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Twisted By Desire (Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy #1)

Page 13

by Desiree A. Cox

  “Want some, Abby?”

  “Yeah, I need some smell good.”

  I rubbed lotion on her little legs and arms.

  I slid the dress on, then twisted and wriggled as I zipped it up. Next, the matching body spray was spritzed on my neck, exposed chest, back, and, with my back to Abby, a couple squirts up my dress to my cooch. I knew that Jeff liked this scent as much as I did, maybe more. If I was lucky, the party would end early, and he could fuck me every which way until tomorrow.

  “You look pwetty, Mommy.”

  “Thank you, baby; you look pretty too.”

  “I know.”

  “And we have the same dress, that’s why Mommy looks so pretty.”

  “I know.”

  It was after seven. I went into the bathroom and put on my make-up, then coated my lips with clear lip gloss over my light pink lipstick.

  “Do you need some make-up too?” I asked.


  I used my translucent powder puff and dabbed it on her face, making her giggle uncontrollably. Then, I took my lip gloss and gave her a light coat.

  “Let’s go see how we look.” I helped her down off the bed, put on my shoes, and we walked into the closet, where a full-length mirror hung on the inside of the closet door.

  “We look pwetty.”

  “I agree, baby, and we smell pretty too. Are you ready to go to the party?”


  Oddly enough, it was at that very moment that I realized I had not figured out the way Abby should address Jeff. For the past two weeks, she had just answered his questions, or interrupted him by tugging at him, but she had never actually called him anything to get his attention. “Baby, tonight, if you want to get Jeff’s attention, you can call him Mr. Jeff.”

  “Okay.” She’d never remember, who did I think I was kidding?

  We stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the foyer, living room, and the formal waste of space room. There were about a dozen unfamiliar people downstairs with Jeff and Connor in the living room. Jeff had a bar set up in the living room and had hired a bartender to come in for the night.

  I cleared my throat to get his attention before I took my first step down. I felt like the center of attention. All eyes were on me as I descended the stairs like a movie starlet. If I trip or fall, I will be mortified. Jeff came to the bottom of the steps and held his hand out to help steady me as I came off the last two stairs. He pulled me into him. “You look stunning. And that smell is going to drive me crazy all night. Way to make me want to fuck you, baby doll.” He whispered in my ear, then kissed my neck. I flashed a devious smile at him. He knew I’d done it on purpose.

  He took Abby’s little hand in his and helped her twirl around. “You are so pretty, Abby.”

  “I know.” Everyone laughed at her unintended arrogance.

  Jeff held his strong hand splayed across the small of my back and walked us around introducing us to all of his guests. I met his boss, Michael, and his wife, Jennifer; Hunter, his personal trainer, and his girlfriend; Jorge, one of the men he traveled with frequently, and his wife; Sandy, another man he traveled with and his wife; Bridget, a co-worker, and her fiancé; and Carmen and her husband.

  His attention to me was overwhelming. He made sure not to leave my side, and was also very attentive to Abby. Connor was at the party alone. Everyone except Connor was part of a couple. Jeff told me he was divorced and that the ring was a sham.

  The doorbell rang, and Connor answered it. A beautiful, statuesque woman arrived and was whisked off to the kitchen by Connor. Maybe she was his date. Jeff pulled my attention back to the conversation with a squeeze around my waist. He was a phenomenal host. Jeff and Michael’s conversation quickly turned to work though. Boring … not party worthy.

  “Nikki, what do you do?” Jennifer asked.

  “I work in marketing for a major retailer. I’m involved with print and online marketing strategies, and do a lot of trending.”

  “That sounds interesting.”

  “It is, most days.” We both chuckled.

  “How old is your daughter, five or six?”

  “She’s three, going on twenty-three.”

  “She’s absolutely adorable, and tall. Is your ex-husband or ex-boyfriend tall?”

  “Ex-husband.” Clever way to dig for information. “Yes, he’s tall, - not as tall as Jeff, but tall.”

  “I don’t see a lot of resemblance between the two of you.” She looked down at Abby.

  “She looks a lot like her father.”

  “He must be quite the catch.”

  “For someone else, I’m sure he will be.”

  Jeff approached and placed his arm around my shoulder while blazing his prize-winning smile at her. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Jennifer, but I need to borrow Nikki for a few minutes.”

  “Sure, it was very nice talking to you, Nikki dear.” She flashed a smile at us both and returned to Michael’s side.

  Jeff leaned in and kissed me as he inhaled. “You looked like you needed to be saved.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “No problem, darling,” His heated gazed sent a chill up my spine. “The caterers are set up. I’m going to announce for everyone to come and eat.”

  “I’d like to go freshen up real quick first.”

  “You can clean up later, baby doll. I want you right here by my side.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek, rubbing his low-cut bearded chin across my face.

  His warm breath on my ear left me speechless. My mind drew a blank; I couldn’t even think of a response to that.

  He pulled me in tight to him, reaching his arm around my waist. “Everyone,” his voice boomed through the rooms of the house and radiated through my body like a freight train. He commanded everyone’s attention, every eye was on him. “Thank you all for coming out this evening. As you all know, Nikki has been brave enough to move in with me and bring her precious daughter.” He kissed my cheek as some chuckled. “Baby, thank you.”

  I looked up to see Connor and the mystery woman standing in the walkway under the stairs. She was incredibly beautiful. She could be a model. With her heels on, she was taller than Connor, and he was almost six feet.

  “And to let her know how much I cherish her…” Jeff lowered himself to the floor on one knee in front of me. Oh my god -- no fucking way. My heart raced, beating fast enough to burst clean out of my chest. He raised a small blue velvet box he pulled from his pants pocket up to me. I waved my hands by my face, fanning myself as my eyes prickled with impending tears. As he looked into my water-coated eyes, he flipped open the small lid to reveal a gleaming diamond ring. "I need you, Nikki. You mean more to me than you know. Marry me."

  I heard a sigh, then noticed the leggy brunette beauty leave the room and go into the restroom. Connor stayed.

  “This is so unexpected; I don't know what to say.”

  “Make me the happiest man on the planet. Say yes baby.”

  My walls clenched, and I was hypnotized by his intense stare. “Yes, baby.”

  He rose to both feet, placed his hands gently on each side of my face, and lowered his lips to mine. Everyone clapped and yelled congratulations.

  The bartender made the rounds with filled champagne flutes for everyone. “The future Mrs. Carrington and I appreciate you all coming to our house and helping us celebrate getting engaged. The food is ready, so please, everyone eat.”

  Abby tugged at his pant leg. He bent down and picked her up, resting her small body in the bend of his strong arm.

  Connor raised his glass to toast us. “To Jeff and his family.”

  The cheers of ‘hear, hear’ and ‘congratulations’ were echoing off each wall in the house. I was basking in the drunken glory of being engaged to this man - after four and a half short months. I’m fucking engaged.

  Jeff balanced Abby in his arm as he placed his free hand at the nape of my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. She squirmed and wriggled, reaching to get into my arms.
  I transferred Abby from Jeff’s hands into mine and walked into the kitchen with her to get a drink. The stunning brunette was there and congratulated me. Her eyes looked wet -- she said it was an eyelash. She asked to see the ring. As she held my fingers, I felt a slight tremble. She congratulated me again and quickly walked away. I was so absorbed in the glow of Jeff’s proposal, I never thought to ask her what her name was.

  Chapter 14

  I’d been caught up in a romantic twister. Sunday, I was thrown into the aftermath, back to reality day as Jeff went with me to drop off Abby. He drove while my mind ran through the events since meeting him. It seemed incomprehensible that I had been searching for a man just five short months ago and was now engaged. Sky was going to meet us at my mom’s house to get Abby, and we planned to tell them all the news together. Mom was not going to be happy. Sky would be even more upset.

  The crazy thing was, I knew I wasn’t in love with Jeff. I loved what he could offer -- that house, this car, his power; I loved what he stood for and I loved how he indulged me, in the bed and out. Was that so wrong? Should I come clean and let him know how I felt? Should I risk breaking his heart if he really did love me, and be forced to move back into my small house? I’d be a damn fool to tell him. Maybe I’d learn to love him with more time.

  “What’s on your mind?” His hand reached over and rubbed my bare thigh.

  “I was just thinking about how to tell them and anticipating their response.”

  “Don’t worry about it. As long as we’re happy, that’s what matters, right?”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but …”

  “You aren’t changing your mind, are you?” He glanced in my direction. “After less than 24 hours, I’m going to have a runaway bride-to-be?”

  “No, I’m not.” Of course I was. I was struggling to reconcile my head and my heart. How could I marry someone I didn’t love?

  “Good.” He stroked down my arm and redirected his gaze to the road.

  My mind raced trying to imagine what the future had in store for me while trying to figure out how I had ended up where I was and if I should run. My mind would be put somewhat at ease if Mom surprised me and didn’t freak out, but the chances of that were slim. I felt bile rise in my throat, and my stomach ached as Jeff turned the car into their driveway.

  “We’re at Nana’s, Abby,” Jeff cheerfully announced.

  “Get me out!” she demanded, which was her version of ‘Get me out of this damn car seat.’ Can’t say I blamed her; I’d want out of that thing too. Jeff had walked around to our side and opened my door, then opened the rear door so he could get Abby.

  He set her on the ground, and she took off running to the front door.

  “I feel sick.” I bent over at the hip, leaning my ass back against the car. My head was down, and my hair fell forward, covering my face.

  Jeff rubbed my back. “You’ll be okay. It’s not going to be as bad as you think.”

  No, it’ll probably be worse. “I hope you’re right. I need to sit down for a minute, though.” I dropped down beside the car and bent my legs, pulling my feet in close to my butt. I crossed my arms over my knees and dropped my forehead to rest on them.

  “Baby, fuck it, let’s don’t tell them. Jesus Christ, if it’s got you all fucked up like this, we just won’t say anything yet. Maybe you’d rather just elope, or, I don’t know, end it all -- you go your way and I’ll go mine. I don’t know.” I looked up at him, watching in horror as he ran his fingers through his hair while glaring down at me. “If they see you’re happy, you mean to tell me they won’t be happy for you? What kind of family do you have?” He crouched down to eye level with me. “Why don’t you just fucking tell me what you want?”

  “That’s not what I want. I want to be with you.” I want to live in that amazing house, drive your car, and swim in your pool. “Fuck it, let’s go do this. I’ll be okay.”

  He stood, then reached down and grasped my hand, helping me up to my feet. “I guess your first challenge will be to explain to your mom, who’s in the doorway watching us, why you were on the ground.” He winked at me and flashed that million-dollar smile.

  After convincing Mom I wasn’t pregnant again and that I wasn’t dying of food poisoning, I flashed the ring and blurted out, “We’re getting married.” My gaze was met with her disapproving eyes, a subtle shake of her head and a scowl that screamed disappointment in my decision. Jeff held his arm around my shoulders tight to assure me I was going to be okay -- or to hold me up in case I passed out.

  Jim broke into conversation with Jeff, while I was whisked away into the kitchen by my mother’s nod of her head and scolding glare. I did not want to be in the kitchen with her. Abby trekked in behind us, yanking at Mom’s shirt and asking for water.

  “What the hell are you doing, Nicolette?” She pounded the counter top instead of raising her voice before getting a glass and half filling it, then handed it to Abby. This is some serious shit, she called me by my full first name.

  “I know you don’t approve of Jeff, and I know you probably think we’re moving too fast. But I really want this. I want him.”

  “You have taken a complete loss of every bit of sense you’ve ever had. I’m not convinced you have any idea what you’re doing. Have you told Sky?”

  “No, he was supposed to have been here already.”

  “He’s going to freak out.” Her head shook so much, she looked like one of those bobbing head dogs that sits in a rear car window. “Are you thinking about anyone besides yourself?”

  “Jesus, you sound like Sky. We’re divorced, Mom. I’m not cheating on him. I’m thinking of me and Abby -- what kind of future we can have, you know, what Sky could never give us. And yeah, I guess I am thinking of myself too.”

  “Hey, hey, everyone,” Sky called as he entered the house. Then within seconds, “Fuck.”

  “Well, clearly, he just saw your fiancé sitting in the living room.” Mom pierced my heart with the stare she gave me. “You go tell him your wonderful news.”

  Just then Sky walked into the kitchen.

  “Daddy,” Abby screamed.

  “Hey, princess.” He rubbed his nose against her, giving her an Eskimo kiss.

  His attention was quickly turned back to me. “What’s that all about, Nik? I thought we discussed this?” He pointed into the living room in the direction of Jeff.

  “We aren’t at your house or his; this is my mom’s house, so you can fucking get over it,” I snapped. I didn’t care at that moment that I was cursing in front of Abby. “I don’t need you trying to run my life.” I was so frustrated, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

  I took a deep breath then released it slowly to help bring my blood pressure back down, close to normal, before continuing, “Sky, I have something to tell you.” I swallowed hard and felt a lump form in my throat. I struggled to breathe. “Jeff and I are getting married.”

  “Are you kidding me?” He turned his eyes toward my mom, “Is this for real?”

  “Yep.” She shrugged her shoulders and went back to shaking her head.

  “You take a step closer to worse with every decision.” Sky continued his rant and gave his deeper-dive opinion on me and my choices of late; it wasn’t flattering.

  “I didn’t ask you for your blessing. I’m telling you -- fucking telling you; I don’t need your permission.”

  Jeff came into the kitchen and was met with their four eyes, all scowling and shooting arrows into him. My eyes were glazed over and brimming with tears. He ignored them both and walked over to me, wrapping my hand and his, interlacing our fingers.

  Jim walked in right behind him. “Hey, what’s all the yelling about?”

  “Did you hear, Nikki’s getting married again.” Mom spat the words out.

  “Jeff just told me the good news -- happy news. I think it’s great.” He leaned in and gave me a hug, causing the tears to tumble down my cheeks. He pulled back and looked me in my tear-filled eyes. “
Don’t let anyone change your happiness, dear.”

  I heard Mom give her signature ‘humph’ in the background while Sky sighed.

  Jeff interrupted, “We need to get going, baby doll; we have a reservation in thirty minutes.” He glanced up at Mom and Sky. “It was nice to see you all again.” He shook Jim’s hand. “Always a pleasure, Jim.” He pulled at my arm, loosening my feet from the imaginary cement they were mounted in. I picked up my purse, slung it on my shoulder, said good bye to Mom and Sky, kissed Abby, who was held in Sky’s arms, then said good bye to Jim before we left.

  “That was … interesting.” Jeff scowled. “I guess I underestimated their response and actually thought they’d be happy for you.”

  “It’s not over.” I was shaking my head like my mom. “It’s not even close to being over.”

  “It doesn’t matter what they think; it’s your life. They don’t have to like or agree with every decision you make.” Jeff opened my car door for me, then closed it behind me after I settled into my seat. He rounded the car to his door, and my eyes were fixated on his sexy body in that tight black T-shirt. He closed his door and started the car. “And who the hell is Sky to say anything? You guys are divorced. That pencil-necked fucker needs to worry about getting a job.”

  Screech! What? My head snapped in his direction. “He’s working; he just got a job.” I turned back to looking out the front window after realizing I was defending my ex-husband to my fiancé. We rode in silence for several minutes. My eyebrows pulled tight, my body tensed, and I could have sworn I could feel a wrinkle forming as my mind was working overtime.

  “You know,” Jeff interrupted my thoughts, “this should be a really good time for us. We need to come up with a date so you can start planning our wedding.”

  “I know; you’re right.” A smile cracked my face. “Do we really have a reservation somewhere?”

  “Absolutely; I know this great place that’s private, perfect for newly engaged couples who can’t keep their hands off each other. It’s just what you need after sharing important information with family that has left you stressed.”


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