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Devon in Wonderland (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 18

by Jana Downs

  Devon tightened around both his men as he neared release. Layden pushed deep inside, harder with every thrust as Abraxas matched his need until they were all three moving together toward one goal.

  “Layden…Abraxas…I–I.” He gasped to catch his breath, but his pounding heart wouldn’t let him. He kept climbing higher and higher with every slick pound of the hard dicks pressed deep inside him.

  “I love you! God, I love you!” Devon shouted as he felt himself spiraling over the edge into bliss. His muscles spasmed around their cocks as they greedily sought the same release. Two more thrusts and both Abraxas and Layden joined him, filling him full with the remnants of their lovemaking.

  They collapsed together on the bed, dripping wet with the sweat from the heat of their passion.

  “I love you as well,” Layden panted with a broad grin spread across his face.

  “And I love you both more than there are stars in the nighttime skies,” Abraxas agreed, breathless as he stretched his arms behind his head.

  “Promise me something,” Devon murmured as he nuzzled into Abraxas’s chest.

  “Anything,” he agreed without waiting to hear his request.

  “No, I’m serious.” Devon sat up to look at him. His aquamarine eyes sparkled in the candlelit room. “I want you both to promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will never forget me.”

  A silly request really, but it meant something to him. He had spent his whole life surrounded by people who never really saw him. He didn’t want to become just another fleeting memory, forgotten with the passing of time.

  “How could we ever forget about you, Devon?” Layden’s smile calmed his worries almost instantly. His ice-blue eyes stared into his own with such love and compassion that he couldn’t picture a world without him in it.

  “We’ll never forget you.” Abraxas wrapped his arm around him and pulled Devon back to his chest. “Now rest, love. Tomorrow we shall think of heavier things. Tonight, I just want to be with you and Layden.”

  “I think I can live with that.” Devon inhaled the scent of his dragons and closed his eyes. All he needed to soothe him to sleep was the sound of their hearts beating as one.

  * * * *

  “It’s been three days since Ezekiel left.” Abraxas growled as he paced their room. Devon and Layden watched their lover from the bed.

  “Calm down, Abraxas. I’m sure everything is fine,” Layden tried to reassure him.

  Abraxas let out an animalistic growl in protest. “We have only a few days left until the ceremony. What if he doesn’t make it back in time?”

  “Can’t we just postpone the ritual until he returns?” Devon asked as he stared up at Abraxas.

  Abraxas met his gaze with concern reflected in his eyes. “The laws of the ritual are very strict. The veil only allows for the Dragon God to be summoned within two months after the death of the king. If we don’t make the deadline, you’ll be returned to your world and the kingdom will fall into complete chaos, each clan fighting for the right to be king. It would be horrifying and who knows what the outcome would be. Right now, the only thing keeping us together is the fact that we are bound by the old king’s laws, but all that changes once the two months are up.”

  “I don’t understand,” Devon stated. “How does the king keep the clans together? What makes him so different from all the other clan heirs?”

  “The king keeps us together,” Layden explained. “He is blessed by the Dragon God with certain abilities that enables him to demand obedience from all clans. No dragon can disobey a direct order from the king. He’s the reason we have survived the threats from neighboring vampire and fae kingdoms.”

  Devon’s lips pursed. He now knew the gravity of the situation. Everyone was counting on him and yet he’d been unable to complete the task given to him. King Adonis had chosen him and he felt like such a disappointment. His gaze shifted to the ground. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry I haven’t been able to finish finding the gems. This is all my fault.”

  Abraxas placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Devon, it’s okay. You have nothing to be sorry for. You did the best you could. Hell, you’ve sacrificed your life on more than one occasion for the gems we have collected. No one blames you.”

  Layden’s kind eyes looked down at him as he wrapped his arms around Devon’s waist. “Besides, you needed the break. You had to regain your strength for the summoning and your return home.”

  Devon’s heart sank at Layden’s words. They were meant to reassure him but all he’d done was remind Devon that in just a few days they would be separated forever. “I don’t want to go home. Brandon and I have even discussed it. He’s okay with it, really. In fact, he’s thinking about staying, too. No one’s been able to figure out a way for him to get back home and I don’t want to leave him or you two behind.” Devon was grasping at straws as he looked up at Layden.

  Layden’s eyes narrowed. “We don’t know if you can stay. The magics the late king placed upon you will send you back. We should focus on completing the Ceremony and asking for the Dragon God’s blessing. That’s our only hope.”

  “Can’t we find someone who can summon me again? What about if I choose one of you to be king? Can’t you just will me back here?”

  Layden shook his head as pain filled his gaze. “I wouldn’t want to risk it. Summoning spells are very dangerous and usually only work out if they are blessed by the Dragon God. I’m not willing to endanger you.”

  “But there’s a chance. The Dragon God might sanction our relationship and then Devon could stay here.” There was a tone of desperation in Abraxas’s voice as he challenged Layden’s pessimism.

  Layden sighed. “I don’t how we can even think of sustaining this relationship. You know how rare it is that the Dragon God interferes in a mortal’s life and what about our clans? The only way they would sanction our relationship is if one of us became king and ordered them to.” Devon could see the truth in Layden’s words. He didn’t want to have false hope

  Devon smiled at him, taking his cheeks into his hands. “Layden, it’s simple. I’ll choose one of you to be king. Then you can ordain our relationship and if the Dragon God wills it, we’ll be together.”

  “I think you should choose Abraxas,” Layden said after a long moment.

  Abraxas looked to his lovers. “What are you saying, Layden? You can’t just give up the throne. What about your family?”

  “My family is not my concern right now. I never wanted to be Clan Leader let alone King of all Draconia. You’ve been preparing for this your whole life. You have the plans to unite our clans. You want to make things peaceful again so that we can be together. Hell, just maybe you can do it. Then you and Devon can go before the Dragon God. I know you’ll pass the test. At least then, Devon could stay with us. I wouldn’t mind being the third wheel.”

  “Whoa, wait a second.” Devon did not like the idea of them excluding Layden. He meant just as much to Devon as Abraxas did.

  “Yeah, no one’s talking about excluding anyone.” Abraxas’s gaze fixated on Layden. “We’re either all in this or we call it quits now.”

  Silence lingered between the three of them as they exchanged meaningful looks. Devon spoke first, knowing full well what his decision was. “I’m in. We’ll petition the Dragon God for Abraxas to become king and for him to sanction our relationship.”

  Layden nodded at last. “Me, too. At least then we can say we tried.”

  “Okay, so we’re all in agreement. Now why don’t we go into town and try to find a Scryer. They should be able to pinpoint Ezekiel’s and Druis’s location. We can at least see where they are and how far away they are from the capital,” Abraxas said, coming up with a plan of action.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” Layden agreed.

  “Okay, let me get dressed.” Devon went to stand up but was stopped by Layden’s strong arms.

  “Are you sure, you’re up for it? I can stay here with you if you need me to.�

  “No, I’m okay. It’ll be good for me to get some fresh air.” Devon placed a gentle kiss on Layden’s lips and was met by a warm smile. “Let’s go get ready.”

  Chapter 14

  “Do you think he’ll like it?” Layden asked as he looked to Abraxas, holding up the small silver ring. They had found a matching set of simple rings for all three of them, each engraved with the words “forever and always” around the band.

  “I’m sure he will. Hopefully, it’ll lighten his spirits. I think the thought of leaving us is really bringing him down.” Abraxas picked up some boxes before handing a few coins to the clerk. “Speaking of Devon, where’d he go? I told him not to wander off.”

  Abraxas looked over his shoulder for the smaller redhead.

  “He just went inside that shop.” Layden pointed to the antique store behind Abraxas. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

  Abraxas shrugged. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just paranoid with all that’s been happening. It’s been a week since we’ve been consuming the herbs to counteract Maeva’s spell. What if Devon changes his mind? What if he wakes up one day and doesn’t care about us anymore?”

  Layden raised an eyebrow at the dragon standing in front of him. “You know that stuff only works to incite desire. It doesn’t make someone fall in love with you. Devon’s feelings are real. If they weren’t, we’d know something by now.”

  He held out the three rings for Abraxas’s inspection. “His spirits are just down, but I think this might cheer him up. We should give it to him when we get back to the palace.”

  Abraxas nodded. “Sure.”

  A broad grin spread across Layden’s face. “Can I take the credit for picking it out?”

  Abraxas rolled his eyes. “It’s supposed to be from both of us, remember?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” That was only partially true. It had been his idea after all.

  “Hey, Devon. You ready?” Layden called just as Devon stepped out of the shop. His face was pale and his eyes looked like he’d been crying. Layden shoved the rings into his pocket and rushed to his side.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, placing a hand on his lover’s shoulder.

  Devon stared up at him, coldness reflected in his gaze. It was nothing like the warmth from earlier. “I’m fine. Can we go back now? I’m feeling a little tired.”

  Layden glanced to Abraxas. “Sure, Devon. We’ll go back and you can take a nap.”

  They walked in silence the entire way to the palace. Devon’s demeanor hadn’t improved at all. In fact, he looked worse. Layden had thought that he would be in better spirits after hearing the good news about Druis and Ezekiel being only a day away.

  They walked through the palace doors and headed down the hallway. Devon slipped inside the bedroom, insisting that he needed some quiet time. Layden and Abraxas resisted the urge to follow him as they gave him the space he needed.

  “I’m worried about him,” Abraxas stated after an hour had passed. They sat on the sofas in the living room across the way, keeping a watchful eye on Devon’s door.

  “I’m sure he’s fine,” Layden said, trying to reassure his lover, but there was no conviction in his voice.

  “Excuse me,” Maeva said as she entered the sitting room. Layden and Abraxas’s eyes narrowed on the traitorous bitch. Layden’s hand balled into fists. What he wouldn’t give to have a shot at her and Cerilius both, but unfortunately, it was too risky to go at them alone. With Maeva’s time traveling abilities, she’d probably do something to stop them before they even had a chance to get close. Their only option was to wait until the Ceremony. She wouldn’t dare use her powers in front of the Dragon God.

  “Hello, Maeva,” Abraxas said, maintaining his calm composure.

  “Was there any news of Ezekiel and Druis’s whereabouts?”

  Layden shook his head. He didn’t want her to know they were almost to the palace gates. He didn’t trust her. “I’m afraid not, but we did find a nice present for Devon, so if you don’t mind, we would like to go on and give it to him.” Layden had wanted to wait until Devon got up from his nap, but being around Maeva was making his dragon nervous. He needed to see his fragile human for reassurance.

  “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.” Her mocking tone was beginning to get on Layden’s nerves.

  “And why not?” Anger boiled inside him. How dare she keep them apart.

  “Devon requested to not see you for the rest of his time here.” Maeva placed one hand on her full hips.

  “Bullshit!” Abraxas shouted. “He hasn’t said anything like that to anybody. We’ve been with him the whole time.” He pushed the smaller-framed woman aside with ease and headed for the door.

  “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” Maeva’s warning did little to deter him or Abraxas. They pulled open the door and were appalled by the site that greeted them.

  Devon lay in bed, snuggled close to Cerilius’s chest. Had he been in here the entire time with Devon? The only way that was possible is if he were waiting for him in his room before they’d even returned to the palace.

  “What the hell is going on? Devon?” Layden demanded the explanation, though none was really needed.

  Devon stirred and casually looked over his shoulder at the two men who had disturbed his sleep.

  “Maeva, I thought I made it clear to not be disturbed.”

  “I’m sorry. They demanded to see you. I couldn’t stop them.” Maeva’s tone was filled with false sincerity.

  “Fine,” he sighed as he sat up. “What do you want?”

  Tears welled up in Layden’s eyes as he stared at him. Devon was his. This wasn’t right. Something had to be going on. It must be some kind of joke.

  “Devon? Why…” He couldn’t finish the sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to ask the question.

  “Why am I in bed with Cerilius?” Devon raised an eyebrow with an amused look on his face. His gaze was cold, nothing like the Devon Layden knew.

  Devon leaned back and placed a kiss upon Cerilius’s lips and Layden’s heart sank. So it was true. The reality of the image before him wasn’t comprehensible. He felt the world around him swirl as a sharp pain stabbed him over and over again inside his chest.

  “This is some kind of magic.” Abraxas turned to Maeva. He was shaking uncontrollably.

  Maeva shook her head innocently. “You know no magic can control love.” But that didn’t exclude lust.

  “Yes. As you can see, I am perfectly fine. I’ve just changed my mind. I don’t want to go before the Dragon God. I think it’s best if we just end our relationship now. There really isn’t any point. Besides, don’t pretend like you weren’t only interested in me because you wanted to be king.” The anger in Devon’s voice was real, and Layden stared at him, dumbfounded.

  “But, Devon, I love you! Please don’t do this.” The tears were falling down his cheeks in endless cascades now.

  Devon’s eyes narrowed. “I can’t do this anymore. Guards,” Devon called to the men standing outside his room, and four large-framed guardsmen entered the room.

  “Yes, Devon?” the taller one spoke.

  “I want these two removed from the palace. I’ve already made my decision on who shall become the next king. Their presence is no longer needed.” Maeva nodded in affirmation, giving the guards all they needed to execute Devon’s wishes. Most of these poor saps didn’t know just how evil this woman really was.

  “But what about the ceremony.” Layden was desperate now. He looked to Abraxas for support, but his lover had gone rigid. He couldn’t read his emotions.

  “No, Layden. If Devon wants rid of us, then we shall leave.” Abraxas grabbed Layden’s arm and dragged him out of the room.

  “Wait! I’ve got to give him the present!” Layden fumbled through his pockets and pulled out the small box and laid it on the dresser as Abraxas pulled him out of the room.

  “Devon, please…please don’t do this,” he called one last time.

  But it was too
late. The door slammed shut in their faces as the guards ushered them down the hallway away from their human’s room.

  * * * *

  Devon collapsed as soon as they were taken out the room, doubling over with pain. Tears fell from his eyes as he sobbed silently.

  “You did well.” Cerilius placed a hand on his shoulder.

  Devon pushed him away. “Don’t touch me!” He glared up at him with hatred in his eyes.

  His lips turned upward in a sneer. “Have it your way, brat.” He walked over to Maeva and put an arm around her waist.

  “Look at it this way. You only have to keep the charade up for a few more days. Then you can name Cerilius king and return to your own world,” Maeva said with a casualness to her tone.

  Devon stared up at her. “Layden and Abraxas will see through this. You’ll see. They’ll come save me and my brother!”

  Maeva let out a high-pitched laugh. “Think again, my dear. After I’ve exposed their relationship to their families, they won’t be able to set foot into the capital, let alone reach the palace gate. So even if they do figure it out, they will be arrested on sight. Besides…” She paused and walked to Devon. She lifted his chin with one fingertip until he had no choice but to meet her cold eyes. “Do you really want them to try to save you? You’ve seen what I can do them. You know I have your brother locked in my dungeons as we speak. One cry out to them and I’ll see they are both put to death along with your pathetic excuse of a brother.”

  Devon knew what she said was true. Cerilius had been there, waiting for him in that antique shop and he’d shown Devon just what they were capable of. The images of their cruel actions in the Fae Wars were still burned in his mind and the sight of his brother locked in the dungeons was more than enough to bring Devon to his knees. He couldn’t bear it if something happened to his brother.

  Satisfied with Devon’s submission, Maeva turned away from him and wrapped her arm around Cerilius. “Come on, lover. Let’s leave the boy to himself. We have some celebrating to do.” They both left the room, and the door fell shut with a click, indicating that he was once again locked inside the room.


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