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Wicked Games (Wicked Bay, #4)

Page 24

by Cotton, L A

“I’m looking forward to seeing him in action,” Stella said, and Kyle cleared his throat.

  “Kyle,” I warned, imagining all the inappropriate things on the tip of his tongue.

  His mouth moved, the words forming, but Laurie elbowed him hard and he spluttered out, “Shit, babe. I wasn’t—”

  “Oh look, here’s your dad and Rebecca.” Laurie changed the subject, waving over at them.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Rebecca smiled, but it seemed strained.


  “You’re here now,” Dad added. “That’s all that matters.”

  “Hmm, Momma P, where’s Macey and Summer?” Kyle's eyes narrowed as he searched the space behind them.

  “Something came up,” Uncle Gentry said. “They’re sorry to be missing Maverick’s first game.” He shot me an apologetic look.

  “Something came up? Like what?”

  “Kyle,” Rebecca said the same time as Uncle Gentry warned, “Son.”

  “Let me guess, Macey—”

  “Enough.” His father’s tone was final. “We are here to support Maverick. The girls are fine.”

  The adults started their own conversation while Kyle slipped his phone out, but I leaned around Laurie. “Kyle, leave it.”

  “She was supposed to be here.” His eyes burned with disappointment.

  “She’s going through stuff.” I lowered my voice hoping the adults wouldn’t overhear, but they were too busy reminiscing about their own college experiences.

  “Stuff? She’s a fucking mess,” he ground out. “She came home drunk twice last week. And I’m not talking girl-drunk either. She was wasted.”

  “Kyle,” I said again flicking my eyes to where Rebecca and Gentry sat. “Now is not the time.”

  “It’s Rick’s big game. She could have made the effort. And it isn’t fair Summer had to stay home and babysit her.”

  I started to reply, but the lights dimmed, and the low rumble of chatter reached a bone-rattling crescendo.

  “Showtime,” Laurie shrieked doing a little dance in her seat.

  But I didn’t see the cheer squad and their well-choreographed routine, or the Scorpion mascot parading around the court waving to fans. I only saw the player wearing the number one jersey.

  Maverick stood with his team, listening to Coach Baxter as they ran over the plays again. He was all business. Jaw clenched. Eyes focused. He’d filled out since training with the Scorpions. Defined arms rested at his sides as he leaned in, hanging on his coach’s every word.

  “Cous,” Kyle said around Laurie. “You’re drooling.”

  “Piss off,” I hissed in reply. As if he heard, Maverick lifted his head, searching the crowd. When his eyes landed on mine, electricity jolted through me. A direct line to my heart.

  We’d done it.

  We’d survived his move to SU. Survived Zac and Caitlin’s games.

  But as his lips curved into a wicked smirk, I knew it was more than that. All Maverick ever wanted was to protect me. To save me when I’d thought I needed to save myself.

  Only, I didn’t need saving. Not by Maverick, or myself. All I needed was to believe. In him. Myself.


  Sitting there, amongst the hungry crowd, with Maverick’s intense gaze pinning me to the spot, I believed it.

  “NICE GAME, PRINCE,” Kyle went in for a boy-hug and Maverick frowned at him, stepping back, before smirking and pulling him in. “Okay, okay, geez, Prince, you’re hugging the shit out of me.”

  “Kyle,” we all said in unison, Rebecca and Gentry’s eyes softening at the sight of their sons.

  “That was some game, son,” Dad moved in for a handshake, but my breath had caught in my throat at his words.


  He’d called Maverick son.

  Maverick’s eyes darted to mine, conveying so much emotion I bit down on my lip.

  “Thanks, Uncle Rob.”

  “How about we stick to just Rob.” He winked. My dad actually winked. It was turning out to be a stranger night than I anticipated.

  The Scorpions had dominated the game. Maverick led the team with easy command. At first, I was a little taken back to see Zac’s friends—Mac, Balor, and Vinnie—take orders from their new captain, but as the game progressed, their respect for Maverick shone through. I think everyone felt it.

  The start of something great.

  I stood on the edge of our circle, watching with pride as each our family congratulated Maverick on his first game. He’d come so far. Pushed his own boundaries. Gone up against his own father. And taken down Zac Lowell.

  There had been a time when I didn’t doubt Maverick would have handled Zac in a different way. But he’d changed.

  I guess we both had.

  Maverick was no long shackled by his past, the cruel lies and actions of his father. He no longer doubted his worth.

  He was finally free.

  Rebecca finally released her son, and he lifted his head, eyes searching. When he spotted me, a frown crossed his face, and he stalked toward me with slow sure steps. “Hi.” He gazed down at me and I felt stripped bare.


  “So, what did you think?” There was an air of vulnerability in his voice as he searched my eyes.

  “You were...” I swallowed, stepping into him. I fisted his shirt. “Maverick, you were amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

  Everything disappeared. The background noise. Kyle’s inappropriate murmurs. The lingering stares of our family. There was nothing but me and the boy I’d met on a beach two summers ago.

  His intense stare swept over my face once more and then he dipped his head, closing the distance between us. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Lo. You’re my reason. I love you.”

  There was so much I wanted to say but his lips sealed over mine, stealing my words and my heart. I was vaguely aware of our family giving us space, but not before Kyle called, “My eyes, my eyes, make it stop.”

  I smiled against Maverick’s mouth, chasing his tongue one more time before finally coming up for air. “That was...” Staring up at him, I tried to find the words, but he beat me to it.

  “You and me, London.” He kissed the end of my nose. “It’s us, always.”


  “PRINCE, GET OVER HERE.” Vinnie and the guys were huddled in the kitchen, drinking and laughing. Celebrating our first win of the season. First of many if I had anything to do with it.

  I squeezed Lo’s hand and glanced down at her. It was the first time she’d been back here since everything went down, and part of me had wondered if it was a bad idea bringing her to Delta Pi house. But Zac Lowell was gone. Word around campus was the administration were looking at bringing criminal charges against him, but I didn’t expect to see any headlines of an SU student serving time for hazing and assault allegations anytime soon. People like the Lowells were like my father—they used money to bury their problems. He’d probably get a slapped wrist and a fresh start in another school. But as long as it wasn’t my school, and he was far away from Steinbeck I could live with it.

  “You okay?”

  “Maverick, I’m fine.” Lo smiled up at me as we made our way over to the guys.

  “You sure?” I couldn’t help but ask. Things were better. Even more than that, they were pretty fucking great. Lo was having grief counselling to help her deal with the accident, and since she handed Caitlin a public SmackDown and broken nose, the Queen Bee of Wicked Bay High had backed off. Things were even better with her dad and Stella. They still had a way to go to be a family, but she would get there. I had no doubt. Because the girl by my side, the girl that owned my heart and soul, was a fighter.

  Lo shook her head and moved ahead of me, pulling me along.

  “Lo, looking good.” Vinnie smirked, and I flipped him off. We’d developed a strange relationship since Zac was hauled out of the gym, the whole team gawking after him and the dean.

  “Hi, guys. Congrats on the win, you were all great.”

“Damn straight.” Balor puffed out his chest. “With Maverick running the show we could go all the way.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” I ran a brisk hand through my hair. “It was one game. The opening game. We still have a way to go.”

  “Nah, man. With Zac gone everyone feels the change. You’re our lucky charm, Prince,” Mac said around a shit-eating grin.

  “Lucky charm?” I repeated. “Never call me that again.”

  Vinnie and Balor howled while Lo snickered beside me.

  “What’d we miss?” Jamie’s head appeared over my shoulder and he and Darnell slipped into our group.

  “Lo, you came. Is Kyle—”

  She bit back a grin and I frowned at my teammate. “You like my stepbrother more than me?”

  “No, I mean... I just... ah shit, man, don’t be like that. We’re soul-sisters.”

  “Soul-sisters?” I shook my head. “The two of you are—”

  “Freaking awesome?”

  “Try fucking annoying.”

  “Didn’t know if we’d see you tonight,” Darnell said holding my stare. I started to reply but Lo cut me off.

  “We wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

  He nodded at her and then caught my eye again, silent understanding passing between us. He’d been pissed when he found out I’d gone to Vinnie behind his back. But he got it. He got me, and I was grateful to have him in my corner.

  Lo tucked herself into my side as the guys chatted, analyzing every play and shot. The team was amped, the high of the win crackling around the house. It was nothing like the last time we’d been here. The night when Lo saw me take orders from Zac. He’d had the power and abused it. People didn’t respect him, they feared him. Feared what crazy stunt he would pull next. But leading a team was an honor. And I was going to do everything in my power to be the kind of captain my teammates wanted... and deserved.

  “YOU’RE QUIET,” I SAID as we walked back to my dorm. We’d spent a few hours at the party with the guys. But now I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and bury myself in my girl.

  “Just thinking.”

  “Penny for your thoughts?” I smoothed my thumb over the curve of Lo’s hand.

  “I was so scared about this year, you know, with all of the changes? But I realized now that change doesn’t have to scary. It can be good.”

  “Yeah?” I gulped.


  We reached my room and I unlocked the door, pushing open and waiting for Lo to enter. I’d behaved all night which had taken every bit of my restraint given the way Lo’s jeans hugged the curve of her hips and ass. And her blouse. Shit, I’d nearly dragged her off to the nearest bathroom just so I could touch her. Take what was mine. But now we were alone and finally in the privacy of my room, she seemed distant.

  “I’m so proud of you, Maverick. Of how you handled Zac and everything.”

  The door clicked shut behind us, and I snagged her hand tugging her back to me. “Nothing will ever come between us again, Lo.” My lips brushed the shell of her ear and she shivered. “My father. Zac Lowell. Caitlin. They mean nothing. There will always be people out there who want to hurt us, but they can’t touch us if we don’t give them power.”

  “I know,” Lo breathed out, and I tucked my other arm around her ribs, pulling her further into my chest.

  “Basketball is the dream.” I brushed her hair off her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the soft skin there. “But you’re the reality. My future. Regardless of where this leads. Regardless of whether I make it to the NBA. It’s you, Lo. You and me. Always.”

  A beat passed. The silence heavy between us. Something else was on her mind.

  “Lo, talk to me.”

  “You know, Kyle wants to name our baby,” she blurted out, and I went rigid.

  “Baby?” I turned her in my arms, my heart thumping against my chest. “You’re preg—”

  “W-what? Oh God, no.” Her face paled. “Shit. That came out all wrong.”

  My pulse settled as relief crashed into me. One day I could totally see Lo, stomach round with my child but not until I’d had her all to myself for long enough.

  “Maverick, I’m not pregnant,” she said as if she knew I needed extra reassurance.

  “I’m not going to lie, I just saw my life flash before my eyes.”

  “Hey,” she scolded, pinching my nipple. I yelped, and she grinned. “Is the idea of having a family with me really that disturbing?”

  “Let’s get one thing clear, London. I want that. One day in the future. When we’re much, much older.”

  Lo chewed her lip looking up at me through hooded eyes. “You really want that?”

  “How many times do I need to say it? It’s you and me—”

  “Always,” she finished. “God, I love you.”

  “The feeling’s mutual. Now I’ve waited all fucking night to get you naked.” My fingers crept to the hem of her blouse, but she snagged my wrists.


  “Wait?” I groaned.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  “There’s more?” I racked my brain for all of the possibilities but came up blank.

  “Wait here.” Lo pressed a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth and left me standing there wondering what the fuck had just happened. When she returned with an envelope in her hands, I stared down at it with pinched brows.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it and see.”

  I took it from her and pulled out the stack of papers, my eyes straining to make out the lines of letters and words. But turns out, I didn’t need to read it. The second I saw the college’s seal on the letterhead, I knew.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” I lifted my eyes, locking them on Lo’s. The corner of her mouth lifted in a small smile as she nodded.


  “Fuck.” I felt winded. “But I thought you’d decided to take a year out?”

  We’d talked about it in great length after everything went down. Lo wanted time to work through things with her therapist, and I told her I supported whatever she decided to do.

  “And spend another year away from my home?”

  “Fuck,” I repeated.

  “Is that a happy fuck or a bad fuck?” The uncertainty in her voice ignited something in me. I dropped the papers to the floor, looped my arms around her and smashed my lips to hers. Consuming her. Losing myself. Silently promising her a future together.

  When we were both breathless, I pressed my head to hers. “That was an 'I love you so fucking much'.”

  It hadn’t been easy, and we’d had our fair amount of shit to deal with, but finally things were exactly how they were supposed to be ever since that night the brown-eyed angel saved me on the beach.




  Thank you so much for reading Wicked Games. Don’t forget to leave a quick review.

  The next book in the series, Wicked Needs, will be coming later this year.

  You can sign up for a release alert here

  And if you enjoyed Wicked Games, keep reading for an excerpt of Loyalty and Lies (Chastity Falls #1) currently available free on all platforms.


  Sober – Lorde

  Homemade Dynamite – Lorde, Khalid, Post Malone

  Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello

  Pray for Me – The Weeknd ft. Kendrick Lamar

  Silence – Marshmello, Khalid

  Hide Away – Daya

  Love – Lana Del Ray

  I Miss You – Clean Bandit ft. Julia Michaels

  FRIENDS – Marshmello, Ann-Marie

  So Far Away – Martin Garrix, David Guetta

  Back to Me – Daya

  Just You and I – Tom Walker

  In My Blood – Shawn Mendes

  Author’s Note

  I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’RE already four books in. I always saw Wicked Bay as a multi-book series but I didn’t q
uite anticipate how quickly the series would grow.

  So many times writing this book I swung between ‘this is the end of their story’ to ‘I can’t bear to part with them yet’. Will Lo and Maverick get another book? Currently, I have no plans to write another one ... but never say never. You’ll see them in Wicked Needs (Macey’s book) and Wicked Hearts (Kiera’s book), but will they get another full length story? I’m not sure. I have loved watching them grow, watching them learn how to love and trust and take risks. You’ve probably heard many a author say they let their characters lead ... well, I do truly do. I start with an idea and just write. Lo and Maverick have been one of my favourite couples to write to date, and although this is goodbye to them for now, in my heart I’m not quite ready to say my final goodbyes just yet.

  As always, a huge thanks to my behind-the-scenes team: Andie – my amazing editor; Jenny, Brandie, and Tami – my fabulous betas; the Indie Girls – who are without a doubt my tribe; Nikki J and Lucy for all their help posting / organising and generally keeping me on track with social media; Sarah, my agent, for all of your support with negotiating audio contracts; and finally my readers / ARC / spoiler group and all of the bloggers who continue to pimp/share/review and support me. Thanks really isnt enough.

  I hope you’ll stick around for this crazy journey. I have so many more stories to bring you.

  Thanks for reading!

  L A xo

  Excerpt from Loyalty and Lies

  Available free on all platforms

  The locker next to me slammed shut, and I jumped. "Everything okay?" a deep voice asked.

  I looked up and my breath caught. The green eyes staring back at me were the most beautiful things I had ever laid eyes on, sending a pang of guilt through me. I was so entranced that I didn't notice the rest of his face at first, which, as I pulled my eyes back, I realized was equally as gorgeous.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I managed to choke out, "Hmm, yeah. My toggle's caught."

  I tried to shuffle closer to the locker in an attempt to hide, wishing the ground would just swallow me up. It was bad enough that he was talking to me, but I was attached to the locker looking all flustered. Just perfect.


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