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Vampire Princess Rising

Page 18

by Jami Brumfield

  “It means she’s somewhere that blocks magic,” Catherine stated carefully.

  “Or it could mean she’s dead,” Maverick spoke with a soft voice.

  Savannah turned abruptly. Her fangs bared as she hissed at him and the despicable words he spoke. She bolted across the lawn at her father, her sharp claw-like finger nails inches from his neck. Ready to strike without remorse.

  “I haven’t seen her spirit, Savannah. I’m sure that’s not the case.” Natalia tried to break the tension. “Rebecca knows I’m a guardian. She’d be able to find me quickly if she had passed.”

  Savannah turned her attention to Natalia. Her eyes glared deadly daggers into Nat’s skull. She turned back to Maverick and had to push the anger down, forcing her eyes to change from scary red to the dark blue sapphire. “So what are we supposed to do now?”

  “I’ll call Lucky and see if he has any leads.” Catherine started toward the back door.

  Just as she was about to open the door, Rebecca, Lucky, and Gabriel came out the back door. “What are all you doing out here?” Rebecca asked. “We should be getting ready for a party.”

  Hunter and Catherine rushed to hug her.

  “Where were you?” Savannah asked, anger rolling over her in waves, it was still strong in her voice. She didn’t move closer to her sister but she watched her carefully to make sure she was unharmed.

  Rebecca’s eyes locked on Savannah’s. “I’ll tell you later. Now I’m just glad you’re here to celebrate our big day together.” She offered a weak smile.

  Lucky stood beside Rebecca, his arms folded at his chest, but his face was warm and inviting. “I’m really glad you made it, Savannah.”

  Savannah glared at Lucky. She couldn’t help but feel slighted as he stayed at Rebecca’s side, again. After he rushed off to save her. Old habits die hard. She thought to herself. She was not going to play second best to anyone. No matter what the attraction she had toward him. She was a princess engaged to a prince, after all.

  “Not that I really had a choice. Where else was I supposed to go to help my sister who was kidnapped in front of me?”

  “I definitely didn’t expect to see you here trying to find me,” Rebecca answered, bitterly. “I figured you’d be out celebrating with Celestia.”

  “Hardly, you’re my sister. Mother was right, if you were ever in need I’d be there.”

  “I knew you still loved me.” Rebecca rushed across the yard to give her sister a hug, despite the smell of death that permeated from her body.

  Savannah held her hand in front of her, effectively stopping her twin from folding her arms around her. “I’m not ready for that yet, Rebecca. I’m sorry, but I still haven’t forgiven you for the part you played in my demise.”

  “You’re not dead,” Rebecca said pointedly.

  “Not technically, no.”

  Lucky came up beside Savannah and placed and arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “You have a lot to live for.”

  “Really? Like what?” Savannah felt her body grow warm wherever his hands touched her.

  “Like seeing what can develop between us.” He smiled down on her and she felt the heat blush on her cheeks and neck.

  “Is there something we should know about you two?” Rebecca asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Something may be developing between us, but what that is we haven’t decided yet.” Lucky announced to the world.

  A smile broke out across Rebecca’s face. She looked genuinely happy for them. “I’m so excited to find out what will become of this!”

  Gabriel came up behind Rebecca and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I agree.”

  “I haven’t agreed to anything.” Savannah narrowed her eyes at Lucky and removed herself from his hold. “Besides, as you know, I’m engaged.”

  “Engaged?” Rebecca asked, confusion swimming in her eyes.

  “Yes, to Viktor Romanov.”

  “As in Prince Viktor?” Catherine asked.

  “Do you know him?” Savannah asked curiously.

  “Yes, other than quiet whispers of suspected cruelty I hear he is a decent vampire. Nothing sinister has ever been proven about him.” Catherine’s smile was shaky. She was a witch after all and she was sworn to remain neutral so Savannah didn’t know if she could trust Catherine’s assessment of her fiancé.

  “We can talk about it later, right now we need to get ready for the party. Guests will be here soon.” Rebecca held out her hand to Savannah, who looked at her sister’s hand. It would be so easy to place her hand in her offered one, but things were not fixed. She didn’t know how long it would take to fix things, but it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She didn’t want to fool Rebecca into thinking things were okay, but she also would love to forget about all their issues for just one night. She placed her hand in Rebecca’s and said, “This doesn’t mean things are okay between us.”

  Rebecca nodded. “I know, but we’ll get there.”

  Savannah looked at Catherine and Hunter. Both of them nodded slightly, showing their approval. Savannah followed Rebecca into the house and up to the room they once shared.

  There was a pink dress lying on Savannah’s bed and a purple one on Rebecca’s. “It looks like Grandmother had high hopes you’d be here.” Rebecca held up her purple dress and pointed to the pink one. They were identical dresses that were cut to the floor. Rhinestone beading embellished the bodice of the dresses.

  She started getting dressed, just like old times. As though she was not a vampire and her twin was not a werewolf. As though they were not genetic enemies and were not from a line of powerful witches. Just two teenage girls getting ready for a party, the party that all teenagers wait for, the party that signifies they’re adults. So much had happened up to this point she didn’t know how to act.

  “It’s beautiful and exactly what Savvy would wear.” Tears stung Savannah’s eyes as she inspected her reflection in the full length mirror.

  “So why are you crying?” Rebecca’s reflection joined hers in the mirror.

  “Because Savvy is dead. Celestia hates pink. It’s apparently not dark enough for a vampire princess.” Blood tears fell slowly down her face. “Nothing about my life is what I expected it to be when I turned eighteen.”

  Rebecca gave her a hesitant hug. Savannah wanted to sink into the love from her sister, but that was not her life now. Love was a liability. It was a hard lesson to learn but she learned it well. She removed herself from the embrace.

  “It’s okay.” Savannah sucked in a deep breath and went into the bathroom to fix her makeup and hair. Rebecca joined her and they both fell back into old habits.

  “Thank you for trying to find me.” Rebecca stopped messing with her hair to look at Savannah.

  Savannah shrugged. “It’s what a sister is supposed to do.”

  “No, it’s more than that.”

  Savannah looked at Rebecca, perhaps it was more than that but she didn’t want to get Becks’ hopes up. So she decided to change the subject. “Did you know that Mother and Father were unable to conceive us without the help of the Convent of Souls?”

  Rebecca stopped fussing with her hair and turned all her attention on Savannah. “Really?”

  “Yes. Father took me to the medical facility where we were conceived and I saw it all.”

  Rebecca sat down on the chair in front of the mirror. “Wow.”

  “He also said he didn’t know about the hit on Mother until it was too late. He and Celestia tried to save her but were too late. Celestia was only able to save him.”

  Rebecca shook her head while she tried to process the information Savannah was telling her. “Why are you telling me this?”

  Savannah shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess because I felt you deserved to know and I know you’re not in the place to give Father a chance.” Rebecca nodded as Savannah continued. “And I think I’m going to look into this Convent of Souls a little more.”

  Rebecca looked at Savannah with trepidatio
n in her eyes. “I hear they’re dangerous, Savannah.”

  “I know. But I have Father to help me. He and Mother were once members of their order. How bad can it be?”

  “And you really think you can trust him?”

  “I hope so.”

  “Is there anything I can say to talk you out of this?”

  Savannah closed the skin lotion top and smiled. “Nope.”

  “Okay, but if you find yourself in a tough spot you know you can call me.”

  “I know.”

  They started heading toward the door looking like a million bucks. “And if you and Lucky decide to give things a try, I approve.”

  “Like you did with Gabe?”

  “No. I just want you to know things are really over between us.”

  “I don’t know what to do.” Savannah admitted. She was attracted to Lucky, but Viktor was a viable option as well. She didn’t know what to say so she changed the subject again. “And you and Gabriel?”

  Rebecca sat on the bed with a heavy sigh. “Gabe and I will figure things out. My first concern is finding a cure for you. I don’t have time for boys or the drama that comes with a relationship.”

  “My life is on the path it is supposed to be on. There’s no changing my destiny. The best we can do is find a way to be sisters again. I think you should consider trying to make things work with Gabe.”

  Rebecca shook her head. “You’re more important right now.”

  “I know you’re feeling guilty for the part you played. But you can’t change it any more than you can change the fact that you’re a werewolf.” Savannah was not even sure she believed her words, but she wanted to try and bridge the gap between them. After seeing her sister kidnapped she realized nothing, not even becoming a vampire and werewolf, would change the connection they always shared. Nothing would destroy their relationship completely. They’d been through too much. Someday they would find their bond again.

  “But I do feel guilty. I feel horrible that you became a pawn in Celestia’s game. If I’d just agreed to make a truce with her in the beginning none of this would have happened.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, Rebecca.” Savannah sat on the opposite bed. She wanted to be closer but the DNA that was in her body, changing her very being, was making it difficult being in the same room as her. “I think Celestia has had this in the planning stage for a very long time. It all started with our parents over a decade ago. The day she turned Dad into a vampire was the start of our futures.”

  “You think so?”

  “I do.” Savannah nodded. “In fact, I think you becoming a werewolf sped the plan along. I think she was hoping to snag both of us, maybe even Hunter as well. But I think if we work together we can keep him safe.”

  Rebecca appeared to be considering everything she was saying. She nodded. “So we need to make sure we keep Hunter safe.” She turned hurt eyes on her sister. “Do you think we can become friends enough to do that?”

  “I think we can use the strong sisterly bond we have to not only keep Hunter safe but destroy Celestia in the process.”

  “And Father?”

  Savannah shrugged. “Time will tell.”

  Rebecca nodded. “The elemental magic will help too.” She locked eyes with Savannah. “I apparently have air and Hunter has fire. Have you seen any sign of power spark up?”

  Savannah nodded. “Water, I think. But there’s more. I think there was genetic manipulation done to us when we were being created in that lab. It’s another reason why I need to check out this Convent of Souls.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “Are you up to the challenge?”

  “Of course, I’m undead…not incapable.”

  “That’s not what I meant…”

  Savannah started laughing. “I know.”

  Rebecca grinned, attempting to hide the blush that bloomed on her neck, but her ponytail made that an impossible task.

  “What happened to you today?” Savannah asked.

  “I was kidnapped and taken to an alternate universe.”

  Savannah stared open-eyed for a moment. A month ago she would have called her a liar, but now that her own home existed in another pocket universe she knew the words that would have made a human think was a plot to a science fiction book was probably true. “And?”

  “I met my double.” Rebecca shook her head. “I have to be honest, I’m still not sure I understand everything, but she’s offering to help us combat the blood brokers in this universe. Which is becoming a huge concern for the Authority.”

  Savannah’s forehead creased in confusion. “If she’s offering help why would she kidnap you?”

  “She may be Rebecca in another universe, but she’s nothing like me. I think circumstances made her different. For one, she didn’t have you to help her through the last ten years.”

  Savannah felt herself fill with sadness for the other Rebecca. She was also curious to see what Rebecca would be like without her being there over the years.

  “So she wants to help? Why?” Savannah asked, suspicious of the sudden offer of help.

  “It’s a trade. I help her clean up a wolf problem and she helps me.”

  “We tried spelling for you but we couldn’t find you anywhere. It was a little scary.”

  “I’m here and you’re here and now we’re getting ready to celebrate our eighteenth birthday. It’s as it should be.” Rebecca tried to sound excited, but with everything going on she doubted either of them were that excited anymore.

  Sadness entered her mind. They weren’t there yet, but hope springs eternal. At least they were talking now. “It’s going to take some time, but I’m sure we’ll get back to where we’re supposed to be.” Savannah offered as she stood up and headed toward the door.

  Rebecca joined her and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for any part I played in what happened, Savannah.”

  “I know.” Savannah offered a weak smile as she fluffed her hair. She missed her long length hair for a moment as she looked at Rebecca’s long locks, but appreciated the shoulder length cut when she styled it with ease.

  “I like your new haircut.” Rebecca smiled as she held out her hand.

  “Thanks.” Being close to her made her skin crawl. It was the oddest feeling. The one person she loved as much as herself, she was now genetically trained to despise. She took her hand, avoiding the warning alarms going off in her head. “Are you ready?”

  “Sure.” Rebecca gave a shaky smile. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  While the party was few in numbers, Rebecca couldn’t help but be thankful for those who did show up. Gabriel had Persephone and Madison bring Willow, River, and Sundae. Lucky was there watching over both her and Savannah. Jackson came with Georgie and of course, Hunter, Natalia, and their grandmother were in attendance. The only person she didn’t appreciate who made the guest list was Maverick, their father.

  Natalia came out of the kitchen carrying a punch bowl and placed it on the food table. It really was the perfect setup. Rebecca didn’t know who Savannah invited, but she’d be okay with anyone who showed up.

  Gabriel snaked his arms around Rebecca’s waist and pulled her close to him. She felt electric tingles at his touch and her silver neck tattoo sent desire through her body. ‘Are you okay with the new dynamic developing between Lucky and Savannah?’ he asked in her mind.

  “Actually, I really am.” She didn’t want him to hear her thoughts at the moment. She had already decided that Lucky and her were better off as friends, but she hadn’t told him she picked him. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that kind of commitment. What they had now was good. She’d figure out where they stood later when the drama settled down. Wherever it was, she didn’t want him to feel her regret at the loss of a possible relationship between her and Lucky, it wasn’t a fair emotion to share with him. For the moment she simply wanted to enjoy his closeness. She
allowed herself to sink against him and let his pine and peppermint scent envelope her.

  She knew she wanted him. Even now, with his arms wrapped possessively around her, his body pressed against hers, and his breath warm on her neck caused her senses to fly into overdrive. It was hard to deny him. Electrical currents swirled around inside her, only intensifying the need to be his. She knew he was the one for her but she had no clue how she would begin to start a relationship with him, or if she was even ready for that type of commitment. He said he’d wait for her, and wait he was going to have to do until she knew without a doubt how to handle things.

  “So are you going to tell me what happened this afternoon?” His voice was husky and hot against her neck.

  She knew he was referring to the kidnapping. “Yes, just not now. Now I want to enjoy this party with my family and friends.”

  ‘You scared me, love.’ His terrified emotions flowed into her.

  Rebecca turned in his arms to look into his emerald green eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She offered him a compassionate smile. “But I’m stronger than you think. See, I’m still alive and in one piece.”

  ‘I think I’d die if I lost you.’ He admitted softly in her mind, his face revealing his inner most thoughts like an open book.

  Rebecca shook her head. “I don’t want you talking like that. We’re both strong and we have a lifetime to figure out what’s between us. If you ever did…lose me.” She swallowed hard against the lump forming in her throat. How could he know he feels that deeply for me already? It was overwhelming. “If you ever did, I would expect you to go on and be strong. That’s the way of the wolf.”

  He nodded, gently kissed her cheek, pulled her close for a moment, and released her. She felt a moment of loss being separated from him but understood he was giving her the space she needed. As a reward she flashed him a dazzling smile and squeezed his hand. Then she headed to the punch bowl.

  The doorbell rang and distracted her from her mission to get a drink. It was Hunter who answered it. Everyone in the room turned to see who the new guest would be. Rebecca was certain that it had to be a friend of Savannah’s. She couldn’t think of another person that could be coming by to see her.


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