flee and use magic while doing it, which could be hazardous.

  “It’s good to be here beside my mate and part of your coven. One of the first tasks I’ll be doing is updating security so we’re all safe from the rising Renegade threat and any other incidents that may come our way. If anyone has concerns, come see me. Aside from that, I will be everywhere Mason is. This is now my coven as Mason is part of the Starters pack. We work together as a team. If there are personal issues wished to be discussed with your coven second that does not involve security or a danger to the coven and Alliance members, I will step aside for that time.”

  This seemed to reassure the creatures. Mason rejoined Drax in front of the gathering and explained there would be shifters, fae, and vampires here as security, guards, and Drax’s seconds. That made them nervous, but they nodded.

  “Any concerns, make an appointment with my assistants, and I will address each and every one. Thank you for your patience and consideration with this matter.”

  Seb jumped in quick with a big grin that had the crowd relaxing. “Hi, everyone. Most of you know my eldest brother Baron—he’s Mason’s close friend. I am now the mate official for this side of the States. Anyone who has any concerns I have set up a web page on the Alliance site. Appointment times can be made there. Also, I’ll be around here a lot in future, so you can always just chat with me then.”

  When everyone dispersed, Mason frowned at Sebastian.

  “Do you require accommodations, Sebastian?”

  “Yeah, he does. Seb often stays with me or Urian.”

  “I see. Give me a few minutes, I will find a room for you.” Mason went to walk off, Drax following.

  “We’re not to be separated, remember, mate.”

  Mason spun around, eyes wide. “B-but, that doesn’t include here…does it?”

  “Everywhere,” Seb said happily. “Remain together. The rift needs to be fixed. Too much time apart has caused these problems and barriers between you two. So why don’t we all go wherever it is you’re off to, Mason?”

  Not commenting, his mate led them to his office off the main hall. Drax had been in many times. He’d had his mate over the big desk, in the armchairs, and across the sofa a number of times. He’d also sneaked into Mason’s suite every few nights. He knew the coven mansion like the back of his hand.

  After a moment on the computer and clicking away, Mason walked over to a wall panel and did a funny symbol in the air. A door swung open.

  Well, shit, Drax hadn’t known there was another room there. He wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or pissed at not knowing.

  “Here is the key to room three zero four. It is just down the hall from my suite. Baron has a room beside yours, and Xavier, Drake, and Keeley are across the hall.”

  “Thanks. Do all the coven members live in the mansion?”

  “No, we have a type of apartment complex just down the path two hundred meters. There is a small lake, parkland, and the rest is pretty much forest aside from the outdoor potion rooms, supply shed, and garage. I need to check on Xavier, excuse me.” Mason sighed. “Right, we must remain together. Look, Xavier won’t like you going into his room, and if what is going on I think is, I don’t want to disturb him.”

  “What’s going on?” Seb’s eyes shifted to tiger. “Xavier is my cousin’s mate. If something is wrong, he needs to know. Xavier is my family also.”

  “Well, I’m sure Drake will be here soon, considering you were texting him in the limousine.” Mason strode off. “You are not exactly discreet, Sebastian.”

  “Wasn’t intending to be. So, what’s going on?”

  Drax and Seb followed along through halls and up the first flight of stairs. He scented the air, taking in deep breathes. Ah, Drake had arrived. That was good as Drax wanted some alone time with Mason and was a touch concerned about his mate’s cousin.

  “Xavier wouldn’t have rested while this issue with Drax and myself was happening. Like I said earlier, vampires like Xavier are behind the scenes making things happen. He wouldn’t have fed, wouldn’t have slept more than a little. Now he needs to rest, and the slightest thing can disturb him. So wait outside while I check on him and see if I can get him to feed.”

  “No need.” Drake slipped past them, always light on their feet, felines.

  “Drake, you being here will keep him alert. He’ll want to protect his mate—”

  “He’ll feed and rest. If he needs to do that here, so be it. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Mason glared. “And what of Keeley? If you’re here and not at the compound protecting him, Xavier won’t rest.”

  Drake paused and grinned. “Our light is well protected at the compound. Emile and Dominic are keeping an eye on him and as you know, Dom knows all the tricks Keeley pulls, and as Xavier and Emile are so fucking close these days, Xavier trusts Emile completely to protect what is his. Now, bugger off, merge, claim, mate, whatever the hell you’re supposed to be doing which I’m sure doesn’t include my cousin there. I’ll take care of my mate—Hey, my star, looking a little tired. Come on—”

  “Where is Keeley?” Xavier stormed down the hall, fangs out, eyes frigid.

  “Split,” Drake ordered firmly.

  Drax grabbed Mason, who protested that, and hightailed it out of the hall. Sebastian chuckled as they heard a tiger roar and then a few moments later some hissing and chuffing. Damn, a tiger and a vampire, that would be a clash.

  “Easiest way to deal with Xavier is to go affectionate. Most vampires don’t respond to that, but I think it’s an Armstrong thing.” Sebastian frowned, looking around. “This place is a maze! How did we end up on the other side of the hall?”

  “Your room is over there.” Mason pointed, then turned, and walked to the end of the hall and opened a door.

  Drax very nearly had that door in his face. Thankfully, he had fast reflexes.

  Having been in Mason’s suite many times before, he knew the layout well. A lounge area with a two-seater sofa and armchair, hi-f
i and television on the wall, shelves with mostly magical, political, and paranormal books, three romances that Drax found amusing and intriguing. He enjoyed that side of his mate. On the left was a small kitchenette tucked around the corner and through another door a large bedroom with king size bed, big windows overlooking the back of the coven grounds which backed onto forest, to the right a good size en suite and a walk-in wardrobe, which was full to overflowing. Mason was a clothes lover. There was another small robe, built-in, not walk-in, between Mason’s and the en suite, which Drax now checked out and found it empty. Usually it was also crammed with clothes and potions.

  Well, looked like his mate had made room for him. There were two sets of chest of drawers, one he found empty, and a shelving unit that was stripped to bare minimum.

  He discreetly sniffed the air, as he always did upon entering the suite. Drax liked to know who had been in here when he wasn’t around. Mason’s scent was strong, and damn that just tingled him and got his cock rock-hard. Delia, Randolf, Xavier, Laurie, Jack, who was Mason’s main assistant, and two others that were familiar but he couldn’t quite place.

  Plus, he could smell Mason’s nerves, and quite clearly see them. Now they were alone Mason was nervous, agitated, a little ticked off and unsure. He removed his cloak and hung it on the wall hooks beside a wizard hat, one of the most ridiculous things Drax had ever seen. Not that he would say that to his mate. Drax wasn’t that lacking in sensitivity.

  Mason paced the room, running a hand through his hair. Drax sat on the bench seat at the end of the bed and removed his shoes, patient, watching.

  His mate was a gorgeous creature. All witches and wizards tended toward skinny to very slender, Mason somewhere in between, but he was well toned. He didn’t really tan, so he was pale, six foot, which was tall for a wizard, he had a pointed face with a stubborn jaw, an elegant nose and those pale blue eyes that could turn icy fast. His hair was straight and to his shoulders, a combination of light brown and golden blond that Drax loved to slide his fingers through.

  Drax wanted to grab Mason, strip him bare, and put him on the bed, ass in the air for his taking. That wasn’t the right approach right now, but damn, his balls were ready to drop off. Instead, he watched and waited. He was good at waiting creatures out, had years of experience in his enforcer position and when dealing with his younger brother Luka or the latest mischief-making pups of the pack.

  “My coven is going to be overrun with shifters,” Mason muttered, pacing again. “There’ll be roaring, potion disruption, spell displacement, probably fucking in the hall because felines and wolves don’t care where they do it! How am I supposed to protect and lead my coven with that much disruption?!”

  Drax smiled. “We do it together, baby. I’m in charge of security. You just go about your normal business. I’ll keep them in line and from disrupting the W&Ws.”

  “Moonbeams! Stop calling them that! Witches and wizards!”

  Drax relaxed back against the bed, stretching his long legs. “Sure. Your witches and wizards will probably be a bit cautious and disgruntled at first, I get that, and things around here will change a bit. But I’ve seen how your coven operates. Disruptions are dealt with. They’ll just toss a potion or zap magic at a shifter or fae if the creature gets out of line.”

  Mason paced some more. He stopped in front of Drax, just out of reach.

  “You think so?”

  “I do. And I don’t let guards and security get rowdy and out of hand. They’re here to do a job. I’m sure some will hang around during their off time, and I will deal with anyone who gets disruptive. Come here, baby, you’re too tense.”

  “B-Baron hasn’t spoken to me in three days…do you think he’s angry with me for not telling him about us?”

  Shit. This was the softer side of his strong, take-charge, always-in-control wizard. Mason was a leader. He protected, guided, found solutions, worked as a team also. But underneath it in his private life, he was a bit of a marshmallow who got testy when upset. Drax had always found that endearing and cute. The fates chose them as mates well. Drax wasn’t all that affectionate. He could be outright domineering and tended to growl and snap others into line. At the same time, he knew more sensitive creatures and did his best to go gentler on them. The pack had quite a few, and he treaded carefully, and if one cried, he immediately ran and found someone to take care of the creature.

  But with Mason, he loved this softer side. Drax could be himself, take care of his mate, protect him from the world, and support his wizard.

  “Baron’s a tough one, but like most felines, when he forms a friendship, it’s deep. He won’t turn his back on you, or turn on you. He’s bigger than that. I’d say he was hurt. Urian and Sebastian were, and I’ve known them since we were ankle-biters.” Drax shrugged loosely. “He won’t stay away. I’d say he knew you were dealing with a lot and as a friend, waited for you to call him. Why didn’t you?”

  Mason sighed, head lowered. “Because I messed up. Gods, the entire valley, every creature, was taking sides. Sebastian is your best friend and Baron’s brother, Xavier is my cousin and mated to Baron’s cousin. I didn’t want to cause him any more problems. And Laurie was upset because he wasn’t able to see Marco and Luka and half the coven here are friends with shifters…”

  “Hey, baby.” Drax stood and wrapped Mason in his arms. “Why don’t we call Baron now?”

  “I just don’t think I can deal with it if he’s angry. I haven’t been in Milson Valley that long. I met you within the first few days, and you’ve lived here for over a hundred years. I’m busy, and I have a coven to run, High Council duties—”

  Drax saw this working up into a huge tizz meltdown, so he picked his mate up, which Mason immediately protested about, loudly. Drax ignored him and placed them both on the bed.

  “No, Drax, I can’t—”

  “I know. Just going to hold you for a while, baby.” Drax wrapped his body around Mason’s and nuzzled his mate’s fine hair. “I’ve missed just holding you, breathing in your scent, just being with you, Mason.”

  Mason settled, sinking into the bed. “Try anything, and I’ll turn you into a donkey.”

  “I’m sure there’s rules against that, but you W&Ws just keeping turning half the population into some animal or other. Or books. I don’t get that.” Drax took his phone out of his back pocket and flicked it on. There were dozens of missed message and texts.

  “Who are you calling? My coven has a right to turn creatures into whatever they like when defending themselves.”

  “Sure, baby.” Drax put the phone to his ear and listened to it ring. “If they deserve it, I don’t give a fuck.”

  “Hey, problems already?” Sebastian asked.

  “Nope. Just wondering where Baron is. Seems he hasn’t been in touch the last few days.”

  Seb was silent for a few moments. “Right. That means your wizard is wondering as you and Bar are too busy sniping at each other to care about not hearing from one another for a few days. I’ll give him a call.”

  “Thanks, and Baron and I don’t snipe. We go for the throat. We both have principles.”

  Seb laughed and hung up, Drax smiling at Mason, who was looking at him from over his shoulder.

  “Can’t you two get along?”

  “Actually, we get along real well. He’s an Enforcer, as am I, in the same area. We don’t always play well together, as we’re both the Alpha. But outside that, we’ve been friends a long time, but Baron is tight with his cousins. You’re about the only one he lets close like that.” Drax used his foot to pull up the throw from the bottom of the bed and draped it over his mate. Drax was a wolf, so he ran hot. Mason needed the extra warmth of the throw and his wolf body. The days were getting shorter and colder.

  Wasn’t long until Christmas. There were already plans to salt the roads, get the pack lands and city ready for snow flurries, and check the safety of bridges.

  “You can’t take my choices away again, Drax.”

bsp; Drax had learned a lot the last few years, and though it was his nature to protect and make snap decisions, he now saw his mate as a strong, independent leader. They would have to figure out a way that worked for both of them.

  “Nope, I’ve learned. We need to do this together, mate. I’m willin’. You in this with me?”

  After a moment, Mason nodded. “We’ll do this together.”

  Drax placed a kiss to the back of Mason’s neck. “Thanks, baby. Rest. I bet when we get up, you’ll be ready to push my buttons again.”

  Mason smiled and snuggled closer, which also meant his fine tight little ass was right against Drax’s raging hard-on. And no way was Drax moving. It felt way too good, even if it killed him. To be able to hold his mate freely without threats over their heads, without fear that someone would come after his mate, and without his mate fighting him, bought immense peace and happiness to Drax’s battered heart and soul.

  Everything he’d done since meeting Mason was to keep his mate safe, to have him. Sure, he’d learned a lot along the way, and his hard, tough attitude had been swept away the first time he gazed into Mason’s cool light eyes.

  Surprising Drax, he’d fallen in love with Mason immediately, at first sight, at first scent.

  He’d never guessed how his actions would result in wounding his wizard, nor that they’d divide the solid, tight Milson Valley residents, but he did know he and Mason were the ones to hold everyone together. And now he got to hold his mate.

  Tears blurred his eyes, Drax sniffing deeply. He would have to thank Emile and Xavier, Sebastian also. Damn, and Trent, the difficult Sanchez who never hung around. Drax wasn’t stupid. He knew their involvement got him here. Yeah, that wouldn’t have gone well.

  With Mason falling asleep, Drax moved his wizard tight against him. His to finally claim.


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