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Tricked: A Dark Protectors Novella

Page 5

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Chapter 5

  Ronni moved in time with the beat, barely keeping from laughing out loud at the sheer exhilaration of feeling alive. The tempo was fast, which was good since she’d quickly discovered she couldn’t slow dance with another man.

  Her skin had flared like she’d been on fire.

  Stupid mating allergy.

  For now, she moved with Lance, both of them surveying the bar that was closed for the private party. Cops danced around them while many drank at round tables set throughout the place.

  So far, she hadn’t gotten a sense of anybody wanting to hurt her.

  Her abilities were already sharper, thanks to the mating. Maybe she’d even become psychic? She’d have to ask Jared if that was possible. At this point, she’d believe anything.

  The bar was dark with small red lights throughout, but the floor was clean and easy to dance on with her three-inch spiked heels. She paid special attention to Dr. Counts, the medical examiner, who drank quietly in the corner. He was around forty years old, with long blond hair and deep green eyes. Rumor had it he was dating a cop from Boston. Every once in a while, their gazes would meet and awareness would prick her. She wasn’t sure with what…or if it was in her head.

  Warning whispered across her arm, raising goose bumps. She turned, and Jared Reese stood in the doorway. Even across the rockin’ bar filled with cops, his displeasure rode the air.

  She stumbled.

  Lance reached for her arm.

  Jared’s lips peeled back. Adrenaline flashed through her veins. “I’m okay.” She moved away from Lance and toward Jared out of pure instinct. She reached him in seconds. “What are you doing here?”

  He grasped her bicep, his face an implacable mask. But those eyes burned. Hot and furious, they swept her short red dress and wild hair. “I told you to stay home.”

  Confusion clouded her vision for the briefest of moments. “Huh?”

  “Dr. Alexander?” Lieutenant Smalt moved toward her, his gait graceful, his gaze on Jared’s face.

  “Yes, Lieutenant?” Ronni asked, forcing a smile as her former boss moved closer. She’d always thought he was tall, but next to Jared, he seemed almost minute. And skinny. At about sixty, he had silver hair and intelligent brown eyes, and right now they took in everything about the vampire next to her.

  “Is everything all right?” Smalt asked.

  Her smile almost faltered. “Of course. Lieutenant Smalt, this is Jared Reese. My, ah, boyfriend.” Calling Jared a boyfriend was like calling a jaguar a kitty cat.

  The lieutenant held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Jared shook it, keeping hold of her with his other hand. “Congratulations on the retirement,” he said smoothly.

  So he’d spent a little time investigating her evening, now had he? She was going to kill Olivia.

  “Thank you,” Smalt said, looking from one to the other. “It’s nice to see you feeling better, Veronica. We’ve been so worried.” His stance was relaxed, but his gaze didn’t soften.

  Yeah. The man could sense a predator when one was near. Ronni leaned into Jared to defuse the situation. “I just needed rest. The illness really took a toll. I’m better now.”

  “I checked the status of your case, and they still haven’t identified the poison,” Smalt said. “Any updates I haven’t seen?”

  Jared stiffened to rock next to her.

  “No.” Ronni swallowed. They’d decided to keep the possible connection to Walt’s murder quiet until they solved it. “No leads, and if I continue to get better, no autopsy on the heart.”

  “Well, that’s good news.” Smalt waved across the room at a retired group gesturing for his attention. He slapped Jared on the back. “Nice to meet you. Take good care of our doctor here.”

  “I plan on it,” Jared returned.

  Ronni fought a shiver. When Smalt moved, she tried to edge away from Jared.

  He didn’t let her. “Let’s talk outside.” Without waiting for an answer, he drew her out the door and into the billowing snow. He glared at the storm. “Not here.”

  She ducked against the wind. “I’ll meet you later. Right now, I have work to do.” Turning, she tried to open the door. He slapped one hand against it and wrapped the other around her waist from behind. Heat flashed down her back.

  “No.” His hold was unbreakable.

  She kicked back, nailing his shin. His inward hiss of breath made her smile. “Listen, Vamp. I have a job to do, and I don’t need your help. Go do whatever you do and I’ll catch up to you later.” Why was her breath panting out?

  “You don’t need my help,” he muttered, his breath brushing her hair. “All right, Veronica. Your choice. Either you come with me now and explain what the fuck is going on, or I toss your ass over my shoulder and you come with me now and explain what the fuck is going on.”

  Her temper stirred. “You make a move and every cop in that place will be out here.”

  “Every human cop. If I need to kick the snot out of them all, I will. Same result.” The hard muscles behind her vibrated with a tension that sped up her heart.

  He could probably do it, too. Damn it. His hands on her were messing with her concentration. “Fine.” She pivoted right into him. “Make this quick.”

  “Where’s your coat?” he snapped, fury darkening his high cheekbones.

  She shivered, and not from the cold. “I didn’t bring one.” It would just get in the way.

  His jaw turned to rock. “You didn’t bring one.” He straightened, more than towering over her. “You’ve been deathly ill and you didn’t bring a jacket.”

  She rolled her eyes, trying to appear nonchalant when she kind of wanted to run screaming from his anger. No way would she let him know that, however. “I’m fine. Went from taxi to bar and planned on right back to taxi. The dress is warm.”

  “There’s nothing warm about that dress.” He jerked his leather jacket off and slapped it over her shoulders. A vein bulged in his neck, and the cords looked like they were made of raw steel.

  “I’m fine.” She pushed against him, the need to flee intensifying.

  A second later, his nose was a whisper from hers. “Put on the coat, Veronica. God help me. Do it now.” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed shards of glass with a side of raw gravel.

  She slid her arms into the sleeves and tried not to tremble. “You are so bossy.”

  “You have no idea. Can you ride in that thing?” He glanced down at her bare legs.

  Obviously he wasn’t going to back down, and she sure as heck didn’t want him beating up a bunch of cops. So she’d go with him and then try to get back before the party ended. She pulled the skirt up to the tops of her thighs. “Sure.”

  Did he just growl? She frowned into his face but couldn’t read his expression.

  “Good.” He led her to the bike and helped her straddle it behind him. “Hold on. I’ll get us there quickly.”

  She wrapped her arms around his firm body and leaned in, inhaling his musky scent. With the leather around her, she was surrounded by the smell and feel of raw male. Her nipples hardened beneath the dress. Damn it. She should’ve worn a bra.

  He fired up the engine and drove quickly over very icy roads, getting them back to her apartment in record time. Okay. The guy could control a motorcycle, even in a snowstorm.

  She jumped off and all but stomped up the stairs and into her apartment before whirling on him. “We need to get one thing stra—”

  His mouth was on hers, his huge body driving her back into the far wall. His kiss was carnal, to the edge of being primal, hard and fast, taking more than giving. Her knees weakened, and she grasped his forearms for support.

  He gave no quarter, going deeper, sliding his tongue inside her mouth. Her rapidly healing heart beat quick and wild in her chest. His mouth opened wider over hers, devouring her as if he had no intention of ever stopping. As if he had every right to plunder like the pirate he’d once claimed to be.

  A shudde
r went through her entire body, branding her inside out.

  He released her as suddenly as he’d kissed her, wrapping one hand around her neck.

  Her pulse beat wildly against his fingers, and she could only stare at those midnight dark eyes. Hunger. Raw and untamed, hunger glinted there with a determination that stole any words she might’ve said.

  She drew in a shaky breath. Her dress caught against her aching breasts, and she almost groaned at the painful need. Her panties wetted, dampening her thighs.

  His nostrils flared, and he lowered his chin in an oddly threatening way.

  Another tremble slid up her spine.

  “I agree,” he rumbled, his breath brushing her forehead.

  She blinked. “Agree?”

  “That we need to get some things straight.” His hand tightened just enough to enforce his point.

  Her mind finally caught back up to reality. Her back straightened with a snap. “Which would be?” It was difficult to sound defiant with his hand wrapped around her neck, but she gave it her best shot, glaring at him.

  His head lifted imperceptibly. “Brave little thing, aren’t you?” he mused thoughtfully.

  Her knees wobbled. “You don’t scare me.”

  His lip curved. “Liar,” he whispered. “But that’s not all I do to you, now is it?”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Yep. That’s all.”

  “Ah, baby.” He leaned in, brushing her ear with his mouth.

  Desire ripped through her, wearing claws. She bit back a moan.

  “I can smell you,” he whispered, his breath hot.

  “Bullshit,” she whispered, trying to keep some semblance of control and not rub against him for any sort of relief.

  He slid a leg between hers, pressing his muscled thigh against her pounding clit. Electricity arched through her body.

  Her knees gave.

  “I can feel how wet you are.” He chuckled, the sound low and male. “I could probably make you come like this.”

  She breathed out, her body primed and ready. Who was this guy? He was a far cry from the man who’d so gently had sex with her the other night. “Not a chance,” she gasped.

  For answer, he palmed her breast.

  A moan spilled out of her against her will.

  “No chance, huh?” he murmured, tweaking her nipple.

  She leaned her head against the wall, burning for him. “God.” Giving in to what she wanted, she slid a hand inside his shirt, feeling the shocking ridges and hollows of those abs. How was he even real? Her other hand went to the hard line of his dick beneath his jeans.

  He growled low. “You’re playing.”

  “I’m not.” She frantically jerked his shirt up. “Not at all.” It was too good to be alive. Too good to feel like this. “More, Jared. More now.”

  He didn’t wait for another request. One swift movement had her dress over her head and her panties snapped in two.

  She fumbled with his zipper, yanking it down and freeing him. Shit, he was huge.

  He grasped her butt and lifted her, impaling her with one hard push against the wall.

  She cried out, pain and pleasure blending into something that burned. Her nails scored his chest, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He started pummeling inside her, one hand across her ass, the other slapped against the wall, protecting her head and shoulders.

  So easily…he held her upright.

  Sparks lit her inside and she took more of him, her eyes closing. He moved her where he wanted her, his cock surging inside her, all power. The slap of flesh against flesh filled the apartment, and she could do nothing but hold on and feel.

  Pure ecstasy.

  She broke first, her body jerking and then exploding into miniscule pieces. To keep from screaming, she leaned in and clamped her teeth into his pec.

  He growled and pounded harder, his entire body shuddering as he came.

  Three more thrusts into her, almost lazy ones, and he stilled.

  Her heart thundered against his chest. Little aches and pains instantly flared to life along her body. Holy crap. She leaned back against the wall, her eyelids half closed as she studied him. “So. Do we have those things straight now?”

  “Not even close.” His lips twitched while his chest heaved out. “When I met you, I figured you needed saving.”

  “I did.”

  “Yes, you did. But that’s not what you need now.” His eyes somehow darkened even more. He kept her easily in his hold, his cock still hard enough to stay right where it was inside her.

  Caution. She should feel caution, but she was too satisfied. “What do I need, Jared?”

  “Why did you lie to me?” he asked, his voice a shade lower than mere curiosity.

  “About what?” Desire roared inside her again, right where they remained joined. She moved a little, not surprised when he kept her in place. His strength was unreal, and the corded muscles along his arm only hinted at his power. “What did I lie about?”

  “About your illness. You were poisoned.” He tilted his head to the side.

  Oh. That. “It’s my problem, and I’ll figure it out.” Man, she owed him enough, considering he’d saved her life. Her father was wrong. She was smart enough to figure a good case out. For now, it would be nice if Jared started moving again.

  “That’s not how this works.” He leaned down and nipped her lip—none too gently. “If you’re in danger, I handle it. Life really is that simple, and the sooner you figure that out, the better.”

  She stilled. He was joking. A quick look at his face, at his hard expression, erased that thought. What year did he think it was? “Who do you think you are?”

  “Your mate, baby. Apparently it’s time to teach you what that means.”

  Chapter 6

  Jared’s phone buzzed before he could finish making his point. Grabbing it with one hand out of the back of his jeans, which were down around his knees, he lifted it to his ear. Not once did he release Ronni’s molten gaze. “What?” he snapped.

  “Meet at Grizio’s Pizza for a late dinner,” Chalton said without preamble. “I have news on Ronni’s condition as well as Saul’s case.”

  Jared slowly withdrew from his mate. Her eyes widened, and her body clenched as if to keep him inside. His answering grin shot color into her pretty face and irritation into her stunning eyes. “We’ll be there. Call Theo.”

  “I already talked to Theo. He’s pissed you left him with Ginny,” Chalton drawled. “Please tell me you’re not falling for her bullshit again.”

  At the moment, there was only one woman on his mind. “I’ll see you at Grizio’s.” He clicked off.

  Ronni’s feet hit the floor, and she pushed him with both hands against his stomach.

  He decided not to move.

  Her head snapped up. “What do you want?”

  Now that was a damn good question. At the moment, he wanted to bend her over the back of the sofa and fuck her hard. Very hard. But they had work to do, and he’d have to calm himself until later. “I want to figure out who tried to kill you and also ensure there are no more threats coming for us. I’m thinking we’ll do that over pizza.”

  Interest filtered across her face. “I could eat.”

  “Good. We also need to get on the same page. No more hunting killers by yourself.” He slid both hands down her arms.

  She shoved again. “How are those abs even real?”

  He looked down. “Huh?”

  “Nothing. We’ll talk about it later.” She sidled out from the side, and he allowed it this time. “I need to grab some jeans.”

  “And a coat,” he reminded her.

  She threw him the finger and stomped into her bedroom. He grinned, his body lighting with humor. Man, taming her would be fun. He paused. Where the hell had that thought come from? Oh, he didn’t mind the theme…but he hadn’t planned on sticking around.

  Yet, why not? Glancing down at the rumpled dress and ruined panties on the floor, his smile widened. They obvi
ously had something in common.

  Oh, yeah. He jerked up his pants, wincing as he shoved his dick back into place and zipped. Even now, the smell of her wrapped around him. Warmed him. Tempted him.

  It took him several seconds to realize he’d forgotten all about Ginny.

  Veronica emerged minutes later in dark jeans and a green sweater that hugged her breasts perfectly. Her thick hair was up in a ponytail, and lip-gloss covered her sweet lips.

  Man, she intrigued him. She was all spunk, intelligence, and courage. It shocked him how much he liked that combination.

  She took a brown leather jacket from a clothes closet. “How about we take my car?”

  He shrugged and followed her outside. “So long as I drive.”

  “God, you’re a throwback,” she muttered, her sweet ass swaying down the steps.

  “Yep.” When they reached the car, he held out his hand for the keys.

  “Fine.” She threw them at his head, and he snagged them easily out of the air.

  “Thanks.” He slipped into the compact and put the driver’s seat as far back as it would go. While she thought he was being a jerk, in truth, his reflexes were a million times faster than hers. If danger came near, he’d handle it better. Whether she liked it or not.

  She huffed into the seat and secured her seatbelt.

  He ignited the engine and drove out of the carport, heading even farther away from the city. “My brother has all the files about your case, and we can review them together at dinner. We’ve already sent a sample of your blood to our lab in Idaho, and we should have those results soon.”

  She dropped her chin. “How did you get my blood?”

  “I texted an associate when I left the bar earlier, and he broke into the evidence locker at the station,” Jared said. “Then it went on private plane and should be there today. We don’t mess around.”

  She shook her head. “That’s crazy.”

  “Was necessary.” It would probably take some time for her to realize she was no longer human and subject to their laws. “Any clue who wanted you dead?”

  “No,” she said. “I think it had something to do with the death of a cop, a guy named Walt, who I saw as a patient, but I have no proof. No leads.” She curled her fingers into fists on her jeans. “I also don’t know how they poisoned me. I mean, many patients bring me coffee and tea, and I also drink at the station. Plus, we go out a lot as a group to a bar…”


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