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A Whole Lotta Trouble

Page 3

by Lea Hart

  “Since it was yours, I can’t disagree.”

  He took a step back, shaking his head. “I did not suggest this was in any way a smart move.”

  “But you challenged me, so it’s pretty much the same thing.” Jack slapped his friend on the back and then opened the door.

  The sound of the busy salon stopped the minute they stepped through the doors, and if he’d dropped a pin, it would’ve been heard. The place was packed, and at least three dozen women were staring at them like they had just desecrated the altar at church.

  “Go ahead,” Rick said as he pushed his friend forward. Seeing Jack’s wide eyes and slack mouth, he let out a groan. “Pull it together, man.”

  “Right,” Jack responded quietly before clearing his throat and heading toward the back. “Vanessa,” he announced as he marched toward her, “we’ll be at the boot scoot tonight, and I’d like it if you saved a dance for me.”

  Rick dropped his head and closed his eyes. Shit, why’d he shout it out like he was calling a play in a crowded stadium on Saturday afternoon?

  Vanessa spun around and fisted her hands on her hips. “What has gotten into you? Quit bellowing. Have you lost your mind?”

  “No,” Jack said as he closed the last of the distance separating them. “I’m just tired of waiting and think we should get this thing started between us, once and for all.” He lifted her hand, running his finger over her wrist. “You are the most appealing woman, and denying my attraction just isn’t possible anymore.”

  “Your…attraction?” Vanessa asked with a squeak. “You’ve never…”

  Jack stepped closer and knotted their fingers together. “But I am now and would very much like a chance to spend time together.”

  Rick watched the couple and held his breath, because he knew that beneath his friend’s simple statement lay a well of emotion.

  “Why today?” Vanessa asked. “And why announce your intentions loudly on a Saturday afternoon?”

  “It’s his fault,” Jack replied, sending Rick a scowl over his shoulder. “He suggested that I didn’t have the guts to do something about my long-standing feelings, and everyone knows that I never back down from a challenge.”

  “Figures,” Emily said as she stood, whipped the cape off, and shook out her hair. “Most of the bad ideas in this town started with him.”

  “That is such a load of crap and you know it!” Rick barked. “More than half were yours, and there’s not a person in town who’d disagree.” He stalked over and stood boot to boot with Emily. “And since when is inspiring a man to do something about his intentions a bad idea?”

  “It’s not!” She lifted her face and pressed her finger against her chin. “I was referring to the incident where I was injured and marked for life.”

  Rick snorted and lifted his T-shirt. “Considering my scar is bigger and I spent more days in the hospital, it might be possible that it’s you who’s the troublemaker.”

  “I didn’t make you climb that rickety ladder on the water tower!”

  “You double-dog dared me!” Her eyes sparked and cheeks flushed pink, reminding him of all the shenanigans they’d gotten away with. No two people were more capable of finding excitement and trouble than them.

  And, damn it, he wanted that back in his life.

  Along with…Lord, he couldn’t believe the word “relationship” was floating in his brain.

  Emily waved her hand in front of Rick’s face. “You still with me?”

  Giving her a lazy smile, he drawled, “Yes, and for the record, I’m more than happy to try those stupid stunts again, if it means spending time together.”

  She shifted closer and put her hand against his heart. “We’d likely not get away with them twice.”

  The energy between them took a left turn straight into lust. “You never know, Em. Might be worth a shot to see if we’ve still got it.” Needing a taste of the connection they’d once had, he slid his hand on her hip and pulled her close. “Because I, for one, don’t want to give anyone the idea that we’ve somehow lost our edge.”

  “That would be bad,” she murmured.

  Loving the feel of her soft curves, he closed his eyes and soaked in the happiness of the moment. “Real bad,” he said before inhaling her sweet scent.

  Vanessa cleared her throat. “Y’all can go back to the break room if you need a little privacy.”

  Emily blinked and then shifted away. “Don’t be silly. We’re just…”

  “Getting reacquainted,” Rick finished.

  Jack shook his head in disgust and turned back to Vanessa. “So, Nessa, you going to save me a dance tonight?”

  Vanessa frowned. “Is that all you want?”

  Rick watched his friend swallow loudly and prayed he didn’t screw up. They’d both been out of the game for far too long and lacked the finesse for talking to a woman properly. Rick would just have to help. “What he means is—”

  Jack waved him off and then gave the woman standing close a hopeful smile. “I want to start with a dance and see where it leads us.”

  “Well, I suppose I can save one.” She straightened the collar of his shirt. “After all, you did make a bold move, and that’s not something a woman can ignore.”

  Jack let out a whoop and then kissed her hand. “You won’t regret it.”

  Hearing the salon erupt in loud applause and wild cheers, Rick caught Emily’s eyes and smiled. “Sometimes fate just needs a little push.”

  “Sometimes?” she repeated, shaking her head. “You goin’ to chaperone this budding romance?”

  “Might as well.” Sliding his boot across the worn floor, he shoved his hands into his pockets. “You?”

  “Can’t let my girl go in alone.”

  “I’ll see you there, then.”

  “I guess so.”

  Nodding, he tugged Jack’s arm. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Good idea, man. I don’t want to give her a chance to rethink anything.” He took a step back and tipped his hat at Nessa. “See you tonight, darlin’.”

  “If we don’t get out of here now, the women are going to converge and spend hours giving you unsolicited advice. Put your head down, don’t make eye contact, and head for the door.”

  “Got it.”

  He threw Emily a grin and then followed his buddy out of the salon, deciding it was time to take another step into his future. And taking Em for a spin on the dance floor was a damn fine one.

  Chapter Three

  Emily sat in a back booth of the Broken Spoke, tapping her boot to the song that was playing and watching Nessa smooth her hair over her shoulder. “Are you ready for what Jack Morgan has in mind?”

  “I’m not sure.” She lifted her margarita to her lips and then set it down. “He’s been hovering since he got back from California a couple of years ago, and I wonder what made him finally make a move.”

  “Who knows?” Emily said before pulling her drink closer. “I for one think it took a lot of guts to walk into the salon today and make his intentions known.”

  “I have to agree, but it does put our business out there for everyone to speculate on.”

  “Nothing more brutal than the gossip mill in this town.”

  Vanessa fussed with the pile of napkins on the table and then looked up. “To be fair, it likely didn’t cross Jack’s mind because he’s not been part of the social scene since his retirement from playing ball.”

  “Did you ever think of him as a possible candidate?”

  “Not really, since he’s done nothing but smile at me from a distance.”

  “Maybe a dance together will change your mind.”

  “Maybe.” Vanessa took a sip of her drink. “What about you? Are you ready to have your mind changed?”


  Vanessa arched an eyebrow. “The sparks t
hat were flying between you and my cousin this afternoon were enough to start a ten-alarm blaze. Which means all the stories you’ve told yourself over the years are crumbling faster than an overstuffed taco.”

  Emily ran her finger over her glass and thought of five good rebuttals and instantly knew her friend wouldn’t buy one of them. Didn’t mean she wasn’t going to give it a shot, though. “Nessa, there were no sparks. He just wanted to know if I was going to be here tonight.”

  Vanessa pursed her lips together and then ran her finger over one of Emily’s nails. “Next time you try and come up with a fib, at least put some effort into it.” She gave her an approving smile. “And kudos to you for not only brushing your hair but curling it. I also like the fact you have actual color on your nails and are wearing your lucky skirt.” She folded her hands under her chin and leaned forward. “Are you hoping Rick walks in here, takes one look, and falls on his hiney with lust and desire?”

  Maybe. “That is the most far-fetched story you could ever concoct.”

  “No, it’s not,” Vanessa said. “I saw the heated looks you two were trying not to exchange and how close y’all were standing. It’s time to give up the squabbling for good and become friends or lovers or whatever you two are destined for.”

  “I don’t know—is that even a good idea?”

  “Of course it is! Wasting time on something that doesn’t make sense anymore is foolish. It’s time y’all put your swords down.” Vanessa patted Em’s hand and grinned. “Who knows? You might actually find something a lot more satisfying to do with your time.”


  “We need to take a leap of faith if we want to get to the good stuff.”

  Emily glanced around the busy honky-tonk and knew her friend’s words were true. Letting out a whistle, she sat back. “Speaking of the devil, look who just sauntered in wearing a pressed pair of Wranglers?” She admired acres of brown muscles, offset perfectly by his fitted white shirt. “That’s a man who means business.”

  “So does the one standing next to him,” Vanessa commented. “It looks like my cousin might’ve put on a clean shirt and brushed his hair.”

  Unable to ignore the width of Rick’s shoulders and the way his Wranglers cupped his perfect ass, she twisted her fingers together and prayed for strength. How was she supposed to resist his stupid animal magnetism? Most of the women in the bar were failing, and why should she be any different? The man was a damn feast for the eyes, and his irresistible way of moving gracefully despite his formidable size was not a thing easily ignored. Hell, he and Jack sauntering in together was likely to start a riot amongst the single women.

  She cleared her throat. She absolutely would not fall under Rick’s spell like she had when she was seventeen. So what if her heart thundered in excitement? Didn’t mean she was going to give into her hormones and kiss his face the moment he got close.

  Discipline was practically her middle name, and in another minute, she’d be completely under control. All she had to do was summon the usual irritation and annoyance his presence produced, and she’d be right as rain. “Hadn’t noticed.”

  “Can’t imagine how that’s possible considering your eyeballs have been glued to his Wranglers,” Vanessa said with a giggle. “Maybe you should think about being gracious when he offers you a spin on the dance floor and not spit an insult.”

  “I’m not twelve. Reminding me of my manners isn’t necessary.”

  “Of course it’s not.”

  Emily pushed her lips together in disapproval. “Next time you say that, can you not roll your eyes so hard?”

  “Sure, as long as you quit lying to yourself and me.”

  Emily turned and stretched her legs out in front of her. “Why are we talkin’ about this?”

  “Because the wind of change is starting to blow, and it’s best if we don’t stick our heads in the dirt and pretend like we can’t see it,” Vanessa said quietly. “We’re thirty, and it’s time we did something about our dreams.”

  “I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” Emily said as she waved to her old friend, Nash Pierce.

  Vanessa followed her gaze to the man Em always thought of as a Scott Eastwood lookalike. “Bless his heart, I think that man’s had a thing for you since high school.”

  Emily laughed. “Nash? No way. We’re just friends.”

  Nessa pushed the salt off the rim of her drink and shrugged. “Considering he’s been eyeing you like a double dip cone since you got back to town two months ago, he may be wantin’ more.”

  Hardly. “He’s being the same good friend he’s always been. If he wanted more, I’d expect him to step up his attentions.” Like Rick suddenly was. Seeing Nash approach, she gave him a smile. “Here he comes. Don’t act weird.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it.”

  “Ladies,” Nash said with a big grin. His bright blue eyes positively sparkled as he removed his cowboy hat and held it to his chest. “It’s nice to see the best of Texas is sittin’ at one table.”

  Vanessa patted Nash’s shoulder. “Bless your heart.”

  Seeing his confused expression, Emily jumped in. “How have you been, Nash? I haven’t seen you around much lately.”

  Vanessa stood and backed away from the table. “I’ll let y’all catch up. I’m going to check on our nachos.”

  “Sounds good.” Emily turned her attention back to Nash. “Where have you been keeping yourself?”

  He ran a hand through his blond hair then slid his hat back in place. “Here and there. My brother and I have been working on a couple of business opportunities, and it’s kept me busy.”

  “Well, that sounds interesting.” And vague. Huh.

  “Hopin’ so.”

  Vanessa returned bearing two big plates of nachos. “Supper.”

  “I’ll leave you to it,” Nash replied as he moved aside. Bending down, he took Emily’s hand and pressed a kiss to it. “Will you save me a dance, darlin’?”

  “Of course. Come find me later on, and we’ll show this honky tonk how it’s done.”

  “Can’t wait.” Stepping back, he tipped his hat and then walked off.

  Emily pulled a loaded chip off the top of the pile and watched Vanessa frown. “What’s wrong?”

  “He kissed your hand, Em. C’mon.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “It’s called chivalry. Clearly, you’ve been hanging around your cousin too much if you don’t recognize it.”

  “Maybe so, but you didn’t have to flirt back.” Vanessa shook her head. “That poor man thinks he’s got a chance with you.”

  “I didn’t flirt. I was nice. Being nice isn’t flirting.”

  “Agreed,” Vanessa said as she scooped up a big stack of nachos. “But if a man is interested, he’s likely to see what he wants and misread the signals.”

  She frowned and spread out her napkin on her lap. Was Nash really interested in something romantic? She’d never picked up on any major flirting signals, and with the dry spell she’d been in, chances were good she’d notice. Hell, she’d never even thought of him that way.

  “Just remember,” Vanessa said. “It’s kinder to let him know where you stand than to give him false hope.”

  Emily caught Rick’s eye from across the bar. Yeah, she remembered exactly how painful false hope could be, and she’d never want to give that to another person.


  Rick glanced at the packed dance floor and tried to calculate the odds of Emily accepting a dance. When he saw her frowning in his direction, he tipped his hat and decided he didn’t care what the numbers suggested. She was the most appealing woman he’d ever met and one of the few that didn’t care about his last name.

  Something he’d always appreciated since so many were only interested in his family’s wealth.

  Letting go of the old worry, he turned his attention to his friend. “Are
you plannin’ on waiting till the last song is played before you go over there?”

  Jack leaned against the bar and snorted. “I’m being a gentleman and lettin’ her finish her supper before I invite her for a spin on the dance floor.”

  “Is that all you plan on inviting her to do?”

  “Don’t be whisperin’ shit in my ear and messing with my mojo. I’ve got a plan and am not going to jump the gun and waste my chance.”

  Rick nodded and thought about making his own plan, wondering what it would take to get him and Em turned in a new direction.

  Would she be impressed with a lot of romantic gestures?

  Did he even know what a decent romantic gesture entailed?

  Perhaps an invitation to a picnic at Hog Lake would be a good start.

  Feeling better for having come up with an idea, he picked up his bottle of beer. “You know, my cousin is also a hell of a businesswoman and could support your ass into old age, in case that NFL money runs out.”

  Jack let out a low chuckle. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Rick tipped his chin in the direction of Emily’s table and narrowed his eyes. “Why the fuck was she smilin’ at Nash?”

  “Because they’re friends.” Jack turned around and set his beer down. “I suggest you follow my lead and walk the hell back into life. It’s past time we both did something about the next chapter and find good women who’d stand beside us.”

  Rick let out a bark of laughter and then took a gulp of beer. “Are you trying to say that hanging out with me isn’t as satisfying as it once was?”

  “We work side by side most every day, and now that you’re…better, I plan on spending my evenings with Vanessa, if she’ll have me.”

  “Can’t deny that my cousin is better company than me. And to be completely honest, I’m proud of you for doing something about your happiness.”

  Jack nodded toward the women. “You can do the same thing. If you want to change shit, it’s going to be up to you. And since you managed to collect all those medals in the Navy, I’m bettin’ you’re smart enough to figure out how.”


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