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Earth: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Elements Book 1)

Page 10

by Ava Hardy

  Silence fell over everyone. I kept my eyes glued to the passing trees, assuming that both of these boys were daydreaming about their precious Gaia. I wasn’t really looking forward to meeting her; more specifically, I wasn’t thrilled about seeing how these two were going to act. If saying her name was enough to get them all twitterpated, I had no idea what it was going to do to them seeing her in person. But if she could tell me what I was, I think I might be able to stomach it.

  Time slowly passed by and I noticed that it was starting to get a little darker. Checking the time, I saw it was only mid-afternoon. Damn winter. I tucked my phone into the back pocket of the driver’s seat when we pulled into a large clearing. There was a large, almost magical-looking tree towards the back. As we grew closer towards it, I swore that it grew in both diameter and height, as if opening up its branches to welcome us in. Biting my lower lip, I kept my eyes on it and tried to take in all the intricate carvings on the trunk. There were colorful birds resting on the branches. They were not native to Canada, let alone North America. Flowers sprung out here and there. Movement caught my eye and I swear I saw chipmunks and rabbits playing at the base before disappearing.

  To put it simply, the tree left me speechless. It felt like it fell straight off the pages of something Walt Disney would draw. I was still staring in awe when Chris put the car in park and climbed out. Blake said something before he too climbed out. I didn’t move ’til I felt a hand on my arm. Glancing to the side, Chris was standing there with my door open. He smiled at me and said it was time to meet Gaia. I took one last look through the windshield at the tree before I undid my seat belt and slid down ’til my feet hit the grass

  Blake walked towards the tree, with Chris and me walking not far behind him. I didn’t know what to expect. Were we going inside the tree? Did we have to climb up it? Was Gaia the tree? Blake kept going ’til he was close enough to the tree and then put his hand against the trunk. Chris followed and did the same. My feet stopped moving when I watched them and, in sync, they looked back at me expectantly. Taking a deep breath, I walked forward and put my hand next to Chris’s and held the breath I took as I waited for whatever was supposed to happen, happened .

  “It’s been too long since you’ve visited me, Christopher.” The most angelic voice I had ever heard spoke and Chris nodded.

  “I know, Gaia. I apologize.” He kept his hand on the trunk and glanced up towards the branches.

  “Blake Anderson,” the voice cooed. “My favorite firefighter.”

  I looked at Blake and it was no surprise to see his face a deep red. I wanted to roll my eyes but then the voice said my name. My breath caught in my throat as I froze. I didn’t know what to say. Slowly, I started to look up towards the branches and searched for where the voice was coming from.

  “You are doubtful, Kiera. Even after you’ve been given proof that the knowledge that these two gifted shifters possess is true, you still question them and yourself. You must believe, Kiera.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, anything, to excuse the fact that it was all a bit surreal to take in. Nothing came out and I had no idea if it was just me with cold feet or if something was preventing me from speaking.

  “We have come to ask for your help,” Chris expressed softly, his eyes back in the branches. A soft, warm breeze blew over us and warmed me instantly. Snow would be falling later that night, but right then, it felt like we were standing on a beach in California.

  “I will always help my children when I’m able,” the voice said just as a bright light started to form to my right. I looked over, watching as the silhouette of a woman became clearer. I could hear Chris’s breathing become a little erratic behind me and Blake whimper. I wanted to tell them to get a grip.

  When the light faded, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen stood naked before us. Her hair was a rich red color, cascading down around her shoulders like a waterfall. It was long enough that it covered most of her breasts. There was enough exposed that I’m sure caught the attention of the two males. Her figure was perfect. Her skin lightly kissed by the sun, soft-looking and not a mark or blemish on it. I looked over her face and then the rest of her. She was the definition of perfect and I could see why men smiled whenever they thought of her.

  “Gaia?” I asked, having a feeling that it would be a few minutes before the men picked their jaws up off the floor to do an introduction.

  “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Kiera!” Gaia moved towards me and wrapped her arms around my body. I couldn’t help but automatically wrap my arms back around her, not bothered by her lack of clothing. Even her hugs were perfect.

  As I hugged Gaia, I realized that this was exactly what I needed. After the traveling with two men, the fighting with the Defenders, and all the information thrown at me, I just needed something to ground me. I needed something to remind me what we were trying to save. I almost felt myself getting a little choked up as we pulled away and she gave me a comforting smile.

  “I hope these two are taking good care of you,” the woman said as she glanced from me to look at Blake and then Chris. There was some shifting of weight as they stood there, obviously uncomfortable by the answer that I could possibly give.

  I glanced over at them and wondered if I should be honest or just lie to protect them from whatever Gaia might do. As if she could sense my hesitation, she told them both to go wait in the SUV. “It’s time for the girls to talk,” she stated simply, using her hands to shoo them away.

  I couldn’t help but watch them walk back towards the vehicle. I didn’t know what it was about the two of them but they were growing on me and I felt like we were starting to slowly bond with one another. When I looked back towards Gaia, she was wearing a long elegant silk dress. I wanted to suggest that she appear with that on in the future, especially when men were present, but I bit my tongue.

  Taking my elbow, she walked me over towards the trunk of the tree, where we sat down in the softest green grass that I had ever felt. The branches of the tree fell down to create a curtain around us, shielding us from prying eyes and creating this layer of warmth that made me forget about the jacket I had left in the car.

  “Are you hungry, sweetheart?” Gaia asked me, her eyes twinkling as she looked at me. “How about some berries?”

  Out of nowhere, a variety of berries appeared beside us on a tray. I jumped a little.

  “Are you a witch?” I questioned in a whisper. Part of me was afraid that she would be offended by the question.

  Gaia laughed and shook her head as she kept eye contact with me. Reaching out, she grabbed some berries without looking and ate them before answering. “No, I’m not a witch. Most people refer to me as Mother Earth.”

  Everything suddenly made sense.

  “You choose who becomes Gifted, don’t you? That’s why they react to you the way they do,” I said.

  Gaia nodded her head, smiling a little. She grabbed a couple more grapes and ate them slowly. “You mustn’t worry about how they act around me. It has nothing to do with how they feel. It’s a chemical reaction that occurs when any shifter is near me. It doesn’t matter if it’s male or female.”

  I shrugged off her suggestion. I wasn’t worried about how they act. I mean I was, a little, but she didn’t need to know that.

  Gaia looked at me curiously and I felt like I was under examination. Was I not what she expected? Was I not good enough to save the world?

  “You are destined for each other,” Gaia explained softly. She wiped the berry juice on her fingers onto her dress, not bothered by the purple color that was left behind. “And I don’t think you understand to what extent.”

  “They told me that we have to work together to get the elements and then we can help save the world. They mentioned collectors and their Gifted in previous generations, but that sounded like they were more bored than anything.”

  Gaia nodded slightly before she smiled. “It’s not just because they were bored. It’s because the connection
is too strong. When a collector meets her Gifted, their hearts become intertwined and one cannot live without the other. You may not feel it now but you, Chris, and Blake are connected. When you find the rest of your team, it will be the same for them. They will join you and it will feel like they have been with you this whole time. There is no jealousy among your Gifted. They each provide you something that you need, and in return, you give them what they are missing.”

  She stopped talking as I shook my head. There was no way that this was happening. Absolutely, positively no way.

  “You’re talking about a romantic relationship, right? Soulmates, life partners, all of that?” I questioned. There was no way. I felt like laughing.

  “I am and you’ll see...”

  “No way,” I interrupted her. “Chris barely speaks to me. Yes, he’s handsome and everything, but there has to be more than that. Blake. He is kind of all over the place. One second, he’s flirting with me, or at least I think he is. The next, he’s annoyed that I’m questioning things or teasing them about killing me and putting my body in a barrel.”

  The look on Gaia’s face was one of disgust and I realized that I probably shouldn’t have mentioned the last part. It was a little gruesome, sure. But Mr. Firefighter should be okay with it. Right?

  “They are your Gifted, Kiera. Since they were pups, they have heard the legends of those that came before them and how many lives they have saved. They know how important a collector is and every young male pup dreams about becoming a Gifted. When they are of age, I choose those I think worthy and they pledge their lives to never let anything happen to the female destined for them. Suggesting that they would want to harm you, let alone kill you, is the last thing on their mind.” Gaia’s explanation made sense. It really did, and for a moment, I felt bad for teasing them so much about it.

  “You have to understand where I am coming from though. Two strange men show up at my work, tell me some seriously fucked-up story about saving the world and they want me to go on a road trip to find some mythical element. I thought I was crazy and heading off to meet my doom. The world is a really scary place and I’m learning really quick that there is more to it than I thought.” I was trying to explain the best I could without sounding like a nutcase. My hands moved through the air as I spoke, and Gaia just sat there eating more berries.

  “Under normal circumstances, they probably would have befriended you and then presented the information in a better manner. Time is of the essence and I’m sure the boys, especially Chris, are feeling a little stressed.” Of course Gaia was going to defend her children, as she called them.

  I sighed and leaned back a little, letting my shoulder rest against the tree. “I still don’t believe that we’re destined to be together.”

  “You must be patient, Kiera. This situation is new to all three of you. I picked Chris and Blake special for you and the reasons will become clear in time.” Gaia smiled at me and then picked a flower from near the base of the tree. She reached over and tucked it behind my ear. I couldn’t help but smile as her fingers trailed over my cheek and it reminded me of something that my mother did when I was younger.

  “They are just as closed off as you are. But it’ll all work out in time; you’ll see.” Gaia smiled at me again. “You still have doubts though. Not just about them but about yourself. Why?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. There wasn’t much to say. I had never been one of the popular girls. I felt like I was ordinary-looking and had had a few boyfriends here and there. Sure, they weren’t serious but I didn’t need to tell her that.

  “You are a strong, beautiful woman. You will do great things. I know that you won’t believe me right now but you’ll see.” Gaia smiled again. “What do you say we bring the boys back over? I have a few questions for them.”

  I nodded my head and watched as the branches closest to the car spread apart. Gaia waved the men over and I felt the temperature rise several degrees, keeping the cold air out. I watched as Chris climbed out, holding my jacket in his hands. I smiled to myself and ignored the look that Gaia was giving me.

  “Thank you for joining us again,” Gaia told them when they stepped through the curtain of branches. The open gap behind them closed and Gaia looked towards me. “Please sit. Have some fruit, if you’d like”

  Blake sat down next to me, grabbing a few strawberries but keeping his eyes on the other woman. I had to smile. It was a little obvious why he sat near me and it wasn’t to be close. The view was better. Chris sat down near Gaia and politely declined any fruit. He held out my coat and I thanked him for bringing it. I draped it over my lap and then decided to pick up an apple, taking a bite as soon as it was close enough.

  “Chris, do you know without a doubt that Kiera is your collector?” Gaia asked, not beating around the bush. Most people might get a little defensive but she had a way about speaking; the tone of her voice almost made you feel like you were floating. Between her and Chris, I was going to be a melted mess floating around ’til someone brought me back down to earth.

  “I do,” Chris answered without a second thought.

  “How?” Gaia wanted him to explain and I was wondering what she was getting at. I leaned back against the tree, my eyes watching Chris closely. When he looked up to meet my gaze, I felt my heart jump in my chest and my breath stopped.

  “I searched for a long time. The months turned into years. Sometimes I would give up, return home and question my ability to be a Gifted. It wasn’t in my nature to question you and your decisions so I would go back to the drawing board, search again. I ran into Blake a little over a year ago and we were both searching. He had been trying just as hard and nearly just as long. We worked together and found her.” He blushed a little and I could tell that he wanted to look away, but somehow, Chris kept looking at me. “We watched her from a distance, trying to pick up any signs that would tell us that she was the one, she was a collector let alone one of ours. The odds that she was both of ours were slim but I knew it was a possibility. We decided that we would meet her together but didn’t know how to do so. After some planning, we waited in that boardroom at her office. The first moment I saw her...”

  I took a quick shallow breath before holding it again. I wanted to know what he thought, how he felt, and what told him that I was his collector.

  “She was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. One by one, things started to disappear around me as all I saw was her. The feeling that I had in my chest, in my heart, was one of coming home and I knew that I would give my last breath to protect her—no matter what.”

  It was the sweetest thing I had ever heard anyone say to me and I could feel my eyes swell with tears as I continued to look at him. This mysterious man, this handsome all-American man...he was prepared to die for me, and without question. He didn’t have to know me because everything had aligned perfectly for him.

  Taking a shaky, deep breath, I let it out slowly and began to regain my composure. Who knew that Chris had such a way with words? Gaia seemed pleased by his answer. She rubbed his knee for a moment and then turned her attention on Blake.

  “What about you?” she asked him curiously.

  Blake chuckled a little nervously, his hand going to rub the short hair on the back of his neck. “I don’t think I can top that.”

  “This isn’t about being better than one another,” Gaia reminded and Blake nodded. He knew that and there was no reason for either of them to be jealous. They were here for the same exact reasons.

  “The first time I put on my gear and walked into a burning building, I had this rush of excitement. There was this feeling that overcame me and I knew this was what I was meant to do. I got the same feeling when I saw Kiera the first time. It’s something in your gut that says, “yes, this is it” and that’s how I knew.”

  It wasn’t like Chris, yet it was still just as perfect. It was Blake and it made me smile. Gaia’s smile matched mine as she looked between the both of them. “You both need to do a bette
r job at communicating. I get the feeling that you could be a lot closer if all three of you opened up more. You’re not supposed to be strangers. Don’t let your past hold you back from creating a beautiful future.”

  I noticed that Gaia’s eyes met Chris’s and I wondered if he had had something happen that prevented him from opening up. I wanted to ask, and yet, Gaia’s words rang in my ears. I had to be patient.

  Chris nodded and then Blake followed. Staying quiet, the four of us just took in the moment. It was relaxing. A weight I hadn’t even realized was hanging over us was lifted and I became hopeful.

  “Can you tell us what she is?” Chris asked curiously. His eyes flashed at me but landed on Gaia.

  “You know what she is.” Gaia smiled at him.

  Chris looked a little confused for a moment, his mind calculating several different factors as he stared at the fruit tray and then went back to the woman. “An angel?” His voice was barely a whisper.


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