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My Addiction

Page 15

by Cassie Ryan

  “Hey,” she said as she edged into the tight circle. “What’s going on?” She gestured around in a large motion. “I feel like I missed something.”

  Joanne, an aspiring actress and screenwriter, began sobbing uncontrollably, and Kate felt like crap for having brought up an obviously painful subject.

  In between sobs, Joanne glared at Kate over her cupped hands and finally bit out, “You hated Mark anyway, so why should you care?”

  Kate was still at a loss, and she glanced around the circle at the other women for any clues. No one seemed willing to throw her a life preserver, so she tackled it head on.

  “Joanne, I do not hate Mark. I think he’s an ass for trying to give me as a gift to that letch Balkins for a night. But I don’t hate him.” There was no pause in the sobbing, but Kate did see expressions of sympathy, and even understanding, from the other women.

  “I admit, I lost my temper and dick-punched the asshole.” She shrugged. “I never agreed to be passed around the club like his personal sex toy, and I let him know just how much I didn’t appreciate it.”

  “And now he’s dead,” Joanne snapped, and then sobbed into her hands again.

  Shock hit Kate as if the woman had slapped her across the face. “Dead?” she repeated, sure Joanne hadn’t meant dead in the literal sense, but as some kind of metaphor. The woman had a habit of overdramatizing things.

  Joanne sniffled and raised her tearstained face to glare at Kate again. “Yes, dead. Someone bashed his head in last night, and he was found surrounded by pictures of you punching him in the crotch.”

  Kate stiffened as a wave of ice washed through her. She’d been pissed at Stanton, but she hadn’t wished him dead.

  “Joanne,” one of Stanton’s newer subs interjected. “To be fair, the rumor is he was also found with several other incriminating pictures, although no one is talking about what kind of incriminating.”

  The new sub seemed angry, but not at Kate. Instead, she seemed angry at Stanton, which struck Kate as a bit odd, since the woman had been monopolizing a lot of his time lately along with Samantha. Kate would have expected her to be sad about losing her Dom, but angry just didn’t seem right in this situation.


  Kate hadn’t seen or thought about her since she had set Dex’s tool bag inside the aftercare room the other night. “Has anyone seen Samantha?”

  Scowls and mumbles of “bitch” and “slut” sounded from around the group.

  Subs could be possessive and catty, and apparently, since Samantha had been Stanton’s new favorite flavor of the month, she had earned the other women’s displeasure.

  Kate shook her head. Her few scenes with Stanton had shown her that he was a narcissist and a very inexperienced Dom. He tried to emulate what he saw other Doms do, but it came off as fake.

  She was pretty sure that most of his subs put up with it because of who he was. He also did a pretty passable imitation of a nice guy for the first few scenes, before he turned into a possessive prick. That’s where Kate had run into problems with him.

  She glanced around at the group of Stanton’s other subs, who were looking impatient for her to leave. Kate nodded. “Okay, ladies. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  She quickly changed out of her jeans into a royal-blue Victorian lace bustier with a matching thong. She had dug it out of her closet specifically with Master Dex in mind. She knew she looked good in it and wanted to show him she did wear colors other than green.

  Kate tried to shove all thoughts of Mark Stanton out of her mind. No matter what had happened between them yesterday, she couldn’t do anything about it, and she wouldn’t fake tears even though it was a sad situation.

  She sighed and brought her thoughts back to Master Dex. She couldn’t wait for him to see her in this lingerie. She hoped he loved it.

  And just for him, she stepped into some spike heels that added a good three inches to her height. She usually went barefoot around the dungeon, preferring comfort over fashion, but she didn’t mind going the extra mile to try to impress Master Dex.

  He would still be a good foot taller than her, but these had the added bonus of showcasing her legs, as well as bringing attention to the beautiful marks that were a visible reminder of the amazing flogging he had given her last night.

  A shiver ran through her as memories of pain turning into blissful pleasure flooded back. She not only craved more, she wanted to give him pleasure in equal measure. She wanted to turn him on and make all his control evaporate so he took her, hard and fast.

  Kate grew wet between her thighs just thinking about it.

  Samantha walked into the locker room, catching Kate’s attention.

  She crossed the room to greet the younger sub. “Samantha. I was looking for you.” Kate was about to go looking when Samantha walked in, so it wasn’t a total lie. “How are you doing?”

  Samantha shrugged and pulled open her locker. “As I’m sure you saw the other night, Mark was too possessive, almost to a stalkerish point, and Master Ralston wasn’t interested in doing anything about it.” She frowned and shook her head. “I was getting ready to leave The Dungeon altogether, but now that I no longer have to deal with him, I might stay.” She dropped her gaze, her brows bunching. “I feel horrible saying it, but I’m glad he’s gone.” She glanced around them to make sure none of the other women were close enough to hear her.

  Kate nodded. In Samantha’s situation, she would probably feel the same, although she most likely wouldn’t have let it get to that point, as her dick-punch maneuver showed. “I understand.” She laid a gentle hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I just heard about what happened.”

  Samantha shrugged. “I heard it on the news earlier. I nearly decided not to come tonight, but now I’m glad I did.” She slid off her peasant skirt and top to reveal a silky-looking red bustier and thong. Her wavy blond hair looked great tumbling over the red material, and for a moment Kate wondered what she would look like as a blonde, but she discarded the idea almost instantly. Her skin tone worked well with her black hair and green eyes, but she would look washed out as a blonde.

  “You look great, Samantha. I love that bustier.”

  Samantha raked a gaze over Kate. “I was just thinking the same about yours. Where did you find it?”

  Kate glanced down at the blue bustier, trying to remember. “I’ve had it for a few years, but I’m sure I got it online somewhere. I’ll send you a link to the site where I get most of my new ones. They’re always great quality, and reasonably priced.”

  Samantha nodded. “Thanks.”

  Kate licked her lips, wondering if the woman was really all right or if she was just putting on a brave face. Stanton had been an ass, but several subs truly loved him as their Dom, as the overreaching grief throughout The Dungeon showed. “I’m being nosey, but are you playing with anyone in particular tonight?”

  Samantha blushed, and it stained her cheeks a pretty pink color. “The new Dom, Master Merrick.” She ducked her chin, shyly. “I had thought I might ask Master Dex, but from the way he looks at you, it’s clear he isn’t open to playing with anyone else.”

  Kate sucked in a breath. Was she the only one who hadn’t seen that in Dex’s gaze? She saw appreciation, but she hadn’t seen the possessiveness that Samantha implied. She would have to look more carefully.

  She squelched the small curl of hope that tried to blossom inside her.

  “It’s hard to notice when you’re on the inside, but I’m not the only one who interpreted it that way.” The younger woman grinned. “He’s really into you. You’re lucky. I wouldn’t mind being the center of all his attention.”

  Kate pushed the question of Master Dex out of the way and tried to remember if she had met the new Dom yet. “When did Master Merrick arrive? I don’t think I’ve ever seen or talked to him.”

  Samantha smiled. “You’d remember him if you did. Think blond, hunky bad boy with an amazingly lickable body.” />
  Kate laughed at Samantha’s enthusiasm. She had no desire to play with anyone but Master Dex right now, but it wouldn’t hurt to take in the scenery out on the dungeon floor.

  “I definitely haven’t seen him, then, but I’ll have to take a look.” She smiled at Samantha. “Sounds like a sight I just can’t miss.”

  The woman tipped her head toward the door. “I’m headed out to meet him right now if you want to tag along and watch our scene.”

  Kate loved watching scenes, as well as participating in them. Truth be told, voyeurism was half the fun of the lifestyle for her. Especially during the times when none of her Doms had been in town for a while.

  She grinned. “Lead the way.”


  Dex parked his car in the very full parking lot of The Dungeon and walked to the front doors. Merrick had warned him that the place was packed after the news of Stanton’s murder got out. Especially since the pictures of him taken here had been leaked onto social media, along with the address of The Dungeon.

  The owners of those accounts had been picked up for questioning already, but the damage had been done.

  From what he understood, nonmembers weren’t allowed on the dungeon floors, and Ralston had hired security teams to keep order, but many members who only rarely attended were showing up to see and be seen.

  Proof that not everyone’s lives and careers would be tarnished by being associated with a BDSM club.

  The outside of the building was showing some wear; it definitely needed a new coat of paint and some updated landscaping. He was sure that would be pointed out on the inevitable newscasts.

  It was possible Ralston was in a hole financially, which would explain his recent attempt to get Dex to leave early rather than stand up to his two demanding Doms. Dex’s analyst team hadn’t turned anything up yet, but they were still digging. Ralston’s finances were a warren of shell companies and nonexistent investors.

  Dex was sure Ralston would gain some new members from this ordeal, and he was glad he wouldn’t be around long term to watch the influx of people brand new to the lifestyle try to play “kinky.”

  He pulled open one of the wide double doors and was immediately hit with a wall of cool air and near quiet. Or at least as quiet as he had heard here so far.

  Every time he’d been inside The Dungeon before today, there had been loud music playing. He wondered if the quiet was Ralston’s way of paying tribute to Stanton. An odd tribute, to be sure, but then Stanton had been an odd man. And if the pictures he was found with were accurate, Stanton was also a sadistic, perverted pedophile and drug dealer. But those details were still being investigated.

  Most likely, the quiet resulted from a request by the security Ralston had brought in. The lack of music would make it easier for them to do what they needed to do to keep order.

  He paused. There were people everywhere he looked. The entrance area had been roped off and was staffed by security personnel, one of whom was checking IDs before allowing anyone through.

  Several people pushed past him, heading outside, and he stepped aside to let them through. No one he recognized from his case, but several were high-profile names. From the grumbling, he guessed they weren’t members and had been turned away.

  When the rest of the exiting group passed by, Dex stepped inside, letting the door close behind him. Now he just needed to get in and find Kate.

  Merrick had said she was here, but that had been a few hours ago, and Dex wasn’t sure if she would have put up with the crowd.

  He had tried several times earlier to break away, but he’d found some valuable information that might help the case, and he knew Merrick would alert him if anything was urgent.

  Dex had come already dressed in his leathers, even though he had left a set in his locker just in case.

  His pulse kicked up a notch as he thought about Kate. Had it only been this afternoon since he had seen her? He couldn’t wait to have his hands on her again. And depending on how she was healing, possibly fuck her senseless.

  Scanning the milling crowd around him, he knew he wanted Kate to himself. He couldn’t do what he wanted with her amid this circus.

  He followed the line until he was able to present his ID to one of the security guards. The man checked his name against a list of members, and then waved him through.

  Ralston probably hadn’t even thought that just being waved through was enough to confirm people as members and open them to the scandal of being involved in something disreputable.

  Dex shook his head. Ralston’s business might not even be open this time next year. The man obviously didn’t know much about the lifestyle, or running a BDSM club.

  Dex walked around the edge of the dungeon floor, scanning for Kate. There weren’t as many people out here as there had been in the lobby, but there were many more than he had seen yesterday, and more than Ralston had said attended on a regular basis.

  When he finally saw her, it was as if the room suddenly lost all its air.

  She stood with a cluster of people outside a scene in progress. From this angle, Dex couldn’t tell who was playing, but Kate stood with her gaze riveted on the action.

  She wore a royal-blue lacy bustier with a matching thong. Her black hair spilled over her shoulders in a sensual waterfall. His gaze traveled down her body and then traced her long, toned legs to see the stiletto heels that gave her extra height.

  His cock hardened. She looked spectacular, and he wanted her.

  But not here.

  Dex walked toward her, confident people would get out of his way. It was a confidence born from experience, and he bit back a smile as people hurried to make a path for him.

  He stepped behind her and slid the fingers of his right hand into her thick hair, grabbing a tight handful before he pulled her head back, exposing her pale throat.

  She stiffened in his hold, but as soon as she saw who held her, she relaxed and dropped her gaze.

  He leaned down and nipped her throat, just hard enough to leave his mark.

  She moaned and looped her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her hard, letting her feel how much he wanted her and enjoying the way she responded to his demands. When they were both breathless, and he was dangerously close to taking her right here, he slowly pulled back.

  She blinked several times, and he watched as her wide green eyes finally focused.

  “Master Dex.” Her lips swollen from his hard kisses, coupled with her tousled hair from his fingers, made her even more sexy. But Dex was done behaving for the crowd.

  He spoke just next to her ear. “Put some clothes on over that sexy lingerie. Leave the heels on, and meet me at the front doors in five minutes.”

  She didn’t hesitate before she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Not bothering to say anything else, she turned and hurried toward the locker rooms. Dex watched her go, enjoying the easy sway of her hips and the beautiful globes of her bare ass as they moved.

  When he saw several others admiring her, he scowled. A few noticed him and found other places to look.

  Dex reminded himself that Kate had agreed to play scenes with him, but she wasn’t his collared sub. If others wanted to look and appreciate her, he had nothing to say about it.

  He couldn’t really blame them. Kate looked amazing tonight, and the way her body moved when she walked in those heels made her a living sex fantasy.

  As soon as she disappeared into the locker room, Dex made his way toward the front entrance. It took him several minutes to press past the crowd so he could finally reach the front doors. He stepped outside into the dark evening just as another large group came in.

  As soon as they passed, he felt a hand on his arm and looked down to find Kate standing beside him wearing jeans and a silky top. From the light over the door he could see her cheeks were flushed as she smiled up at him.

  The thought of the sexy lingerie hidden under her clothes made his balls tighten and his erection ache.

et’s get out of here.” He took her hand and led her out to his car.

  Each step farther away from The Dungeon ratcheted his impatience, since he knew what he had in store for her tonight.

  She remained silent when he opened the passenger door and helped her inside. But he smiled as he saw her tracing her bottom lip with her index finger as he closed the door.

  His Kate was already aroused, and he would bet she was already wet for him.

  She was looking forward to tonight as much as he was. Because he didn’t think it was possible to look forward to it more than he was.

  His Kate, he realized had been his thought.

  He liked the sound of that, even though he had no business letting any possessive thoughts take root before he had solved this case.

  When he slid into the driver’s side, he slid the key into the ignition to let the A/C start to cool down the car, which had the added bonus of turning on the overhead light so he could see her. He turned to look at her, enjoying the way her beautiful green eyes devoured him, as if she couldn’t get enough of looking at him. “Kate, I’d like to spend the entire night feeling you come around my cock.”

  A soft gasp echoed through the car, but her smile never dimmed.

  “I know we are outside of the club, and you didn’t agree beforehand, as stipulated in your limits, so I understand if…”

  “Wait.” She held up her hand stop-sign fashion in front of her. “I’m agreeing now.” She pointed in front of her with her index finger. “My place.” She looked suddenly embarrassed, but then added, “Would you like to come back to my penthouse?”

  He laughed at her rushed and impatient words. “I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  She huffed out a breath and turned to stare at him. “While I appreciate the strict adherence to my limits, I’ve been dying to have you inside me since I first laid eyes on you. I’m not going to let this opportunity go by just because we didn’t discuss it before we left The Dungeon.

  “We recently went over all of my limits, so I’m confident you still remember them, and I’m very open to intercourse, as long as you’re inside me sometime in the next hour.” She sighed and settled back against the seat, as if the matter was now closed.


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