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Red Hot Candy (22 All-New Delicious Romance Books by Best-Selling Authors about Alpha Males, Billionaires, Cowboys, and More for Your Summer Reading) (Red Hot Boxed Sets)

Page 38

by Dani Dundee

  We finally decide on a turquoise blue dress. The skirt of the dress is just about mid-thigh with a flirty flair. My favorite part of the outfit is the halter-top. I’m able to position my boobs with an enticing cleavage and still not wear a bra. And if there’s some romance later tonight, one quick release of a button and I’m showing him the girls.

  “I think you’re ready.” Sarah stands back and assesses me from head to toe. “Here are the nude wedge heels that will go perfectly.”

  “Thanks.” I take the shoes and slip them on my feet. We lucked out because we both wear the same size in clothes and shoes. Just like David’s ex and her girlfriend. Poor beautiful man. “Is it normal to be this nervous on a first date? I feel like I’m sixteen again.”

  “Well he’s GQ hot and you’ve been basically living like a nun for six months. You just need to get back on the horse and ride it.”

  “You are disgusting, but right. I need to get laid.” I watch Sarah pump her fists into the air. She may be doing an island-mating dance as she circles around me.

  “Damn right!” She stops and eyes me. “My advice. Take it one orgasm at a time.”

  “I’ve never had a double one, but if there’s a man who might give me one…”

  With the windows open, we hear the sounds of wheels hitting the gravel of Sarah’s driveway.

  “Shit,” I curse as my stomach starts to flutter. “Do I look all right?” I ask the usual silly girl question.

  “You are beautiful. He’s going to have a boner all night.”

  A light knock comes from the front door, and I know he’s here. Sarah gives me a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t come home until you can tell me whether it’s boxers or briefs.”

  I hug her back and head to the door. Once I open it up, my breath hitches at the sight of David standing before me looking like he walked out of a resort magazine. He has on a crisp white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows. Two of the buttons are open at the top and I can see a light smattering of chest hair. I try not to lick my lips, but there’s no stopping them. It’s been way too long.

  “Hello, Mallory.” David’s voice sings to me and I swear the melody caresses my skin. Six month without sex can do that to a girl.

  “Hello.” My response is weak, but at least I uttered something intelligible back to him.

  “You look lovely.” He reaches for my hand and raises it to his mouth. The slight brushing touch of lips circulates through my body and my nerves melt away with a sigh. “That color was made for you.”

  “Thanks.” I need to compose myself, or I’ll be climaxing in the driveway.

  He doesn’t release my hand. Instead he gently pulls me from the porch to his car and opens the passenger door for me. So far he’s been a perfect gentleman, but I’d be okay with a dash of scoundrel too. There’s something about a hot guy mixed with some bad boy tendencies that unravels me.

  “I’m glad you gave me a chance.” His remarks make me nearly laugh at loud. I wouldn’t deny this man a date after finding out the truth. Actually there’s very little I would deny him right now. I may be sliding down the sleep-on-the-first-date slope tonight.

  He places his hand on the small of my back to help me into the car. I’m amazed how right his simple touch and guidance feels to me.

  Closing my door, he hurries around the front end of the car. I shiver watching his body move with such grace. Daydreaming, I picture him moving over the top of me in bed. Slow and steady.

  Once he’s buckled up, I turn to him. “I think you’re the one taking a chance on me. I did slap you. Hard. Not a very good first impression.”

  “Oh, you left an impression. I had a handprint on my face hours later. And the memory of something else to drive me wild.”

  I let my eyes fall to the floor when I think about my nipple slip. Now I’m aching for his touch.


  The road to the restaurant hugs the island’s coastline giving us scenic views. He explained the reason he is visiting. His hotel chain is building a class-A resort in St. Croix. A group of his employees has been working with the government to secure the necessary permits, but issues have arisen that demand his presence. I’m trying not to appear too excited at the news he’s staying on island for the foreseeable future.

  He pulls up to the security gate at The Buccaneer resort. Once they let us pass through, we drive to the top of a hill and park. I can see the beach below us and the ocean stretches out for as far as the eye can see. It’s a perfect lookout point. The sunset appears to be seconds away as the sun hits the ocean’s edge on the horizon.

  The view takes my breath away along with the person sitting to my left. I look his way just to make sure I’m not dreaming. Nope. He’s real and gazing at me… intensely.

  “I’m sorry you’ve run into trouble with your hotel, but I’m not sorry you need to be down here for a while.” I bite my lip in remorse and he stares at me. Hard. I watch his eyes darken and I become lost in them.

  “I want to kiss you, but I think it’s too soon. I confess I’ve been thinking about you nonstop since yesterday.”

  “It’s not too soon,” I respond in a raspy voice that surprises me with how needy it sounds. Desperate describes the sound better.

  He brushes his long fingers over my cheek and cups the side of my face. I lean into his gentle touch as a chill runs through me, though I’m anything but cold. I close my eyes as I feel his warm breath against me. When his lips touch mine, I surrender.

  He parts my lips with his tongue and deepens our kiss. I feel his hands at my waist pulling me toward him. We are breathlessly driving each other wild. I run my hands up over his hard biceps and thread my fingers in his hair. He presses harder against my lips and then suddenly pulls away.

  “I need to stop, or you might slap me again.” He’s breathing hard and so am I.

  “No more slapping, unless you like that kind of thing.” I whisper the last words. I know he hears them, because his fingers stop lingering up my arm.

  “I hope you find out.” Goose bumps break out over my flesh at his words of promise. “But I’ll settle for a nice long dinner here with you.” He gently touches my forehead with his lips, and for now, a dinner will have to do.

  David forks the last bite of cheesecake left on the dessert plate. I watch him lick his lips after he swallows. His full lips are wet and so am I. I never thought eating could be a sensual act until now. Everything thing this man does personifies sex.

  Usually at this point on a first date, when the last plate is cleared away, I wonder what my date expects from me. A goodnight kiss at the door when he brings me home? Or will he push for more or ask to come inside? That last question could be taken many ways.

  Tonight is different because I’m the one with expectations. I want him. All of him. He appears to be as attracted to me as I am to him. During dinner, he kept touching me in subtle ways. Reminding me, and everyone watching, that I was here with him.

  David encloses my hand in his and circles his thumb over my skin. “I have to confess something to you.”

  His words and actions have my undivided attention, and I brace myself for what he’s about to say. The rejection from being a jilted bride still hovers over me, so I prepare for the worst.

  “It’s been over a year since I’ve been with a woman.”

  “What do you mean?” I can’t believe a man as virile as David could abstain from sex. He is sex.

  “My wife left me a year ago.”

  “But the paper, I mean, I thought she left you six months ago.” I hate to admit I searched him online, but I did it on his suggestion.

  “True, but she stopped sleeping with me before she moved out. I tried to work things out with her, and I am not the cheating type. I took my vows seriously. She did not.” He gazes down at the table and spins an unused spoon. He has looked away to hide the pain.

  “Then after she left…” I can’t finish my question, as it seems too personal for a first date. “I�
��m sorry. It’s none of my business.”

  “I don’t want to drag my past into this night with you, but I want you to know where I’m coming from. I kept myself away from women while the divorce proceedings were pending. I focused on work, weight-training, and long showers.”

  “Weights and long showers,” I say in a dreamy voice. I imagine this muscled man pleasuring himself while hot water runs down his body. It’s almost too much for me in my sex-starved state.

  “I don’t want to presume, but would you like to go back to my villa for a drink? You can decide where the night goes from there.”

  I nod my head at David and glance around for our server. When I spot him a couple tables away, I call him over with a look.

  “I’m ready.” I squeeze David’s hand and his lips roll into a sly smile. One that’s meant for only me.


  Chapter 6

  When he asked me to come back to his villa, he should’ve said his mansion. The place we are pulling up to spreads out over the top of a large hill. It could easily pass as a small resort.

  “Is this where you are living?” I whisper.

  “It belongs to a family friend. They’re off island for the summer and opened their home to me.” His answer makes me realize our worlds are miles apart. I exist on a fourth grade teacher’s salary and was raised by middle class parents.

  A black wrought-iron gate stands in the way of us entering the property. David clicks a remote attached to his sun visor and the gate slides to the right so we can enter.

  “It’s beautiful.” Palm trees line the driveway and lights illuminate our path. David parks under a tall stucco portico and comes around to open my door.

  He helps me out of the car and guides me inside the house. I’m greeted by floor to ceiling window in an expansive room. My entire apartment in Kansas City could fit inside the area.

  “It’s amazing.” I walk forward and notice a glimmering swimming pool beyond the patio doors. “Do you swim?”

  “I was on the swim team in high school. Typical Miami kid.”

  “There’s nothing typical about you. I bet you drove the girls wild in your Speedo.” We continue onto the patio and stop a few feet from the pool’s edge. The sides and bottom are painted an ethereal blue. “It looks so inviting.”

  I haven’t even felt the sand under my feet since I arrived. We hurried to the bar last night, then today was hangover recovery and date prep, so I slip off my sandals and dip a toe in the water.

  “The pool’s guest house has spare swimsuits if you’re interested.” David comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my waist. He brings his lips to my neck and trails kisses over my sensitive skin. I close my eyes and let my head fall to the side. He stops at my ear and whispers, “Let’s go change.”

  “Yes.” I hope I’m able to repeat this word to him many times tonight.


  David stands near the shallow end of the pool when I make my way outside after changing. The dressing room had several colorful options. I chose a turquoise string bikini since he loved that color on me tonight. From the ear-to-ear grin on David’s face he appears to approve.

  “Stunning,” He takes my towel and tosses it onto a lounger.

  “Thanks.” His attention and admiration overwhelms me. It’s been ages since a man has showered me with praise.

  “Join me.” He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me down the water- covered steps. He stops when I’m in waist deep and brings me into an embrace. “May I kiss you again?”

  “Please.” I beg.

  In one swift move, he picks me up. I circle my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I press against his erection hoping to relieve my aching need. Damn he is large and hard. I forgot how good it feels to be held by a man. When his lips find mine, we moan together.

  Since we both have pent up desires, things begin to escalate quickly. He needs to know I want him, now, and I’ll be his for the night.

  “Take me.” I remove my lips from his for a brief second then return for more.

  “Here?” I nod in reply. “I don’t have a condom.”

  “I’m on the pill and clean. Tested after my cheating fiancé.” I grind shameless against him and I’m already close to screaming his name.

  “Same with me.” His kisses begin on my neck and he lifts me higher so he can reach the top of my breasts. “I need you naked.”

  “You too.” He walks us over to the side of the pool with me still clinging to him. He sits me down on the edge.

  He moves my hair to the side and reaches behind my neck. He tugs on the tied strings holding my top together, and the garment falls to my waist. My nipples pebble to peaks under his stare and the night’s breeze.

  “Beautiful,” he mutters while covering my nipple with his mouth. I arch my back and wrap my legs around him again. Desperate for more friction between my legs.

  He switches from one breast to the other. Tongues, lips, and teeth bring me sensations I’d never known before as he devours me like he can’t get enough.

  He eases my bottom to the pool’s edge. I’m spread out before him with only a little scrap of fabric covering me. He fingers the strings of my bikini bottoms and yanks them. Now nothing keeps my most private parts from his view.

  He pushes a finger inside me and I close my eyes as a climax begins. “So close.”

  “Hold on, baby.” David says as his mouth trails down my stomach to my sex. He keeps his finger moving in and out of me while flicking my clitoris with his tongue.

  I climax under his skilled mouth and scream in sheer ecstasy. His skills are tonguetasitc.

  “That was unreal.” I let my head fall from side-to-side since I’ve lost the strength to sit up on my own.

  “I need to be inside you.” I come out of my blissed state to see David’s hooded eyes staring at me.

  His intense gaze is scary sexy and I have only one answer to give him. “Yes.”

  The next second, I’m hoisted up and placed back in the water. He removes my top completely and sheds his trunks. Nothing stands between us now.

  “Wrap your legs around me.” His voice is raspy with need. I do as he bids and the feel of him bare against me sets off more moans from us both.

  “Are you ready?” I nod my head as he looks me in the eye to confirm my words. He takes his erection in one hand and places it at my entrance. His other arm is wrapped around me tightly and he pulls me down on him. I scream as he fills me in one quick movement. He pushes deep and I’m lost in the feeling.

  I throw my head back, and he brings his mouth to my breast. Up and down he controls my body as he pushes into me. I hold on tight as the sensations of another orgasm build.

  “David,” I whimper. “Harder.”

  He answers my plea by cupping my bottom and pulling me hard to him with each stroke. Maybe it’s the way the water makes me weightless, but sex has never felt like this before.

  I tighten my legs around him and match his relentless rhythm. Screams fall from my lips as I climax around him. With three hard pushes from his hips, he joins me too.

  I fall into his chest as nothing more than a boneless body. All my strength has been thoroughly screwed out of me.

  “Thank you, Mallory.” He leans into me and whispers sweet words as I smile against his chest.

  “I’ve never had sex like this before, so I should be thanking you.” He chuckles at me and I look him in the eye. “I’m serious. I never knew sex could be like that.”

  “I’m just getting started with you. Please stay the night.” He tilts his head to the side and searches my face for the answer.

  “I’ll stay.” He smiles the same blinding grin he gave me yesterday at the airport. So much has happened in one day. He went from a cheating scoundrel to the best lover I’ve had.


  Chapter 7

  (A quick word from The Scoundrel)

  Mallory has stayed with me every night over the last three months. She even
resigned from her teaching position, when I hired her on as my personal assistant.

  She’s attended meetings with me, handled calls, and took care of any special needs that might’ve arisen. I have to say she handled that last part with skill. And she calls me tonguetastic.

  She’s in the bedroom getting ready to go out for dinner as I savor a glass of my favorite scotch. We’ve only been together for a short time, but I know she’s the one.

  “Are you ready?” I turn to see her walking toward me in a colorful dress. Her boobs look fucking spectacular in the low-cut top, and I wonder if I have time to pull her onto the table for a quickie.

  “Always ready when you’re around.” I waggle my brows suggestively at her. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “You bought me this dress in Puerto Rico last week. Thanks.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses my lips.

  I grab her around the waist and press into her for more. She lets out a squeal in surprise. I love catching her off guard. I push her dress up and cup her sweet ass only to find her bare beneath my hands.

  “Commando? You’re asking for it aren’t you?” I pick her up and sit her down on the dining room table. I think we’ve only used it to fuck on so far, but then again I love feasting on her. “Spread your legs.”

  I’m greeted by her perfectly pink pussy, and I’m on her in a split-second. She tastes so damn good, and I lick her until she’s squirming under my tongue. I do some finger magic and she’s over the edge.

  Once she’s ridden the wave, I stand up and unzip my pants. I pull out my dick and pump it a couple of times. Since she’s glistening and ready from her orgasm, I dive in balls deep.

  “Harder,” she cries out after a few pushes. My baby likes it on the edge of rough, so I pick up my pace and thrust with more force. I notice her legs beginning to quiver, so I bring my finger to her clit. I press against her in small circles, and she’s coming undone. A few seconds later, I follow behind her as my orgasm builds from down deep and releases.


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