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Red Hot Candy (22 All-New Delicious Romance Books by Best-Selling Authors about Alpha Males, Billionaires, Cowboys, and More for Your Summer Reading) (Red Hot Boxed Sets)

Page 35

by Dani Dundee

  “No, Sir.”

  He squeezes her thigh, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  They drive in silence the rest of the way to his apartment, his hand drifting up her thigh until his pinkie slips under the hem of her dress.

  “Open your knees.”

  She takes a shaky breath and obeys. As she submits to his will, she feels the weight that holds her down lift. When his finger brushes the edge of her underwear she whimpers.

  “Yes?” he doesn’t look at her.


  His fingers slip under the silk and stroke the soft curls between her legs, working their way slowly to the slit. He spreads her lips apart and dips his fingers into the wet heat between.

  Her breath catches and she leans her head back against the headrest, pushing her hips down in the seat.

  “Shhhh….” He soothes, working further into her folds. He slides his finger along her inner lips, pressing against her until he reaches her throbbing clit.

  She moans and he removes his touch.

  “I told you to be quiet.” He doesn’t look at her, but places the tip of his finger on his mouth and spreads her juices across his lips before licking them.

  Delilah quivers, inside and out. Lucas is the sexiest thing she’s ever seen. His confidence and control over the mood inside the car thrills her and sets her imagination ablaze with thoughts of what is yet to come of their night together.

  Lucas slows the car in front of the old fire station. The first floor has been converted into a restaurant that boasts high-end micro-brews. Delilah turns to Lucas and tilts her head in question, unsure of if she should verbalize her thoughts or wait for him to offer information. It takes time to learn the preferences of a new play partner and, as much as she enjoys the idea of jumping in with both feet, she doesn’t want to rush and fuck things up.

  His smile breaks as the dome lights come on over head. “I live upstairs. Wait there, I’ll open your door.”

  She nods, appreciating that he made himself clear as to what he wanted.

  He rounds the hood of the car and she takes in the slope of his shoulder from his neck down. He’s strong. Not like the men in the city who spend hours in the gym creating a physique from magazine examples. Lucas’ every movement shows off the muscled power beneath the restraint.

  Delilah crosses her legs to stop the tingling in her clit from turning into a painful throb.

  Lucas opens her car door and holds out a hand. Her fingers slip into his strong grip easily. He closes the door behind her and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her against his side.



  The furnishings in Lucas’ apartment are lush, over-sized and warm. Delilah instantly relaxes in the space, like she’s meant to be here. She wants to drop her clothes in a trail behind her as she enters the main room, leaving all trace of the outside world behind and reveal her true self. But she resists, holding her purse and looking around.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Lucas offers after he locks the door.

  “That would be great, thank you.”

  She sets her purse on the large wooden side table and follows him to the kitchen. The open format of his apartment means it’s still the same room, but the butcher-block island separating the space flows so easily into the modern appliances that she hadn’t even noticed the kitchen at first glance.

  Lucas uncorks a bottle of wine and pours two glasses.

  “I’d like you to take off your clothes first.” He sets her glass on the island next to her and brings his to his lips.

  She flushes and looks away. Why does she suddenly feel shy? His request is exactly what she’d wanted to do when she first arrived. It isn’t so much the nudity as it is the matter of fact way he states his preference. No command or order, just a statement of his desire, leaving it to her to decide whether or not to comply. It had been the same with the car keys and coming home with him.

  He smiles and strides out of the small kitchen area and over to one of his chairs. He sits with his back to her and stares out the floor to ceiling windows looking out over Main Street.

  Delilah shrugs out of her dress, letting the fabric fall away from her body like a snake shedding its skin. She wore only a thong, no bra or stockings. For a moment she hesitates, unsure if she should remove them or not. His instruction had been to remove her clothes, not to be naked. She thinks about walking over to him, completely nude, without pretense or expectations and a rush of heat floods her body, warming her belly and wrapping its way around her back.

  She removes the underwear.

  When she approaches, he is sipping his wine, a distracted look on his face as if he’s contemplating his grocery list or solving the economic crisis. She stands, drink in hand, and waits for his attention to move back in her direction. The moment stretches and the longer he doesn’t acknowledge her, the more her flesh tingles, desperate for his eyes to drift over her body.

  He takes another sip of wine.

  “You always drove me crazy. It pissed me off because I could never get you out of my head and could never get you to look at me for more than a minute.” He smiles sadly but doesn’t look at her. “I think I always knew I wasn’t good enough for you. You had grades and talent and looks and I was just the jackass hook-up the school barely tolerated.”

  She waits for him to stop speaking, to look at her so she can tell him how wrong he is, how special he’d always been to her. He seems to have something he wants to say or confess but it doesn’t come easily for him. She settles to the ground next to his feet and gazes up at his face, so strong and handsome. How could he ever think he wasn’t good enough for her? Even back then she’d hung on his every word and longed for him to see her as more than just the mousey girl who always managed to drop her books when he walked by.

  Lucas gazes down at her and brings the palm of his hand to her cheek. The touch is gentle despite the hard calluses on his fingers. “You look so perfect sitting there.”

  He runs his hand down her face and strokes the length of her neck.

  The touch feels electric, like that moment before you jump off the high-dive. It sets her nerves on fire and brings her to life in a way she rarely feels.

  “You took off your clothes.”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  She tilts her head in questioning.

  “Why did you take off your clothes? Because I told you it’s what I’d like? Why did you come home with me?”

  Delilah pulls herself up to her knees and looks directly at him. Her body slips into position comfortably after so many months working at The Sugar House as an acolyte and being expected to wait, sometimes for hours, kneeling until someone needed her assistance. But being before him is completely different. Instead of feeling a lack of purpose, she’s filled with confidence.

  “Giving me your keys was like an offer I’d been waiting for since I was fourteen. When we were younger I never knew who I was, so how could I have known you were interested in me? You never said anything. I waited every day for you to notice me. You were nice to me because you liked me, not because you wanted to copy my work or needed a responsible friend to tell your parents about. I always thought I was like your mascot, your pet. But when you looked at me tonight, I knew you saw me and then you made me this offer and walked away, forcing me to decide what I wanted. And it was the single sexiest thing anyone has ever done.”

  He takes a deep unsteady breath. “You don’t talk much, but then you say all that. I don’t know how to reply.”

  “You asked me a question.” She shrugs “And if you don’t know how to reply, then don’t.”

  He returns his hand to her skin, this time running it down her arm and coming to cradle the weight of her breast. He holds it like a promise, careful and secure. After a moment he takes her elbow and guides her to stand before pulling her down onto his lap.

  When she sits, he wraps his strong arms around her and she can feel the press of
a similarly impressive cock against her ass. She takes a shaky breath and nuzzles into his neck, soaking in the attention and contact.

  Lucas’ hands roam her arms, her face, her chest and breasts, her legs, but all she wants is for his fingers to make their way back to her cunt. To spread her open and take advantage of all she has to offer. As he caresses her, she moans and leans back, opening her legs.

  The crack of a slap against the side of her ass brings her back to the moment. The sting rings across her body, hardening her nipples and eliciting a gasp from her lips.

  “If you can’t stay still, you’ll have to sit somewhere else,” he growls.

  She shudders and nods. Just as she is about to regain the Zen state that allows her to maintain composure, he reaches forward with those rough fingers and strokes her already hardened nipple. He takes it between his fingers, rolling and teasing it to an erect nub before pinching hard.

  Delilah feels light headed as the focus of her world narrows down to the touch of his fingers against her sensitive skin. In the back of her mind, she’s aware of his hard cock rocking up against her body.

  Lucas grips her arms hard and turns her toward him, finally bringing his lips into contact with hers. For a first kiss, it’s hungry and desperate, lacking all off the hesitation and learning she would have expected if her brain was working. Instead, she folds into him, receiving the heat of his tongue as if her body had been built for only one purpose. Together they float, merging together and reaching for highs unthinkable through a simple kiss.

  He breaks away, breathing heavily. “Stay here.”

  He lifts her off his lap and stands. After retrieving a small coffee table that had been pushed against the wall, he places it in front of the window. “Sit.”

  Delilah complies. Naked, she settles herself onto the table so she’s gazing out the large windows.

  Lucas places a hand on her shoulder and guides her to lie down. He caresses her face then runs his palm down the length of her body, taking a moment to run a hot firm hand over her breasts. His fingers dance along her stomach, making her muscles clench at the tender touch. Next he guides her knees open until she’s lying before him, legs wide.

  The window leaks cool air that drifts over her nudity. It wraps around her legs and kisses her hot center. She lays exposed, open, for anyone passing outside to see, but the only eyes she cares about are his.

  Lucas murmurs his approval as he shrugs off his shirt.

  She waits, silently watching his predatory gaze appreciating her splayed before him like an offering. His body is hard, just as she’d imagined it would be. Dark hair peppers his chest, accenting the strength coiled beneath his skin. It’s enough to make her whine with need, but she bites her lip, holding back any sounds.

  He steps in front of her, towering above her body like a hungry god.

  Her hips rock without her consent, drawing his gaze to her cunt.

  He kneels before her and places his hands on her sharp hipbones. His grip is tight and hard, holding her in place as she takes a few gulps of air desperate to hold herself in check. It’s nothing like The Sugar House where she simply obeys Caitrin’s commands or like the Cigar Club where she serves men who come seeking submission. This isn’t a game, it isn’t her seeking to scratch the itch of her desires. This moment is pure lust and each time she consents to his requests she’s pulled further under his control.

  Already, after only a few hours reunited, she feels bound to him, worshiped. And just as she thinks she can’t take any more he pushes her legs further apart, stretching her so she straddles the sides of the table.

  Her moan breaks through her restraint and he dips down and places a warm kiss on her upper thigh. “You are made as perfectly as any creature ever was,” he says against her sensitive flesh. “It’s a shame to deprive anyone from seeing all of you by hiding your body under those clothes.”

  He draws his tongue along her thigh until his nose reaches her pussy. His breath plays against her open need and she fights with herself not to buck up against his lips, begging for his kiss. He controls her without a word and after a moment of excruciating anticipation, he leans down and runs his tongue along the slit of her spread cunt.

  A low moan escapes from his throat and he dives in, hands pressed hard against her thighs, spreading her so far the muscles in her legs ache. He pulls on her lips, drawing them into his mouth as he seeks out her clit. So hidden and small, few men have ever discovered it, so when he places the flat of his tongue directly against its throbbing ache, she cries out.

  Delilah lifts her head so she can watch as he devours her. The sight of his strong back bent over to reach her and the dark sky beyond the window outlining their passion pushes her further into bliss. Waves of pleasure start low in her stomach, washing over her with each lick of his talented tongue. She cries out, unable to hold it in any longer and grips her own breast, mixing the pain of her nails digging into her soft flesh with the warmth of Lucas’ mouth on her cunt. She comes, pushed into that final moment of excruciating perfection as he pulls her clit into his mouth and presses it against his teeth with his tongue.

  As she lays gasping, spots of black drifting across her sight, he stands, unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock. He’s beautifully built, thick and long with a mass of dark curls surrounding the root.

  He slips a condom out of his pocket and rips it open, rolling the slippery latex down his length. Then, without pretense, he steps out of his pants and brings himself to hover over her. His lips press against her as he presses his tip against her entrance.

  Her body is soft and warm, ready for him.

  He slides deep inside her in one strong thrust.

  Delilah shudders and wraps her arms around his back. Her legs lift against him, no longer able to stay spread across the table with his weight on her, her thighs pulled high over his hips so he can drive further inside her.

  His tongue slides into her mouth, his kiss as hungry and obliterating as before. The taste of him sets her nerves on fire, reigniting the embers of her last orgasm.

  He moves against her, driving into her in a controlled rhythm.

  She doesn’t want controlled. She wants to give him the freedom he’s offered her, so she tightens around him, pulling him deep inside her, and rocks her hips so she slams down on his cock as he thrusts forward.

  Lucas pulls back from her lips, eyes wide. His rhythm falters for a moment and before he’s able to regain his composure, she squeezes him again, undulating below him so that even though his movements have stopped, she’s riding him from below.

  “Fuck,” he mutters, gripping the edge of the coffee table with one hand. His eyebrows bunch together and the muscles in his neck tighten.

  As Delilah moves, her body delights in the feel of his flesh against her, his cock within her. She moves with abandon, twisting and rolling until she finds the things that make him moan. The look in her lover’s face as she clings to him, seeking another release, throws her over the edge. Soon they slam together with a cry, sweaty and electric.

  They stare at each other for an immeasurable amount of time, their breathing synchronized as they return to earth.

  Lucas slips out of her and she whines, missing their connection already.

  “Come with me.” He chuckles and walks around the table to toss the condom into the trash.

  When she stands, her legs are weak.

  He waits for her at the entrance to a large bedroom, similarly decorated with a king-sized bed and warm wooden furniture. When she approaches, he opens the door to a modern bathroom and ushers her inside.

  “Do you prefer a shower or a bath?” he asks, linking his fingers with hers.


  Want more of Delilah and the other men and women of The Sugar House? Check out Sugar & Salt – Book 1 in the Sugar House Novella Series!

  Enter the world of The Sugar House. Here you’ll meet the illustrious Madam Janice Cane and her brood of men and women who will fulfill your every fantasy
. But can they find a way to fulfill their own?

  Sugar & Salt

  The Sugar House Novellas - Book 1

  Pick up Sugar & Salt at:

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  OR Get the full Sugar House Omnibus for 33% less than buying each Novella!

  THREE Novellas plus an exclusive short story

  About Pavarti K Tyler

  Award-winning author of multi-cultural and transgressive literature, Pavarti K Tyler is usually found with Doc Martens strapped on over fishnets, and a girlish giggle as easy and likely as a throaty guffaw. She is an artist, wife, mother, and number cruncher. She graduated Smith College in 1999 with a degree in Theatre. After graduation, she moved to New York, where she worked as a Dramaturge, Assistant Director, and Production Manager on productions both on and off Broadway. Later, Pavarti went to work in the finance industry at several international law firms. She now lives with her husband, two daughters, and two terribly behaved dogs. She keeps busy working with fabulous authors as the Director of Marketing at Novel Publicity, and penning her next genre-bending novel.

  The best way to stay up to date with Pavarti is to join her mailing list. If you do, she’ll even send you a free short story! Sign up at

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