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A Whole Lotta Trouble

Page 15

by Lea Hart

  He kept their gazes locked and tried not to lose his mind as he drove into her slick, tight body. He moved faster, pistoning in and out as her hips rocked, and she met him thrust for thrust. “I can feel you getting tighter. You ready to come all over my cock so I can fill you full of my seed?”

  “Rick…don’t stop!”

  “Never.” Grinning, he dropped his head and gave her a full thrust and felt her body clench his as her orgasm slammed into her body. A deep moan of pleasure filled the bedroom, and he added a loud roar as he let himself go, pumping her full of come as her perfect pussy clenched him tightly and milked everything from his balls.

  Blinded by pleasure, he fell against Emily and wrapped her tightly in his arms and hoped she understood they were bound irrevocably.

  Nothing would ever come between them.

  Including their own fears.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rick mounted his horse and noticed his father was giving him the long questioning glance that had never failed to make him feel guilty. “Any reason you’re studying me like one of the rigs that quit pumping oil?”

  “I’m just taking a second to appreciate how relaxed and happy you are.” Wyatt Blakely let his eyes run over his son and then lifted the corner of his mouth into a grin. “I haven’t seen it in more years than I care to count and don’t want to take it for granted.”

  Looking down at his saddle horn, Rick studied his initials engraved in silver and nodded. “Sorry about worrying you, Pops. I never wanted my dream chasing to cause you and Mama any grief.”

  His father snorted. “Having three strong-minded, willful sons has always been a blessing. You know how proud we are of the service you and your brothers have given this country.”

  Rick saw nothing but pride reflected in his father’s eyes. Which, truth be told, meant the world to him, because there was no one he idolized more. His daddy was one of the most well-respected men in South Texas, and he knew it was because of the level of integrity he used every day of his life. If he could someday become half the man he was, he would be very fortunate. “Thanks. I appreciate you lettin’ me do my thing as I put myself back together.”

  “Son, I know there’s nothing more healing than the flat, scrubby South Texas landscape and was more than happy to have you ride every single one of our half million acres. ’Cause nothing is better than letting the bleached Texas light fill your soul back up.”

  “Good thing it only took a loop around the first quarter million to allow me to find a bit of sanity.”

  He stroked the neck of his horse and then tipped up the brim of his hat. “Being a steward of this land was drilled into me from the moment I was born, and I think you might be the only other Blakely who loves this land as much as I do. I always hoped you’d come home from the Navy and lead the way for the next generation, and it gives me peace to know you’re going to do just that. It will be up to you and your brothers to insure everything from the treeless coastal prairies to the ruins of the small port on Copano Bay don’t get despoiled.”

  “I know, Pops.” Pushing his heels into the stirrups, he stretched out his legs and thought about the responsibility running the ranch represented. It wasn’t small by any means, but one he would bear proudly.

  “This life isn’t easy, and your best chance of success is finding the right partner to have alongside you. A lot of people depend on us, and as you well know, we take care of our employees pretty much from cradle to grave.”

  “I know, Pops. Any particular reason why you’re reminding me now?”

  “Because I was informed by your mama that you and Emily have taken up with each other.”

  Smoothing his hand slowly over his horse’s mane, Rick nodded. “Are you worried that we’ll get up to our old stunts?”

  He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “Not at all. You’re too smart to let something like that happen.”

  “Then what concerns you?”

  “That you’ll screw it up and miss out on a woman who could end up being your perfect partner.”

  Lifting his hat off, Rick rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. “I see…”

  “No one is perfect, son, but Emily might be the perfect one for you.”

  His father rarely gave his opinion on things, and Rick knew to pay attention. “Seems Mama gave you a full synopsis of the situation over morning coffee.”

  “Just like she’s done every day since we were married. We’re a team, and she has strengths that I don’t and vice versa.”

  “And you want the same for me?”

  “Of course. My life is a thousand times better with your mama in it. It’s also more complicated, interesting, and downright entertaining. And I want all my boys to have a slice of the happiness that I’ve been blessed with.”

  “Thanks, Pops.” He pushed his hat down and vowed he would do everything in his power to make his daddy’s wish come true. Not only because he wanted the very same thing, but because making Wyatt Blakely proud was a goal he would never grow out of.

  “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s go check the herd down in the valley.”

  Rick laid the reins over his horse’s neck and turned her toward the gate. “Are you saying that words of wisdom about my love life isn’t going to become a regular thing?”

  “God no.”

  Letting out a bark of laughter, Rick adjusted his hat and felt like the earth’s orbit fell back in place. “What happened to Weston this morning? I thought he was going to join us.”

  “He was out of the house at the crack of dawn, and as far as I know, he was chasing down something on the men who are keeping company with Owen Pierce.”

  Feeling the gravity of the situation, he resifted the facts and tried to make sense of them. “Have you ever had problems with his parents?”

  “Of course not, son. We take care of the people who work for this ranch and always will. His daddy had a drinking problem way back when he was working the rigs, and we made sure he got into rehab and got himself cleaned up.”

  Did the Pierce brothers inherit the problem? Maybe one or both of them wrestled with substance abuse and that’s why they were making the choices they were.

  He let the smooth gait of his horse settle his thoughts. “I’m not standing by and letting Nash’s bullshit affect Em in any way.”

  “And how is she dealing with you as a shadow?”

  “Some days are better than others, and she knows I won’t fucking compromise on safety.”

  “You may want to figure out a way to soften that approach, so you don’t find yourself standin’ on the wrong side of a slammed door,” his father grumbled.

  Rick smiled to himself. “You know something about that, Pops?”

  “Your mama is hellfire and holy water, and the way I approach things determines which I’ll be enjoying for the day.”

  “I’ll definitely be keeping that in mind.” And he would, because the last thing he needed to do was stoke Em’s frustration. Moving his horse along the embankment of the river, Rick thought about exactly what it would take to get Em to tolerate his need to stay close. When nothing immediately came to mind, he decided the hours he had ahead of him would certainly produce a few.

  Because nothing fixed the inside of a person better than being on the outside of a horse.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Emily stood next to her vet truck in her driveway and glanced over when she heard the sound of Rick’s boots against the concrete. She gave him a smile when she saw him carrying two cups of coffee. “You sure know how to start a Monday morning off right.”

  He gave her an exaggerated wink and then kissed her head. “I thought you didn’t want to discuss the dirty things I do to you behind the bedroom door.”

  She took the coffee cup from his hand and rolled her eyes. “You know I was talkin’ about the coffee delivery.

  “Oh, my bad. I thought you were referring to waking up with my head between your legs and the double orgasms I delivered with a smile.” He took a gulp of his coffee and hitched his shoulder. “Guess it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy.”

  She looked around and frowned. “You might want to use your inside voice the next time you decide to discuss our morning activities in the driveway.”


  “Because Ms. Dee who lives across the street is already smitten with you, and if she knew how…talented that mouth of yours is, well…things could get interesting.”

  “Afraid of a little competition?”

  “Nope, since nothing will make a man loyal except his own beating heart. If you’re the kind to get your head turned every time a woman looks your way, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  “We both know the only woman’s gaze I care about is yours, so that takes care of that.”

  Letting the sweetness of his words settle, she wondered how long it would be true. She grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt and pulled him close. “If that ever changes, you come tell me first.”

  “I will, Em.”

  She pressed herself up on her toes and gave him a good kiss. “Now that we’ve got that settled, what is on your schedule today?”

  “Jack and I are taking the helo down to Woodsboro to check on the wells. We put in a new security protocol last month and want to pay a surprise visit to make sure the men are following it.”

  “Well, look for my truck on Highway 77 because I’m heading over to Sinton today.”

  “You working with the Garrisons?”

  “Yes, and I’m expecting it to be a full day.”

  “Anyone from the clinic going with you?”

  She took a step back and crossed her arms. “No, since I usually travel alone.” She lifted her coffee cup and took a sip. Rick better have meant all the promises he’d made about respecting her independence and trusting her judgment. Not able to get a read from his semi-fake innocent expression, she eyed him over the rim of her truck. “Why do you ask?”

  “I see you getting that mean squinty look and don’t want to get you riled up, but…”

  “Just spit it out, Rick, so I can yell at you and get on with my day.”

  “I don’t like you being on that stretch of the highway alone. We still don’t know who broke into your house and why.”

  “And we may never. I appreciate your concern, but I won’t stop working just because someone decided to get a peek into my drawers and bookcases.”

  “And your truck apparently!”


  Rick flicked the jacked lock on the compartment where she kept meds.

  “I hadn’t noticed that when I parked it here the other day. I don’t keep anything interesting in there unless you’re a horse with colic.”

  “When did you last check the lock?”

  “Probably last Thursday. I worked at the clinic on Friday and haven’t needed to restock until today.”

  “That means anyone could’ve gotten to it at any point over the weekend.”

  “You’re right. But I don’t keep anything a human would find interesting, so it doesn’t make sense.” She ran her hand down her braid and let out a sigh. “I’m going to have to let Willy know, along with my bosses, which means I’m going to have a lot of paperwork to fill out tonight.”

  “Is there any chance you can reschedule your day? I’ve put off checking on the wells for a week and can’t go with you today.”

  “I’m not canceling my schedule. For all we know, the lock could’ve been hit by a piece of heavy equipment. Or a mad cow.”

  “I don’t like it, Em.”

  “Nothing I can do about it.”

  “There sure the hell is. You’re just not going to do it.”

  Telling herself not to lose her temper, she prayed for God’s wisdom. “You’re a little on the side of unreasonable when it comes to worrying about the what-ifs, and I don’t have the luxury of placating you in this particular situation.”

  His lips flattened as he glared at her. “Are you playing this fast and loose so I get off your back, or does this situation really not bother you?”

  “I deal with animals twice my size on a daily basis, and a lot of them are not real happy when we spend time together. I deal with a certain level of fear most days, and waiting until it disappears isn’t a luxury I can afford. Do I like the idea of someone messing with me? Of course not. Am I going to cower in the clinic or stay under your watchful gaze until it stops? Absolutely not. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself, and I’m a decent shot, so if someone decides to get in my way today, they better be ready to become acquainted with the barrel of my gun.”

  Frustration marred Rick’s handsome face. Was he even capable of backing off when she asked? Not liking the swirl of uneasiness in her stomach, she let out a breath and hated how vulnerable she felt. Maybe he wasn’t going to be able to handle her independence, after all. “If you want to forget about this thing between us, then I’ll understand.”

  He took her coffee cup and set it down on the hood of the truck along with his own and then pulled her into his arms. “Ain’t nothing going to change my mind about you and me. The fact I have to work extra hard to impress you just makes it all the more satisfying when I do.”

  She rubbed her cheek against the soft material of his shirt and gave him a good squeeze. “I’ll be extra vigilant, I promise.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tipping back, she looked up and noticed his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t be a nervous nelly.”

  “I’m a concerned boyfriend and want my woman to be safe.”

  “I get that, but your idea of safe is a little extreme.”

  “Just because I want to roll you in bubble wrap, put you in a cocoon of marshmallows, and have a fire team surrounding you twenty-four seven doesn’t mean I’m unreasonable.”

  She let out a snort and told herself that him being aware of his level-ten concern was a move in the right direction. “Maybe you should give me a kiss and quit talking, because nothing you’re saying is helping.”

  “I should be offended by that remark, but I’m not going to be since kissing you is one of my favorite things to do in this world.”

  “Good answer,” she murmured right before his mouth landed on hers. Focusing on the pleasure of kissing and not the irritation of Rick’s proclamations, she prayed he used some self-control and respected her wishes.


  Rick glanced over at Jack as he guided the helo low over the flat brown hills that surrounded the wells on the south end of the ranch. Adjusting his headphones, he leaned forward and pointed toward the highest-producing well. “The geo fencing we put in place is active, which is good news. I wasn’t sure if the boost we installed to carry the signal would be enough, but it looks like it is.”

  Jack nodded and lowered the helicopter slowly. “You want to land and then cross the perimeter to see if the men are following the procedures you put in place?”

  “Sure, set this baby down and let’s take a little hike and see what happens.” He bounced his knee as he looked out the window and tried to quit grinding his teeth. Everything with Em was probably fine, and giving into his overactive imagination would be about the worst choice possible.

  “Roger that,” Jack confirmed as he set the bird down and began shutting down the engines. “You wound a little tight today for any particular reason?”

  Sliding the headphones off, he shook his head. “Half my mind is on Em. Seems someone broke into her vet truck at some point over the weekend, and my gut is telling me it’s linked back to the break-in at her house. Weston is still gathering intel and has nothing actionable to move on, and Willy is waiting on results from the lab in San Antonio. We’ve got a whole lot of nothin�
�, and in the meantime, my woman is traveling down to Sinton. By herself. She’s easy pickings for anyone who wants to bother her, and I don’t like it.”

  “From what I remember, Em is decent shot, so she’s got that going for her.”

  His gut churned, and he fisted his hands. “Fuck you! Would you be saying the same thing if Nessa was riding solo to San Antonio?”

  “No, because Nessa couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn. Em, on the other hand, was trained up by her daddy and brothers and can outshoot half the men in this town. She also deals with animals three times her size and doesn’t take any guff, so I imagine she can handle whatever comes her way.”

  “I don’t want her to have to handle anything. As far as I’m concerned, it’s my damn job to do it for her.”

  Jack let out a loud snort and opened the door to the helo. “I hope to God you never say anything like that in her presence because it will kill that budding romance of yours faster than anything else.”

  “I might’ve already tried.”

  “And how long did it take her to shut you down?”

  “There’s no measurement for something that short.”

  “Figured as much.”

  Rick climbed out of the helo and grabbed his SAT phone and a bottle of water. “I want to fly along Highway 77 on the way back to the ranch.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “You can’t shame me out of wanting to make sure she’s okay.”

  “I wouldn’t waste my energy, since I know it would be impossible.”

  He shoved a baseball hat on his head and gave his friend a wide smile. “I love the shit out of the little bit of happiness we’ve made over the last week and plan on defending it with my dying breath. It’s taken us a long-ass time to get here, and I’m not letting anyone mess with the chance we’ve been given.”

  “I know, man, and I completely understand.” Jack tipped his head toward the well. “Ready?”


  Rick lifted his nocs and scanned the strip of highway and prayed he’d get a glimpse of Em’s truck before too long. Based on the conversation they’d had an hour ago, she should be passing through the area any minute. Not that he planned on tailing her ass in the helo all the way back to Victoria, because that would just be…really unacceptable.


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