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by Candace Smith

  He wondered if these clients waiting up the mountain might be persuaded to let him fuck his stepdaughter, before she was left to their plans. Damn, why hadn’t he thought to put that into the deal? Well, he was a shrewd negotiator himself, so maybe he would just add that little request when they arrived. Richard was pretty sure once they got a look at the girl, they would not want to lose her over something as petty as his minor request. After all, he figured they were only going to turn her into somebody’s fuck toy, anyway.

  An hour later his plan unraveled, when he thought about the ride up the mountain that was going to take two more days. His legs were already strained and killing him, and he thought with three days of riding, he might not even be able to fuck her. Then, there was the three-day ride back down the mountain.

  Richard groaned and Marcy smiled, figuring her conniving husband was paying for his transgressions threefold. It was still nice of him to make the sacrifice for her and Rylee. Marcy glanced at her daughter, and she realized this might be the last time they did something together like this. Rylee was grown now, and she would soon be lost in the excitement of college, and then move onto her own life as an adult.

  The guide called back, “We’ll be stopping in about five minutes. First day’s a short ride because there isn’t another place to camp until we hit the shelf.”

  Thank god, Richard thought, staring at the back of the old cowboy. The man had not said a word since they left that morning, after checking their tack and making sure they had water in their packs. They had been riding for six hours before he finally guided them around some pine trees and into a clearing.

  While the gruff man fixed a fire and pulled out the cans of stew he was going to heat for their dinner, Richard sat down on a rock beside him. “So, have you been doing this long?”

  The man’s hands stalled their progress of opening a can, and he turned towards Richard with an angry expression. “Mister, I don’t talk about nothing but the trail ride. The rest of it ain’t none of my business.” Henry liked it better when it was just the women. He could quickly tie them up and stick a gag in their mouths so he could enjoy a quiet ride up to the lodge, instead of this duplicity of a family trip, just so he would not be fighting the man the whole way.

  Richard found it difficult to swallow around the lump in his throat as he stared at the guide’s menacing eyes, and he slowly rose to make his way over to his gear. He took his sleeping bag off the back of the saddle and spread it under the trees by Marcy’s, and he gazed around the clearing until he spotted his wife and Rylee laughing while they hiked around the edges of the clearing.

  The plan, he had told Marcy, was that there was a cabin at the top of the mountain with a beautiful view and pasture to ride in. They would stay there a week, and then head back down the mountain. He convinced her that a week alone without the distractions of phones and television would give them the chance they needed to talk about their problems.

  The sun was setting at the end of the third day, when the guide led them out onto an open grass field on top of the mountain. “Oh Richard, it’s beautiful,” Marcy exclaimed. When the lodge came into view, the closer they got, the more uncertain she became. This was not just a little camp hideaway, it was a large log home nestled at the opposite end of the pasture by the trees, with at least six smaller cabins surrounding it. Marcy felt like kicking herself for not checking it out on the Internet. She turned back to Richard. “Is this some kind of resort?”

  Rylee rode up to the guide. Several times she had caught the man staring at her, and he had given her a creepy feeling since they had left on the trip, so she had avoided him. “Hey, mister… are these all campsites or something? I think dad thought we would have the place to ourselves.”

  The guide stared straight ahead and shrugged. “Don’t know nothin’ about that. You’ll have to ask Mr. Prescott if any other guests are gonna’ be here.”

  Rylee fell back beside her mother. “So much for a private getaway.”

  “Richard, didn’t you check this out? I mean, it’s lovely up here, but if there’s going to be a bunch of kids running around or people throwing parties…” Marcy let her words trail off.

  “I’m sure it will be straightened out, Marcy. My instructions were specific as to what I expected,” Richard assured her.

  Marcy and Rylee rolled their eyes at each other. “Hopefully, this Mr. Prescott understood dad’s ‘specific instructions’,” Rylee said.

  They approached the log cabin and dismounted, tying their horses to the hitching post out front. Rylee stretched and looked around the front of the house, and she frowned when she noticed strange brackets and bolts screwed into various logs and beams on the ceiling and walls. “What the heck do you suppose those are for?”

  Marcy shrugged. “Plants, maybe?”

  They were distracted when the front door opened, and a tall man greeted them. “Hi folks, I’m glad to see you made it safely. I’m Carlton Prescott,” he bounded down the steps with his hand out. First, he shook Richard’s hand, then Marcy’s, and Rylee’s last.

  Rylee introduced herself and had a queasy feeling about the way the man’s gray eyes stared at her, almost like he was stripping her. When she tried to pull her hand out of his grip, he held on just a little longer than was necessary and Rylee wanted to jerk her hand away from him. God, he’s strong. The man was at least six four, and the silver beginning to streak the temples of his jet black hair made her think he was close to her mother’s age. If it was not for the weird way he looked at her, Rylee might have thought he was handsome. Judging by the way her mother was gaping at him, Rylee could tell that she thought so, too.

  Richard already knew the itinerary. Everything was going to happen after dinner, and he was assured he was going to have a front row seat when Marcy found out his plans. Carlton called to the guide, “Henry, lead the horses back to the stable and stash their gear in the rear cabin.” Carlton smiled at the group. “It’s quiet this time of year, but if I understood correctly, you wanted privacy. That cabin’s the furthest from the lodge. Why don’t you folks wash up and come on back here for dinner in an hour.”

  The riders followed the guide to the cabin, and quickly showered and changed. They groaned and laughed about sore muscles and tender butts after the long ride, but the secluded quiet of the cabin had the two women in a much better mood about Richard’s choice. The trio walked back to the main lodge with the guide silently accompanying them.

  In whiplash scenarios, it was easier to let the unsuspecting new chattel clean themselves up, so everyone could get a good assessment of what they were bidding on. When it was just bound women being delivered, after a three-day hike up the mountain the condition they arrived in was sufficient to determine who wanted them.

  Carlton heard the family making their way back to the lodge from his position on the porch. He rose from his chair when they approached and announced, “Come on in. Dinner’s almost ready.” Carlton led them into the lodge where they were surprised to see four other cowboys lounging around the room. Carlton made no move to introduce them, and their guide walked across the room and leaned against the wall by the fireplace.

  Rylee whispered, “This is weird, mom. Do you suppose those guys are other guests?”

  “I don’t think so. I mean, they look like ranch-hands. I can’t see them spending this kind of money on a vacation that pretty much mirrors the jobs they do all year long,” Marcy replied. Her sixth sense was picking up strange vibes from the situation, and she said, “Let’s see how things go at dinner. If it still doesn’t feel right, I think I’ll tell Richard we want to ride back down with the guide in the morning.”

  “I feel bad for him. I think he was really trying to do something he thought we would like,” Rylee said.

  “He’ll be fine if I tell him we’d rather go to a resort. In case you didn’t notice, he can hardly walk. He’s totally miserable and has paid dearly for screwing up,” Marcy smiled.

  “Well, it serves him right,
” Rylee agreed.

  They followed the cowboys into the other room where people were already being seated at the long dining table. The women were surprised to see there were more guests than just the four cowboys. Along with Mr. Prescott and the guide, Rylee noticed three other ranchers already sitting around different sides of the table, while Mr. Prescott walked to the chair at the end. All of the other men had the imposing look of either wealth or authority. They kept staring at Rylee and her mother all through dinner, and occasionally asked Carlton whispered questions. Carlton kept shaking his head in response to whatever was said.

  “What the heck is going on?” Rylee whispered to her mom.

  “I have no idea. Maybe they think it’s strange for women to want to take a trip like this,” Marcy suggested.

  Rylee was becoming very uncomfortable. “Mom, I think I’d really like to go back home tomorrow. This is just too weird.”

  Marcy was equally agitated by the men, who seemed to be almost leering at this point. “I’ll tell Richard to talk to the guide. I’m not comfortable with this either.”

  After dinner, the group was led back to the large living room. Marcy walked up to Carlton and forced a smile as she said, “Thank you for dinner, Mr. Prescott. I think we’ll be heading back to our cabin. It’s been a long day, and none of us are used to riding.”

  Rylee wanted to hug her. The creepy feeling and stares were getting even more obvious, and she just wanted to get the heck out of there.

  “Nonsense, it’s still early.” The big man turned to the others, dismissing her mother. Marcy’s mouth dropped open at his rudeness, and Rylee got angry.

  “Mr. Prescott, we’re tired. Come on, mom. I’m sure we can find our cabin.” Rylee began to walk towards the front door, and one of the cowboys stepped in front of her. She glared up at him. “Excuse me.” She tried to move around him.

  “I think I want you over here, Rylee,” Carlton said. The cowboy gripped her arm and pulled her over to Carlton.

  “Get your hands off of me,” Rylee demanded. She pulled her arm away, only to have the other one gripped by Mr. Prescott.

  Marcy turned to Richard, who was leaning calmly against the sofa. “Richard, what the hell is going on?”

  Richard relished the moment. “You shouldn’t have threatened me with that damn agreement you were going to have me sign. Did you really think I wasted five years sleeping with your saggy ass just to have you cut me out of the money?”

  Marcy’s whispered, “You bastard.” She looked around the room, still not understanding what he had planned for her, but knowing whatever it was, was going to be real bad. Oh god, Rylee. “Richard, let me get my daughter out of here, and we’ll discuss this.” Marcy’s voice was trembling.

  Rylee was still trying to understand what was going on, and trying unsuccessfully to free her arm from Carlton’s grip. Richard was almost grinning in triumph, and her mom looked scared.

  “Rylee’s part of the deal, Marcy. Do you think I could afford something like this with only your old pussy to trade?” Richard smirked.

  Marcy lunged at him and screamed, “What the hell have you done, Richard? Who are these people?”

  Richard had expected someone to step in and grab her before she attacked. Instead, all the men stood around and watched as she clawed at his face and kicked at him. “Hey,” he yelled. “Shouldn’t one of you grab her, or something?”

  The men ignored him, letting the woman tire herself out with him. Some of the cowboys were laughing, when it seemed she was actually getting the upper hand.

  Rylee was struggling and yelling, “Let me go. Dammit, let go of me.” She reached her free hand around to hit Carlton, and he caught her wrist.

  “Hank,” Carlton called. One of the cowboys, who were standing by the fireplace, came over with some strange leather belts.

  Rylee began to scream when he grabbed her arms and secured the cuffs onto her wrists. He yanked her arms behind her and she heard them click together. When she cursed and kicked out at Carlton, he slapped her and she fell to the floor.

  Marcy turned at the sound of the crack and saw her daughter falling. She tried to rush to her side, and was intercepted by one of the big cowboys. He grabbed her arm and her hair, holding her with her back against his chest.

  Richard saw his wife finally secured, and he walked calmly up to her. When he raised his hand to slap her, he found his wrist grabbed tightly in Hank’s grip. “Let go of me, asshole. The bitch deserves this.” Richard tried to pull his hand away and drew his other hand back and curled it into a fist. Before he could land the blow, Hank punched him solidly in the stomach. His air let out in a whoosh, and he found himself hanging by the wrist still clenched in Hank’s other fist. If not for that, he would have slumped to the floor.

  Carlton’s deep steady voice crossed the room. “I’m afraid I can’t have you hitting her, Richard. I don’t like my property marked by anyone other than who I choose. You will be free of her soon, though. I’ve traded you to the north clan, because you don’t have the muscle tone I had hoped for when my contact discussed you, so you’re a bit of a disappointment.”

  Richard wheezed, “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not part of the deal.”

  Several of the ranchers chuckled, and Carlton informed him, “You’ve always been part of the deal, Richard. How were we to get hold of all that money with you running around? The funds have already been forwarded to our offshore account, and Donnie tells me he’ll have no problem getting a good price for the house once he’s stripped the furnishings. I told him he could keep that little sport car of yours, but I think he’s giving it to his sister. I believe you know Cass?” Carlton watched the man’s expression change from the arrogance he had displayed earlier, to horror as the trap closed in on him. “Oh, and it was most accommodating of you to provide all of your wife’s accounts and passwords. Usually, we have to ‘encourage’ that sort of information from our guests.”

  Richard shook his head. “No, look, you’ve got this all wrong. Donnie is handling all the paperwork for me. Give him a call and he’ll tell you he’s made reservations for me in Vegas. You’ve made a mistake.”

  Richard was swearing as Hank and another cowboy strapped some cuffs onto his wrists and placed a collar around his throat. They lashed his wrists behind him and pushed him onto his knees next to one of the older ranchers. The man sneered down at his new labor slave, noting his soft muscle tone. “Hank, hogtie and gag him for me, will you? I don’t want to miss the rest of the evening’s activities.”

  Hank and the guide wrapped a rope around Richard’s ankles and secured them to his wrists. Grabbing his scalp, Hank pulled Richard’s head back and crammed a hard rubber ring into his mouth.

  Rylee was still on the floor crying, rubbing her stung cheek and looking up at her mother. Marcy was in shock, standing pinned against the cowboy’s chest while her mind tried to wrap around what was going on. Carlton reached down and grabbed Rylee’s long ponytail, and she screamed while he dragged her towards a chair. He sat down and pulled her into his lap and said, “Now. Marcy, Mr. Tyler was the only one interested in your husband, so you don’t need to waste anymore time worrying about him, because he’s headed to the labor camps to the north. I’ve decided I might keep you and Rylee together, but naturally, I need to see the merchandise.”

  Rylee tried to push to her feet. “Don’t you touch her,” she screamed.

  Carlton pulled her back down and gripped her throat in a choke hold so tight she could not breathe, much less scream. “Be quiet, Rylee.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out another rubber ring. It took a moment for Rylee to realize that he meant to shove the device into her mouth, and when he let go of her throat, he had no problem bending it in his strong hand and letting it spring open behind her teeth when she tried to gulp air. He listened to her garbled sobs as drool began to spill down her chin.

  Carlton turned his attention back to Marcy. “As I was saying, I may decide to take both of you
to the west camp, but you are well past your prime, so you’ll have to persuade me to keep you together and not pass you to one of the other camps.” The other three patriarchs settled back in their chairs, content to let their rods press into their denim while they watched Carlton humiliate the woman. Their arousal was intensified as they took in the scene and watched the fear in her daughter’s eyes. They knew Rylee was Carlton’s personal property, but the mother would be relieving them soon and Aaron would probably throw the husband into the sexual mix, just to let him know his new station in life.

  “Jeffrey, release Marcy so she can try to accommodate my wishes. I’m sure she doesn’t want to be separated from her daughter.” Carlton belted an arm under Rylee’s breasts when she tried to rise again.


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