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Family Honor

Page 19

by Jamie Hill

  "Hey you!" Mel approached and he scooped her into a big bear hug. "What are you doing here? You didn't have to come."

  "Are you kidding? I remember my friends."

  She touched a lock of the dark, shaggy hair that curled around his collar. He'd let it grow since he'd quit the force, and packed on a couple extra pounds. But he looked happy as hell, and Mel had always envied him for that. "Well, thank you. I assume you told them I kick puppies and children, too?"

  He raised his right hand. "Only the truth, so help me God. I left out most of the poker game stories."

  She chuckled. "Those might have incriminated my father worse than me."

  "Hey, leave me out of this." Cappie rose and shook Jack's hand. "Congrats on the extended family. A boy this time?"

  Jack beamed. "A beautiful baby boy. Scottie. He's got his daddy's appetite and his mama's temper. Keeps us hopping." He pulled out his phone and showed them a picture of the infant, and another of the child with his brothers and sister.

  "They're gorgeous, Jack. Cindy is precious. Mark and Devon are huge. I can't believe how fast they're all growing."

  "We're good." He nodded.

  "And Crystal's doing well?"

  "Crys is an amazing mom. She's definitely in her element. I do believe she gets prettier every day, too."

  Marshall added, "She's been so much help to Gina and me with the twins. We knew nothing about babies, as you recall. It's been a learning experience, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. When you see that first smile…." He looked at Jack, who nodded understanding.

  Cappie nudged Mel. "See? People do it all the time. You don't have to know anything about babies. You can learn."

  "Okay, Daddy, point taken."

  "Daddy?" Stone, Marshall and Jack all repeated in unison.

  Cappie waved a warning finger at them. "It's her new name for me, and I like it. So shush."

  Stone mumbled, "Next thing you know we'll be calling you 'grandpa'."

  Mel started to reply but was taken aback when she saw Nate enter the room. He was dressed in a formal black suit like all the others, and he was completely clean-shaven. She hadn't thought he could look any sexier, but somehow he pulled it off. "Hey," was the only word she could form.

  "Hey," he replied, gazing into her eyes.

  Marshall cleared his throat. "Willis, this is Jack Dunlevy, the former homicide cop we've told you about. Jack, this is Supervisory Special Agent Nate Willis with the FBI."

  "Good to meet you Willis." Jack extended a hand.

  Nate shook it. "My pleasure. I've heard great things about you."

  "Don't believe 'em." Jack glanced at the other men. "I don't know about you fellows, but I think I'll cut out and leave these kids alone. Good to see you all."

  "Thanks Jack," Mel called after him, and waved to Marshall and Stone as they left.

  Cappie followed them. "I'll be waiting outside," he said to Mel. To Nate he said, "Nice suit."

  "Thank you." Nate smiled and watched the older man leave.

  Mel moved in front of him. "I told you not to shave."

  He rubbed his chin. "Well, you see, there's a life lesson in that about our relationship. Sometimes I'm not going to do what you tell me. Get used to it."

  She grinned. "I will." Lowering her voice, she added, "I didn't think you could get any hotter, but this smooth-face thing is doing something for me."

  He smiled and started to reply when Reeder entered behind him.

  Mel held up one finger. "Hold that thought." She stepped around him. "Yes, Captain?"

  "The hearing is over," Reeder said gruffly. "Normally they give the accused time to make a statement, make their own case. They chose not to do that in this matter."

  "What?" Mel had her statement all prepared.

  "It's over, Curtis. You've been cleared of all charges, and IA expresses their gratitude for your cooperation in this matter. The two hundred grand has to come out of your bank account, of course."

  "Of course." Mel had expected to be cleared, but hearing the words now seemed almost surreal.

  "The cash will go with what's left of Becker's bribe money into the police fund. The Fiscal Affairs department decides how it's spent. Usually it's on new equipment or funding community programs like Crime Stoppers and anti-gang awareness for kids."

  "That's good," she agreed.

  "There are a few loose ends to tie up. You and Willis need to do a press conference at four p.m. and announce that we've caught the slasher. We'll go over the details of the information we want released. It's not as sensitive now that Webb is dead and there won't be a trial. But his old man's been arrested, so he'll get his day in court. That jackass bribed so many people, and the ones that got caught are turning on him. So his case is pretty much open and shut."

  "Any sign of Martin?" Nate asked.

  Reeder shook his head. "There's an APB out on him, but nothing yet. If he got out of the country he might slide. But if he ever tries to come back, he better watch himself."

  "That money's going to run out eventually." Nate looked at Mel. "I talked to the CSIs at your house yesterday. They said Zybowski's on suspension until his hearing."

  Reeder said, "No one's rushing to get that done, either. They want to make damn sure he had no part in Martin's deception."

  "Good." Mel shivered and rubbed her arms again. The mention of her house brought back memories she hadn't had time to erase yet.

  "That's about it," Reeder said. "Oh, you've been promoted to Sergeant. The Crimes Against Persons department is going to ask if you'd like to head a task force for them. I told them I wasn't sure. It'd mean working pretty closely with the FBI." He glanced at Nate and tried not to smile.

  "Sergeant?" Mel processed the bombshell he'd just dropped on her. "Task force?"

  "Take a week and think about it. After the press conference you're on vacation for nine days. I don't want to see you anywhere near the WPD. The place will be crawling with reporters. Let us handle it. In fact, you might want to go somewhere and get away. Your front yard will be standing room only, too."

  "It will," Nate agreed.

  Reeder moved to the door. "See you at three-thirty." His face softened. "Good work, you two. I'm proud of you both."

  "Thank you Captain," Mel replied and Nate echoed her words.

  They were alone again, and faced each other.

  "Sergeant!" She repeated, still feeling shocked.

  He grasped her waist and pulled her close. "I've never kissed a sergeant. Come'ere. Let's see if it's any different." He placed a light kiss on her lips.

  She patted his lapel. "Well?"

  Nate smiled. "Even sweeter than the hundred kisses I stole from you this morning."

  Mel wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh Nate. This is all happening so fast. I can't believe it."

  "I know. It's been a whirlwind. We need to take some time and slow it down. I'll call my chief and request the next week off. It'll give us time to relax and unwind."

  "And get to know each other."

  He set his jaw. "We know each other. Make no mistake about that. I feel like I know you better than anyone in my life."

  She caressed his neck. "I feel that way too. But we haven't been together very long."

  "So what? I love you, Melanie Curtis. I'm not afraid to say it anymore. I love you. I think I knew it from the minute you called me 'supervisory special ass'."

  She laughed, her heart soaring. "I love you too, Nate. I love you so much, but I'm scared. I know we'll make it in a long distance relationship. I'm not worried about either of us finding someone else. I just don't want to be away from you. The thought makes my heart hurt."

  He shook his head slowly. "We're not going to be in a long distance relationship. I've already talked to my chief about taking a position with the Wichita Bureau office. He says if that's what I want to do, he'll make it happen."

  Mel blinked. "Why would you do that? Isn't it a step down? Most agents would drool for an assignment like you have,
traveling all over the country."

  He shrugged. "It's a great job for a single, unattached guy. That's not what I am anymore. I'm attached."

  "You're very much attached." She pressed a light kiss to his lips. "I just don't want to come between you and your job. You're good at it, and you need to do what you love."

  Nate sighed. "I'm tired, Mel. This case has shown me that relationships between sons and their mothers are what we make them. I can't run across the country saving my mom any more than Dick Webb could keep killing women to punish his. I'm done. There's more to the bureau than chasing serial killers. I'm excited to explore the possibilities."

  She grasped his neck and hugged him tightly. "I am too, sweetie. We'll explore together."

  He kissed her earlobe. "Starting with a week off. What would you say to a really posh hotel where we could get massages and soak in a hot tub whenever we like?"

  Mel chuckled. "I'd say book a room! So what do you think, are there any hotels like that in Des Moines?"

  Nate pulled back and looked at her. "There probably are. Des Moines, you say?"

  "Why not? We could take a couple days and go to Bloomington, see your Ma and Pop. I'd like that."

  He smiled. "I would too. You're the best, Mel."

  She linked her arm through his. "See, that's what makes us such a great couple. I think you're the best. We're going to have to spend long hours figuring this out."

  "Long hours, you say?" He waggled his brows.

  "Very long hours." She nodded with a satisfied smile and patted his arm.

  The End

  About the Author

  Jamie Hill was born and raised in a beautiful, mid-sized town in Midwest USA. At various times she wanted to be a veterinarian, teacher, cheerleader, TV star or a famous singer. The one thing she always wanted to be was a writer. Starting at about age ten, she penned romance as she envisioned it in one spiral notebook after another.

  When she's not working at the day job she loves, Jamie enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and watching movies (the scarier the better!). In her 'spare time' she can often be found writing, editing, or doing something more mundane like housework. After that, she's probably taking a nap. She loves to hear from readers, so feel free to drop her a line.


  Also by Jamie Hill from Books We Love

  Family Secrets (A Cop in the Family, Book 1)

  Family Ties (A Cop in the Family, Book 2)

  Secrets and Lies

  Hide and Seek

  Run to Me

  On the Edge


  Family Secrets

  A Cop in the Family, Book 1

  As if stumbling over a dead body isn't enough, Crystal Cartwright finds herself playing surrogate mother to two small boys when their father—her neighbor—doesn't come home. The kids aren't much trouble, but the thieves, drug dealers and kidnappers they're about to encounter are.

  Detective Jack Dunlevy, a cop down on his luck, draws the cases no one else wants. A simple investigation involving a dead homeless man quickly changes as Crystal enlists Jack's help with the children. Drawn into a mystery that none of them could have anticipated, they're faced with a situation that will change their lives forever.

  "Ms. Hill is a genius! The plot line was AMAZING. It was action packed and kept me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time. Ms. Hill has become a favorite author of mine and I consider her to be an automatic add to my "to be read list". If you are a serious suspense loving reader who loves to form bonds with the characters, this is definitely the book for you! I loved it and can't wait to read more of Ms. Hill's books, she has the gift of knowing what the reader wants and then hitting you with an ending you certainly don't expect. Two thumbs up!" ~ 5 Stars ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews

  "Family Secrets is an exciting action filled romantic suspense. The chemistry between the characters in the story is wonderful. The romance is beautiful. These two throw sparks anytime they are together. A fast paced smooth flowing storyline will captivate the readers. The surprise ending is thrilling. This is a definite must read and I highly recommend it to the readers. So be sure to add Family Secrets by Jamie Hill to your reading list, you'll be glad you did." ~5 Hearts ~ Anita, The Romance Studio

  "Family Secrets is packed full of intrigue and suspense with a good healthy dose of sensual heat. Jamie Hill will have you twisting in your seat waiting to know what happens next with this story. Just when you think you know what is going to happen, Jamie throws in yet another stunner. Family Secrets is a recommended read." ~ 5 Roses ~ Deb, Sensual Reads

  "Family Secrets is packed with lots of betrayal and secrets that will make the readers jump in turning each page…." ~ 4 Angels ~ Lena C., Fallen Angel Reviews

  Family Ties

  A Cop in the Family, Book 2

  With a couple of dead bodies thrown in, Detective Brady Marshall's stolen goods case has just become a lot more interesting. His love life takes a turn for the better when he meets Gina Morris, a feisty waitress at the club where the latest victim has surfaced. A happily unattached ladies' man, Brady isn't looking to settle down. But after meeting the beautiful Italian spitfire, his thoughts are shifting in that direction.

  Gina Morris doesn't date cops. Until she meets Brady, that is, and gets won over by his dogged persistence and winning smile. With things in her past that are best left unspoken, Gina hesitates to get too close, but can't resist the handsome detective's charm. When his case runs smack dab into her past life, both of them are forced to make choices they never dreamed possible in an attempt to salvage their relationship, and possibly even save their lives.

  "Family Ties started out with a bang and kept me on my toes throughout the entire book. Ms. Hill did an outstanding job with the plotline, and I was literally biting my nails the entire time I was reading. I couldn't put this fast paced, action packed book down. I HAD to find out what happened next. It was addicting. Ms. Hill has a gift of hooking the reader and not letting go until the very last word. And even then, there was a description of Family Secrets (the first book in the series). It's now on my HAVE TO BUY list. So let me just leave you with this one suggestion. You really want to go out and buy this book. It's a 114 page book that is filled with every emotion you can think of. You won't want to miss this one. Ms. Hill is an author to watch." ~ 5 Stars ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews

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  Thank you for purchasing and reading this Book We Love eBook. We hope you have enjoyed your reading experience. Books We Love and the author would very much appreciate you returning to the online retailer where you purchased this book and leaving a review for the author. Best Regards and Happy Reading, Jamie and Jude

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