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Meet Baby Morgan (Clara Andrews Series - Book 5)

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by Lacey London

  Looking down at my list, I chew the end of my pen thoughtfully and turn to face Oliver. ‘Fancy going for a walk?’

  He puts down his book and peers at me from his position on the couch. ‘Do you think that’s wise in your condition?’

  ‘Apparently a brisk walk can induce labour.’ I wave my list around to emphasise my point.

  ‘I guess it’s worth a shot if you feel up to it.’ Oliver slams his book shut and jumps to his feet. ‘I’ll go fetch our coats.’

  Popping another piece of ice into my mouth, I perch at the breakfast bar and let out a tired sigh. I have only been awake for a few hours and yet I am ready to crawl back into bed. This is getting beyond a joke. Why won’t he come out? I am starting to think that it’s not a baby after all and I’ve just eaten too much cake.

  ‘Do you still fit into this?’ Oliver asks, holding out my trusty parka coat dubiously. ‘You could always borrow one of mine?’

  ‘Of course it still fits!’ I retort angrily, tugging on the sleeve. ‘I’m not an elephant, Oliver.’

  ‘OK…’ He holds up his hands to surrender and grabs a set of house keys. ‘I’ll wait outside.’

  Kicking myself for being such a cantankerous bugger, I grab the zip and attempt to fasten myself in. Not being able to see over my protruding stomach makes it an almost impossible task. Realising that it’s a good four inches away from being anywhere near able to fasten, I decide to leave it open and shuffle towards the front door. As I step outside, I notice Oliver glance down at my open coat and bite his lip to stop himself from laughing.

  Choosing to ignore him, I shove my hands into my pockets and trudge across the gravel. A light breeze rustles through the leaves on the trees as we walk, making me feel a million miles away from London and our old life. The sun shines brightly down upon us and I entwine my fingers with Oliver’s, savouring the moment. Breathing in the fresh country air, I realise that I couldn’t ever return to living in a city. Strawberry Lane really is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen. Trees taller than houses line the roadside, their leaves tickling each other overhead creating a stunning avenue in the sky. The crispy leaves have already started to fall to the ground, covering the pavement in beautiful shades of red and gold. It certainly looks like autumn is on its way, even if Noah isn’t.

  Kicking a pile of leaves out of my way, I scrunch up nose as my back starts to ache. As much as I love our delightful thatched cottage, some of the other properties along the lane give me serious house envy. From Mr and Mrs Peterson’s huge barn conversion opposite, to the blinged up new-build next door. Strawberry Lane really does have something for everyone.

  ‘Any movement?’ Oliver asks, bringing me out my daydream.

  Shaking my head in response, I raise my hand in acknowledgement as I spot our neighbour, Evelyn, walking towards us. With her five pristine white Pomeranians walking in perfect synchrony beside her she looks like she has stepped right out of a commercial. What for, I really do not know. Despite the backache, I stretch my mouth into a smile as she comes to a stop in front of us.

  ‘No baby yet?’ Evelyn asks, unzipping her Barbour jacket and resting a manicured hand on her hip.

  ‘Unfortunately not.’ I reply, attempting to bend down to stroke Lance on the head.

  In case you are wondering, Lance is one of Evelyn’s prized Pomeranians. Lance, Joey, Chris, JC and Justin are probably the most pampered pooches in the UK. Diamond encrusted dog collars and professional massages are just the tip of the ice berg and yes - they are named after NSYNC.

  ‘Aren’t you almost a week overdue now?’ She sticks out her bottom lip sympathetically and places a finger on my bump. ‘I think it’s going to happen tomorrow. I can feel it.’

  ‘I really hope so. If not, they are going to induce me on Monday.’ I let out a sigh and cross my fingers hopefully.

  ‘Tomorrow.’ Evelyn pouts her pink lips and slips off her Chanel sunglasses. ‘Trust me.’

  ‘OK…’ I laugh, a little unsure at how a woman who by her own admission, never wants to have a baby can be so certain as to when mine will arrive.

  She flashes me a wink and turns her attention to Oliver. Evelyn, or Eve as she prefers, has become a really good friend to me since we moved to Strawberry Lane. When she and her husband, Owen, first came by to introduce themselves, it’s fair to say that I was more than a little intimidated by her. Eve’s platinum blonde bob and perfect white veneers portray an image of the stereotypical spoilt bitch that you automatically hate. The reality couldn’t be more different. Eve is one of the nicest, most genuine people that I have ever met and with Lianna being so far away, it has been a real blessing having her around.

  ‘Well, I should go. The boys have got an appointment at the spa.’ Eve rallies up her furbabies and pops on her headphones. ‘Why don’t you guys come over tonight? Few drinks, a nibble or two?’

  I look up at Oliver who nods in agreement.

  ‘That would be really nice.’ My spirits lift at the prospect of escaping the house for a few hours. ‘Although Lianna is coming to stay for the weekend, do you mind if she tags along?’

  ‘Of course not!’ Eve smiles. ‘It would be lovely to finally put a face to the name.’

  ‘Great.’ I smile happily. ‘I’ll call you later.’ We wave Eve off with her pack of pooches before continuing on our walk.

  ‘Isn’t Eve lovely?’

  ‘She is.’ Oliver agrees, kicking a pile of leaves out of his way. ‘What do you think Li will make of her?’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I ask, shielding the light from my eyes.

  ‘Nothing, it’s just that they both have such big personalities. Sometimes big personalities can clash…’

  My brow creases into a frown as I picture the two of them together. It’s crazy to think that Lianna and Eve still haven’t met. It just so happens that whenever Li pays us a visit, Eve has been away at one of her many holiday homes in the Caribbean. With their matching blonde locks and beautiful pixie faces they could easily be mistaken for sisters. Plus, the fact that they both have feisty can-do attitudes could prove a match made in BFF heaven.

  ‘No.’ I say decidedly. ‘I think they will get on just fine…’


  Checking my watch, I peer out of the window and stretch out the waistband on my maternity leggings. You know that you are overdue when even maternity wear is too small. One of the funny things about being pregnant, is that every outfit revolves around a stretchy pair of pants. Whether you are spending the day in bed or daring to venture out for a meal, if it doesn’t contain elastic it doesn’t get a look in. Abandoning my Kindle, I apply a slick of cherry lip balm to my dry lips and take a seat on the couch. After our impromptu walk earlier, I force fed myself pineapple chunks and took yet another warm bath. Obviously none of the above worked as I am still with child.

  ‘Oliver?’ Looking over my shoulder for my husband, I point to my Converse. ‘Could you help me with my shoes, please?’

  As he has done for the past two weeks, Oliver kindly assists me in shoving my swollen feet into the only shoes that I have been able to wear all month. It’s hard to believe that I will one day be able to wear high heels again. The thought of my precious Louboutins actually makes me want to cry. I rub my bump gently and wonder if I can face any more pineapple. Noah kicks me hard in the ribs and I take that as a no.

  I haven’t told Lianna yet that we are going over to Eve’s this evening. I did try and call her on numerous occasions, but each time I got her PA, Lexi. Lianna will be the first to admit that without Lexi, Periwinkle would crumble within days. As good as Li is at interior design, her organisational and time keeping skills are frankly terrible. Luckily, Lexi was the very first person that Li interviewed for the job. With her bright red hair and full sleeve tattoos, she isn’t exactly what you would call traditional. However, she is a demon at multitasking and has Lianna’s days planned down to the second. Lexi, or Lifesaver Lexi as Lianna often refers to her, is most definitely P
eriwinkle’s prized asset.

  ‘Li’s here.’ Oliver announces, pushing himself to his feet and heading for the door.

  Not having the energy to stand up, I strain my neck and offer her a wave as she crashes into the room.

  ‘Hello!’ She trills, shaking off her slick black trench coat to reveal a stunning cobalt trouser suit.

  ‘Hi.’ I reply. ‘You look fantastic!’

  She really does. Her long blonde locks have been twisted up into a neat ballerina bun, leaving just a soft fringe framing her perfectly made up face. The slick of red on her cupid’s bow provides a hint of fun to her professional attire. Power dressing at its finest.

  ‘Thank you!’ She gushes, taking a seat on the couch opposite, her face falling as she takes in my larger than life belly. ‘Still no baby? Didn’t you get that list I sent you?’

  I point to the notepad on the coffee table and shrug my shoulders. ‘I got it, but none of them worked.’

  ‘None of them?’ She asks, raising her eyebrows suspiciously.

  ‘Obviously not!’ I laugh, motioning to my bump. ‘I’m just going to have to wait until they induce me on Monday.’

  ‘I dunno.’ Li mumbles, tapping her nails on the coffee table. ‘My bet is that it will happen tomorrow.’

  ‘That’s what Eve said.’ I recall, checking my watch. ‘Which reminds me, she has invited us over tonight for drinks and nibbles.’

  ‘But you can’t drink?’ She screws up her nose and picks a hair off her jacket.

  ‘No, but you and Oliver can.’ I offer her a smile and hope that she doesn’t object.

  ‘Not me.’ Oliver chips in. ‘I have to stay sober in case the baby decides to make today his birthday.’

  ‘OK, I guess I can drink enough for the three of us.’ She sighs and reaches for her holdall. ‘Just let me get out of these work clothes.’ Her eyes take in my Converse and leggings dubiously. ‘Aren’t you getting changed.’

  ‘I am changed.’ I growl through gritted teeth as Lianna sashays up to the guest bedroom.

  I lock eyes with Oliver who shakes his head and laughs loudly. ‘God help her when she’s pregnant!’

  ‘Pfft.’ I scoff, scratching my ear. ‘Lianna will be one of those infuriating women who stay stick thin and glow for nine months straight.’

  I catch a glimpse of my chubby cheeks in the mirror and mentally curse myself for drinking ten milkshakes in half as many days.

  ‘Do I look OK?’ I ask, suddenly feeling rather self-conscious.

  ‘You look beautiful.’ He answers instantaneously. ‘Beautiful and very pregnant. Are you sure that you’re up to this?’

  I nod in response and smile as Li appears at the top of the stairs. ‘That was quick.’

  Lianna takes out her clip and lets her hair fall perfectly around her shoulders. If I didn’t love Li, I could so easily hate her. Shuffling to my feet, I tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear and grab my phone.

  ‘You’re going to love Eve and Owen.’ I shoot Lianna a grin and follow Oliver outside. ‘They are the nicest people ever.’

  ‘Erm… excuse me?’ Lianna raises her eyebrows in mock horror.

  ‘Apart from you - obviously.’ I let out a giggle and wince as a sharp pain shoots through my abdomen.

  Bloody pineapple. I should have known that it was going to give me indigestion. Laughing at Lianna wobbling over the gravel in her ridiculously high shoes, I make my way down the lane and come to a stop at Eve’s huge electric gates. Pushing the intercom, I wait for the buzzer to allow us inside.

  ‘Wow!’ Lianna breathes, walking up the black marble driveway.

  ‘Pretty impressive, isn’t it?’ I shoot her a smile and pull my cardigan tightly around me.

  Over the past few months I have become quite used to Eve’s extravagant home, but I can completely understand how to other people it is jaw droppingly impressive. The celebrity inspired new-build sports an enormous driveway to hold their fleet of luxury cars and that’s just the ones that don’t fit into the garage. To some, the eight bedroomed, blinged up mansion might be a little OTT, but once you get to know Eve and Owen you realise that it fits them perfectly.

  Pressing the chrome door bell, I shove my hands into my cardigan pockets. A smile spreads across Oliver’s face as Owen appears behind the glass. Oliver and Owen have become quite close over the last few months. Between their golfing trips and visits to the pub for the football, they are pretty inseparable.

  ‘Honey…’ Owen shouts over his shoulder. ‘The Morgans are here.’

  Owen is easily fifteen years older than Eve, but he is every inch as good looking. His black comb over is speckled with grey and he is in better shape than most twenty year olds. Smiling widely, I kiss Owen on both cheeks and push Lianna forward. ‘This is my friend, Lianna.’

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lianna.’ Owen’s brown eyes sparkle as he stands back and ushers us inside. ‘Eve is in the kitchen.’

  Leaving Oliver to chat to Owen about DIY, sports and everything else that could be considered to be manly, I link my arm through Lianna’s and lead her into the kitchen. Well, I say kitchen, but it’s more like a luxury restaurant complete with Martini bar. Everything from the work tops to the floor tiles are magnolia. The only splashes of colour come from a gold chandelier that hangs beautifully overhead. It really is stunning.

  ‘Clara!’ Eve pops up from behind the kitchen unit and holds out her arms. ‘And this must be the famous Lianna.’

  I glance at Li and spot her giving Eve a quick once over. Dressed in a sleek black playsuit and spiky Manolo Blahniks, she looks like a superstar. I send Lianna a mental message to be nice and bite my lip.

  ‘And you must be Eve.’ Lianna fires back.

  ‘I am indeed.’ Eve twists a huge rock around her finger and claps her hands together. ‘What can I get you to drink, Lianna? Wine? Gin? Champagne?’

  I lock eyes with Li as her mouth stretches into a smile. ‘Champagne would be great.’

  I let out a sigh of relief and lean against the door frame as the two of them scurry off to the champagne fridge. Watching my two friends happily disagree over whether to go for Moet or Bollinger, I beam with approval. It just goes to show that no matter what the question is, champagne is always the answer…

  Being pregnant makes me feel like a superhero.

  A really fat, tired, superhero who is nauseas all the time and isn’t allowed to lift heavy objects. Actually… it sucks!

  Chapter 3

  Attempting to conceal a yawn with my glass of sparkling water, I stretch out my legs on the couch and flash Oliver a reassuring wink. We have only been here for two hours, but it already feels like an eternity. Thankfully, apart from a slight disagreement over the origins of the name Noah, Lianna and Eve have got on fantastically well. As soon as the drinks were poured, I was ordered to kick off my shoes and make myself comfortable. When you are nine months pregnant and ready to pop, this isn’t as easy as it sounds.

  Thankfully, Eve has gone to the trouble of pregnancy proofing her home with the help of a roll or ten of cling film, so I can finally stop worrying about my waters breaking on her eye wateringly expensive couch. Shuffling around to get some feeling back into my numb bum, I listen intently as Lianna starts to spout interior design ideas for Eve’s planned extension.

  ‘I’m thinking… pink.’ Li rambles, waving around her glass.

  ‘Pink?’ Eve replies, her eyes glistening. ‘I love pink!’

  I look over at Owen who shakes his head in repulsion. ‘Absolutely not. I hate pink.’

  ‘Not pink pink.’ Draining her glass, Li runs to her handbag and retrieves her iPhone before proceeding to tap frantically at the screen. ‘See?’

  Owen takes the handset dubiously and slips on a pair of reading glasses. ‘Oh, what shade is that?’

  ‘That, my friend, is puce pink.’ Lianna smiles smugly as Eve starts to squeal with excitement.

  Owen nods appreciatively and hands her back the phone.

  ‘Is that a yes?’ She screams, putting down her glass and clapping her hands together with joy.

  He rolls his eyes to succumb as an intoxicated Eve jumps into his arms. Oh, to be small and thin enough to be picked up like a teenage girl. Reminding myself that Eve attends a 6am yoga class five days a week is enough to make me lose the jealousy. I don’t even think the promise of a body like JLo would make me get up at 6am.

  ‘Whilst we are on the subject, do you do destination work, Lianna?’ Owen rolls up the sleeves of his designer shirt and refills her glass with bubbles.

  Taking a gulp of the frosty fizz, Li runs a hand through her hair. ‘I’ve never really thought about it.’

  ‘The reason I ask, is that Eve and I own a few villas abroad that are in need of a little facelift.’

  ‘Erm… to be honest, I am pretty hectic with work here at the moment.’ Lianna’s nose crinkles as she speaks, which I know from experience means that she’s lying.

  ‘They’re in the Caribbean.’ Owen adds with a smile.

  Li almost chokes on her champagne and jumps to her feet. ‘On second thoughts, I’m sure I could fit you in if I jiggled things around a little.’

  The room erupts into laughter and I attempt a giggle to join in. As the four of them proceed to make their way outside into the gardens, I inform them that I will stay here and lift Justin and JC into my lap. Running my fingers through their snow white coats, a smile plays on my lips as they snuggle down against my bump. They really are ridiculously cute. Especially Justin, who has the most adorable puppy dog eyes. It’s crazy to think that in just forty-eight little hours I will have an actual baby in my arms. For the millionth time today, Noah decides to stretch out his legs and reminds me that he could decide to join us at any moment. I watch JC doze off and have a funny feeling that I am going to do the same.


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