Box of 1Night Stands: 21 Sizzling Nights
Page 21
“Oh, no you don’t. We still have twelve hours, and I want everything I can get from you.”
Gavin’s laughter vibrated against her chest and to her core. It’s just sex, just amazing, crazy sex. But closing her eyes, she knew it was more, and if she let him take a piece of her heart, he would take it all, and in the morning she would be left alone—again.
His lips grazed her forehead while his fingers traced over and under her exposed breast. She moaned, the familiar tingle between her thighs coming to roaring life again. Her moan was met by his groan as he rolled over her. Soft lips took hers in a hungry, possessive lip-lock that left her breathless and eager for more. His tongue invaded her mouth and left her no choice but to concede to his demands. One muscular leg eased hers apart until he settled between her thighs, his erection hard and hot against her apex.
“You make me feel like a teenager again,” he said against her neck as his lips left burning kisses in their wake. His trail led to her breasts, her nipples hard and wanting, aching for his attention , every molecule of her body alive under his attentions. She curled her hips up to meet his.
He pulled away from her and his eyes took in her ample curves. His lips took hers again for a quick kiss before he pushed away and left the bed, leaving her fumbling and confused. “Where….”
“Condoms.” He snatched a box out of his bag then headed for the table by the window.
“And now?”
“Strawberries.” He grabbed the bowl from the table and came back to her, placing the condoms within reach, but holding on to the strawberries. Taking one plump fruit in his fingers, he held it to her lips, encouraging her to take a nibble. She bit the tip, savoring the taste, feeling the juice dribble over her lips until her tongue caught the liquid.
He moved the strawberry over her right nipple, circling it until the hard nub was wet and sticky with the sweet, red juice. It ran down the side of her breast, only stopping when he caught it with his soft tongue, licking his way back to the peaked nipple. He repeated the action on the other breast, sending shivers down her spine, leaving goose pimples over her heated flesh. Savoring the feel of his tongue and mouth on her body, she found it hard to keep her head up. Yet there was something erotic about studying him feast on her, compelling her to stay focused on him, even when all she wanted was to throw back her head and feel.
Taking the remaining berry into his mouth, he moved back up her body until his lips met hers again. He kissed her, letting her savor his unique taste mixed with that of the berry. She would never eat a strawberry again without thinking about him, about that moment and knew every time she walked by a strawberry stand she’d get wet. Something so innocent would forever hold an importance to that one, unforgettable night.
“Please, I want you,” she begged, wrapping her legs around his hips. Her heels urged him down and forward.
“Patience, Mia. We have all night.”
“I haven’t felt patient around you since the moment you helped me pick up those brochures, and that was hours ago. I’ve been patient enough.” She lifted her hips, letting her pussy rub against his hard cock.
With a groan he pulled away, leaving her for a moment to grab the foil package. He opened it with his white teeth, smiling at her. Lifting her up on her elbows, she watched in rapture as he sheathed his cock, rolling the condom down its length with slow precision. His hand stroked up one more time before he came down on her with a feral growl.
His hand wrapped around the back of her thigh, pulling her leg up and out giving him more access to her wet, wanting pussy. Again she shifted her hips, but instead of pulling back he surged forward, taking her breath away. She felt full and complete for the first time in years.
Their eyes met, locked, and she couldn't tear hers away from the depths of his blue ones. He drank her in as he pushed into her again. His breath came out on a rush of hot air as she clenched around his rigid cock. He pulled away from her so he could watch himself enter her body. Lifting his hips, he inched out of her to the tip, making her crazy with want and desire before entering her again. He repeated the action, once, twice, three times before coming down full body on her, his mouth taking hers with the desire and need his cock inflamed. He took complete possession of her then took her to heights she’d never experienced. Before she could fall over the edge into oblivion, he reined her in, pulling the glorious sexual torture out.
She begged him for more and in equal measure pleaded with him to stop. She didn’t want to the sensation to end, but wasn't sure how much she could take and still be whole. Everything about the evening felt like fate had stepped in. And maybe it had. Maybe, just maybe, fate wants me to have mind-blowing, eye-crossing, unbelievable sex, and who am I to argue?
Gavin stroked faster, his breathing more labored. She was so close, and so was he. The vixen she never imagined living inside her wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels resting on his buttocks, pushing, forcing him deeper.
“Oh hell, Gavin, fuck me. Harder, please.”
“Oh shit.” His eyes closed, his brow furrowed. His hand moved over her curved thigh to find her full ass—he grabbed it, changing the angle of his entrance ever so slightly, pushing the base of his cock against her swollen clit. She flew high and over the edge, a starburst starting in her abdomen and shooting through her veins. Over and over the waves crashed, surrounded her, took control until they left her limp and exhausted. So caught up in her ecstasy after her free fall, she hadn’t realized Gavin had gone over with her. He lay on top of her, his head on her shoulder, his breath hot against her neck.
Her nails gently scored his back from buttocks to shoulder and down again, reveling in the tiny goose pimples left in their wake. He tried to move off of her, pushed up on his arms, allowing her to see his face and savor his handsome features, but she didn’t want him to leave, didn’t want to loose the contact. She was exhausted and he had to be too, but she was afraid this was the one and only time they would share this together and suddenly that wasn’t enough for her. She wanted more.
So she held on, let him fall back against her, and he stayed where he was. When she heard the gentle soft snore against her ear, she smiled, her own heavy lids falling and joining into a deep, sated sleep, her last thought—he smelled like strawberries.
Chapter Three
Gavin woke refreshed—he hadn’t felt so good in years. Reaching beside him, he hoped to wake Mia for another round of mind-blowing sex, but instead found a cold, empty bed. Sitting up, he listened for the telltale sound of water running in the bathroom, but heard nothing. In fact, the room was eerily quiet.
Throwing his feet over the edge, he glanced for a minute at the closed bathroom door, in his heart knew no one was in there, but a kernel of hope still clung that maybe, just maybe she would be. He took his time moving the five paces it took to get from the bed to the bathroom, glaring at the offending door, knowing he looked like a complete idiot staring at the it as though it were about to fight back. Pushing it open, he found the room dark, and as he expected, empty. Cursing under his breath, he walked to the window and threw back the curtains to stare at the Strip below. What had she said? Something like one hundred thousand rooms in Las Vegas and how the hell was he supposed to find her in one of them? It would take him at least an hour to get into the convention then getting through the crowd to the booth she worked would take even longer. If his son knew all about that company, then so did every geek, gamer and techie there.
Why the hell hadn’t she just woken him up? He would have told her he wanted more than one night. They could have exchanged numbers. Something—hell, anything.
Running his hands through his hair in disgust, he turned from the window to assess the once-immaculate room. The empty champagne bottle and the remnants of the strawberries still sat on the table. His clothes lay haphazard around the room, evidence that he hadn’t cared where they landed as long as they weren’t on his body. He picked up his shirt, then his tie, following the trail that led straight to
the bed. Defeated and frustrated, he sat on the edge. Angry at himself for letting one night with a woman he knew only in the biblical sense get so far under his skin. Angry at her for not having the common courtesy or courage to look him in the face when she walked away.
Then his eyes caught something. Stuck between the mirror and its frame was an envelope. Scribbled on the paper was his name, nearly illegible in the chicken scratch. His lips twitched until he laughed out loud with joy. He hadn't even read the letter, but he basked in the knowledge she hadn't slunk out of the room, but had taken the time to pen a note. That had to be something.
Moving far faster across the room than he had only moments before, he reached for the envelope and ripped it open. Pulling out a piece of hotel stationary, his eyes adjusted to the messy script before attempting to read it all.
Tried to wake you…okay, I didn’t try hard. I really overslept and was afraid if I woke you, I would miss work. As much as I don’t want to go, I contractually have to. Included are three tickets to the expo and VIP passes for you, your son, and his friend to get into the Fantasy Realms chat. If you are interested in more, please come. If not....
Thanks for a wonderful night,
Glancing at the bedside clock, he headed for the bathroom, but not before grabbing his cell and calling his son to tell him that he had a huge surprise waiting for him, and to meet him outside the convention center in an hour.
Mia wrung her hands together—after all these years and the number of times she had spoken on panels, she should be used to it. But she never was. Fans could get brutal when expansions came out, and they were vocal. They knew the ins and outs of the story and if she missed something, she’d be fried for it. Added to that stress was whether or not Gavin would show. She’d taken the coward’s way out that morning, and she admitted it.
When she’d woken and seen the time, she’d nearly had a heart attack. She shook him once to say she had to leave, but when his arm came around her, urging her into a kiss, she knew she’d never get out. It was for the best. She didn’t have to look him in the eye and say thanks for a great night and a great lay, as he admitted that was all he wanted from her.
But now she wondered if she’d be able to concentrate on the questions, remember what the story line was, and keep from shaking as her nerves took over.
She entered the room to the sound of applause and waved. The flash cameras blinded her and she tripped up the stairs. Thankfully, one of the actors dressed as a warrior from the game grabbed her arm and helped her up the few remaining steps. Smiling, she sat in the chair that had her name before it on the table. Seated to the side of her were two of the other head designers, the director, and the famous actors who voiced the main characters.
As the lights faded to allow better viewing of the premier of the trailer for Fantasy Realms: Age of the Dragons, Mia reached for her water glass, hoping to ease some of her nervousness. The actor to her left, whose name she couldn’t remember, leaned in and complimented her on the graphics. She managed to smile and nod and croak out a thank you before it dawned on her that in the dark he couldn’t see her nod.
After two minutes of cinematic graphic overload, the lights came back up and the room was silent. Her heart sank. Then she saw him—Gavin. He stood and clapped, followed by the rest of the room erupting in loud woots and cheers. He smiled at her then bowed his head before sitting down again.
For the next forty-five minutes, nothing seemed to matter, her whole focus on Gavin sitting in the back of the room. She answered questions and hoped what she said made sense. Only when the people in front of Gavin got up did it dawn on her that the session had come to an end.
She moved around the actors and toward the steps of the stage. Eager to get to the other end of the room to talk with Gavin, her eyes stayed on the door to assess if he’d left, but through the throng of people she couldn't tell. When she finally made it through the group, many eager to talk with her, she was disappointed to find Gavin's row vacant. He’d left and she had no idea how to contact him otherwise. She didn't know his last name, didn't know what hotel he was at.
Defeated, she sat down in the chair he had been sitting in. “Idiot.”
“Again with the idiot?” His rough voice sent a thrill to her toes.
“Gavin.” She jumped up and turned to her left.
One eyebrow raised and his lips curved up into a cheeky smile. “Mia, or should I call you Miriam?”
“No, Mia, always Mia.”
“Well, Always Mia.”
“Dad!” The teenage boy beside Gavin groaned. “Don't be a noob.”
“Noob?” Gavin asked his son.
Mia found it hard not to laugh—the look of complete confusion was so endearing and comical at the same time. “It's a gamer’s term. Means basically don't be lame.”
“Ah. Mia, this is my son, Grady, and his friend Alan.”
She hated taking her eyes off Gavin, but with a big smile she glanced at the thinner, younger version of him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
“Oh, my God, you have no idea how cool this is. No one will believe I met you.” Grady pulled his phone out of his pocket and pointed it at Mia, clicking a quick picture.
“Oh, I doubt anyone would be that interested. But....” She smiled before moving to stand beside the boys. She grabbed Grady’s cell phone, leaned in near him, and took a picture. “Now they have proof. Meet me at the booth in an hour and I'll get you hooked up with all sorts of gear.”
“Epic! Dad, can we go back to the convention floor?”
“Yeah, I'll meet up with you at Mia’s booth.”
The boys didn’t wait to get out the door before they were texting on their phones. Tension filled Mia as the buffer of the kids was gone, very aware she and Gavin were the only two left in the room.
“You’ve made their day.”
“I can’t imagine why.” When her eyes met his, she forgot what else she planned to say. All she wanted was to feel his soft lips on hers again.
“You have no idea how angry I was when I woke up alone.”
“Sorry, I….”
“Was a chicken?”
“Yes, though scaredy-cat might be closer to the truth.”
Gavin took a step closer to her and she inhaled, smelling his unique scent, mixed with his expensive cologne. “What were you scared of?”
“I didn't know. I still don't know if you want more. Or if one night was enough.” She hated feeling unsure of herself. She hated not knowing what was in his mind, Yes, he had come to her, but maybe only because of his son. Maybe Gavin, unlike her, was the type of person to say things face-to-face.
“What if I said I wanted more then just last night? That I wanted to give us a chance, to see where this might go?”
“I would say okay.” Unable to look at him for fear he would see every last emotion laid bare in her eyes, she lowered her face to focus on the cheap ring on her pinkie.
“Just okay?” His voice was soft and she closed her eyes as he placed his finger below her chin and forced her to look at him. When she opened her lids, reflected in his blue pools were the same emotions she felt.
A blush rose over her cheeks. “I would say yes, please. Then I would say, I want more, so much more, I nearly blew off today to spend the day in bed with you.”
“I wish you had.”
“Will you please kiss me now?”
Gavin smiled, his large, strong hands embracing her face in warmth, and his mouth landed on hers, engulfing her in tender kisses. He teased and tempted, giving her glimpses of what was yet to come. Her heart surged with hope and happiness. Maybe this time it would be she who slayed the dragon, got the gold, and maybe even the knight in the process.
Placing his forehead on hers, he said softly against her lips, “You still taste like strawberries.”
Dominique Eastwick currently calls North Carolina home with her husband, 2 children, 1
crazy lab and 1 lazy cat. Dominique spent much of her early life moving from state to state as a Navy Brat, because of that traveling is one of her favorite past times. When not writing you can find Dominique doing her second love…photography. Feel free to email her. She loves to hear from fans and promises to write back.
Visit Dominique on Facebook or her website:
Dead or Alive
A 1Night Stand Story
L.J. Garland
Also by L.J Garland
with Debbie Gould
In My Sights
Explosive Conditions
Sins of the Mind
For all those who believe
and those who might,
the truth is out there…
Chapter One
Rhykar charged down the shadow-filled alley and skidded to a stop behind a banged up garbage bin. How the hell had they found him? He pulled his weapon, confirmed it was set to pulse, and knelt on the damp pavement to wait. The bastards would come. They always did.
An amber light mounted on one brick wall revealed a male and female skulking down the narrow street, pistols in hand. Veiled in the gloom, the pair moved with precision, a team intent on one thing—his capture.
The woman spotted him, aimed, and fired. Rhykar jerked back an instant before the corner of the metal bin disintegrated, leaving a smoking hole the size of his fist behind. He stared at the destruction. Drek. Yeah, he’d broken a few laws, seized a number of sensitive files, but nothing that should have garnered this type of response.
He glanced at his gun and considered changing the setting from pulse to kill. He gritted his teeth. No, that would only make matters worse. Better to incapacitate them and disappear.