No Nonsense
Page 30
To Harry Tyrrell, my first coach. To Jim Cassell, the academy director who believed in me. To everyone at Knowsley United, who gave me the best football education a young lad could have. To Brad Orr, my childhood friend, teammate and now my agent, who is always there for me.
To all my other teammates, and acquaintances I have spent time with during the course of my life. There are too many of you to mention but your impact, sometimes big and sometimes small, positive and negative, has helped shape me as a person.
Thank you.
Finally to Eddy Jennings and Andrew Taylor and their families, with whom I share a great friendship. I have no doubt that without them this book would never have been written. Thanks for pushing me when I didn’t want to do it. You were right! (You know how hard that is for me to do!)
Last and by no means least, to my beautiful children Cassius and Pieta. This book was written with you in mind. I wanted to put down in words the difficulties I had in life. I wanted you both to be able to pick up something and have some context to the man I was, am and will become. A fundamental change occurred in me when you came into this world. A desire to better myself, not for ego, not out of a desire for something material, but for a justification.
I wanted you to be proud of your father. To be proud of who he is. To see all the things he has done. And not attempt to try to justify who I was or what I did. Hopefully, I will get the chance over the course of our lives to prove that, day in and day out. But if I don’t, this book can attempt to make some sense of the person I was to date.
Here’s to the last 30-odd years. I can’t wait for the next chapters to begin.
JB x
A parlour game takes place whenever Joe Barton does or says something significant. Internet search engines are fired up, social media accounts are scrutinised, and his supposed inconsistency and fecklessness are condemned. Headlines generate more heat than light, and everyone’s prejudices are confirmed.
In that spirit, and in the interests of full disclosure, I’ll save Mr Google and assorted cyber warriors a little work. In a couple of intemperate columns in 2008 and 2011, I suggested he was ‘obnoxious’ and advised him to ‘stop clinging to victimhood and delusions of your own grandeur’. I didn’t know him then, as I do now, but we are all entitled to an uninformed opinion.
That’s why, when Joe approached me to collaborate on this book, I was intrigued. This was a unique chance to explore assumptions based on 140 characters and a rap sheet read in isolation. When I told him of my doubts about his authenticity, during an initial dinner in Liverpool, he laughed and used them as justification for our proposed partnership.
I had done my homework, speaking to his teammates, coaches and managers. I was struck by the respect Joe commanded within football, and the clarity of the character that emerged from the consultation process. I was advised to ‘treat him like a man’ and told ‘he will give you everything, if you do the same’.
That is what a co-writer needs to hear. Commitment, complete and unwavering, generates credibility. Joe has been open, engaging, thoughtful and thorough. This book isn’t an indulgence; he understands its permanence, and has treated it with due care and attention. I cannot make you like him, but I hope it enables you to understand him, and the game that shaped him, a little better.
I knew we were on the right lines in our second meeting, when he tried, unsuccessfully, to wind me up about the existence of God. In terms of philosophy, I still don’t know my Aristotle from my Engels, but I like to think I have stimulated his curiosity, examined his intellect and challenged his conscience.
Thanks, first of all, to the Barton family for their patience and assistance. They take their lead from the matriarch, Julia. Joe’s deference to his Nan, as he served us tea on the best china in her front room, was as revealing as the manner in which his Dad, Joe Sr, addressed the turbulence of his life and times.
I have been helped immensely by Joe’s small circle of close friends, most notably Eddy Jennings, Brad Orr and Andy Taylor, whom I insisted on visiting in Preston prison with Joe. I wanted to trigger latent emotions by reminding him of the parallel world which could so easily have ensnared him.
He is, and will always be, his own man, but I have come to realise he identifies with individuals whose strength of character is matched by acute emotional intelligence. The insight of two such figures, Steve Black and Sean Dyche, was especially valuable to me. The memory of a third, Peter Kay, moved Joe to tears.
Joe’s voice, moods and mannerisms became familiar to Caroline Flatley, who transcribed 350,000 words of direct interviews for this book, a figure which more than doubles when I take into account complementary notes. I can’t thank her enough; she is an important sounding board because she is such a keen judge of character. Suffice to say she found Joe fascinating and enlightening.
This book would not have been possible without the wisdom and foresight of Ian Chapman, Ian Marshall and their team at Simon & Schuster. Their professionalism and expertise has been hugely appreciated. It would be remiss of me not to thank Rory Scarfe, my literary agent at Furniss Lawton, and Joe’s literary representative, David Riding.
Since writing is such an immersive process, I have to end where it all starts, at home. I couldn’t do this without the support of my wife Lynn and the amused detachment of my children, Nick, Aaron, William and Lydia. As I type these words, my granddaughter Marielli is demanding to use this keyboard, so good night, and good luck.
Michael Calvin, June 2016
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
(the initials JB refer to Joey Barton)
Adams, Tony, 116, 174
Aguero, Sergio, 233, 234
Alcock, Mr (teacher), 36
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 117–18
in jail, 9
Ali, Muhammad, 16, 194
All Blacks, 138, 300
Allardyce, Sam, 148, 149, 150, 159, 190, 203
and JB assault charge, 154
Alli, Dele, 66
Alonso, Xabi, 179–81
Ameobi, Shola, 134, 320
Anelka, Nicolas, 66, 80, 84, 144
bar brawl involving, 91–2
Anigo, Jose, 237–8
Arfield, Scotty, 296, 303
Arsenal FC, 159–60, 174, 187, 200
interest shown in JB by, 224
Ashley, Mike, 159, 176, 182, 183, 185, 186–7, 195–6, 197
JB publicly criticises, 199–200
Asia Trophy, 101
Assou-Ekotto, Benoit, 270
Aston Villa FC, 143, 179, 312
Atletico Madrid FC, 193
Austin, Charlie, 66, 252, 267–8
Baines, Leighton, 53
Balotelli, Mario, 234
Barcelona FC, 193
Barmby, Nick, 54
Barron, Paul, 185
Barry, Gareth, 135, 299
Barton, Andrew (brother), 49, 105–6, 108, 152–3
birth of, 25
Barton, Cassius Joseph (son), 191, 202, 294
birth of, 13–14
JB’s ambitions for, 322, 325
naming of, 16–17
religious school excludes, 313
Barton, Dave, 85
Barton, Joey:
and alcohol, 50, 88, 99, 101–3, 117–19, 131, 151, 152, 159, 232
and AA meetings, 9, 117–18
bail condition concerning, 158, 159
assault charges against, 5, 146, 152–5, 164 (see also Dabo, Ousmane)
and conviction, 160
jailed for, see Barton, Joey: in jail
badminton champion, 162
Big Issue articles of, 214
birth of, 15, 20–1
boxing by, 42
car incident involving, 82
coaching thoughts of, 315–21
as commentator, 220
criminal-damage charge against, and acquittal, 139
‘Danger Mouse’ nickname of, 36
diary kept by, 280, 284
excerpt from, 302–3
driving ban imposed on, 82
early life of, 21–2, 24–43, 45–61, 67–9
fan hit by car of, 98
FA’s violent-conduct charge against, 171
fights won and lost by, 4
first Everton kit of, 35
first Premier League dismissal of, 132
foot injuries of, 150–1, 177, 183–4, 299
and enforced rest period, 184
head injury to, 81
improper-conduct charge against, 131–2
Insight Profile of, 289–92
Instagram post of, 297
in jail, 155, 157–8, 160–71 (see also Barton, Joey: assault charges against)
and AA meetings, 9
and bail, awaiting trial, 158–60
and betting, 163–4
and death threats, 165
football played in, 161–2
move to Strangeways, 165
and release, 171
rituals and routines in, 164
Kay’s letter to, 254–5
knee injury to, 176
man of the match, 84
mental agility of, 213
and missing-shirt incident, 80–1
naming of, 17
Newsnight appearance of, 215
Oxford Union address of, 215–16
and philosophy degree course, 257, 258–9
Player of the Year, 308
politics of, 194–5
post-match interview of, 141–3
Premier League debut of, 17
Question Time appearance of, 214–19
and religion, 19, 190, 313–14
sides played for by, see individual sides by name
at Sporting Chance clinic, 116–17
and Tandy incident, see Tandy, Jamie
tattoo on, 220
taxi incident involving, 139
and Thai sports bar fracas, 102–3, 109
JB’s apology concerning, 114
and reduced fine, 114
Twitter activity of, 205, 207–8, 209–11, 231, 258, 288, 323
and Hillsborough disaster, 210–11
and uncle’s post office robbery, 21
voracious reading by, 208
Barton, Joseph (father):
advice of:
on fighting, 26, 42–3, 104
on football, 8
on JB’s remaining at Manchester City academy, 59
and Beaton, 37–8
bullying hated by, 25
and Cassius’s birth, 13, 15
deteriorating relationship between Rita and, 48–9
dog mauls, 24–5
and FA Vase final, 29
faints at match, 85
football-ground assault by, 32–3
and Heighway, 52
and Huyton Baddies, 23
jack of all trades, 23
and JB’s bail, 158
and JB’s birth, 15
JB’s changing relationship dynamic with, 115
and JB’s dog incident, 24–5
and JB’s early life, 15, 18
JB’s training helped by, 60
and JB’s uncles, 21
OCD of, 34
pre-match routines of, 34
protective nature of, 24–5
and Rita, 20
Rita evicts, 49
roofing work of, 15, 22
singing voice of, 31
soccer career of, 29–31, 32–3
sport excellence of, 28
Barton, Julia (paternal grandmother), 15, 18–22 passim, 28, 49–50
and Georgia, 202
and JB’s exit from Everton, 56
and JB’s Question Time appearance, 217
marriage of, 18
maternal role of, 49
and Pieta’s name, 19
and press photographers, 114
and prison visits, 7
and religion, 313
and Rita, misgivings concerning, 20
Barton, Julie (aunt), 22
Barton, Michael (brother):
arrest of, 112
birth of, 25
JB reprimands, 111–12
moves in with JB, 111
and robberies, 110–12
and Walker murder, 108–10, 112
trial and sentence, 120–2
Barton, Peter (paternal grandfather), 18–20, 28, 39
and alcohol, 101
death of, 18, 255
and JB’s birth, 15
and JB’s exit from Everton, 56, 57
marriage of, 18
Barton, Pieta Giulia (daughter), 202
JB’s ambitions for, 322, 325
naming of, 18, 19
Beard, Phil, 227, 264, 275
Beaton, Barry, 37–8
Beaton, John ‘Bisto’, 37–8
Beckham, David, 62, 215, 242
Benarbia, Ali, 78, 81
Benitez, Rafa, 179, 229
Bergkamp, Dennis, 299
Berkovic, Eyal, 78–9, 123
Beye, Habib, 150
Bhatia, Amit, 230, 265
Big Issue, 214
Bilic, Slaven, 286
Billy (cellmate), 162–3, 169
Binns, Marcus, 120
Birmingham City FC, 252, 287, 304–5
Bisto Kid, see Beaton, John ‘Bisto’
Black, Steve, 189, 262–6, 268, 272, 273, 279–81, 293–4, 304, 317
‘bubble of strength’ analogy of, 295
and ‘messages from the moment’, 300
in NFL, 289
Blackburn Rovers FC, 187, 193, 312
Blair, Tony, 194
Boksic, Alen, 80
Bolton Wanderers FC, 17, 84, 101, 132, 233
interest shown in JB by, 182
Bond, Kevin, 265, 266–7
Bosvelt, Paul, 86, 133, 144
at fancy-dress party, 93
Bournemouth FC, 259
Bours, Louise, 216, 218, 219
Boyd, George, 297
Brady, Ian, 165
Brailsford, Dave, 213
Branch, Michael, 34
Bremner, Billy, 90
Brighton & Hove Albion FC, 259, 269, 308
Bruce, Steve, 312
Bunjevcevic, Goran, 84
Bunn, Frankie, 58
Burnley FC, 259
Championship clinched by, 307
and 5-0 win over Charlton, 302
JB joins, 289, 309
JB’s Player of the Year award with, 308
as perfect football experience, 309–10
promoted to Premier League, 31, 288, 294–5
and psychometric testing, 289–92
WhatsApp group within, 310
Burton Albion FC, 282
Butt, Nicky, 183
Buxton, Jake, 272
Calder, James, 183–4
Calderwood, Colin, 183, 185
Caldwell, Gary, 268
Calzaghe, Joe, 69
Campbell, Sol, 54
Campo, Ivan, 84
Capello, Fabio, 139
Carlisle United FC, 33–4, 150
Carlos, John, 194
Carrick, Michael, 135
Carroll, Andy, 9, 185, 187, 200, 320
Cassell, Jim, 8, 58, 76
JB offered pro contract by, 60
Catlin, Sean, 46
Caulker, Steven, 277
Celtic FC, 312, 314
Chapman, Les ‘Chappy’, 80, 102, 123–5
and Thai sports bar fracas, 104
Charity Shield, 1974, 90
Charlton Athletic FC, 191, 294, 295, 297, 301–2
Chelsea FC, 98, 178, 193, 225–6
Chilcot Inquiry, 216–17, 218
Chile national side, 277, 278, 281
per (cellmate), 162
Churchill, Winston, 208, 209, 251
Clay, Joseph, 16
Cole, Andy, 114
Cole, Ashley, 136, 320
Collier Row FC, 29
Coloccini, Fabricio, 203
Cooper, James, 102
Corke, Kevin, 161
Coventry City FC, 75–6
Cox, Arthur ‘Coxy’, 75–7, 79, 84, 87, 230
Crystal Palace FC, 198, 282
Culshaw, Bob, 41
Culshaw, Peter, 41
Culshaw, Tom, 55
Curbishley, Alan, 148, 149
Curran, Margaret, 216
Dabo, Ousmane, 143–7, 235
JB charged with assault on, 146
and sentence, 164
Davies, Barry, 90
Dean, Mike, 234
Defoe, Jermain, 54
Derby County FC, 152, 259, 269–73
Derry, Shaun, 225, 232, 234, 260, 296
Deschamps, Didier, 243
Dewsnip, Neil, 52–3, 55, 56
Di Matteo, Roberto, 229
Dickov, Paul, 145
Dimbleby, David, 215, 218
Distin, Sylvain, 95, 144, 146
Doncaster Rovers FC, 89
Doolan, John, 89
Dowd, Phil, 180
Dowie, Iain, 178, 181
Downes, Wally, 266–7
Doyle, Neil, 3
Duff, Mickey, 149
Duncan Smith, Iain, 215
Dunfield, Terry, 77–8
Dunne, Richard, 89, 101, 102, 272, 273
and Thai sports bar fracas, 103–5
Dwyer, Martin, 16
Dyche, Sean, 35–6, 229, 286, 287–9, 299, 307, 308, 309, 315
Dyer, Kieron, 150
Eastwood Town FC, 32
Ecclestone, Bernie, 225
Eddie (uncle), 20, 21
Edwards, Shaun, 214, 305–6
Ehiogu, Ugo, 80