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The Great Deluge

Page 87

by Douglas Brinkley

  McClellan, Scott

  McConnell, Troy

  McCormick, Chandra

  McCullough, David

  McDaniel, Sister Augustine

  McDonald, Deb

  McEnery, Henry, III

  McGraw, Phil

  McGuier, Joyce

  Mack, Ronald, Jr.

  McKinley, William

  McLaughlin, Bernard; at Morial Center; at Superdome

  McLeary, Lawrence

  McManus, Angela

  McNair, Robert

  McPhee, John

  McQuaid, John

  McQueen, Janet

  McSwain, Norman

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Maestri, Walter

  Magnolia Development

  Malek, Daryl

  Maloney, Dan

  Maloney, Laura

  Mandeville, La.

  Mangano, Mabel

  Mann, Bob

  Maple Leaf Bar

  Marcello, Carlos

  Marconi Canal

  Marcus, Renee

  Mardi Gras; krewes for

  Mardi Gras World

  Margaritaville Cafés


  Marine Life Oceanarium

  Marines, U.S.

  Marley, Bob


  Marriott Courtyard

  Marsalis, Wynton

  Marshall, Bob

  martial law


  Master P

  Matthews, Chris

  Matthews, Joseph

  Matthieu, Rick

  Mayfield, Irvin

  Mayfield, Max

  Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs)

  medical industry, in Houston

  Meeks, Brock

  Meet the Press

  Meffert, Greg

  Melancon, Charlie

  Melpomene project

  Memorial Hermann Hospital

  Memorial Medical Center

  Memphis, Tenn.

  Meraux, La.

  Merle, Renae

  Metairie, La.; Cajun Navy in; flooding in; hotel in; segregation in

  Methodist Hospital

  Metropolitan Hospice

  Mexico, Gulf of; coastal erosion along; Katrina in; oil in; pace of development along; temperatures in

  Miami, Fla.

  Miami Beach, Fla.


  military police

  Miller, Denny

  Milling, King

  Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.

  Miranda, Carolina

  Mississippi; Bush disaster declaration for; Bush’s visit to; Camille in; coastal development in; deaths in; electricity restored in; evacuations in; FEMA and; FEMA in; first responders in; flooding in; hospitals in; Katrina in; looting in; media coverage of; nuclear analogies in; post-Katrina descriptions of; rescues in; way of life destroyed in; see also specific places

  Mississippi National Guard

  Mississippi Power

  Mississippi River; deepest part of; Lake Pontchartrain connection to, see Industrial Canal; levees built on; shipping and

  Mississippi River Bridge

  Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MRGO; Intracoastal); Chalmette and

  Mississippi Valley

  Missouri Task Force

  Mitchell, Margaret

  Mitchell, Ronald

  Mobile, Ala.

  Mobile Bay

  Mobile County Emergency Management

  Moffett, Joe

  Mohr, Holbrook

  Monroe, La.

  Monroe Police Department

  Montaigne, Renee

  Monterey Aquarium

  Montgomery, Jim

  Montgomery, Lamar

  Moore, David

  Moore, Denise

  Moore, Park

  Morales, George

  Moreau, Don

  Morgan, Oliver

  Morgan, Sister Gertrude

  Morgan, Wanda

  Morgan City, La.

  Morial, Jacques

  Morial, Marc; shelter of last resort and

  Morial, Michelle

  Morial Convention Center; bus evacuations from; Chertoff and; the Clarks at; crime at; Death Freezer at; Dixon at; evacuation of; FEMA and; media coverage of; mob takeover at; National Guard at; NOPD at; special-needs residents at; SWAT team at

  Morton, Jelly Roll

  Morton, Paul


  Mount Hermon, La.

  Mount Zion Baptist Church

  Moviegoer, The (Percy)

  MREs (Meals, Ready to Eat)


  Mueller, Bob

  Mueller, Nick


  murders, New Orleans; increase in; rumors about

  Murphy Oil

  music, musicians; blues; evacuation of; hiphop; jazz; of Marley; in Ninth Ward; rap; relief efforts for


  Nagin, Ray; abandonment of New Orleans by; in Air Force One meeting; apology to Bush of; at Barney funeral; blame game and; Blanco’s relationship with; breakdown of; Bush contacted by; “Chocolate City” speech of; communication breakdown and; Compass’s relationship with; Dallas home bought by; death toll exaggerated by; at EOC; evacuation plan ignored by; hotel refuge of; inexperience of; legal discussions of; levee breaks and; looting and; mandatory evacuation and; martial law declared by; mistakes and failures of; paranoia of; personal responsibility and guilt of; as politician; press briefings of; as pro-business; public anger at; “Ray Speak” and; Robinette interview with; SOS statement of; special-needs residents neglected by; Superdome and; voluntary evacuation and


  National Center for Missing Adults

  National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

  National Geographic

  National Guard; call-ups of; Chalmette and; federalization of; helicopters of; hospital evacuations and; in Iraq; Mississippi and; Posse Comitatus Act and; sandbags dropped by; see also specific state branches

  National Hurricane Center (NHC); advisories of; EOC and; FEMA briefed by; Hurricane Hunters of; Katrina downgraded by; on post-Katrina weather; in videoconference

  National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  National Public Radio

  National Response Plan (NRP)

  National Science Foundation

  National Sexual Violence Resource Center

  National Weather Service; on flooding; see also National Hurricane Center

  National Wildlife Refuge, U.S., second, see Breton Island

  Nation of Islam

  Native Americans


  Navy, U.S.; absence of; Robinette in; ships of

  NBC; Meet the Press on; Nightly News of

  NBC News; Camp of; levee breaks and; looting and; Morial Center and; at Ritz-Carlton; at Superdome

  Neal, Joe

  Neff, Israel


  Neville, Aaron

  Neville, Charles

  Neville, Charmaine

  Neville, Damien

  New England Journal of Medicine

  New Mexico

  New Mexico National Guard

  New Orleans, La.; accessibility of; bars in; blackouts in; breakdown of order in; business climate in; class, race, and neighborhood divisions in; community reading program in; corruption in; crime in, see crime, New Orleans; curfew in; disaster management lacking in; drug trafficking in; economy of; 82nd Airborne in; elections in; entertainment in; entrepreneurial delusion in; evacuation in, see evacuation, New Orleans; expatriates of; FEMA hurricane simulation in, see Hurricane Pam exercise; FEMA in; fires in; first responders in, see first responders, New Orleans; flooding in; see also specific neighborhoods; flood walls in; future of; Great Hurricane in; hedonism of; history of storms in; hospitals in, see hospitals, New Orleans; hotels in, see hotels, New Orleans; housing projects in; hurricane doomsday scenario for; hurricane in, as national threat; instabili
ty of; jazz culture of; levees breached in, see levee breaches; man-made debacle in; Mardi Gras in; martial law in; media coverage of; mobile command center of; monikers for; as port; pumping stations in; racial composition of; racial tension in; Red Cross absence from; restaurants in; selection of site for; sewage treatment plants in; shipping in; sinking of; social tiers of; tourism in, see tourism, New Orleans; as toxic waste dump; troops in; upper-class; urban problems of; white flight from; zoo, see Audubon Zoo; see also specific neighborhoods and sites

  New Orleans, University of (UNO)

  New Orleans East; evacuation in; flooding in; poor people in; rescues in; upwardly mobile whites in

  New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD)

  New Orleans Musical Legends Park

  New Orleans Musicians Relief Fund

  New Orleans Police Department, see NOPD

  New Orleans Saints

  New Orleans States-Item

  New Orleans Times-Picayune; Anderson’s photographs for; Byrne-MacCash reconnaissance mission for; on disease prevention; Domino family rescue and; doomsday series in; evacuation of; FEMA in; heat at; hurricane preparations at; Katrina in; levee breaches and; mentoring at; murder rate in; Nagin in; Open Letter to Bush of; party at; poor people in; St. Claude Avenue Bridge refugees in; socialites in; Superdome in; West Bank Bureau of

  New Orleans Tourist Board

  New Orleans Visitors Bureau

  News Night


  New York, N.Y.; New Orleans compared with

  New York state

  New Yorker, The

  New York Times; FEMA link of; Ford’s op-ed in; Laforet’s photos for; Lower Ninth Ward in; NOPD abduction of journalists of; Rice op-ed in

  New York Times Company

  New York Times Magazine

  Nextel phones

  Nicholas, Cody

  Nimitz, Chester W.

  911 calls; response time to

  Ninth Ward; animals evacuated from; elevation in; flooding in; housing developments in; as man-made floodplain; media coverage of; music in; 911 calls from; poverty in; rescues in; Upper; see also Bywater; Lower Ninth Ward; New Orleans East

  Noah’s Ark Missionary Baptist Church

  No Country for Old Men (McCarthy)

  NOFD, see New Orleans Fire Department

  NOLA Homeboys

  Nolan, Bruce

  No Limit Records

  non-evacuees; bus issues and; in Chalmette; fears of; “gonna hang” attitude of; in hotels; Landrieu’s conversations with; NOPD contempt for; number of; obstinateness of

  NOPD (New Orleans Police Department); absence of; aquarium as communications center for; arrest-to-conviction-success rate of; black distrust of; black officers in; see also Riley, Warren; boats of; Cajun Navy and; at Charity Hospital; checkpoints and roadblocks of; communication problems of; disarray of; doctors helped by; drug trafficking and; FBI’s embedding with; flights from; at Harrah’s Casino; headquarters of; lack of preparation of; Las Vegas trips offered to; looting and; looting by; mandatory evacuation and; manpower problems of; media portrayal of; media’s relations with; at Morial Center; National Guard and; 911 calls to; officers’ quitting of; personal losses in; racism in; rescue missions of; self-preservation of; suicides in; Third District of; Vice and Narcotics of; Walker’s encounters with; Wal-Mart as supply depot for

  Norfolk Naval Station

  NORTHCOM (U.S. Northern Command)

  North Island Naval Air Station

  Norton, Robert

  Nossiter, Adam

  Novak, Robert

  nuclear facilities

  nurses; at Charity Hospital; in Mississippi; rape of

  nursing homes; Lafon; St. Rita’s

  Oak Street

  Oakwood Center Mall

  Obermann, Ralph

  O’Brien, Soledad

  O’Brien, Ted

  O’Connor, Skip

  O’Dowd, Michael

  Office of Emergency Preparedness, New Orleans

  “Oh No” (Lil’ Wayne)


  oil spills; in St. Bernard Parish


  Oklahoma Christian Home

  Oklahoma National Guard

  Okojo, Denise

  Old Spanish Trail

  One Book One New Orleans

  One River Place

  OPEC Embargo (1973)

  Operation Dunkirk


  Orange County, Fla.

  O’Reilly, Bill

  Orleans Avenue Canal

  Orleans Levee District

  Orleans Parish; see also New Orleans

  Ochsner Foundation Hospital

  Oudt, Judy

  Owens, Chris

  Oxford, Miss.

  oyster beds

  Packer, Julie

  Page, Caroline

  Pantuso, Peter

  Parent, Charles

  Parker, Aaron

  parks, state, camping in


  Party at the End of the World (Buffett)

  Pascagoula, Miss.

  Paskewich, Frank

  Pass Christian, Miss.

  Passey, David

  Pataki, George

  Patton, Charley

  pay phones

  Penhaul, Karl

  Pennington, Richard


  Percy, Walker

  Perez, David

  Perkins, Sheldon

  Perot, Ross, Jr.

  Perry, Rick

  Pete, Bennie

  Pete Maravich Assembly Center

  Peter, Josh

  Peterson, Tony

  Pethaven Veterinary Hospital

  petrochemical companies


  Philippe II, Duke of Orleans

  Phillip, David J.

  Phillips, Stone

  Photo District News


  Pickens, T. Boone


  Pincus, Matt

  Pitre, Jimmy

  Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

  Planchet, Tom

  Plantation Coffee House

  Plaquemines Parish; evacuation of; levees in; see also Buras, La.; Venice, La.

  Plessy, Homer


  Poitier, Sidney

  police: in Bay St. Louis; federal; Gretna; looting and; Louisiana state, see Louisiana State Police; Monroe; New Orleans, see NOPD; private; in St. Bernard Parish; Waveland

  political contributions

  pollution; see also oil spills

  Pope, John

  Pope Air Force Base

  Popeye’s Fried Chicken

  Porter, George

  Port Fourchon, La.

  Port Sulphur, La.

  Posse Comitatus Act (1878)

  post-traumatic stress syndrome

  poultry industry

  poverty, the poor; evacuation and; first responders and; as fourth social tier; in housing projects; levee breaches and; looting by; medical care for; in Ninth Ward; relocation of

  Powell, Mike

  Poydras, La.

  pregnant women

  Prendergast, Michael

  Preservation Hall

  Prevost, Michael

  prison, prisoners

  Problem We All Live With, The (Rockwell)

  Project Storm Fury


  Pryor, Mark

  pumping stations, Louisiana

  Putin, Vladimir

  Quiet Water Apartments

  Quinn, Frank

  Quinn, Patrick, Jr.

  racism; and federal response to Katrina; Gretna Bridge Incident and; in Mississippi; in New Orleans

  radio; see also National Public Radio; WWL radio

  radios: Nagin’s use of; police

  Railroad Bill

  Ralph, Demetrius

  Ramada Inn

  Rand, Natalie

  R & R Construction

  rapes; in Ninth Ward; in Superdome

; rap music


  Ray, Man

  Ray, Rick

  “Ray Speak”

  Razor’s Edge, The

  Reagan, Ronald

  Red Cross; in Baton Rouge; Coast Guard compared with; donations to; failures of; in Florida; media and; in Mississippi; New Orleans absence of

  Red River flood (1997)

  Reed, Jim

  refugees: evacuees vs.; survivors vs.; use of term

  Regional Transit Authority (RTA); bus keys of; flooded buses of; Neville’s commandeering of bus of

  Reliant Park; New Orleans evacuees in

  Republicans; Chertoff as viewed by; Nagin and; slow relief criticized by; transportation links of

  restaurants: in Baton Rouge; in New Orleans

  Reuther, Warren

  Rice, Anne

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Richardson, Bill

  Richmond, Cedric

  Ricks, Robert

  Ridge, Tom

  Riley, Bob

  Riley, Sam

  Riley, Selma

  Riley, Warren; on Wal-Mart


  Ripley, Amanda

  Rising Tide (Barry)

  Ritz-Carlton; NBC at

  Rivera, Geraldo



  Robert, La.

  Roberts, Chris

  Roberts, Fay

  Roberts, Sara

  Robinette, Garland; Nagin interview with; on “Wall of Water”

  Robinette, Nancy

  Robinson, Jeanne

  Robinson, Norman

  Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge

  Rockmore, Noel

  Rockwell, Norman

  Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant

  Rodriguez, A. J. “Junior”

  Roig, Randy

  Roig-Franzia, Manuel

  Roman Catholicism

  rooftops; people stranded on; rescues from

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rose, Chris

  “Rose for Emily, A” (Faulkner)

  Ross, David A.

  Rousselle, Benny

  Route; see also Crescent City Connection

  Rove, Karl; in Air Force One; Vitter as go-between for

  Royal Dutch Shell

  Royal Sonesta Hotel

  Rule, Natalie

  rumors, reported as fact by media

  Russell, Gordon

  Russell, JaMarcus

  Russert, Tim

  Rustin, Bayard

  Ryder, Terry

  Saffir, Herbert

  Saffir-Simpson Damage Potential Scale

  St. Amant, Jesse

  St. Bernard Highway

  St. Bernard Housing Development

  St. Bernard Parish; evacuation of; FEMA and; flooding in; housing developments in; media coverage of; Mitch Landrieu in; non-evacuees in; oil spill in; police in; rescues in; “Wall of Water” in; see also Arabi; Chalmette; Meraux

  St. Bernard Parish Fire Department

  St. Charles Parish


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