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Latin Spice (An older man / younger woman romance novella)

Page 6

by Mia Madison

  “Ruben!” Dad said and shook his hand. “You surprised me. We’re we supposed to get together today? It’s been a hectic week.”

  “That doesn’t matter,” Mom said and waved Dad away. “Come on in. We could use you. Priscilla is having her new man over for dinner and we want to cast as many shrewd glances in his direction as possible just to make sure he’s serious about our baby girl.”

  Mom dragged Ruben in by the arm and he offered her the bouquet of roses I hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “I am kind of scary, aren’t I?”

  Huffing, Dad closed the door behind him and all I could do was blink blankly as the scene played out before me. “We don’t want to chase him away, Babe. Although… I’m all for making my prospective son-in-law nervous. It’s father 101, after all.”

  Ruben’s eyes met mine and I silently pleaded with him to make everything right.

  “Oh, these are lovely,” Mom muttered and smelled the flowers. “We’re you two supposed to do something today?”

  Dad frowned and scratched the back of his neck.

  “They’re for Priscilla,” Ruben said. “But I did bring us some wine.”

  Mom and Dad looked at the flowers, slid their gazes to the bottle of wine then to Ruben and I saw the little wheels in their heads turning. They looked to me then back to him. The moment of silence was deafening but my heart was beating hard in my ears. I realized I really wanted their support because Ruben was important to me. All my exes had been meh, just guys I was dating and passing on through, but Ruben was totally different. He was the love of my life and maybe my future husband if he wanted the job.

  Mom broke the quite with a squeal. “I win! He’s not a punk, but he’s in no way close to the multiple MBA nerd you bet on!”

  I gaped and Ruben passed me a questioning glance. He came to stand beside me and pulled me in by my waist. I held onto him, feeling as if I’d topple over. Dad simply blink at us, his expression unreadable.

  “James, if you’re going to be upset with anyone, be upset with me,” Ruben said.

  “What?” I passed Ruben a disbelieving glance. “Don’t say things like that! It makes it sound like you preyed on me or something. I made the first move.”

  Ruben cleared his throat and I blushed, realizing I’d said too much. “It just sort of happened. I’m here because I value our friendship and wanted to be up front with you and honest. I’m in love with Priscilla and promise to take good care of her. I think you know me well enough to see that I am sincere.”

  Mom just stood there with her hands folded against her chest as if she were praying while Dad ran his eyes all over Ruben. “When did this happen?” Dad finally asked, his tone full of disbelief.

  “A few weeks ago and unexpectedly,” I chimed in and pulled up the mental notes I’d taken from Jess’s lecture. “Please don’t be mad, Dad. I’m not a little girl anymore and know what I want. Besides, you don’t want me going out with guys like Tim, do you? I never told you but that night Jess and I went out, Tim showed up and got touchy. If it weren’t for Ruben, you would have gotten a call from the police.”

  “What?” Mom gasped. “Tim hurt you?”

  “He did no such thing,” Ruben said. “I stopped it before it could happen and as Priscilla is aware, I’ve taken measures to ensure that asshole never bothers her again.”

  Something passed between my father and Ruben and I got the sense Dad knew a lot more about Ruben’s past than I assumed. My father’s face lightened a fraction and he shifted his weight on his feet. “Well, I suppose there’s not much use in getting all huffy and puffy about… this.”

  Ruben passed a look to me that suggested he had expected a little more resistance. Biting my lip, I waited for the bomb to drop, but Dad didn’t start swearing or demand Ruben leave the house. He seemed to be more in shock than angry. Mom made that squeaky sound again and hugged Ruben. I could see from his expression that Ruben was caught off guard, but he accepted it.

  “So it seems Priscilla won’t be alone when we take that trip to Hawaii for the winter,” Mom said and looked pointedly at Dad. She winked at me. “My part of the bet.”

  “Bet?” Ruben asked, looking totally dumbfounded. I almost laughed.

  “Apparently, they placed bets on what kind of guy I was bringing home. Mom opted for the punk-rocker while Dad wagered on a nerd. Needless to say, Mom was the closest.”

  Ruben cocked a brow at me and everyone stood around awkwardly. A surge of confidence raced forward. “Are we going to have dinner or just stand around and stare at each other?”

  Mom laughed, apparently delighted. She took Ruben by the crook of his arm and led him into the kitchen. Alone with Dad, I offered him a meek smile. “Please don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not… just surprised. And a little concerned. He’s… a good man but—Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve never been this happy before,” I said, wanting to go into detail, but I was as in much shock as he was.

  “Well… who am I to judge? Your mother likes to dress up the way we met but in reality—” Dad actually blushed and chuckled uneasily. “Just forget I said that.”

  I grinned, figuring there was a juicy and illicit story there. I could accept things were going to be a little weird at first, but my parents’ reaction left me feeling hopeful. Dinner went off on a great note and everyone laughed and chatted lightly. Ruben took my hands and winked at me as Mom droned on about looking forward to Hawaii. Dad teased her about them not setting ground rules for the bet, but seemed delighted and I felt as if we were one big happy family.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Several months later…


  Telling Priscilla’s parents about us had been…concerning, but I was experiencing something I wasn’t used to. I was nervous.

  James had been a little skeptical of our relationship but he’d warmed up about the whole thing and I was glad he’d come to accept it. His concerns of me being older were legitimate but I reassured him I was in this for the long haul. He never forgot to remind me that he would always look out for his daughter so I’d better not hurt her. All in all, things were going smoothly and now that Priscilla was preparing to receive her diploma next month, I was looking forward to her moving in with me. I’d offered her a job at my company, but she’d declined under the premises that pandering to rich snobs wasn’t her thing. I was proud she wanted to make her own way.

  Was I nervous about us living together? Absolutely not. She practically spent twenty-four seven in my bed as it was so it seemed like the next logical step. What was freaking me out was the little black box in my pocket. As I parked in the restaurant’s lot, my heart hammered. I’d mulled over how to propose, where, when, and with who. Hell, I’d wasted countless hours watching flash-mob proposals on YouTube for ideas, but had decided on something a little quieter and more private.

  “There they are,” Priscilla said and pointed to where her parents were standing under the canopy of the restaurant as it poured.

  With fall in full swing, the evening was chilly out so I pulled the car up to the side so she could get out. I found a space relatively close and killed the engine. Taking a deep breath, I patted my pocket, glad to know that the box was still there. I’d been doing that a lot lately. It had been too tempting to make sure I hadn’t lost it. That and I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I’d never imagined getting married but everything was different with Priscilla. I could safely say she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  She’d had the foresight to bring an umbrella and I rushed toward the restaurant. She laughed and pulled me in. “You’d be soaking wet if I didn’t check the weather.”

  I kissed her cheek. “You saved me again. What would us stupid men do without our women?”

  She beamed and I knew I was doing the right thing. When we were inside I hugged James. It was strange, but we’d always shaken hands before. Now, it was as if we were family and it felt nice. After Mom had died, I’d co
me to miss that homey feeling. It was just another thing that made Priscilla and I feel right. We got seated and James passed me a private look as we waited for our drinks. I’d told him of my intentions. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but I wanted his approval. Thankfully, he’d seemed delighted and I made him promise not to tell his wife for fear of her ruining the surprise.

  Dinner went off without a hitch and everyone chatted lightly. Priscilla was excited about finally earning her degree. She talked endlessly about an interview she had coming up and how fun it would be to work for a toy company. It was just a start but James seemed delighted she was following in his footsteps of business management. I focused on the way her cheeks rose as she smiled and how her eyes danced with light. I knew I’d never get tired of looking at her. I wondered if she’d look like this in a frilly white dress. As everyone pushed their plates away, James eyed me pointedly and I felt around for the box. I was relieved to find it hadn’t jumped out of my pocket.

  Priscilla squeezed my thigh. “Are you feeling okay? You’re really quiet. Either that, or I’m talking way too much. I’m just excited about graduating.”

  “You have every right to be.” I smiled tightly and cleared my throat. I was aware James’s attention was on me and I wondered how he’d proposed to his wife and if he’d experienced the same thing. I’d had no problem looking down the barrel of a gun but presenting a ring to Priscilla left me shaking in my expensive shoes. But like I’d told myself after Mom had moved us to Chicago—it was time to grow up and be a man. I loved this woman and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I just prayed she wanted the same.

  “Priscilla.” I took a sip of water, my throat feeling raw. “I ah, liked that we could all get together like this.”

  “Me too! We should do this again sometime.”

  “I had a reason for getting everyone together. I’ve never done this before but… I’m sure about it.” I fumbled for the box, my fingers feeling numb and clumsy. As I revealed the velvet box, her mother gasped. I nearly tripped over my feet as I came to stand. Priscilla’s eyes widened as I dropped to one knee and I saw in her gorgeous face my entire future. “Priscilla Harmon…”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’d seen Ruben pull out a little black box and watched as he kneeled in front of me but it didn’t seem real. Nope. I must have dropped something and he was being a gentleman and picking it up. Surely, that wasn’t a ring box, either. My breath hitched as his eyes connected with mine and I knew what was happening. Everyone around us went silent.

  “Priscilla Harmon,” he said and took my hand, his own trembling. “Sometimes things happen in the most unexpected of ways with the most unassuming of people. No matter the gaps between us or the issues, I’m confident we can work through them. You’ve made me a happy man, more than I ever thought a woman could. I want to do the same for you because one smile and my day is instantly better. I look forward to when I can see you again and hear your laughter. My place is now something I want to come back to because you’ve filled it with life. I’m totally and undeniably in love with you.”

  I couldn’t breathe. My brain had forgotten how to work my respiratory system. I was aware everyone’s attention was on us and Mom was ready to burst out in tears. Ruben’s hand shook as he unclipped the ring and I realized I’d never seen him like this before. He was nervous and unsure of himself and I realized he’d probably didn’t let very many people see this side of him. It made me feel special, as if he’d let me in, as if we were bonded in a way. He chuckled uneasily and got the box open but the ring went tumbling under the table.

  “Got it! I got it,” Ruben said and dived under the cloth. He hit his head coming back up but I could do nothing than stare… and try not to cry because I never thought he might want to marry me, and so soon. His voice was hoarse. “Priscilla Harmon. Would you marry me?”

  “Say yes, damn it!” Mom growled and sniffled.

  “Absolutely, one-hundred percent yes,” I managed and watched as Ruben slid the glittering diamond ring on my finger.

  Everyone burst out in applause and Dad ordered a round of champagne for us. Rueben returned to his seat and laughed awkwardly as he rubbed his head. I scooted closer to make sure he was okay. It was adorable watching him stumble all over himself and I knew without a doubt he loved me. A man didn’t act like that unless he was crazy for a girl.

  “I’m going to feel that for a while,” he said. “You knocked me out long ago but now I’ll have the bump to prove it.”

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed until I hiccupped. Rueben was amused and kissed me on the cheek. I could see from his expression that he wanted to get me alone and I squeezed his thigh under the table to let him know I was on board with the plan. We enjoyed a quick dessert and took pictures for my parents. Mom gushed over the size of my ring’s stone and talked endlessly about flowers and venues. We finally left at quarter to nine and I hugged my parents goodbye.

  As soon as we were in Ruben’s car, he pulled me into a commanding kiss, his tongue ruling mine. His warm palm skimmed the outside of my leg and dipped down to cup my ass.

  “Not here,” Ruben rasped. “What I want to do to you requires the use of space and privacy.”

  I made a sound of frustration as my pussy throbbed. He knew how to get me going. He offered me a male chuckle of satisfaction and got the car running. The drive home was excruciating, his fingers inching closer to my crotch with every mile. I thought he might go for it, but he was a tease. We could barely contain ourselves up to his condo and the moment we were in the door, he pushed me against the wall and ravaged my mouth. He kissed me until I was breathless and my body writhed against his hard angles.

  He broke away and took my right hand. He kissed my fingers and skimmed the ring with his thumb. His smile was gorgeous and I saw in his eyes true happiness. “Let me accompany you to bed, Mrs. Acosta.”

  I squeaked as he lifted me off my feet and carried me toward his bed.

  “Rueben, we’re not married yet!” I said and giggled. I’d never had a man carry me before and it made me feel feminine. “You’re supposed to wait.”

  “I told you, baby. I don’t play by the rules,” he growled and set me on the mattress. He covered me with his body and I knew what it was like to experience heaven… only my version was much more… naughty.

  About the Author

  In the mood for something decadent, delicious, and provocative? Meet Mia Madison, purveyor of Forbidden Fantasies Romance. Come in, sit back, and relax. The candles are lit, and the dancing shadows on the wall promise sexy, seductive tales of spine-tingling love, leading to a pleasure-drenched happy-ever-after.

  You'll discover young women eager for experience, who have scorching encounters with older men who know exactly what they're doing between the sheets. In Mia Madison's world, anything can—and does—happen. So leave your inhibitions at the door and come along for the ride.

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