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My Addiction

Page 6

by Cassie Ryan

  That became her new challenge—to prove to Master Dex that not only could she take it, but she needed it.

  The music thumped around them, seeming louder as bliss filled her body.

  She lost herself in the sensations as blow after blow came, the long tails snaking over her bare skin, bringing her varying levels of pain that turned into amazing floods of heated pleasure.

  She gripped the soft cotton cloth tight, the sweat from her palms absorbed instantly.

  The tension deep inside her pelvis wound tight and seemed ready to explode at any moment. Master Dex hadn’t told her she couldn’t come without permission, so she let it build without trying to control her breathing or the tension in her body.

  As her orgasm neared, she had to adjust her stance. The bar between her ankles kept her spread wide, which oddly made her pussy even more sensitive than in the past when she’d been able to squeeze her thighs together during floggings. And the restraints affixed to the cross kept her balanced up on her toes. They had started to ache, but that and being stretched as high as she could go was part of the raw pleasure.

  Kate’s breathing was hard and fast as the building wall of pleasure cracked and then shattered. She didn’t bother to hold back her scream as the orgasm roared through her.

  Distantly she noted the stinging pain kept coming, morphing into heated bliss, which only heightened her release.

  The walls of her sex continued to clench and spasm as if gripping the thick cock she wished were buried inside her right now.

  Her mind began to wander. She was floating and hazy, but she didn’t want the amazing sensations to stop, so she gripped the scarf wrapped around her right hand tighter and relaxed against the bonds at her ankles and wrists.

  She wasn’t sure how long it had been since her orgasm, but another one was already building inside her. Slower this time, as if it would take more of the wonderful sensations against her back, ass, and thighs to push her over the brink.

  She jumped as the flogger hit again, a combination of sharp and dull pain blossoming across her ass and thighs as it morphed into incredible heat.

  A harder, sharper sting made her jerk against her bindings and ripped her out of the haze she’d been floating in.

  She calmed her breathing and allowed her body to get used to the new and different sensations. Master Dex had switched to a different flogger, apparently noticing that she’d become too used to the last one.

  Warmth pooled inside her belly that had nothing to do with the flogging. She had always fantasized about having a Dom who could read her reactions and know exactly what she needed and craved even before she did. She had heard about them from other subs, but hadn’t been convinced they existed.

  Several more blows fell in quick succession, and she yelped as a few of the tails whipped around to slap her sensitive mound.

  The thought of wearing Master Dex’s red marks for days made her clit throb again as more blows fell in quick succession. They were fast and furious, as if he could tell she was close to another orgasm.

  The pain built and built until it burst in an explosion of heat, light, and ecstasy.

  She couldn’t tell if the blows continued, or even if she stood straight or hung boneless against the restraints.

  Right now she didn’t care as long as she could float inside this wonderful sensation forever.

  Chapter 6

  Dex ran his gaze over his very sexy new submissive. She currently hung limp in the restraints, her head lolling to one side. He laid the flogger aside, stepping close to make sure Kate was all right. “Hey, beautiful. Are you still with me?”

  Heavy eyelids slowly opened. Her green eyes seemed to attempt to focus on him, but he doubted she registered much beyond the wonderful ocean of ecstasy she was drowning in.

  “Let’s get you into aftercare while you come back to Earth.” He smiled to himself as he freed her from her restraints and lifted her easily into his arms. She was warm and pliant, not entirely dead weight, but well beyond very relaxed. He couldn’t help but feel triumphant that he’d given his sub such overwhelming pleasure.

  The murmur behind him that had grown to rival even the thumping rock soundtrack quieted as Dex turned toward the crowd gathered to watch the scene.

  A pretty, thin blonde rushed forward with a blanket and draped it over Kate. “Sir, I thought she might need this. Would it be all right if I gather your things and bring them to aftercare for you, as long as I don’t disturb you?”

  Dex nodded, appreciating the gesture, even knowing she probably hoped to ask him to be her new Dom. “Thank you. What’s your name?”

  “Samantha, sir.” She immediately dropped her gaze and assumed a submissive stance in front of him. He wondered if this was one of the subs who had advised Kate. If so, he might know a good Dom or two who would appreciate a smart, assertive sub. He would definitely have to ask his boss about bringing in some backup to The Dungeon.

  “Thank you, Samantha. I appreciate your help.”

  She smiled and hurried to start gathering his tools.

  Dex strode through the tightly packed group without slowing, used to people moving out of his way. Earlier, he had found aftercare while waiting for Kate to change, so he wasted no time in crossing the dungeon floor and ducking into the darkened aftercare room.

  Once inside, he sat on one of the plush couches with Kate cuddled in his arms. Her skin was warm, almost hot, from all the stimulation her body had endured.

  “Mmm.” The dreamy sound fell from her lips, making him smile.

  “Mmm indeed, sweetheart.” He brushed her hair away from her face and tucked the blanket closer around her. “I’m not sure if you will remember this or not, but I’ll say it again later in case you don’t.”

  Kate’s only answer was to burrow closer against him, tucking her long legs up higher under the blanket.

  “You were magnificent out there. It was wondrous to watch your body come alive, flooded with pleasure. I’m honored to be the one who took you there.”

  She murmured something he couldn’t make out, but seemed to be some type of happy response.

  When the sound of the aftercare door opening caught Dex’s attention, he glanced up to see Samantha slip inside with his bag of tools.

  He raised a hand to acknowledge he’d seen her, and silently thank her as she set them next to the door before she flashed him a smile and left.

  He spent the next forty minutes cuddling Kate against him and talking to her, allowing her time to respond, even when it was only murmurs or her burrowing more tightly against him. He had found that letting subs slowly come down from subspace by talking to them softly gave them less of a hangover than trying to bring them out quickly. Everyone’s body worked differently, but gently always seemed the best way to let them normalize again.

  When Kate’s eyes finally fluttered open for more than a few seconds, and actually focused on him, he could tell she was starting to come back.

  Subspace was likened to being on another plane of existence. In reality, those who found themselves there were recovering from a flood of feel-good hormones, and were literally coming down from a high, just as if they had ingested a drug of some type. Another reason people could easily become addicted to all types of sex play—even the more vanilla versions.

  Kate slowly lifted her head, her eyelids still heavy. “Master Dex.” Her voice was still husky and low.

  Dex couldn’t help his sense of accomplishment at the wonderful sight of the well-pleasured woman before him. She looked smugly sated and beautifully rumpled. “How are you feeling?”

  The dreamy smile that curved her lips told him more than she could articulate at the moment.

  “I feel…amazing. Thank you, Master Dex.” She rolled her head from side to side as if stretching out the muscles in her neck. “I needed that.”

  He chuckled softly. “I knew from the moment I saw you that you were an overachiever.”

  Her questioning gaze swung to meet his. “Sir?�

  “A baker’s dozen of orgasms, Kate. It’s no wonder you feel so good.”

  A large smile broke across her face, but her head still lolled from one side to the other until she finally gave up and leaned it against his chest.

  Her hair, so close to his face, smelled slightly of French vanilla, and it made his mouth water at the thought of devouring her at some point.

  She had been too far gone for him to even think about adding intercourse to their scene, even if that had been a viable option for their first time. But if his hard cock was any indication, his body was ignoring his logic.

  As more and more awareness came back into Kate’s gaze over the next several minutes, he helped her sit up, keeping her covered until her body temperature could equalize.

  “Hungry,” Kate managed in a more gravelly version of her normal speaking voice.

  He ran a hand over her cheek, enjoying the sensation of her silky skin under his fingers. “I did promise you dinner if you’re still interested. I don’t think you should be driving after such a long time in subspace, anyway.” He cocked his head to the side, watching her expressions as best he could in the murky light. “Why don’t you let me take you to get some dinner, and then I can drop you at home?”

  She started to shake her head, but the movement wasn’t as coordinated as it normally would be and she ended up giving him a lopsided smile. “Can’t. My Lexus.”

  He took that to mean she had driven herself to The Dungeon and didn’t want to leave her car there. “I can make arrangements to get your car home to you later tonight. Or I can make sure to give you a way to get back here tomorrow night if you were planning on returning then.”

  She seemed to consider for a long moment before slowly nodding. “Will you be back tomorrow, sir?”

  Dex couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Yes, I will most definitely be back tomorrow. Will you?”

  She nodded clumsily. “Yes, sir. Car will be fine here overnight.”

  When he thought she was ready, he helped her up and back to the locker room where she could change. While she was inside, Samantha came out and stopped short when she saw him.

  “Sir.” She dropped her chin so she didn’t meet his gaze. “That scene was amazing.”

  He smiled, even though she couldn’t see it with her gaze aimed at the floor. “Thank you for your help earlier, Samantha.”

  “Anytime, sir.” She fidgeted. “I’ve never seen anything like that here at The Dungeon.”

  He had to step carefully. He couldn’t take on more subs while he was here. He needed to spend his time with Kate, but Samantha might have some information about his case that she didn’t even know she had.

  “Have you been to other dungeons?” he asked, since she had specifically referenced The Dungeon.

  “Yes, sir. In Houston, before I was transferred here for work. There were more Doms there, and a much different clientele.”

  She hadn’t said anything derogatory about The Dungeon, but her demeanor said it all. Dex couldn’t blame her. The Dungeon had a bad reputation within the lifestyle, and from what he had seen so far, it was well deserved. “I’ve heard more Doms might be transferring here soon.”

  She brightened at the prospect. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Samantha,” an angry male voice growled behind Dex, making Samantha flinch.

  Dex slowly turned toward the man who had spoken.

  Mark Stanton.

  The man who had “gifted” Kate to Balkins. Dex recognized him easily from his multiple dossier photos.

  Dex stood calmly, waiting for Stanton to break the silence, while he kept his body between Samantha and the man he had several thick FBI files on back at his office.

  “Samantha,” Stanton said again, with a dangerous undertone. “I never gave you permission to speak to another Dom.”

  Dex let his contempt show in his expression and held it until Stanton finally raised his gaze to his. Understanding finally dawned on the man’s face. “Who the hell are you, and why are you speaking to my sub?”

  Dex was considering what response to give when Stanton’s gaze moved off to the side. Dex turned to see Kate barreling forward, unsteady on her feet, but looking like a woman with a mission.

  Stanton opened his arms, mistakenly thinking Kate was rushing into them. Dex could only smile when Kate clenched her fists and pulled back her arm as she neared the clueless man.

  When he’d found Kate with Balkins, she had looked mad enough to punch Stanton the next time she saw him, but Dex hadn’t thought she would actually do it, especially not in front of the entire club.

  Kate dropped to her knees in front of Stanton, and using all her strength, she punched Mark Stanton in the crotch.

  Stanton dropped like a stone, bellowing, and cradling his injured balls. Kate pushed to her feet, still unsteady, but anger radiated from her in nearly visible waves.

  “Just because I agreed to play a few scenes with you does not mean you own me, and doesn’t give you the right to pass me around like your personal toy. Don’t ever come near me again.”

  Stanton reached out to grab one of Kate’s legs, but before Dex could step in, Kate jumped back out of the man’s reach.

  Dex captured Kate, picking her up easily and holding her against his body as she struggled against his hold. “It’s all right,” he whispered, hoping she heard him and calmed down.

  The unmistakable flash of a camera caught Dex’s attention, but when he turned his head in that direction, he couldn’t tell who in the large crowd had taken the picture. No photos were allowed inside the club, since most people didn’t want it known that they were into the fetish lifestyle.

  Dex was sure there had been more pictures taken than the one he had seen, and he was just as sure that tomorrow’s papers would feature them prominently. Stanton was a big name in business, and while it would only boost his company’s stock, it would be a personal embarrassment.

  Dex loomed over the man, who was now sitting up but still looking a little green from the pain. He resisted the urge to throttle Stanton.

  He needed to make clear his claim on Kate, without alienating every other Dom in the club. “Kate is now my sub. I will make sure she is punished appropriately for striking another Dom. Beyond that, she is under my protection.” He worked hard to soften his glare at the waste of skin in front of him, even as Stanton struggled to his feet with a murderous look on his face.

  “Who the hell are you? She assaulted me in front of the entire dungeon. I’ll do with her what she deserves.”

  Dex waited while Stanton straightened to his full height, which was still a good six to eight inches shorter than him, and did his best to stare Dex down.

  Dex met and held the hostile gaze, tension crackling between them until finally, Stanton’s gaze slid away.

  “Kate is now my sub, and I will punish her for this infraction. I expect you to steer clear of her.” He figured Kate would object to his direct possession of her in front of everyone. Instead, she relaxed in his arms, resting her head against his chest.

  Stanton bristled at being told what to do, and Dex knew he shouldn’t have antagonized the man. He still needed information from him. But he wouldn’t leave Kate without protection. He would find another way to get what he needed to determine Stanton’s involvement in the plot.

  “Then I expect you to stay away from my subs,” Stanton shot back, while casting a lethal glare toward Samantha.

  Dex let out a slow breath, trying for calm before he spoke. “As for Samantha, I spoke to her. She didn’t initiate the conversation. I’m new to The Dungeon and was asking if she had seen Master Ralston. Nothing more.”

  Stanton looked away as if realizing that Dex would not be cowed by who he was or what he thought he could do to him. “Samantha,” he growled. “Come to me.”

  Samantha bolted forward, a contrite look on her face as she stood slumped in front of Stanton.

  “Meet me in play area four in ten minutes for your punishme
nt. Don’t be late.”

  Dex wished he could stay and make sure Samantha was all right, but he needed to take care of Kate, who was now coming down from yet another surge of adrenaline in a short time frame.

  Master Ralston stepped close, surprising Dex, since he hadn’t noticed the man. He said only loud enough so Dex and Kate could hear him, “I’ll make sure Samantha is all right. You see to Kate.”

  Dex nodded, grateful for the assurance that Samantha would be looked after. Maybe Ralston and his dungeon could be salvaged after all.

  For now, he needed to take Kate home so she could get some rest and recover from the evening.


  Dex let himself into the three-bedroom townhouse in downtown L.A. that the FBI had set up as his cover residence. From his past work as an analyst, he knew this property was owned by the bureau. But if anyone checked into it, they would find a paper trail that looked like it had absolutely nothing to do with any government group. Dex had helped create the line of documents for this place, as well as several others around the country. No one would find out who he was that way.

  He flipped the switch by the door and winced as light flooded the room.

  He was glad he’d gotten Kate home, and at least safely inside her penthouse. He had tried to stop somewhere to get her some food, but it was obvious she wasn’t up for eating a meal at that point. She promised she would grab something out of her fridge before she went to sleep.

  He had wanted to tuck her into bed. Still groggy, but aware, she hadn’t seemed comfortable inviting him inside. Considering what she’d told him of her past Doms and boyfriends, he didn’t want to invade her space without her being fully able to consent.

  He would gain her trust in time, and hopefully wouldn’t lose it if she turned out to be completely innocent. Which was something he sincerely hoped for.

  He didn’t want the vibrant, intelligent, beautiful woman who had blossomed under his touch to be in any way involved in the wrongdoing.

  Dex set his tool bag inside the coat closet in the foyer and headed deeper into the town house. The second bedroom had been set up as his office and had secure phone and computer lines, while the third was decorated as a full guest bedroom that would sleep four easily.


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