Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance Page 36

by Natasha Spencer

  I was out of my mind with worry, watching this display of them measuring their manhood and knowing one of them was going to get the better of the other.

  “Before we proceed, I want your word as a soldier that you will leave Chelsea alone. You’re not to harm a hair on her head and you both go your separate ways. She’s not a part of this and I don’t want her to be a casualty of something I was responsible for.”

  He was protecting me with his last breath and my heart jumped for joy. It also sank at the same time at the realization of what was going to happen.

  “I don’t usually leave anybody to identify me, but I agree with your terms. It is a good day to die and our fate was already sealed when we put on the uniform. Soldiers are the last line of defense and those pencil pushers ordering the strategic attacks are cowards. Some have never seen action and they deem it necessary to make the hard decisions.”

  I wasn’t expecting them to get into a spirited discussion, but apparently, they both had very harsh feelings towards those with bureaucratic blood running through their veins.

  “Only those who have looked the enemy in the eye can truly understand what we have gone through. We walk around in a trance and we are tiptoeing around the open grave of our own funeral. We move carefully, but we live dangerously because we don’t know any other way. I killed your soldiers, but I can assure you they died quickly. There’s no need to make this personal, but the man who hired you will find out that coming after me is a bad mistake.”

  Bailey was making it sound like he was definitely going to be the winner, but I think that he was only using psychological warfare to get his point across.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of yourself and you might be good with a rifle from afar, but this takes ice water in your veins. I was always at the top of my class in marksmanship and hand to hand combat. I’m not going to lie down and make it easy for you if that is what you were hoping for. Rules are made to be broken and can you imagine what our drill sergeant would say if he saw us now.”

  They had respect for one another, but the rules of war were unshakable in their opinions.

  “I don’t see any reason why we should procrastinate. If you have any last words then this might be the time for you to say them. My death will be felt by my family, but you will have no fear of retaliation from them. We have carved our name in blood and left an indelible mark.” Bailey was giving him the opportunity to speak his mind as the clock ticked down on his life.

  “I would love to believe you, but there’s no way that you can possibly predict what your family is going to do. The only thing I ask is that you take care of my family in my absence. They won’t know who you are and anonymously you will send them stipends every month without fail. They deserve something for their pain and the one who takes my life should pay for it monetarily. I’m not planning to die, but on that off chance, this is my final will and testament made with a sound mind and body. I want you to take this and deliver it in person to my mother. You can tell her anything you want, but in the end, you will have to look her in the eyes.”

  It seemed cruel and unusual to ask him to be the messenger.

  “We could’ve been friends and I would imagine we have a lot more in common than either one of us wants to admit. It’s too bad it has to end this way. It would’ve been nice to cultivate this friendship and to have somebody to talk to over a few beers. Such is life and nobody said anything about what we do is fair.”

  Bailey was standing there swallowing his pride when everything in his body was probably screaming at him to get somewhere where he could take the shot from a distance.

  “There’s no chance of that happening, Bailey.” This man handed Bailey an envelope which made me think about how Bailey might’ve had a similar envelope in his possession. There was no way that I could let this farce continue without saying something.

  “I just want to go on the record to say both of you are bat shit crazy.” There was no reason for this to happen, but neither one was going to listen to the wise counsel of someone who didn’t know what it was like to be in the trenches.

  “You’re going to have to forgive her and she knows not what she says. There are a cost and a price which both of us have paid many times over in our dreams and nightmares. Civilians have no clue and I wouldn’t want to wish this on my worst enemy. We may come home with battle wounds visible to the naked eye, but there are others they can’t see.” Bailey was talking like I wasn't even there and making me feel like a third wheel.

  “I lost my family and I barely speak to a daughter I never saw grow up. We all have regrets in this line of work, but we sacrificed for the good of the many. They say no one man can make a difference, but we both know they are wrong. Bailey, it has been my honor and I do hope there is a special place in heaven for guys like us. Then again, it’s more likely we will be taking the trip down south and rightfully so.”

  You could hear a pin drop and they stared at each other until finally, they reached for the lone revolver tightly encased in their shoulder holsters.

  They didn’t even do me the courtesy of looking at me before they met in the middle of the driveway and turned their backs to one another. Their guns were clasped in both of their hands and they were staring straight ahead before taking one step after another.

  “Five… Six… Seven.” They were counting off in unison and I was left to witness this barbaric display of their over inflated sense of duty.

  “Eight… Nine…Ten… ” They moved fluidly, twisting to face each other with their guns going off at the same time. They were both thrown into the air and came down heavily with their breath escaping their bodies.

  I stood there shaking with my eyes wide to the implications of what I was going to find if I went a little closer. The blood was pooled around their prone forms.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was two weeks later and I was standing in the dismal cold with a drizzle of rain dancing majestically on the umbrella over my head. The mood was solemn with a woman with deep feelings for him weeping uncontrollably until she was on her knees clutching the cross around her neck.

  I felt nothing, completely devoid of emotion and staring at the casket as it lowered into the ground for the final time. It killed me to see those who knew him best suffering and there was nothing that I could do to give them any sense of peace.

  “…he was taken from us too early, but he has been welcomed into the kingdom of heaven with open arms. We place this man at rest where he will finally find the peace that he couldn’t find in this life.” After the priest made his customary speech about ashes to ashes and dust to dust everybody began to return to their respective vehicles.

  I took a step up to where the grave was open and I bent to grab a fistful of dirt before letting it slip through my fingers. I walked away until I climbed into the limousine rented for this purpose. The darkened interior was only made easier to swallow by the hand touching me.

  I put my head on his shoulder for comfort and then I looked up into Bailey’s eyes. “It was a nice ceremony and I stayed far enough away that there were no questions asked.” He had done his duty by giving the man’s mother the envelope in person claiming to be a friend from his time in the military. He just couldn’t bring himself to go to the funeral and stand there hypocritical because of the way that he had dispatched him from this mortal coil.

  He was bandaged around his waist and an inch closer and his life would have been over. Being under the knife for 5-hours was nerve wracking and I was in no state of mind to call our parents. I waited until he was out of the woods and I stayed by his side until he opened his eyes.

  Bailey was looking at him in the limo and he never said a word. He attacked me, pulling down the straps of my black dress until my heaving bosom was captured in his hands. The partition separating us from the driver was giving us privacy and I could tell this was his way of overcoming his pain.

  I lifted his face and I held him back until he kissed me with full blown passion.
I helped him to strip me down until I was in my bare essentials of a white bra which fell easily into his hands. My panties slid down my legs until they were at my ankles. I kicked free of them and Bailey moved until he was on his knees in between my legs.

  “It was the most difficult thing in my life to stand in front of his mother and I think he did that to remind me that there are those waiting for their loved ones to come home.” I unbuttoned his shirt and I touched the scars making him cringe with the memories that were stirred up. The bandage showed no adverse effects of his over anxious libido.

  “He wanted you to learn the one thing I’ve been trying to beat into your head. Life is precious and we all live with beliefs that don’t necessarily match up to somebody else’s.” I peeled the layer of fabric over his shoulders, kissing the skin and leaving behind the mark of my lipstick on his shoulder blade.

  He pushed me back abruptly, nipping at the inside of my thighs until he was within reach of his prize. I could feel his hot breath touching me and making me squirm in my seat. I yearned for his body and his tongue slithered like a forgotten pest in the grass. I moved closer putting my legs in the air until my feet were touching the ceiling.

  “I look at you and I can’t believe we are together.” We had a frank discussion with my parents and they were understandably upset by what transpired. We gave them another shock when we revealed our secret feelings, but they gave us their blessing despite their misgivings.

  I grabbed his hand and I placed his fingers against my lips. I began kissing each individual one as he burrowed into the tunnel of my love. He was firing on all cylinders, losing himself in the moment and drowning in the pleasures surrounding him.

  “I’m burning up inside like fire, but I know you’re a man strong enough to contain the blaze. We are free to be open with our feelings and I have a bit of news that can wait until there’s a better time.” My legs were vibrating with my bare toes digging into the ceiling.

  “You are so damn sexy; Chelsea and you are the new beginning I’ve been looking for.” He flitted his tongue along the outer surface of my clit, before grabbing it in his mouth and giving it the attention it deserved.

  “You know my body inside and out… Oh, god…yes…Oh, my god… I’m looking down at all I see…and I know that it can never get any better than this. I’m so close to cumming all over your face and you know exactly how to touch me to get the desired reaction.”

  He was willful and demanding, but these were the pieces of the puzzle that made him the love of my life.

  He wasn’t a domesticated animal and his primal nature was coming out. This was his Alpha personality and he had my ass in the palm of his hands. He raised me like he was offering my body as a sacrifice to the gods. My knees were bent and almost touching my face with my features contorted into a mask of sweet pleasure and agony. I was cumming in a continuous wave of pleasure, but he wasn’t backing down from the challenge of trying to hold me in the throes of ecstasy.

  It lasted for over a minute and a little piece of my anatomy was sensitive to the touch. I kissed him, tasting myself and then I struggled to get him into the same seating position that I was in. He relinquished control and his pants were pulled from his frame by my eager and determined hands.

  His manhood snapped forward and slapped heavily against his stomach leaving behind a string of his excitement in his wake. I took a hold of him and drew him into the hot orifice of my mouth. I surrounded him in warmth and the tight enclosure that had him literally at his wit’s end.

  “I’m going to spend the rest of my life waking up to your face.” His heady words fueled me into delivering him to the squeezing sensation of my throat. There was no denying his weapon was perfectly suited for my oral expertise. I worked him into a frenzy, keeping him ready with those bullets in the chamber and not about to pull the trigger.

  I watched the way that he shined in the light overhead and he was slick to the touch of my fingers moving with insistence up and down the length of the shaft. I popped the knob in and out of my mouth several times seeing the color change from pink to a deep maroon.

  I took the initiative, climbing on top of him until his knob was kissing the painted lips of my sex. They enveloped the crown of his scepter with the rest of him slowly sinking into the heated discharge of my impending orgasm. It came on suddenly and my legs gave out until I threw back my head with a scream from being impaled on his spike of love.

  “I…don’t even have the words…to make you understand what you do to me… Bailey.” I had my hands on his shoulders and I was riding slowly taking this moment to enjoy every single inch of his over inflated manhood.

  “I love the way that your body invites me in without any reservations. I want you to feel this and that sweet little hole of yours is mine to conquer every night.” He had his hands on my waist and he was releasing me from his loving embrace. I felt empty for a moment before he filled the void sliding along the slippery walls of my excited state.

  “I want you to feel what you’re going to miss when you are overseas deep in the mud.”

  He hadn’t made up his mind and they were hounding him for an answer. I wasn’t expecting him to be this open with his affections in a semi-public environment. I was taking advantage and I wanted him to consider something in the public sector.

  “I…took care of unfinished business…but maybe there is other business which needs my undivided attention.”

  He was bouncing me in his lap and the pace was getting quicker with my hair flying all over the place. Sweat was dripping down his chest and I was running my fingers through the curls. I was turning them in my fingers and pulling at them with his eyes and his mouth opening at the same time.

  I didn’t know the details, but he left in the middle of the night two days ago and didn’t return until this morning. It seemed awfully coincidental that a young senator had been found electrocuted in his bathtub that morning. They claimed it was an accident, but I had a feeling Bailey had his hand in making the senator answer for his crimes.

  “Bailey, I need you and there is nothing more important than the two of us…”

  My mind was overwrought with the pleasure radiating through my limbs. I came with a banshee cry enough to rattle the panes of glass of the limousine and to leave no doubt in the driver’s mind about what was happening behind his back.

  Bailey was the best thing that ever happened to me and then I was flat on my stomach with him hammering behind me. He was biting my neck and pulling my hair while screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs with his instrument of torture and pleasure taking me to new heights.

  “Chelsea, I don’t have it in me to fight you any longer.” He was really putting the springs of the limousine on notice. He was suddenly uncorking the bottle of his excitement. I felt every single blast and then I turned to face him with my hand grabbing him and placing it on my stomach.

  He wasn’t sure what was going on and then he recognized the glow in my eyes. He then told me in confidence that the senator’s brother was killed by his hand. He was ready to drop the gloves and leave the past behind him. We were going to have a family of our own one day and we decided to scratch out a new existence in a small town.

  I would finish school through the Internet and there was a job waiting for me as a teacher in a small town in Wyoming. We would be happy living a simple life, but I was still a little concerned that his need for battle would take him hostage. I was just going to have to remind him of what he had to lose.

  There was nothing conventional about our relationship and we couldn’t stay in our hometown without being judged. A clean slate would make it easier to bask in the love that we had for one another. We had found that happy bliss everyone was trying to find.

  Dominated by the Shifter

  By: Faye Saunders

  Dominated by the Shifter

  © July 2017 – All rights reserved

  By Faye Saunders,

  Published by Passionate Publishing Inc.

>   This is a work of fiction. All names and characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is intended for adult readers, 18+ years old. Please close this e-book if you are not comfortable reading adult content.

  Chapter 1

  I sighed as I squared my shoulders to get ready for another day. Another day, another dollar. That’s my motto. It isn’t fun to be a museum tour guide – at one point, I thought it would be. I was sadly mistaken – but, to be fair, not many people have day jobs that they love. As long as I keep this job, I can keep a roof over my head and work on my art pieces after work.

  That’s the thing I need to tell myself to get through another day. One day my work will be loved like Picasso or Da Vinci. I can just feel it down to my bones. I’m going to be amazing someday. But for now, discussing artwork with Museum patrons and giving tours, that’s as close as I can get.

  The next tour group is coming in. They didn’t want to be disturbed, donating so much to the museum that I am really the only person here other than custodians and the like. That’s just to give them a tour, and I was told I would get time-and-a-half for working when no one else was working today. Especially because today was technically a holiday. Does Earth day even really count as one at this point? Never mind. Not the point.

  The point is, the extra money can go to buying me some new paint, as I’ve almost run out. Sometimes food and shelter have to go over your passion, I paid for food so I couldn’t pay for new paint supplies. That being said, I psyched myself up for whichever clients we would have and their behavior. Rich customers were never that pleasant in my experience. Always willing to mock a chubby girl for her weight, for her curly hair. Her short stature. They were jerks, they knew it too. They knew I would lose my job if I fought back. I just had to grin and bear it.


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