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Love and Lattes

Page 2

by Heather Thurmeier

  So much time had passed since she'd last had a man pressed up against her. She welcomed the sensation of his body, so good—no… great.

  As if hearing her thoughts, he spoke into her ear. "You feel so good." His breath was warm on her neck, the heat giving her tingles down her back and forcing her to arch into him uncontrollably.

  "So do you."

  "I'm a pretty lucky guy tonight."

  "Why's that?" She wanted to know his answer since she'd been thinking the same thing. How did she get so lucky to have this perfectly amazing guy be interested in her—plain Julia in non-designer duds?

  "Because somehow I managed to snag the prettiest girl in the room and convince her to dance with me."

  He probably used the same line on every girl, but she still blushed regardless. "Nice line," she said.

  Okay, so not exactly perfect with a cheesy pickup line, but still pretty damn close.

  As she waited for a response, the scent of his cologne mixing with the heat of his body overwhelmed her senses. She hadn't noticed his aroma before—so subtle, so elusive. But now they were hot and sweaty from dancing, and his own distinct scent of masculinity accentuated his cologne. She couldn't remember having ever smelled anything as delicious before, intoxicating and more than a little arousing.

  Snap out of it. You're going home alone tonight, like always.

  "It might be a line, but that doesn't make it untrue." He pulled back from her, his gaze penetrating into hers. Sparks. Who knew that was real? We could start a fire right here, right now.

  "I'm a pretty lucky girl to have been found by you."

  She did feel lucky. Most of the guys she'd dated in the past were too interested in the next keg party and playing beer pong to bother making her feel desirable, but not Chase. He looked at her as if she were the only girl in the room.

  After a few simple words and a gaze that made her feel like a goddess, she wanted to jump into bed with him. She wasn't going to, but damn he made her want to. A shiver of excitement ran up her spine at the thought of letting herself get carried away, just this one time, to be with him—really with him.

  But she wouldn't, or would she? Her inhibitions were falling aside, not because of the alcohol, but because of his eyes, his hands, the feel of his body moving against hers. That didn't change the fact she wasn't a one-night stand kind of girl. Chase—as much as she wanted to let him—wasn't going to change her.

  He leaned into her, drawing her even closer to him. He must feel this connection too, she decided, allowing herself to melt into him more than she should, considering he was still basically a stranger—a really hot, charming stranger.

  "I know we've only just met, but I can't seem to keep my hands off of you." His voice purred deeply in her ear, sending shockwaves through her body again. "I can't seem to leave your side."

  Don't fight your desires, Julia. Give in…

  His voice sounded like a whisper against the noise of the club, and she wondered if she'd heard him right. Then, he peered into her eyes so intensely she thought she might faint before he brushed his lips gently against hers. She turned her head quickly, needing a moment to think clearly. Was she really ready for this so soon with a sexy stranger?

  Her hair slipped to the side as she turned her head away, leaving the delicate skin of her neck exposed to his breath again. Her body shook with anticipation.

  Chase's lips on her neck and his fingertips stroking a path up and down her back made her decision for her. She'd never wanted to have a fling before, but she couldn't imagine not being with Chase tonight.

  She couldn't stop herself from leaning into him even more. He felt so strong, so warm—so incredibly sexy. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and disappear with him into an abyss of pleasure where the noise of the club would be replaced by the sounds of their bodies joining together.

  His lips on the crook of her neck made her body tingle. She'd never felt anything like this before for anyone, ever. This feeling, this spark, was something different—something that could make her throw her morals out the window for one night to be with him. One night sure to promise pure bliss.

  As his hands tangled into the back of her hair, he planted kisses on the sensitive skin behind her ear. A small groan escaped her lips before she could stop, betraying her true feelings. She prayed the music was loud enough to cover the sound.

  Pressing her hands against his chest, she meant to stop him, to push him gently away from her so she could have a moment to catch her breath. She needed to think—to clear her head. But her hands deceived her when they found hard muscles beneath the soft cotton shirt, and instead of pushing him away, they explored. She found defined muscles, a hint of crinkly hair, and a heart pounding hard against her fingertips.

  He could definitely feel this spark too. He had to, didn't he?

  He pulled back from her, leaving his hand tangled in her hair to stare at her. Cool air hit her neck where the warmth of his kisses lingered, making her ache to feel them again.

  "Wanna get out of here and go somewhere we can—talk?" His voice sounded husky.

  Oh god, yes. But should she? Was she safe to run off with some guy she'd just met?

  No. Yes. Her mind said, no, be smart, stay at the club with Tali. But her heart said, yes, follow this man who makes me feel amazing.

  Screw it.

  She didn't want to let him go until she knew more about him. She would be careful, but she'd leave with him tonight. She would tell her normally cautious self to shut up and enjoy life for a change, and she would go with him now. Maybe they'd go back to her place so at least Tali would come home to save her later if this ended up being a bad idea.

  "My place is just around the corner. It's quiet there so we can—talk." Yes, talk. They could start out talking and just see where things led. Maybe they'd talk all night like they do in the movies. Probably not.

  He dropped his hands and wrapped one around her waist, leading her carefully off the dance floor. She glanced around again for Tali to tell her she was leaving, but still couldn't find her in the mess of people crowded into the club. Was she even still here? She had no idea how many songs had played while they'd been on the dance floor—two, ten? Had Tali already left for the night?

  Julia reached into her bag and pulled out her cell. Flipping the phone open, she quickly punched in Tali's number and a simple message with trembling, nervous fingers—Going home.

  A moment later, her phone vibrated as a text came back to her from Tali—I'll find someone to walk with you.

  A smile pulled up the corner of Julia's mouth. She wished she could see the expression on Tali's face when she read her next message. Tali would never believe it was true. Julia typed her message and hit send as a giddy thrill tingled along her spine—I'm not alone. Nite.

  She flipped her phone closed, shoving it back into her bag where it vibrated again with a new message—one that could wait until later.

  Chapter Two

  Chase wrapped his arm around Julia as they stepped outside the club. After the stifling heat of the club, the cool early spring air was refreshing against his warm skin. Not that he really felt the cold with Julia under his arm.

  "Where to?" He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, unsure of where they were headed. He'd lived in the Meadow his whole life, but had no idea where this girl was from.

  "This way. It's just around the corner." Julia motioned down Lark Avenue, one of the business streets in the area. They wove their way through the people wandering along the crowded sidewalk, all of them eager to be out in the nice weather after a long, cold winter.

  They walked past several restaurants, each filled beyond capacity even at the late hour. Since this was a university town, the neighborhood never slept. He was thankful he lived off the main road and away from the constant noise and congestion.

  They turned onto Woodbury Road and he pulled her closer to his side, warming both of them with their combined body heat—body heat he hoped they'd be com
bining in another way soon.

  "How much farther?"

  "We're here."

  Julia pulled him through an archway onto a garden path. The bushes on either side were still bare, too early in the year for them to be in bloom yet. Solar lanterns casting a blue glow along cobblestone path lit their way. Even if the path had been dark, he would have known exactly where he was.

  The old Aston place?

  "I didn't know they rented to college students." The Aston's were an old, extremely prestigious family. Not the kind of couple he would have expected to board a university student.

  Julia shrugged. "Well, they rent to me." She led him past the main house around the back to the guesthouse beside the pool. Since the Aston's didn't have any children, this was one guesthouse he actually hadn't been in during his high school years.

  She pulled a key from her clutch, unlocked the door, and pulled him inside. There was a light on in the kitchen, but otherwise the small house was dark.

  "Is anyone else home?" He nodded toward the light. "You have a roommate?"

  Please say no.

  She shook her head slowly, her gaze locking onto his. "Nope. Just me." She dropped her bag on the kitchen counter and lit a few candles before turning out the kitchen light.

  "Want a coffee or water or something?"

  "Water. Thanks."

  He sat on the couch and tried to get comfortable, but the nervousness building inside him made him feel twitchy. What am I doing? This girl isn't different… maybe she is. He watched as Julia filled two tall glasses of water at the sink, the water filtration system making the process agonizingly slow.

  As she waited at the sink, she swished her hips gently as if she was still hearing the music from the club. The movement hypnotized him with its simplicity. He found himself unable to look away.

  The reason he was doing this stood in the kitchen swaying—Julia. Sure he'd decided he was done fooling around with girls who only wanted him for one thing—his money, but for some reason he couldn't explain, Julia didn't seem like that kind of girl. Maybe the reason was because she wasn't from around here. Maybe the reason was because she didn't seem to know who he was. Whatever reason, she made him want to throw his caution out the window.

  Two years. He hadn't been in a serious relationship in two years. Every time he thought he found a girl he really liked and started dating her, she turned out to want him only for his last name. The same wasn't true with Julia—couldn't be. She didn't even know his last name.

  "Here you go." She handed him a glass before taking a sip of her own and setting it on the coffee table.

  "Thanks." He had words on his tongue, but they were instantly forgotten as she put her foot up on the edge of the table and unzipped her knee-high boot.

  So sexy.

  She slipped off her boot and tossed it aside before repeating the same with the other boot. Her legs were so long and incredibly sexy in those boots, but even sexier out of them.

  She groaned, leaning back against the couch. "I love the look of boots, but they are just about the most uncomfortable things I can imagine. The best part about wearing them is the moment I get to take them off." She rubbed her hand along the arch of her foot, cringing slightly.

  "Why don't you let me do that?" He motioned to her foot still in her hand. "A foot rub always feels better when someone else does it."

  She smiled and pulled her feet up onto the couch, carefully tucking her dress around her legs. "If you really want to, I won't object. I swear those boots are torture devices."

  He moved her legs so they lay across his lap and rubbed the one nearest him. Her skin was soft and warm in his hands and he wondered what the skin in other parts of her body was like. As he made long strokes along her arch, she sighed deeply, closing her eyes.

  "Your hands feel wonderful."

  He continued to rub her foot in silence, letting her enjoy the sensation of his hands on her body for a few minutes. Then he moved to her other foot, starting the process over.

  "I still don't know anything about you Julia. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" He was so curious who this girl was and where she was from.

  "I have a brother. He's a few years older than me." She opened her eyes again, but they stayed heavy-lidded, from exhaustion or from the massage, he wasn't sure. Either way, she looked damn sexy. "What about you?"

  "Only child."

  "Meh, you're not missing much." She giggled. He liked the sound of her laugh. She made him feel like laughing too.

  "No? Got a grudge against your brother?"

  "No, I'm only kidding. Having a sibling is great even though they can be a total pain."

  "I had enough friends who are like siblings to me. I'm not sure what I'd do if I had a real brother or sister too."

  "You'd love them sometimes and want to punch them others." She laughed again. "I sound awful. I love my brother, just not when he tries to tell me how to live my life. Just because he's older, doesn't mean he's wiser, ya' know?"

  "I know exactly what you mean. Sounds like a couple of my friends. I live my life exactly how I want to and no one is going to tell me how I'm supposed to live it."

  Like settling for a girl who wants a piece of the Bloom Empire.

  "So how do you want to live your life?" She tilted her head to the side and smiled at him, almost as if she were teasing him.

  "One moment at a time. I don't want to have to plan every second in advance. Sometimes, I want to live without thinking and see where that takes me."

  "Sounds like we actually have something in common."

  His hands continued moving in circles along her skin as he spoke. "I guess we do."

  "Maybe we should stop thinking and live in the moment—now." She twirled a strand of hair, wrapping it around her index finger. Her eyes were still heavy, but now he was sure lust—not sleep—was the cause.

  "Maybe we should." His voice trailed off as his hands crept up to her ankles, then her calves, kneading her tender flesh as he went. His fingertips toyed with the hem of her skirt just above her knee. One little flick of his finger and he could expose her thigh, but was she ready for that?

  She answered his unasked question without speaking. She climbed into his lap, straddling his thighs with hers. He sucked in a deep breath as she hovered over him, his pants suddenly straining against his rigid body.

  Her dark hair framed her face as she leaned toward him, inching closer. She bit her bottom lip as she settled herself deeper on his lap.

  He barely managed to stifle a groan. "You're beautiful." Then her lips were on his, soft and warm and full of desire.

  He slid his hands along her thighs, roaming beneath the hem of her dress this time until he found the round contours of her bottom. He couldn't resist squeezing her cheeks and pulling her closer to him. She responded by sucking his lower lip into her mouth and giving his soft flesh a nibble.


  He wanted to tear her clothes from her delicious body at that moment, ravish her until she begged him to stop, but instead he fought for control. He explored further up her body, taking her dress with him as he went. He pulled back from her kiss just long enough to slip the dress over her head.

  "Julia, I want you."

  "I want you too." She kissed him hard again.

  Her words were all the confirmation he needed. Scooping her up in his hands, he twisted beneath her until he had her lying on her back along the couch. He slid his hand between her back and the couch and expertly unlatched her bra, pulling off the silky black material quickly to expose her breasts.

  His hands roamed her breasts as he kissed and nibbled a path from her collarbone to her belly button, savoring each little vibration she made against his mouth as his kisses tickled her sensitive flesh.

  "That tickles." She giggled and pushed on his shoulders, nudging him away from the tender spot he currently licked on her side, right at the edge of her ribs. She only succeeded in pushing him lower down her abdomen.

  "I'd lik
e to stop tickling you, but that would mean I'd have to stop kissing you, and I'm not sure I'm done exploring yet." Hooking his index fingers under the edge of her panties, he gave them a gentle tug. He slid the lacy thong over the curve of her thighs and threw them over his shoulder. They weren't needed anymore.

  He hovered over her, taking in the beautiful sight of her body waiting for him. How had he gotten so lucky to find this girl tonight?

  Maybe she's looking at me, not my money. Not my status. Me.

  He hungered more for her now than he had any other girl before her. She was real, genuinely there to be with him, just him. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside while she lay staring up at him from the couch. He wanted to feel her skin against his.

  How long had it been since he'd been with someone who didn't know who he was? How long had it been since he wasn't worried the person he was with wasn't really interested in him? Never.

  The weight of his family's name disappeared, and for the first time ever he was free, uninhibited. Finally, he could be exactly who he wanted to be—at least for tonight.

  "What's wrong?" Julia looked concerned and propped herself up on her elbows. "We don't have to do this. We can actually just sit and talk." She glanced to her dress hanging over the edge of the coffee table and reached for it.

  "No, I'm fine, better than fine. Talking is just about the last thing I want to do. I can barely think straight to form a sentence right now." He laughed and stroked her leg. "I was just thinking how beautiful you are, that's all."

  "I didn't realize you were such a sweet-talker."

  "I'm being serious. You don't even realize how beautiful you are."

  "Chase, I'm beginning to think you might be a big softy."

  "Not that soft." He growled and pounced on her then, claiming her mouth with his. She arched into him, forcing their bodies to connect skin to skin. Her hands roamed his chest and back, setting his skin on fire in their wake. She found the button of his pants and pulled them open, her fingertips brushing against the edge of his boxers.


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