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The Mitfords

Page 78

by Charlotte Mosley

  1 Diana had finally decided to move to a flat in Paris.

  2 John Selwyn Lloyd (1904–78). British Foreign Secretary 1955–60.

  1 James Callaghan (1912–2005). Labour Prime Minister 1976–9. Married Audrey Moulton in 1938. Created life peer in 1987.

  2 Edwin Bramall (1923–). Chief of the Defence Staff 1982–9. Created Field Marshal in 1982, life peer in 1987 and Knight of the Garter in 1990.

  3 As Colonel of the 2nd Gurkha Battalion, Lord Bramall had a Gurkha soldier as his driver.

  4 The party for the bookshop’s annual literary prize was held at Chatsworth.

  1 Denis Nevin; the butler at Lismore.

  1 Diana had moved to a flat in the same street as her son Alexander and daughter-inlaw Charlotte.

  2 Consuelo Papasin; Diana’s Filipino housekeeper.

  3 The main spare bedrooms at Chatsworth

  1 Author of Diana Mosley, A Life (1999).

  2 James Lees-Milne had died on 28 December 1997, in his ninetieth year.

  1 Jean-Noël Liaut (1966–). Anglophile writer who first met Diana in 1998 when he interviewed her for a biography of Hubert de Givenchy. They became close friends and saw each other several times a week until her death.

  2 Laura Waugh died of pneumonia in June 1973.

  1 Michael Tree (1921–99). Married Deborah’s sister-in-law, Anne Cavendish, in 1949.

  1 Robert Runcie (1921–2000). Archbishop of Canterbury 1980–91.

  1 In 1935, the Marquess of Tavistock, later the 12th Duke of Bedford, was sued by his wife for restitution of her ‘conjugal rights’, i.e. resumption of sexual relations. The Duke claimed that he was justified in denying them because Lady Tavistock was having an affair with their son’s tutor.

  2 The former Tory MP Neil Hamilton had brought a libel case against Harrods owner Mohamed Fayed who accused him of taking money in exchange for asking questions in the House of Commons.

  1 A letter written by Lady Redesdale at the time of Jessica’s elopement, in which she begged her daughter to come home and blamed herself for Jessica’s unhappiness, had been found by Mary S. Lovell while researching her biography, The Mitford Girls (2001).

  1 In her diary, Deborah had described her contemporary as ‘a tarty-looking girl’ who had gained a reputation for getting drunk and ‘playing the fool’ early in the Season. Three times married, Pamela Digby was famous for her numerous lovers, who included Aly Khan, Gianni Agnelli and Elie de Rothschild.

  1 A revised edition of Chatsworth: The House (2002).

  1 The novelist’s correspondence was published in 2000, edited by Zachary Leader.

  2 The Prime Minister’s youngest son, Leo Blair, was born on 20 May.

  1 Christopher Simon Sykes (1948–). Author and photographer.

  2 Queen Sonja of Norway.

  3 Federico Forquet, fashion designer, interior decorator and garden designer.

  4 Jean Guéguinou (1941–). French ambassador to London 1993–8, to the Vatican 1998–2000, and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO since 2003.

  5 Luc Bouniol-Laffont; chairman of the baroque ensemble ‘Les Arts Florissants’.

  6 Hugh Roberts (1948–). Director of the Royal Collection since 1996. Married Jane Low, Librarian and Curator of the Print Room at the Royal Library, Windsor, in 1975.

  7 Neil McGregor (1946–). Director of the London National Gallery 1987–2002, and of the British Museum since 2002.

  8 Alan Shimwell; a long-time chauffeur at Chatsworth.

  1 Juliet Nicolson had interviewed Diana for the December 2000 issue of Tatler and quoted her as saying of Hitler, ‘I was very fond of him. Very, very fond.’

  1 Thomas Hardy, New Year’s Eve, the last verse of which reads:

  ’He sank to raptness as of yore,

  And opening New Year’s Day

  Wove it by rote as theretofore,

  And went on working evermore

  In his unweeting way.’

  2 Katie Law (1960–). The daughter of Nancy’s friend Joy Law and deputy literary editor of the Evening Standard since 1989. Married Andrew Campbell in 1990. Their children, Nell, Archie and Constance, were nine, eight and five years old respectively.

  3 A new edition of A Life of Contrasts, published by Gibson Square Books (2002).

  4 Jasmine Guinness (1976–). Diana’s great-granddaughter had given birth to a son, Arthur Elwood.


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader’s tools.

  Titles and ranks are generally the latest mentioned in the text.

  Abdy, Sir Robert and Jane, Lady (née Noble), 466 & n, 503–4

  Abingdon, Elizabeth, Countess of (née Stuart-Wortley; Bettine), 474 & n

  Abrahams, William, 654, 669

  Acton, (Sir) Harold: friendship with Nancy 9

  visits Diana, 229 & n

  speaking voice, 242

  Deborah visits, 608–10

  death, 740–1

  Memoirs of an Aesthete, 146 & n

  Nancy Mitford, A Memoir, 609 & n, 613, 629–31

  Airlie, Bridget, Countess of (née Coke), 118–19 & n, 171, 377, 559

  Airlie, David Lyulph Ogilvie, 12th Earl of, 119n

  Albee, Edward: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 380

  Aldermaston March (anti-nuclear), 307 & n

  Aldridge, Anne, 607 & n

  Alexandra of Kent, Princess, 391n

  Allen, Jay Presson, 668 & n

  Allen, W.E.D. (Bill), 38, 75 & n, 77

  Almasy, Count Janos von, 76& n, 97

  Alphand, Hervé, 234 & n, 361–3, 462

  Amende, May, 484–5 & n

  American Weekly, The, 210

  Amies, Hardy, 316

  Amis, Kingsley, 798

  Amory, Mark: Lord Berners, The Last Eccentric, 784 & n

  Ancram, Michael Kerr, Earl of, 425

  Andia, Marquis of, 794–5

  Andrews, Julie, 442–3

  Angelou, Maya, xv

  Anne, Princess, 391, 765

  Annenberg, Walter, 662

  Anrep, Boris, 760

  Anstruther-Gray, William, 46 & n

  Antiques Roadshow, The (TV programme), 768

  Aosta, Duchess of, 150–1

  Arent, Benno von, 113n

  Arent, Kukuli von, 113–15

  Arran, Arthur Gore, 8th Earl of (‘Boofy’), 433 & n

  as Diana’s close friend, 803

  Ashton, Frederick, 703

  Astaire, Adele see Cavendish, Lady Charles

  Astaire, Ann, 304n, 384

  Astaire, Fred, 30n

  Asthall Manor, Cotswolds, 3, 699, 709–11, 746

  Astor, John Jacob, 560

  Astor, William Waldorf, 3rd Viscount, 399–400, 454

  Aurore (Paris newspaper), 228

  Austria: Germany annexes (Anschluss), 122n, 123n

  pro-Nazi sentiments, 122

  Aykim, Mrs, 379

  Bacon, Francis, 503

  Baglion, Count Jean de (‘County’): visit to Rome, 37

  accent, 283 & n

  and Nancy’s dresses, 335

  visits Diana, 354, 511, 513

  visits Deborah, 517

  Diana lunches with, 526

  and death of Constant Plantin’s uncle, 587

  bridge-playing, 622 & n

  death, 764, 803

  Baigent, Michael et al.: The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, 683 & n

  Bailey, Sir Abe, 740

  Bailey, Anthony, 159n

  Bailey, Christopher, 159n

  Bailey, Dorothy (née Bowles; ‘Aunt Weenie’), 85 & n, 166, 170, 228–9, 278, 349, 410, 515, 772

  Bailey, Edward (‘Fred’), 343 & n

  Bailey, Percy, 86n, 166

  Bailey, Rosemary, 700

  Bailey, Timothy, 159 & n, 242, 463, 732

  Balmain (dressmaker), 236

  Balzac, Honoré de: Diana translates, 254n

mber, B., 16

  Barbirolli, Sir John, 296, 313

  Baring, Maurice: C (novel), 195

  Barnard, Dr Christiaan, 505n

  Barnes, Maud, 411

  Barnes, Michael, 636

  Baruch, Bernard, 256 & n

  Batsford Park, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, 3, 699–70, 746–7

  Baum, Eva, 68 & n

  Bayreuth, 125, 128, 131, 134, 338, 516

  Beaton, Cecil: portrays Mitfords, xv

  visits Swinbrook, 156 & n

  and Deborah’s wedding dress, 173

  visits Heywood Hill bookshop, 188

  romance with Greta Garbo, 227 & n

  in Jamaica, 374

  Deborah lunches with in Washington, 384

  worries over wrinkle, 550

  death, 657

  Vickers’s biography of, 703

  Beaufort, David Somerset, 11th Duke of, 355 & n, 452, 767

  Beauvau-Craon, Prince Marc de, 219 & n

  Beauvoir, Simone de, 414, 427, 587

  Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, 61, 69, 462

  Beckett, John, 84 & n

  Beckmann, Max, 112n

  Bedford, John Robert Russell, 13th Duke of, 495, 497

  Beecham, Sir Thomas, 466, 514

  Beistegui, Charles, 274n

  Beit, Sir Alfred, 81n

  Beit, Clementine, Lady see Mitford, Clementine

  Belfrage, Sally, 743, 745, 752

  Bell, Angelica, 457 & n

  Belmore, John Lowry-Corry, 8th Earl of, 685

  Benn, Tony, 612

  Bérard, Christian (Bébé), 310 & n

  Béraud, Diane (née Peach), 776–7

  Béraud, Jean-Pierre, 666

  killed in car accident, 775–6 & n

  Berchtesgaden, 127

  Berenson, Mary (née Smith), 764

  Beresford, Lord William, 389

  Bergery, Bettina (née Jones), 339 & n, 348, 437, 453

  Berghof, Obersalzburg, 125–6 & n

  Berlin: Soviet blockade, 249n

  Bermuda, 359 & n, 361

  Bernal, Martin and Judy, 723

  Bernal, Sophy, 723

  Berners, Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron: entertains Mitfords, xv

  runs horse in Grand National, 86 & n

  in Oxford, 184

  visits to Diana, 193, 205, 229

  Violet Hammersley visits, 248

  fainting attack, 249

  illness and death, 259–60 & n

  in Munich, 260

  relations with Diana, 761, 803

  biography of, 784 & n

  Bernstein, Henry, 133

  Berry, Lady Pamela (née Smith; later Hartwell), 313 & n

  Betjeman, (Sir) John: friendship with Nancy, 9

  proposes to Pamela, 35

  marriage to Penelope, 53n, 298n

  and Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, 180n, 298n

  visits Chatsworth, 298

  Snowdon imitates, 374

  broadcasts on Waugh, 484

  visits Diana, 665

  Parkinson’s disease, 675

  letter from Ireland, 680

  criticized in review, 722

  Betjeman, Penelope (née Chetwode), 53, 495, 691

  Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, 13

  Biddesden, Wiltshire, 9, 33–4,118

  Bigham, Andrew, 491

  Birch, Nigel, 26 & n, 151, 184, 518

  Birkenhead, Frederick Winston Furneaux Smith, 2nd Earl of, 330n, 331

  Bismarck, Anne-Marie von, 622, 713

  Bismarck, Count Edward von, 231n

  Bismarck, Mona see Williams, Mrs Harrison

  Blackwell, Blanche (née Lindo), 777& n

  Blaikie, Dr Stephen, 567 & n, 609

  Blair, Leo, 799

  Blair, Tony, 799

  Bleckman, Heine, 122

  Blum, Léon, 227 & n

  Blum, Maître Suzanne, 711

  Boldini, Giovanni, 759

  Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, 680

  Books and Bookmen (magazine), 604

  Boothby, Robert (later Baron), 236 & n, 257, 271, 402n, 444, 581, 717

  ‘Boudledidge’ (private language), 14n

  Boulestin, Marcel, 278 & n

  Bouniol-Laffont, Luc, 800n

  Bourdet, Denise (née Rémon), 221 & n

  Bourdet, Edouard, 221n

  Bousquet, Jacques, 225

  Bousquet, Marie-Louise (née Vallantin), 225 & n, 239, 278

  Bowen, Elizabeth, 296

  Bowles, Geoffrey, 197 & n, 746, 772, 794–5

  Bowles, George, 22 & n, 153, 202–3, 425

  Bowles, Julia, 153 & n

  Bowles, Madeleine (née Tobin), 22n, 153

  Bowles, Michael, 500, 502

  Bowles, Sydney Isabella, 99n

  Bowles, Thomas (b.1934), 153 & n

  Bowles, Thomas Gibson, xv, 99n, 618n

  Bowra, Maurice, 361 & n

  Boyle, Edward, 454 & n

  Brain, Richard, 349

  Brains Trust, The (radio programme), 308, 310

  Bramall, Field Marshal Edwin, Baron, 789

  Brandolini d’Adda, Count Brandolino, 436 & n, 467, 469, 520

  Brandolini d’Adda, Countess Cristiana (née Agnelli), 511 & n, 673

  Brandt, Karl, 116

  Brard, Madame (concierge), 289, 474–5

  Brazil, Angela, 97

  Brenan, Gerald, 456 & n

  Breslau, 130–1

  Brett, Virginia, 559

  Britain: declares war on Germany, 139n, 143

  British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): Mosley attempts to have committed for contempt of court, 451 & n

  documentary on Jessica, 629, 634, 636–7, 646

  British Union of Fascists (BUF): Mosley forms and develops, 10, 36

  Unity joins, 33

  Nancy attends meetings, 34

  anti-Semitism, 36

  unpopularity, 38

  Olympia meeting (1934), 46

  financial difficulties, 84n

  Broglie, Prince Jean de, 227n

  Brook, Peter, 270n

  Broughshane, Kensington Davison, 3rd Baron, 368 & n

  Brousse, Jacques, 353

  Brown Book of the Hitler Terror, The, 39

  Brown, George, 501

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 226n

  Bruce, David, 391

  Bruce, Evangeline (née Bell), 444 & n

  Brückner, Wilhelm, 54, 64, 75

  Buccleuch, Mary, Duchess of (née Lascelles Molly), 546 & n

  Buchanan, Handasyde, 390 & n

  Buchman, Frank, 84 & n, 109–10

  Buchwald, Art, 295n

  Buckingham Palace: Deborah visits, 232, 355

  Budd, Margaret (née Cross), 742 & n

  Bullock, Malcolm, 449

  Bunce, Mrs (pub licencee), 172

  Burke, Kitty, 498

  Burlington, William Cavendish, Earl of (Peregrine’s son; ‘Willie Whitelaw’), 580 & n, 728n, 786n

  Burn, Michael (Micky), 63, 65n

  Buxton, Colonel, 157

  Byng, Henriette (née Mabille de Poncheville Yette), 760

  Byron, Robert: friendship with Nancy, 9, 27n

  enjoys Nancy’s Christmas Pudding, 26

  drowned, 181; The Road to Oxiana, 27n

  Cabrol, Baronne Daisy de (née Harcourt), 284n

  Cabrol, Baron Frédéric de, 273

  Cadogan, William, 7th Earl, 303

  Caetani, Princess Cora (née Antinori), 327

  Cailloux, Joseph, 228n

  Cairns, Hugh, 247 & n, 251–2

  Callaghan, James, Baron and Audrey, Lady (née Moulton), 789

  Cameron, Patrick, 13 & n, 284, 336

  Campbell, Katie (née Law), 803

  Campbell, Mrs (of Inch Kenneth), 368

  Canada: Redesdales prospect for gold in, 17n, 19

  Canfield, Cass, Jr, 298 & n, 334, 470

  Cannon, Mornington, 196n

  Cannon, Mrs (Mornington’s mother), 195

  Capote, Truman: In Cold Blood, 455, 470

y, John, 723n

  Carlyle, Thomas, 286 & n, 297n

  Carnarvon, Almina, Countess of (née Wombwell), 182 & n

  Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 6th Earl of, 450n

  Carnarvon, Ottilie, Countess of see Losch, Ottilie (Tilly)

  Carr, Mrs (Chatsworth housekeeper), 665

  Carrington, Dora, 23n, 456 & n, 760

  Carritt, David, 463

  Castillo, Antonio del, 305 & n, 437

  Castlerosse, Doris, Viscountess (‘Dolly’), 26 & n, 28

  Cavendish, Lord Andrew see Devonshire, 11th Duke of

  Cavendish, Lady Anne (‘Tig’) see Tree, Lady Anne

  Cavendish, Lady Celina (Peregrine’s daughter), 562

  Cavendish, Lord Charles: marriage to Adele Astaire, 30n

  Cavendish, Lady Charles (Adele Astaire; ‘Delly’), 28, 30n, 304n, 385

  Cavendish, Lady Elizabeth (‘Deacon’), 180n, 195, 218, 273, 298n, 374, 546, 622 & n

  Cavendish, Lady Emma (Deborah’s daughter) see Tennant, Lady Emma

  Cavendish, Lord Peregrine see Hartington, Peregrine Andrew Morny Cavendish, Marquess of

  Cavendish, Lady Sophia Louise Sydney (Deborah’s daughter Sophy): birth, 293–4

  childhood, 303–4, 346

  Epstein bust of, 311 & n, 314

  in Nancy’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 340

  protests against childhood name, 340

  encounter with Duncan Sandys, 366

  talks to President Kennedy, 400

  on noise from damaged car, 417

  schooling, 421

  Jessica sends toy guillotine to, 441

  school examinations, 450

  Nancy’s advice on upbringing, 504

  on The Public, 510

  marriage to Alastair Morrison, 656 & n

  marries Anthony Murphy, 656n

  visits Asthall and other houses with Pamela, 699

  and Selina Hastings’s book launch, 705

  Jessica advises on reading matter, 713–14

  fortieth birthday, 779

  The Mitford Family Album, 694 & n

  Cecil, Lord David, 136

  Cecil, Lady David (née Rachel McCarthy), 137n

  Cecil, Jonathan, 127n

  Chabillon, Marquis de, 233

  Chagall, Marc, 112 n

  Chaliapin, Feodor, 20 & n

  Chamberlain, Neville, 41, 138, 147

  Chambrun, Count de, 273

  Channon, Sir Henry (‘Chips’), 23, 501 & n

  Channon, Ingrid (earlier Guinness), 21n, 318, 338–9 369 & n, 456, 513

  Chapman & Hall (publishers), 228n

  Charles, Prince of Wales (‘Friend’), 541n, 583, 664, 726, 765 & n, 777

  Chateaubriand, François René, Vicomte de, 587; Mémoires d’outre-tombe, 184

  Chatsworth House, Derbyshire: in wartime, 190 & n

  cleared and improved, 215

  family returns to and improves on death of 10th Duke, 267


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