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Kissing Her Enemy

Page 12

by Coleen Kwan

  “Nothing you haven’t already heard.” There were no customers in the store now, and to her dismay, her heart began to thump a little faster. She wasn’t ready yet to be alone with Logan.

  He leaned a hip against the counter, and she was glad she was on the other side, because an inconvenient yearning to touch him had taken hold of her. To distract herself, she nodded at his hand, which bore a fresh adhesive bandage.

  “How’s the hand?”


  “How are you going to explain the bandage to people?”

  “Accident with a beer bottle.”

  “I see. And I suppose you still haven’t taken any of those painkillers?”

  “Didn’t need to last night, did I?” His eyes warmed. “I was disappointed to wake up and find you gone.”

  She cleared her throat. “I’m not a fan of awkward morning-afters.” She had called a cab, which had taken her back to her truck at the daycare center.

  “Who said it would’ve been awkward?”

  “It could’ve been.”

  “I wouldn’t have made it awkward. Are you saying you would’ve?”

  She frowned at him and began to drum her fingers on the counter. “This conversation is going nowhere.”

  He reached out and stilled her fingers by placing his hand over hers. “Last night wasn’t enough. I want more.”

  His blunt statement, coupled with his hand on hers, made it difficult to breathe, let alone speak. “You can’t have everything you want.”

  “What are you prepared to accept?”

  She bit her lip, trapped between his honesty and hers. No use denying how much she’d enjoyed last night; her rapturous response to him had given her away several times over. Already her body was quivering like a drawn bow, responding to his touch, his voice. Instead of slaking her hunger and curiosity, last night had only revealed new vistas she wanted to explore. And the fact that he wanted more was a powerful aphrodisiac. Strong enough to override her caution.

  “It has to be secret,” she said. “No one can know about us.”

  A thin line appeared between his eyes. “Why? I’m not ashamed of us.”

  She shook her head. “Look, we’re hot for each other, there’s no denying that, but let’s be realistic. It’s not going to last, and it’s not going to change my mind about this store. We might be super compatible in bed, but outside in the real world, we’re not. We’re competitors, and I don’t want you or anyone else getting the wrong idea. Especially the other store owners. I’m the one who’s rallied them against your mega center. If they found out I’m sleeping with you, they might think I’m going behind their backs, trying to get a better deal for myself. I’d hate for them to think that.”

  She paused, feeling a slight misgiving after her rushed speech. She might have chosen more conciliatory words, but whatever she said would amount to the same thing.

  Logan studied her for a while. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you don’t pull any punches,” he said eventually.

  “I thought you of all people would appreciate directness.”

  He still had her hand trapped, and now he turned it over and rubbed his thumb over her palm, the intimate gesture making her stomach flutter. “Okay. I can be discreet. Are you free tonight?”


  “Yeah.” His eyes held hers as he rotated his thumb over the softness of her palm. “I want you, Amber. I want you right now, in that office behind you, but that’s probably not discreet enough for you, so I’m prepared to wait until tonight. Eight o’clock at my place? You can park your car in my garage and no one will spot it.”

  “O-okay.” Blood pounded in her cheeks at the thought of Logan making love to her in her office. She’d never considered it before, but suddenly it seemed like the most erotic location. She found herself scanning the empty store. If she locked the door and flipped the “Back in ten minutes” sign, maybe that would give them enough time to… No, no no no. She was in enough trouble already.

  “Good,” he said.

  “And another thing. When we’re…alone, we don’t talk about your mega center or how I’m opposed to it.”

  “When I’m alone with you, that’s the last thing I want to talk about.” Logan gently let go of her hand. “I stopped at the daycare center this morning. You’d already finished the repairs.”

  “I could hardly ask you.” She dropped her gaze to his hand with the thick adhesive pad. “We’ll probably need to delay the next one, or I could start on my own.” They’d planned to start the third and final playhouse on Monday.

  Logan was already shaking his head. “We’ll stick to the schedule.”

  “But your hand—”

  “I told you, it’s better.”

  “You can’t risk infection or complications.”

  “I won’t do anything risky, but I can still do plenty.”

  “I still think—”

  “Amber,” he said evenly. “We’re sticking to the schedule.”

  “Okay.” She sighed. “But no stupid heroics, agreed?”

  His lips twitched. “I think you’re starting to care about me.”

  “I don’t want to be carting you off to the hospital again,” she answered tartly.

  “Yeah, you’re definitely falling for me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Egomaniac.”

  There was no way she would admit any tender feelings to him. Been there, done that, and had the scars to show for it. No, she didn’t care about Logan. He was just a hot guy she couldn’t resist, that was all.

  Still grinning, he backed away from her. “See you tonight. Don’t be late.”

  “And what if I am?”

  “Then I’ll have to punish you…severely.” He pushed open the door and disappeared, leaving Amber to her fevered imaginings of how he might discipline her.


  On Friday afternoon Logan got a call from Emily Claybourne. She was bubbling with excitement. One of the store owners on Colfax Road wanted to accept the purchase offer and had signed the paperwork formally acknowledging this.

  “One down and four to go,” Emily crowed. “This is great. He knows he won’t get the money unless the others agree. He’ll put pressure on them, for sure, and the rest will go down like dominoes.”

  Logan contained his enthusiasm. “That store was the empty one. It was always a safe bet the owner would want to sell. The others won’t be so easy.” Especially Amber.

  “Oh, they’ll crack soon enough. I’m sure some of them owe debts. We can find out how much and use that to lean on them.”

  “No, I won’t have anything underhanded,” Logan barked. “You got that?”

  “Sheesh, I’m only trying to help.” Emily sounded sulky.

  “Anyway, it’s a good start.”

  “It’s a great start. We should go out and celebrate. What are you doing tonight? Want to meet up for drinks somewhere?”

  He couldn’t mistake the eagerness in Emily’s voice, and it made him wince. Not once had he ever given the lawyer any encouragement, but she seemed determined to hook up with him. That was never going to happen. He had no eyes for any woman except Amber. The last two nights with her had blown his mind. They were meeting again tonight, and he was finding it difficult to focus on his work.

  “Sorry, I’ve got something else going on,” he said.

  “Oh?” Suspicion filled that one syllable. “Who with?”

  “No one you know.”

  Emily sniffed. “Okay. Maybe over the weekend, then?”

  “Yeah, maybe. Thanks for calling me. You’re doing a great job.”

  He managed to get off the phone. His thoughts returned to Amber, but this time his lust was tinged by a shadow of guilt. The first store had capitulated, and he was one step closer to what he wanted, but that meant Amber was one step closer to losing, and that didn’t sit comfortably with him. Especially when he was so intent on sleeping with her again.

  You’re overthinking this. As Amber
had made plain to him, they were still competitors. Just because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other didn’t change a thing. She wasn’t going to back off from her opposition to his plan, and she didn’t expect him to go soft on her, either. Getting the store was good news. Everything was falling into place. This was what he wanted.


  Amber looked at her neighbor, Martin, with a sinking feeling. “Are you sure? James wants to sell?”

  Martin nodded. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true.”

  “I guess we expected it.” Still, it was a kick in the gut to learn that Logan’s mega center was one step closer to fruition.

  He cleared his throat. “As you can imagine, he wants us to sell, too. He told me we’re standing in the way of him putting his daughter through college.”

  Way to pile on the pressure. “Divide and conquer, that’s their tactic. What about you, Martin? Which side are you on? Sell or stay?”

  Her neighbor rubbed his fingers on his knitted vest. “Uh, well, like I told you, it’s the same to me whether I stay or go. I’m not denying the money would be a boon, but for now I’m with you, Amber. You’ve been a good neighbor to me, and I want to support you.”

  Guilt squirmed in Amber’s stomach. How would Martin feel if he knew she was sleeping with Logan? Not that they did much sleeping…

  “Thank you, Martin. I really appreciate that.”

  “You’ll probably hear from James pushing you to sell, though.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  When Martin had left, she pondered over this latest development. Logan would be happy about it, but they’d agreed not to discuss the subject when they were alone. She was disappointed but not crushed. Though it was a setback, she wouldn’t let it deter her. Just like she wouldn’t let Logan sway her from her path. They were still competitors, and if they liked falling into bed together, it only added an extra spice to their rivalry. She’d always liked things spicy.


  Logan peeled his eyes open. In the predawn milkiness filling the room, Amber’s body carved out a graceful silhouette as she sat up in bed. He reached out and pressed his palm against the small of her back, relishing the quicksilver shiver of her response. Sitting up, he pressed himself against her back and wrapped his arms around her.

  Don’t go. Stay with me, he wanted to say, but instead he murmured, “It’s Sunday. Do you have to leave so early?”

  “I open the store at nine.”

  He buried his face in her tangled hair, inhaling her dewy, morning-after scent deep into his lungs. “Can’t you get your hired help to do that just this once?”

  He drifted his hands over her, wanting to entice her but only increasing his own need.

  “H-hired help costs,” she stuttered. “I don’t have a choice.”

  He stopped his teasing as thoughts zigzagged in his head. Most of the last few days had passed in a blur for him, but the nights were crystal clear, each one spent with Amber. Some days he felt like he was stumbling through quicksand, slow and stupid until night fell, and he waited with increasing impatience for her to arrive. He had begun to feel like one of Pavlov’s dogs, instantly thrumming with need as soon as he heard the guttural clatter of her beat-up truck. He never knew what to expect from her. Every night was different, but every night ended the same way, with her slipping out before the sun came up. He hadn’t expected her to be so disciplined, and maybe his silly male ego was a little piqued that she wouldn’t sleep in with him, not even once. But he admired her dedication to her store.

  Feeling guilty about his selfishness, he stroked her hair. “What time do you close the store today?”

  “Five. Why?”

  “We could go somewhere for dinner.”

  She twisted her head to get a better look at him. “No one’s supposed to know about us, remember?”

  “I’ll take you somewhere private.”

  He had an ulterior motive to his invitation. Ever since they’d started sleeping together, memories of the past had nagged at him. Before, when he’d brought up what had happened in that restaurant all those years ago, she had brushed it aside, saying she was over it. But it wasn’t over for him. The urge to tell her the full story had grown too strong to ignore, but whenever they were alone in his house, overwhelming desire pushed everything aside. He needed to get her alone somewhere else. Somewhere peaceful and tranquil, where he could also spoil her a little.

  An idea was already forming in his head. The more he thought about it, the more he liked it. “Meet me back here at five thirty, and wear something you can get wet in.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re plotting something.”

  “I’m always plotting something.”

  She batted her eyelashes. “Should I be afraid?”

  He softly pinched her thigh. “Yeah, very afraid.”


  At six forty-five that evening, Logan held Amber’s hand as he led her past his family’s house and down to the lake.

  “Are you sure they aren’t home?” she asked, peering over her shoulder at the mansion.

  “I’m sure. They’re in Palm Springs for my mom’s college reunion this weekend. The housekeeper’s got the weekend off, too. No one will see us.”

  But what if his parents did see them together? What then? Amber was a gorgeous, magnificent woman, but she didn’t fit the mold of what his parents wanted for him. If they knew he and Amber were sleeping together, his mother would instantly believe he was back to his Dallas player days, while his father would fear he was on the cusp of repeating history and refuse to relinquish control of the company. It could turn ugly. But he didn’t want to think about his parents. Right now all he wanted was for him and Amber to have a good time. Firming his grip on her hand, he led her down to the pier where he had tied the Jet Ski.

  “Ever ridden one of these?” he asked her.

  “Never. Looks like fun.” She hesitated, glancing at the lake. “We’re going out in that, just the two of us?”

  “Well, I don’t see anyone else wanting to come with us. Don’t worry. I won’t take you anywhere too public.” He pointed to a small island in the distance. “See that? It’s Berry Island, and it belongs to my parents. No one but family goes there. It’s very private.” He picked up one of the life jackets he’d laid out on the pier. “Come on. Everything’s prepared. Let’s get going.”

  With their vests on, he helped her onto the rear seat of the Jet Ski. As he started the engine, she shifted closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He took off sedately. In his younger days he’d gotten a kick out of racing and showing off with fancy turns, but this time he was content to putter along, enjoying the feel of Amber pressed against his back.

  After a while, Amber asked him to show her how to work the controls, and after a brief demonstration she wanted a turn in front. He should’ve figured she wouldn’t be content to take a back seat. They swapped seats, and she handled the Jet Ski with surprising finesse, whooping with glee when she managed to throw up a spray of water. He gripped her hips, appreciating how she plunged herself wholeheartedly into the experience. That was Amber; she never did anything by halves.

  Eventually she allowed him to retake control, and he steered them toward Berry Island, where he landed them on a small, sandy beach. He secured the Jet Ski and then opened one of the watertight storage compartments, expecting to see the picnic basket he’d prepared for them. Instead, the bin was empty. He opened the second compartment, but all it held was the picnic blanket.

  “What the hell?” Dismayed, he pulled out the blanket and glared futilely into the vacant space. “Damn, I can’t believe this!”

  “What is it?” Amber asked, concerned. “Are we out of gas or something?”

  “I left the picnic basket behind.” He could see it now, sitting on the pier. He’d been so eager to get the Jet Ski primed for use that he’d forgotten it. “I had chicken salad and baguettes and strawberries. And
a magnum of champagne, too.”

  “Aw, that sounds delicious.” She made a face, commiserating with him.

  He thumped his fist on the Jet Ski. “I made that chicken salad myself, dammit.”

  “You made chicken salad? For me?” Her lips curled, delighted. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah, except it’s sitting on the pier on the other side of the lake.” He huffed in frustration. He’d wanted to create the perfect evening for her, but he’d messed up.

  She rubbed his upper arm. “You’re the first guy to make me chicken salad.” She stood on tiptoe and brushed her lips against his, instantly dissolving some of his grumpiness.

  “I hate messing up,” he admitted, drawing her into his arms.

  “I know something you’re good at. This.”

  She kissed him more insistently, her mouth soft and ripe, her tongue inventive, luring him away from his disappointment. For a few sweet minutes he lost himself in her, but eventually he drew back.

  “I should take you back. You’ve been working all day. I can’t let you starve.”

  “Not yet. It’s magical here with the sun setting and the water so golden. Can’t we find something on the island to nibble on?”

  “I don’t think you’d like nibbling on worms and snails.”

  She laughed. “Why do you call it Berry Island? There must be berries growing somewhere.”

  “I doubt it.”

  But she was already pointing at an overgrown thicket. “There. What’s that? Isn’t it a blackberry bush?”

  To his astonishment, he realized it was, and even more miraculously, when they approached they found the plant heavy with fruit. They picked the dark purple blackberries, making pockets for them out of their T-shirts. When they had gathered enough, they spread out the picnic blanket and carefully tumbled their spoils into a pile. Amber gobbled up several handfuls of fruit.

  “They’re delicious. So sweet and warm. They taste like sunshine.” She smiled at him, purple juice staining her lips.

  He leaned forward and licked her juicy lips before settling his mouth on hers. A strange fluttering sensation had started in his chest, and to his surprise he realized it was his heart. He was about to kiss her again when he checked himself. If he continued kissing Amber, there was only one way that would end, and that wasn’t why he’d brought her to the island.


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