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Beth's Dilemma

Page 6

by Laran Mithras

  Bill collapsed on top of her, hoarsely drawing and expelling breaths. His body twitched on her a few times, his cock sending a last few spurts into her.

  So forbidden… She drifted dreamily, thinking of Roger, holding tight to her husband as his breathing slowed. Why did this one feel so fulfilling?

  ~ ~ ~

  Beth still talked to Lynne on the phone and their conversations were easy and breezy. However, both avoided the topic of her last visit. Two months had passed. If Lynne felt disappointed, it didn't come out in the phone calls.

  Beth effortlessly shifted names around on the schedule. Some couldn't work nights. Others could. Others couldn't work days. Others could work both. She knew them all reflexively now and created a schedule to allow for a vacation. It created no stress.

  She was tapping her pen against her chin, finishing the schedule for the next two weeks. Her mouse hand darted and clicked. I miss my friend. And the coffees. Maybe she's gotten the message I'm not into lesbian. Curiosity cornered her thinking. Maybe Roger's thing has died out? Just a temporary crush kind of thing? Thoughts of Roger passed through her. She was wary of those thoughts, and did her best to keep them quiet. She had dreamed about him a few times, apparently from Bill's mention of him.

  She glanced at the clock. Lunch was two hours away, yet. If I go, what would happen? Would she apologize? Be happy to see me?

  ~ ~ ~

  Beth took a breath and went in.

  Candi watched her entry with surprise and worry. Her voice caught with uncertainty. "Hi, Beth."

  She smiled at the girl. "Two cinna-cocoas."

  The little girl's apprehension evaporated and she went about pouring with a happy smile.

  I wonder what she had thought? She paid and lifted the two mugs. With steps that were filled with tension and terror, she stepped into Lynne's office.

  Her friend was on the phone and her eyes lit up at Beth's entry. She waved to a chair. She said into the phone, "Your favorite person just walked in."

  Beth stood there with the coffee. She's talking to my husband? Or hers? About what?

  Lynne giggled. "Yep, I know. Love you, too."

  Not my husband, then. Hers. He still likes me?

  "Okay, yep. Bye." She hung up the phone and stood. She came around the desk and took the offered cup. "Well, hi stranger."

  How embarrassing. My previous absence is hanging right between us. "Hi." She backed up a little, away from the chair to lean against one of the built-in oak counters with cabinets beneath.

  Lynne moved with her, but let Beth widen the distance. She looked curiously at her. "I began to think you were mad at me."

  Which couldn't be true, because they talked on the phone quite a bit. Beth twisted her mouth with determination. "I…"

  Disappointment dropped onto Lynne's face. "You were?"

  She shook her head. "No… I guess what happened here made me a little uncomfortable."

  The disappointment deepened. She set down her cup and gently took Beth's to set it aside. She held out her arms. "I'm sorry."

  Beth let her friend hug her; it was a tight squeeze followed by a release. There was nothing sexual in it.

  Her friend frowned. "Really. I'm sorry. I just thought…" She trailed off.

  With the opportunity, she put her worry on the table. "It's just…I'm not a lesbian. I don't go that way."

  Lynne looked stunned. "I didn't think you were. Neither am I…"

  "But you…"

  The silence hung between them, waiting for one of them to gather whatever courage to touch it. They took up their coffee cups for something to do, but the silence stretched.

  Finally, Lynne said, "I'm not interested in you that way, girl, believe me."

  Beth's eyes shifted to the chair without any control. She snapped her look back to her friend.

  But Lynne saw it. She frowned and shook her head. "Despite what you might think, I have no desire to be with a woman."

  Beth laughed a little with relief.

  "What I did…"

  She watched her friend closely, examining her demeanor and discomfort.

  Lynne took a breath. "What I did was just something I felt was the right thing to do, considering what we were talking about."

  She stayed quiet, looking into her friend's eyes.

  "It was sort of an intimate subject and seemed to need an intimate gesture. I didn't want our talk seeming clinical or something."

  An image of Lynne in a white lab coat holding a clipboard made her giggle. "Doctor Lynne?"

  Her friend's answering giggle held some relief.

  Beth tilted her head a little as if shrugging off the last of her conversational obstacles. "I was worried about doing something that I wasn't…"

  Lynne stepped closer, glancing at the door. "I didn't do it to be lesbian; I did it to help you with what you were going through."

  That made Beth feel a lot better.

  "How is everything at home, anyway?"


  Beth leaned back against the counter, relieved that they could talk and the air was cleared between them. "Home? Fine." A smile drifted across her lips.

  One that mirrored it took a lazy stroll across Lynne's lips. She gripped her coffee cup just below her chin and breathed in the aroma. One eyebrow quirked up. "Care to elaborate?"

  Beth relaxed some, holding her cup in the same position. Still too hot to drink, she just held it there and took strength from the smell. "I guess I'm okay with his fantasy, now."

  The eyebrow arched a little higher. "You guess?"

  She suppressed a smile and fought down a rush of embarrassment. "It's been fun."

  Lynne laughed. "See? I told you it might be." She looked down, moving her lips tightly together for a second. "So, tell me…."

  "Hmm?" Beth sipped and felt the liquid warm its way to the back of her throat.

  "Has he mentioned my husband's fantasy?"

  Not wanting to dive headfirst into all that so soon, she said, "He seemed a bit disturbed that I called it 'Roger's thing.' "


  "Yeah, I got scolded for it."

  A happy smile showed Lynne's approval. "Thank you, Bill…"

  An edge of exasperation came through her words. "Oh come on, you have to admit this is all very strange."

  Lynne blinked at her. "Are you serious? This is normal. Who doesn't have fantasies?"

  Beth bugged her eyes a little and waved her free hand comically. "Hello? Me?"

  "What? Nothing? No bad-boy with razor stubble handcuffing you and whipping your ass?"

  Horror at the thought made her cringe. "What? No."

  Lynne looked at her, searching and seeking, but without accusation. "No, I don't imagine you being too kinky—"

  "I'm not kinky at all."

  A small laugh escaped her friend's mouth. "What a shame."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Come on, Beth, everyone has fantasies."

  "Well, I didn't."

  "Nothing at all?" Her friend did not look convinced.

  She shook her head in confusion. "I was happy…"

  "So all you ever wanted as you got older was Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet and take you to his palace? And you got it with Bill?"

  A blush rose up her neck. "Yes…"

  "All right, all right. Nothing wrong with that. But you're having fun with the toys?"

  "It's just the one: the bullet. Yes."

  "And you said you're having fun with Bill over his fantasy?"

  Beth paused slightly. "Well, yes."

  Lynne drained her cup and set it on the counter. Then she leaned on it with one arm, close to Beth. "And he's mentioned Roger?"

  "It's kind of private…"

  "That's my husband."

  Beth laughed nervously. "Well, yeah. I guess so." She looked down into her cup and then finished it. Placing it down, she said, "He was surprised at first, thought Roger would be chasing some blonde cheerleader or something."

A very brief flash of annoyance and consideration flashed across her friend's face. "No, he doesn't go for that. All those high school games and immaturity?"

  Beth frowned. Great, he likes old?

  Lynne's voice lowered. "He likes women who have matured in their thinking – those who've experienced life. Knowing things, rather than stupidly ignorant. Besides, we were all schoolgirls, once."

  "Ugh, don't remind me."

  "See? We've matured."

  But did I really? My thinking hasn't changed all that much since graduation… "I suppose…"

  A weary tilt of her friend's head told her she was being obtuse. "Tell me you haven't learned anything as a woman in the last twenty years?"

  Beth laughed low and brief. "Well, of course."

  A single nod. "And you recently learned your husband had a fantasy."

  She couldn't hide her smile. "But it seemed so huge…like it was going to wreck everything."

  "Oh, Beth. Where's that young woman who read the Wheel of Time? Where's your adventure? You don't accomplish great things unless you venture out and leave your complacency behind."

  "I wouldn't call his fantasy some grand adventure—"

  "Of course it was. Look at how it made you feel. You were scared. You thought the world was ending. You thought God would come down off His throne and strike you and ten thousand other people dead just because."

  Beth coughed. "I wasn't that bad."

  "The hell you weren't. You thought he was sick."

  "Well…not really sick—"



  "Don't try to cover over how you felt. Don't make excuses. Instead, look forward."

  "Forward? How?"

  A quick sigh preceded her friend's answer. "Look forward to how happy you are now. Don't dwell in the past or you will never find the happiness you already have."

  "But I was happy before his fantasy-thing."

  "It's not a thing; it's your husband's deepest emotions. Don't you want to be connected with him in life?"

  Beth stuttered, "Of—of course."

  "And you found that his fantasy, once you fought off your fears, was actually fun?"

  She held a breath and tried to think of an objection. "Well…yes…"

  Lynne gripped Beth's shoulders gently and shook her. "Wake up, girl. Move on. Let your adventure catch up to where you are with your husband."

  She started to cough a protest, but instead just let out her breath. Yes, she's right. I've been clinging to my objections and the fear. "But…" But I don't know what to do. Help.

  "But what?"


  "You said it became fun?"


  "So? Enjoy it. That's how."

  "I… I sort of am, I guess."

  Lynne turned her head away at an angle but kept eye contact. "Has he…mentioned Roger while you're…in bed?"

  Finally, she's beginning to understand how uncomfortable this can be. "Yes." Her answer was filled with relief and question. What was she to do?

  Lynne turned her head back slowly. "Those times…were fun?"

  Beth tried to look somewhere in the office for an answer. Yes, they were. But should I say it? Shouldn't I act…? No, lying about it isn't the answer. She looked back to Lynne, but there was no confidence or strength in her reply. "Yes."

  Still gripping her shoulders, Lynne stepped closer. Her voice was barely audible. "You had fun when he mentioned Roger?"

  She rolled her eyes quickly, looking upward for an answer hanging from the ceiling. But no, one wasn't there. "Yes."

  "Don't be embarrassed that you have fun with your husband." She glanced at the open door.

  "But it involves yours."

  Lynne went and shut the door quietly. She came back, head down, eyes up and direct. "There's nothing wrong with sharing with your husband or him sharing with you. Who cares?"

  Beth blinked. "But it's Roger."

  Lynne's voice was still low despite the shut door. "I'm glad."

  "But why?"

  "Don't you get it? It gives us something to talk about."

  "You talk about me?"

  Her friend nodded.

  "I mean, I know you did, but—"

  "Yes, I use you to tease him until he's out of control." Her eyes lit up and her smile was bright. "It's a lot of fun."

  "Should you be—"

  Lynne leaned in, her lips near Beth's ear. "I'm glad it's you. And I'm glad you're having fun."

  "But it seems so wrong…"

  "But it isn’t. You're exciting your husband."

  "Only because he's thinking about me being with Roger." She tried to breathe evenly. She could feel Lynne's heat close to her neck.

  Her friend's words were a whisper, shaky and eager. "Have you…cum thinking about Roger?"

  I can't answer that. No way. Admitting that would be so wrong—

  A small giggle escaped Lynne's mouth. "I can tell by your hesitation you have…"


  Even leaned back as she was, Lynne's lips were at her ear. "Shh."

  Beth's heart hammered with threat of disruption.

  Lynne said, "I think that's so hot."

  Her own words failed and her answer was a thin whisper. "Are you kidding me?" Could you be serious? Are you really telling me you think me cumming over your husband was great?

  Lynne's hand came up between Beth's legs, up under her usual jeans skirt, and touched her panties.

  Her legs trembled and her thighs shook at first, but then parted.

  Her friend's fingers massaged a rapidly growing ache that ate Beth's resolve.

  Lynne licked at her ear. "Did you imagine his cock?"

  Her already troubled breathing grew ragged. There's no use but to tell her the truth. She would know I'm lying anyway… "Yes." She closed her eyes, not wanting to see anything visual to confirm she was doing anything she hadn't thought she'd do.

  Fingers trailed up and down over Beth's panties, teasing her clit underneath. Those fingers moved up and slid down behind the material to touch it directly.

  Beth let out a sigh filled with need and relief. Her mouth stayed open and the trembling in her legs spread throughout her body.

  "I'll describe it for you, so you can tell your husband." Fingers moved down and curled upward, finding and entering Beth's aching hole.

  The slide of her friend's fingers into her lips and up into her left her paralyzed – the sliding sensation causing spirals of tension that robbed her of the ability to move. Beth moaned low.

  "He is a long and thick fit."

  She moaned louder, uncontrollably, as a wave of anticipation washed near. Her pussy clamped on Lynne's fingers and she dropped back onto the counter on her elbows. Her thighs opened wider. Why am I so shameless?

  Out of reach of her ear, Lynne looked down to where she was manipulating Beth. "He dreams of your pussy."

  A convulsion wracked her as her body tightened with the proximity of orgasm. But it receded. She moaned longer, worried that she was going to lose control. Why does this feel so good?

  Lynne shoved her fingers up and down through Beth's pussy lips. "He wants to do this with his cock."

  Beth trembled mightily, fighting the anxious feel of the approaching orgasm. It wasn't very close, but it had developed fast. "He does?"

  Lynne looked back into her eyes. "Yes." She emphasized it with her fingers. "Would you like to feel it in here?"

  Beth's pussy clamped tight and her gasp left no doubt as to her answer. But I can't. I can't!

  "You want my husband to fuck you, don't you?"

  Her trembling turned into violent shakes. Beth fought the sudden turn and approach of the orgasm. I can't! I can't!

  "You want to lay under him and let him fill you with his cock, don't you?"

  She clamped her mouth shut and gritted her teeth. Her pussy began clenching tightly, demanding and not getting. She groaned low with effort and air escaped her mouth audibly. What would it feel like?<
br />
  "You want to be naughty with my husband because you want to know, don't you?"

  Beth's mouth dropped open and she cried out softly, trying to stay quiet. Her hips pumped, totally out of control as the orgasm came closer. Would it feel like this? Would it be good?

  Lynne's voice grew eager. Her fingers shoved faster into Beth's pussy. "Yes, that's it. Fuck him. Fuck Roger. Feel his cock up in you."

  Her eyes popped out with terror. There was no way she could stop the orgasm that rose suddenly over her and descended. She stuffed her fist in her mouth and bit down. Her wail was strangled and muffled, but still echoed quietly in the office. Her pussy seized Lynne's fingers and gripped them, milking them as if they were a cock. She grunted with the effort of each squeeze, her hips thrusting lewdly towards her friend's hand.

  The orgasm was a strong one that left her confused, curious, and filled with consternation.


  What do I do? How am I supposed to resolve this? Beth felt the need growing from the curiosity. It was a new force within her, bringing with it a sense of impending adventure. Her husband's fantasy, so alien before, now wrapped her with familiarity. What had started with a reaction of horror and doom now promised mystery and daring. She finished her dinner, glancing up at her husband as if studying his face might provide an answer. What if I'm wrong?

  She waited until bed, building enough courage to say what she was going to say.

  Bill robbed her of the opportunity just as she was opening her mouth to begin. He said, "I got you something."


  "I got you something new." His grin was sexy.

  Wait, I wanted to talk… "Um…" I've finally the courage to say this and you're distracting me.

  He reached under the bed and pulled up a box. Grinning, he pulled out an already unpackaged vibrator. But this was not a bullet; it was a full-on dildo in the exact shape of a penis.

  She blinked. Uh… But I wanted to talk…

  He said, "It plugs in, too. No annoying batteries."

  Great, but… "Oh…"


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