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Single Dad’s Plaything: A Single Dad First Time Billionaire Romance

Page 72

by Natasha Spencer

  “The great hair is really important,” Gary said with a sad smile. Kalyn could tell he knew where this conversation was going.

  “But you just got out of a relationship and this business offer. I just feel like I’m being bought.”

  “You’re not. Seriously if you don’t take the contract I don’t know what’s going to happen to the salon. I’d probably just sell it off to whoever makes the first offer. That could mean the salon is still there or it could mean that it gone forever. I don’t mean to make that as a threat but you are the one that cares about the salon, you and Mel. I thought I’d offer it to you two first. Take the papers, I brought them. You can look at them.”

  “That’s really sweet of you,” Kalyn said. She took the papers from Gary, folded them and put them in her purse.

  “I learned how to be sweet from the sweetest,” he said with a wink.

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “They say that persistence is a key to success, even in matters of the heart.”

  “I’m not sure how much persistence will change things.”

  “Okay. We’ll at least I’ve tried.”

  “Thanks Gary,” Kalyn said.

  “No problem.” He got up and the two hugged. Kalyn felt herself melting a little in his embrace but felt that she’d made her decision. It wasn’t a good situation for her. It was too complicated for her. Offering the salon was amazing but she hadn’t talked to Mel about it. Gary being single now was a big deal, and it had been his own decision. She didn’t feel bad about their affair anymore.

  “Well I’ll talk to you sooner or later. Let me know if you change your mind,” Gary said with a pause. “About the salon.”

  “Yeah. Absolutely,” Kalyn said. She reached into her purse for some money to pay for the wine.

  “I’ll get the bill. I can take care of things.”

  “I know. I can see that.”

  “Bye Gary.”

  “Bye Kalyn.”

  Kalyn walked out of the restaurant. She felt Gary’s eyes following her. As soon as she stepped out tears started to come out of her eyes. Her shoulders heaved up and down. She walked down the street towards BART and decided she needed a drink. A stiff one. She picked up her phone and called Mel.

  “Can you meet me,” Kalyn said still crying into the phone. “I’m on

  “Yeah. Absolutely honey.”

  It took Mel fifteen minutes to get to Kalyn. Kalyn had stopped crying but when she saw Mel the waterworks started coming out again. Mel’s first reaction was to hug her friend. She pulled her friend in tight and didn’t let go until Kalyn had stopped sobbing.

  “Okay. Let’s go get a drink,” Mel said. “I think I need one and you probably need a couple.”

  Kalyn laughed and soon they were at a corner bar. The place was popular with students but since it was a weekday it was empty. Mel got some popcorn and ordered a couple shots and a vodka soda for Kalyn and a beer for herself.

  “Cheers,” Mel said.

  The two clinked their glasses and downed their shots.

  “Okay so what happened.”

  “He broke up with Joy,” Kalyn said.

  “Did he initiate it or did Jo?”

  “It was Joy.”

  “Okay… that’s great,” Mel said. She took a sip of her beer. “So they were falling apart anyways. What’s the matter?”

  “He also offered the salon.”


  “He wrote out a contract. A repayment plan. Here you can see it,” Kalyn said. She pulled out the papers and handed them to Mel.

  Mel looked them over then waved over the bartender.

  “You two more of the same.”

  Mel looked at her friend straight in the eyes.

  “Do you like him,” Mel said.


  “Do you see a future with him?”

  “I don’t know. He’s better than a lot of the other guys I’ve dated.”

  “Low bar. Do you want to keep doing the salon?”

  “Yes of course.”

  “Then do it. What’s the fucking problem,” Mel shouted. “He’s hot, he’s nice, he’s got money. He’s offering stability and this contract. If things go south we still have the contract he’s out of the way. What do you have to lose. Seriously. He’s not even with his wife anymore. Give me your phone.”

  “What,” Kalyn said.

  “Give me your phone.”

  Kalyn pulled her phone out and handed it to her friend.

  Mel flashed her fingers on the screen then paused for a moment. She burst out with more text.

  “He’ll be here in five minutes. One you will sign the contract. I want to do this. Do you want to do this?”

  “Yes. Of course. The salon has been great. We’re a good time.”

  “Good. And two. This is the important one. You go and fuck his brains out,” Mel said. “You have a good time and you quit being so fucking conflicted. Girl gotta get hers.”

  Gary walked into the bar moments later.

  “Hey,” Gary said sheepishly.

  Kalyn looked at him and moved forward. She stepped up on her tip toes and kissed him. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and after a moment he pulled her into him. There tongues swirled together and Kalyn could feel a gush of warmth between her legs.

  “Ah hey Gary,” Mel said. “You are looking very heterosexual.”

  The two fell out of their embrace but Gary kept his eyes on Kalyn.

  “You had a change of heart,” he said.

  “She had some sense talked into her,” Mel said. She took a pen from the bar and signed the contract. She pushed the pen into Kalyn’s hand. “Hey. Hey. Hey.”

  “Sorry,” Kalyn said. She turned and signed the contract.

  “Well here it is,” Mel said.

  “Awesome. I’ll have the keys and final documents for you tomorrow. The way everything is set up is through a secondary company. It’s hands off from me. The company will just hold the title until everything is paid off,” Gary said.

  “Great. Now go get a room breeders,” Mel said rolling her eyes.

  Gary and Kalyn laughed in time and waved goodbye to their friend.

  The drive across the bay took no time at all in Gary’s fast car. He’d gotten a new place already. He wanted everything to start over, he’d told Kalyn during their drive. He’d moved into a new apartment in the Mission. It was right off Valencia.

  The apartment was fully furnished already and was even more spacious than the last place. When Gary opened the door she immediately went into the bedroom. She bounced on the bed.

  “Seems good to me,” she said.

  Gary looked at her from the doorway.

  “I’m glad you came over.”

  She rose from the bed and walked over to him. The way that he looked at her made her knees weak. He put his hand on the side of her face and kissed her deeply. He pushed his hands back further and they began to comb through her hair. His tongue was wet and searching for her. His five o’clock shadow was soft and tickled slightly. She longed to feel it between her legs.

  Kalyn pulled at his shirt and then undid the buttons. He pulled it off to reveal his muscular chest and stomach. She let her hands glide over his hard stomach and on his chest. Then she reached up and kissed him. She let her kiss linger on his lips then began kissing lower. Her lips touched his neck, his chest, and she dropped to her knees.

  She unbuttoned his pants and put her hands around the waistband of his underwear. With one smooth movement, he was naked in front her. Gary was already hard and Kalyn looked up into his eyes. The two connected for a moment and Kalyn licked her lips.

  Kalyn kept her eyes locked on Gary as she placed his shaft into her mouth. Her tongue wrapped around his shaft and she loved the way it felt in her mouth. Gary push his hands on the side of her head as she went up and down on his cock. Her lips moved with a beautiful rhythm on his hard cock. Up and down, up and down. She would take breathers at times and would playfully
lick the tip of his dick. Her tongue would circle around his head and then she would take all of him into his mouth.

  “Oh fuck,” Gary moaned.

  Kalyn’s mouth filled with warm liquid and she swallowed his cum. His hand lifted from her head and he stretched out.

  Kalyn licked her lips to get the last drops of his cum off her lips and pulled away from his cock.

  “How long will it take you to get ready again,” Kalyn said.

  “Not long at all,” Gary said as he watched Kalyn undressed. She did a slow striptease for him and turned around as she pulled down her pants to reveal her juicy ass.

  “I think I know something you can do while we are waiting,” Kalyn said. She pressed her ass back against him and then fell to the bed.

  Gary grabbed the pillows from the bed and put them under her hips. She lay face up with her pussy tilted up and exposed. Gary leaned over and didn’t touch it at first. Instead he gazed at her wet cunt with desire. She could feel his breath on her lips. Her nipples were getting harder with each second that passed.

  “Lick it,” Kalyn said.

  He put two of his fingers into her. Her pussy was warm, wet, and inviting. He positioned his fingers up towards her pelvic bone and began to stroke her g spot. He watched her face as he made come hither motions. Her body rocked with the same timing of his fingers. Then he lightly licked at her clit.

  “Ah,” Kalyn moaned.

  Gary pulled his mouth away from her. “You like that, don’t you?”

  Kalyn answered his rhetorical question by pushing his face into her.

  Gary could see that her clit was getting bigger and that her juicy pussy was getting wetter. He pulled his mouth away again and used his thumb to circle her clit. She could feel herself about to cum.

  “Keep going, keep going,” Kalyn said.

  She felt his beard tickle her pussy as he continued to lick her. She grabbed onto his hair as a jolt of electricity streamed through her. Her pussy contracted on his tongue and she came harder than she ever had in her life.

  Gary slowed down his fingering and pulled his mouth away.

  “You taste good,” he said.

  “Oh god,” Kalyn said. Her face was flushed red. Her whole body had felt like it had been lit on fire and then throw into an ice bucket. Her chest heaved up and down. “That was so good.”

  “We’re not over yet,” Gary said.

  “I hope not,” Kalyn said.

  She sat up and looked at his cock. It was ready again. She kicked the pillows off the bed and kept her legs splayed open. Gary moved up as well and kissed her breasts. He let his tongue linger on her nipples and then lightly pinched them with her teeth.

  Kalyn could feel his hard cock between her legs and she took his dick and put it into her pussy. He slid in easily sending tingles throughout her body. Kalyn began to move her pelvis slowly matching the rhythm of his slow but steady thrusts.

  “God you’re so fucking beautiful,” Gary said.

  The two kissed passionately and Kalyn put her hands around his neck. She could feel herself tighten around his cock. Gary buried his face in her neck and began to groan.

  “I’m going to cum,” he said.

  “I want you to fill me,” Kalyn said. “Cum in me.”

  Gary increased his pace and Kalyn could feel his cock begin to twitch inside of her. That sent of a wave of pleasure in her own body and as he filled her with his cum she orgasmed at the same time.

  Gary stayed on top of her for some time. Their juices mixed and he kissed her softly.

  “That was amazing.”

  “Yeah it was.”

  “I’m really glad you changed your mind,” Gary said.

  “I like the way you make me feel,” Kalyn said. “I don’t know what the future will bring but I like being here with you now.”

  “I feel the same. I feel the same.”

  The two stayed together linked throughout the night as the moon rose high above.

  Theo's Rapture

  By: Natasha Spencer

  Theo's Rapture

  © July 2017 – All rights reserved

  By Natasha Spencer,

  Published by Passionate Publishing Inc.

  This is a work of fiction. All names and characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is intended for adult readers, 18+ years old. Please close this e-book if you are not comfortable reading adult content.

  Chapter 1

  Nora stared out of her cab window as it drew closer to the house, her eyes darting past the sights of the sleepy Californian suburban town she had grown up in. For eighteen years, this place was home and now so much had changed that she barely even recognized her life here. She hadn’t been back home in seven years, but the town had barely changed although everything now looked much smaller.

  The cab stopped outside her dad’s bungalow and the moment she stepped on to the driveway, memories of her childhood came flooding back. Not much had changed, it was the same red brick two-storied house with a sufficient porch and a well looked after front yard. Her father had been spending time on the hedges and keeping the lawn mowed. She even noticed two flower pots placed tastefully at the top of the short flight of steps, which she couldn’t remember being there earlier.

  Nora’s heels clicked against concrete as she walked towards the house, and the screen door banged open.

  “Dad!” she squealed, rushing towards him with open arms. Her father met her halfway, in the middle of the stairs, and she leapt into his arms and they were hugging.

  “You made it!” he said, tightening his grip around her.

  “Of course I did. I wouldn’t miss this,” she said when he finally released her and he bent down to pick up the two bags she had brought with her.

  With their arms around each other, they walked into the house and Nora couldn’t stop smiling. She had stayed away from her hometown for all these years for several reasons, but her father wasn’t one of them.

  “I didn’t think you’d be able to get away,” he said when they entered the house. Nora sighed as she looked around. The living room was the same, with the same paintings on the walls and the same photographs on the mantelpiece. The only difference was that there was now an enormous blown up frame of Nora in her graduation gown with her degree in hand. There was another smaller frame on the table next to the couch, which was a more recent one of her and her father together when he visited her in New York.

  “Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t miss your fiftieth birthday for anything,” she said, walking into the kitchen to see if everything was still in its place. Her stepdad followed her in, watching her admiringly observed her surroundings. Nora whipped around to face him with a smile on her face.

  “It’s like I’m fifteen again, dad,” she said and he was smiling too.

  “I wanted to make sure that you came back to what you remembered as home, honey,” he said and Nora began pouring them two glasses of orange juice from the fridge.

  When she heard him clear his throat, she knew exactly what he was going to say.

  “Although, I was expecting you to bring that new boyfriend of yours…what’s his name?” he said, and she kept her back turned to him as she took a sip of her juice.

  “Jack,” she said without interest. She wanted him to drop the topic but he wasn’t about to give up on it so easily.

  “So, where is he?” he asked.

  She turned to him with a forced smile on her face. She handed him his glass and then took a seat at the old wooden dining table, and another wave of nostalgia swept over her.

  “He’s in New York,” she said.

  “He couldn’t get away?”

  “No,” she replied flatly but smiled nonetheless. This was
n’t the time and nor was she in the mood to explain to her him what was going on with Jack.

  “Okay, do you have pictures of him at least?” he asked, joining her at the table now.

  “Dad, we’re just dating…casually, you know, it’s not serious or anything,” she said, avoiding his eyes. She could sense that he was looking at her keenly.

  “Just dating? Didn’t you start dating six months ago? Surely it should be serious by now…” he said.

  Nora let out a huge sigh. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t allow all the questions about her personal life get to her. She knew that he was only curious in a good way, and that it was his job as her stepdad to be nosey. However, she had gotten accustomed to her independence and had forgotten what it used to be like living with an anxious single parent.

  “No Dad, it’s not serious,” she said, trying to keep her voice even. He seemed to be thinking as he looked at her, cradling the glass of juice in his hand.

  “Okay honey, I just want what’s best for you and from what you’ve told me about him, he sounds like a nice man,” he continued.

  “All I’ve told you about him is what he does and where he lives and what his educational background is. That’s not enough to judge whether he’s a good man or not,” she said, in an enraged tone.

  When she saw her father’s face scrunch up and turn a little red, she realized that she was only taking out her anger with Jack on him. Jack was the one who she should have really been mad at.

  “I’m sorry Dad, I’ve had a long flight and I’m really tired,” she said, and reached for his hand.

  “Yeah, maybe you should take a nap or something. The party starts in a few hours and everyone’s been dying to see you again!” he said, with a smile on his face.

  “Everyone?” Nora asked, arching her eyebrows at him.

  “Of course. I’m turning fifty and my baby daughter is visiting! It’s the perfect opportunity.”

  Chapter 2

  Nora stood in front of the full length mirror in her old bedroom. It used to look much bigger when she used to live there, and even her bedroom used to seem more spacious. Her dad hadn’t changed or moved anything; the walls were still pink, her old posters covered the ceiling and her collection of dolls and CD’s were neatly arranged on tables and racks around her single bed.


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