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Ignite (The Disciples Book 4)

Page 18

by Cassandra Robbins

  I grin and kiss her tears away. “It’s just the weed, baby.”

  “Wait.” She reaches for my face with both hands and looks into my eyes. “You didn’t feel it?”

  I should lie.

  “I felt it. I touched your soul, and now it’s mine.” I pick her up and carry her to my bed, turn off the lights, and pull her relaxed body into my arms.

  She remains silent although I can feel the dampness of her tears on my chest. I close my eyes and let the weed and exhaustion take over.

  Rolling over, I blink at the morning light spilling into my room. My head feels like I slept for days, yet from the slight overcast of the morning I bet it’s 5:00 maybe 6:00 a.m. Jesus, I slept, and it was deep and dream free.

  My arms tighten on Antoinette’s as she groans and buries her nose in my neck. She seems to like doing this and it calms her. I rub my forehead with my other hand. That was some crazy shit that Rip came up with. Seeing into each other’s souls should definitely trigger sales. It’s like ecstasy without the hangover.

  She sighs again and rolls to her back. Her small firm breasts and hard red nipples make my morning hard-on throb. I sit up and make my way to the bathroom. When I look at myself in the mirror, I notice scratch marks on my back and a few on my chest.

  Smiling, I replay last night. I remember everything, which I’m not sure is a good thing. I step into the shower for a quick rinse off and keep thinking… about her. Us. I should be bored, but I’m not. I should be wanting my space back, yet I’m thinking of buying us a condo.

  She’s in my blood—I crave her. Christ, when she came last night, those eyes showed me everything, all of her. And she gave me everything. Her pussy pulsed and dripped her juices onto my cock. Her addictive fucking smell filled my senses.

  She’s everything I’ve never wanted and everything I need.

  Tossing my towel into the hamper, I brush my teeth and run my hands through my wet hair.

  I walk over to the bed and gaze down at her. She’s stunning.

  My eyes focus on her small breasts. They rise and fall while she sleeps peacefully. Her skin, which used to have a spray tan, is pale now and her long, firm legs are like silk. Every single bit of her is delicate and graceful. As I lean down for my cigarettes, her vanilla-citrus scent invades me.

  It’s probably been over a year since the words have come to me, moved me enough to put them down on paper. Yet I hear them. I grab a pen and my hand shakes slightly with the need to get those words out. Sitting, I write them down and finish in under half an hour.

  I make my way back to where she sleeps and gaze down at her. My brain memorizes everything about her down to the beauty mark that put a spell on me the first time I saw her. Turning from her, I know exactly what to do.

  I pull on some jeans. The sun is rising. It must be earlier than I thought. The play area looks ready for the party. Eve must have had Dewey get all kinds of kids’ balloons yesterday.

  The Avengers, Star Wars, and Peppa Pig are floating around the grass. Lighting up my cigarette, I take that first inhale and exhale.

  My emotions are raw.

  But I seem to have a muse who demands to be worshipped if the song I just wrote is any indication. Setting it on the table next to me, I watch the sun as it filters in.

  “Fuck it.” I grab my phone and take a picture of the three pages of my song, then text it to the one person I haven’t talked to in two years. My fingers hesitate before I send it. Though we haven’t talked for so long, maybe it’s time to let the past go.

  I don’t want credit. But I know you’re the only one who can do this justice.

  Sighing, I press send and rub my neck. Glancing around my room, I take it all in and it hits me. It’s our room now. Little things like her ballet flats sit under a chair. Her lip glosses and phone remain where she left them on the island. I like all of this and I don’t have time to dissect why that is.

  I need to at least check my messages since we passed out. There’s a text from David last night asking if Antoinette needs a bikini for today. A couple from my prospects who’ve been watching the dispensaries, informing me all is well.

  The last one from Snipe saying to call him.

  “Christ.” I brace myself. I wanted to have one nice day today. Dolly and Edge deserve it. Fuck it, we all deserve it. Pressing on his number, I wait for him to answer.

  “Hey, brother. You up?” I walk over to my fridge and grab some OJ.

  “Yep. Just got done running six miles.” His voice sounds smug.

  “What you got for me?”

  Snipe has an apartment on the beach in Malibu. He loves it. Swims, runs, meditates—all kinds of shit so that he can come to work and cut off a man’s fingers calmly. I can hear the waves in the background.

  “I did an extensive search on her. All the father’s business partners and enemies are either in New York or overseas, and a bunch are retired.”

  “Okay. So, we think the father’s enemies are not ours?”

  “Yeah.” The phone goes silent.

  “What Snipe?”

  “I feel bad for her. She could have been a prima ballerina.”

  I look out my window as his words sink in. “Anything else?”

  “Just that. She had a future in the ballet world and in one night, her life changed.”

  “Nobody gets a fucking rose garden, Snipe. You should know that.”

  “True. You want me to keep digging?”

  I walk into my bedroom and glance at her. Her blond hair spills over the side of the bed as she sleeps.

  “Axel? You still there?”

  “No. But I do want one of our best guys to tail her. Whenever she’s not with me, he’s with her.”

  “I told you she’s in the clear.” He sighs.

  “And I said I want someone watching her.”

  “You know we’re stretched thin with all the extra security at the grow houses.”

  “Get it done. Hire the best. Let me know who it’s gonna be.” I take one last inhale.

  “I’ll get on it. You’re making me nervous with all this shit going on.”

  “No surprises.” I hang up.

  The air conditioner clicks on and it’s not yet 8:00 a.m. But it’s been a pretty mild summer so far, and we’re due for some heat.

  She rolls over, kicking the covers off one side of her. The bedroom smells like us and sex. I put out my cigarette and climb over her, tossing the rest of the sheet aside.

  “Axel.” She groans as I open her legs. Her pussy is pink and swollen from our harsh fucking last night. I open her folds and she moans as I lick her from the top of her clit all the way to her tiny rosette hole.

  “Keep your eyes closed.”

  Gasping, she tightens her legs and I grin.

  “Oh God.” She throws a hand over her eyes as I lower my head, my tongue swirling around her plump nub.

  “Axel,” she moans.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  She moans my name again, this time at a higher pitch. Reaching down, she laces her fingers through my hair, her hips moving to the rhythm of my tongue.

  “Shh, I haven’t had my breakfast yet,” I mumble as I suck then roughly jerk her pussy deep into my mouth and eat her until she screams.


  As I stare at myself in the mirror, I admire the cute white sundress I’m wearing for the party. Technically, it was Bella’s, but in my frantic packing, I ended up with it. Guess it’s mine now.

  My lips seem permanently plump thanks to Axel sucking on them so often. Leaning forward, I outline my eyes with some dark bronze purple, which makes their blue-violet color pop, and add a final layer of mascara. There’s pounding at the door along with Cindy’s loud mouth.

  “Antoinette. Get your skinny ass out here. I’m here for you,” she yells again, and I can’t help but smile. She’s a good one even if she hates Axel and Ryder… well, all the Disciples.

  I slather on some shimmery pink gloss that stings my lips—that’s how sore
they are—and turn off the light as I open the door.

  “Thank God. You need to help me get some water in her. She’s already threatened to spit in Ryder’s face if he comes near her.”

  Charlie sashays in. “Also, Eve is getting ready to show up with Dolly and she wants you up front and center.”

  “Oh, wow. What’s happened?”

  “Rip talked her into doing shots of tequila with orange juice chasers.”

  I grab her a bottle of water. She opens it and makes Cindy take it, then swings her hair over her shoulder as she smiles at me, her eyes widening.

  “Antoinette.” She puts a hand to her chest. “You look so beautiful, doesn’t she, Cindy?” Cindy stares at me. She’s wearing only a black skimpy string bikini.

  “Bathroom, I need it, now.” She pushes past me and the loudest, most horrendous heaving and gagging fill the room.

  “It’s ten a.m.” I look at Charlie who doesn’t seemed fazed.

  “I know. I need Doug to get his ass over here now. He’s saying he has to wait for Robert, but this is going to be a disaster. I can already feel it.”

  Her fingers are like a concert pianist’s as she texts. “And I have to make sure Dewey is okay with Zack.” Looking up at me, she points at the bathroom. “When she’s done, give her some water, then come downstairs.” She stops at the door. “And don’t worry. Because you look worried. It’ll be fantastic.”

  She takes a deep breath and leaves.

  “Wait.” I run to the door. “Am I supposed to be in a bikini?”

  She’s wearing one. A cute red bikini with some skimpy white shorts that show her long, thin legs. Charlie and I kind of have the same shape, only my boobs are even smaller and I’m probably ten pounds lighter.

  “Well, it’s a pool party. You swim, right?” She stops at the top of the stairs and I admire her strappy wedge sandals.

  “Yes, of course. Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

  “Long story.” She waves her hands. “Eve can’t or couldn’t… never mind.”

  She sighs. “Look, I had David text Axel last night asking if you needed a bikini. He said no.” She rolls her eyes.

  “He didn’t mention anything about a bikini when he left.” And my cheeks get hot as I remember what we did earlier. He didn’t say much of anything other than giving me multiple orgasms and jerking himself off on my breasts.

  She cocks her head. “Antoinette?” She turns and walks toward me. “I know you’ve been hearing all kinds of negative stuff about Axel and the Disciples in general.”

  She motions for me to follow her to the window. “Some of it is true, some is exaggerated. But… be careful with Axel. And by careful, I mean guard your heart. He’s… Axel.”

  Her words ring in the empty hallway and I bite my lower lip because hearing it from Charlie makes it seem real. And in an instant, my beautiful, happy day is gone, all that happened last night a distant memory. Only because I know she’s right and she cares about me.

  She rubs my arm. “I hate having to say that, but I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me.” I smile, but it’s tight.

  “Oh, Antoinette,” she whispers as her golden eyes scan my face. “You’re already in love with him.”

  It’s not a question and she doesn’t give me time to answer.

  But am I?

  Have I somehow fallen in love with him? There’s no way. He’s exciting, and he makes me feel secure—that’s all. But I’m not delusional enough to fall for him. Right?

  Charlie cocks her head. “So, here’s the truth about David and me. I fell in love with David the first time I saw him. I was ten. He came in with his dad and some old-timers to my parents’ diner. He was older, but I didn’t care. I knew he was the one.” She smiles.

  “We’ve had a lot of tragedies, setbacks, and pain. But at the end of the day, he loves me as much as I love him. He’s my best friend.”

  “That’s so romantic,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, sometimes it was. Other times it was ugly and painful, and honestly… I was scared he wouldn’t make it. But I believed. Sometimes it felt like that’s what kept us going.”

  She nods and moves toward the stairs. “Keep doing what you’re doing. And yes, you definitely need to wear a bikini.”

  “Charlie?” She looks up. “I’m not… in love with him. I can’t be.”

  She smiles. “Okay. Still wear the skimpiest bikini you have.”

  Clearly she doesn’t believe me. Not that I blame her. It came out rather weak. But I’m not. I know it, and that’s all that matters. What I feel for Axel has to be a passing infatuation. He’s beautiful and smells good. That’s it.

  But I want to cry or kick something because that’s not it. He’s smart, and he makes me feel secure and special and…

  “Oh God. Am I? I might be falling in love with him,” I whisper as I walk back into the room and almost gag at the smell of vomit.

  Cindy is hugging the toilet seat.

  “You okay?” I have to put my nose in my hair and breathe in its fresh scent rather than her puke.

  “Oh God, I hate them.” She props a shaky hand on the toilet bowl and rests her forehead on it.

  “Can I get you some water?”

  “This is what they do to you, Antoinette.” She turns and starts throwing up again.

  “Oh, Cindy.” I cringe because if she’s this bad already, jeez, the party hasn’t even started. “Um, I’m going to get my bathing suit on. You get it all out.” She heaves again. “That’s it, get it all out.” I sound like a lunatic talking to a baby or a puppy.

  “Stop… please.” She holds up a hand.

  “Sorry. Call me if you need me.”

  Without giving her time to respond again, I go straight to Axel’s closet and try to remember which bag I put it in. It’s new and never worn since I never got around to going to the ocean or a pool.

  I pull out my underwear and sock garbage bag and dump it on the floor, and there it is. It’s black with tiny silver stars on it.

  Slipping off my dress and panties, I pull on the bottoms, which have a slight G-string in the back. Not full but a nice cut. I tie the top and try to push my boobs out as much as possible.

  Whatever, at least they don’t sag. They’re full and I have good nipples. I’m pale, but maybe a little sun today will help.

  I shut the door so I can look at myself in the full-length mirror. I look good. The makeup definitely helps. Now for some shoes. I wish I had some cute heeled sandals like Charlie and Cindy, but I don’t, so my flip-flops will have to do.

  “Antoinette?” Doug’s voice, followed by his loud pounding, makes me jump. I rush over to open the door.

  “Thank God.” He leans on the doorframe, wearing black sunglasses and dressed in ripped black jeans and a black T-shirt.

  “Look at you. Our own little Marilyn Monroe, minus the curves.” He barges in and circles me. “You, my little princess, are breathtaking.”

  I curtsey at him as Cindy groans. We both turn and Doug pulls out his phone and turns the camera on.

  “I got my ass over here early. My poor boyfriend will have to come over alone. If a biker kills him, his blood is on your hands.” He says all this to a pale-faced Cindy, her bright pink lips the only color on her face as Doug takes picture after picture, grinning.

  “I’ll kill you,” she hisses as she uses the toilet to stand.

  “Pussycat, tell the camera all about it.” He flips it to video.

  “Doug, stop it. I hate being here. I’m only doing this for you, Antoinette.” She points at me and I feel a tiny bit guilty, but I kind of need her, so I’m torn.

  “Cindy, I’m so sorry.” I step around Doug to flush the toilet again and watch Cindy look at herself in the mirror.

  “Dougie, I swear to God.” She rolls her eyes at him. All he does is laugh. He pockets his phone as he swats her on the butt.

  “Okay. Let’s do this, my beautiful butterflies.”

  “Stop it, Doug,” she grumbles and tries to fix her hair.

  “I’ll get the tequila,” Doug yells to us. “And stop with your crabbiness, Cindy. I’ll fix your makeup. Antoinette, you’re perfect.”

  I look at Cindy through the mirror as if her eyes have only now focused on me. “Jesus, Antoinette. You’re beautiful. Your body is amazing.”

  Doug goes back to leaning on the doorframe holding one of Axel’s favorite bottles of tequila. “Spin for us.” He smiles at me.

  I do a quick spin and they both nod in approval. “God, how great would it be if Axel falls for her?” Cindy reaches for Doug’s arm.

  “Yep.” He nods, laughing with her. “This might be better than watching Eve bring Blade to his knees.” Still holding Cindy’s arm, he leans in to kiss my forehead.

  “I hate to disappoint you two, but—”

  “You won’t.” He winks at me.

  “I don’t know if Axel is boyfriend material, you know?”

  Dougie takes a guzzle from the bottle of tequila. And my stomach feels slightly nauseous at the way they both look away.

  “What?” My eyes dart back and forth at them.

  “Nothing, princess. My only concern is… Axel might not be able to be monogamous.” He sighs.

  “Doug. Don’t sugarcoat it.” Cindy slaps him. “And you guys say I’m the big mouth.”

  Flashes of last night and this morning replay in my head. Am I being an idiot? Axel is a master at making you feel good and special.

  My eyes swing to Doug’s almost begging for him to make this better, which is crazy. Because what can he do? It’s not his fault Axel is a womanizer and has probably fucked hundreds of women.

  He holds up his hand and sighs. “Axel is… How flexible are you if he happens to fuck someone, but it doesn’t mean anything to him?”

  I blink at him. “You’re joking, right?”

  “Let’s not worry about all this now. I want you to go put on that sweet little dress I saw on the chair and I’ll get Cindy ready.”

  “You know what? I’m not feeling so good either. You guys go along, and I’ll be down later.” I blink back the tears because I have no right to cry. Axel is what Axel is, and I need to toughen up. Just because I could fall in love with him doesn’t mean he can do the same. Except he must have been in love at one time. He has MJ tattooed on his hand.


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