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Twisted By Desire (Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy #1)

Page 21

by Desiree A. Cox

  My sex tightened with longing as I took my position.

  “You know what I want to see, so don’t be shy.”

  I rubbed my fingers between my slick lips, pulling them apart to expose the ripe, and wet, pink hole inside. He and I moaned at the same time. My fingers toyed between my opening and my lips, not penetrating, not yet. I slid them up to my swollen clit and rubbed gently.

  “Harder, baby, I want to watch you get off.”

  I put more pressure on my bud and rubbed until I was close to the edge then stopped. Slowly, I moved my fingers down to my opening and slid my fuck-you finger inside me. When I pulled it out, I put it in my mouth and sucked and licked it like it I wanted to do to his cock, getting all the juices off, moaning and closing my eyes.

  “God damn it, Nikki, you try your best to unravel me.”

  I pulled my finger out of my mouth and returned it to my waiting hole, slipping two fingers in this time, then three. I plunged them inside as I rubbed my clit. I could feel my channel contracting around my fingers as I went over the edge. I kept the pressure on my clit and moaned, then called out his name. Once I removed my hands from myself, I collapsed back against the side of the sink cabinet and gasped for breath as if I had just finished running a marathon.

  “Damn baby, you’re so hot. I can’t wait until tomorrow. And don’t forget, I’ll have your surprise with me.”

  “You’re all I need. Just hurry up and get home.”

  We ended the call after I told him about Say Yes to the Dress and that I’d be out doing Black Friday shopping.

  I quickly washed up before bopping back down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Gary and Carla nursing cups of coffee.

  “Good morning.” I walked over and gave them each a hug. “Where are the kids?”

  “They’re in the living room. We took their breakfast in there. We set the bounce-a-bouts up for Brian and Brianna.”

  Holy fuck -- and the monitoring of Jeff’s house began.

  I walked into the living room to make sure no food had made its way to the floor. Abby and Bianca were playing with the babies and had pretty much not eaten anything.

  “Are you guys going to eat any more of your cereal?”

  “No, I want Nana’s bird,” Bianca said.

  “Yeah, Nana’s bird,” Abby mocked.

  I picked up both bowls and headed into the kitchen with them.

  “They didn’t eat much of anything; they’re waiting for turkey, or in their words, Nana’s bird.”

  Mom looked up at me. “Are you sure you’re okay, dear? Now your cheeks look flushed.” Oh, Mom, let it go. I just masturbated for my fiancé.

  “I’m feeling fine.” I walked over by the stove and was slapped hard by the aroma of that fucking creature in there called turkey. “Well, except the fact that something about this turkey is making my stomach turn every time I get a good deep whiff.”

  “Perhaps you should shuck the corn at the table so you’re away from the stove, dear.”

  “Isn’t that farmer talk? Shucking corn?” I grabbed the bags and laughed at ‘shucking corn’ as I made my way to the table. “Where are we, Iowa?”

  “Iowa is the potato state, idiot. Idaho is corn,” Gary chimed in.

  “No, jackass, Iowa is corn, and Idaho is potatoes. Jeez, Mom, why didn’t you teach him anything?”

  Carla laughed, but Mom didn’t seem quite as amused.

  “Perhaps I should have taught you that I didn’t give birth to a jackass.” Gary turned to me and stuck his tongue out. “But your sister is right; Iowa is the corn state, not Idaho.”

  “Who cares, get to shucking, Farmhand Nicolette.” Gary smiled as he flipped me off behind Mom’s back.

  I decided to let it go…for now. But as soon as Mom turned her back to me, I flipped him off right back. I smiled as I thought about the fact that the finger I used to flip him off had been in my pussy just a short time ago. The smile stayed on my face as I proceeded with my shucking duties.

  Jim arrived with his two sons and their families just before noon. I welcomed them in and took them on a tour of the first floor and showed them the pool. Justin, Jim’s oldest son, and his wife, Lisa, decided to take the kids for a swim before we ate. Gary had Bianca’s swimsuit with them. Fortunately for Justin and Johnny’s boys, even though they didn’t have swim trunks, they’d worn shorts. Carla took the girls up to change while the boys ripped their shirts over their heads, tossed them on the floor, and darted out the sliding glass door like a pack of wolves.

  Johnny, Jim’s younger son, and his wife, Karen, sat in the kitchen with us and talked but made sure they had a good view of the pool. Their kids were all at least ten years old.

  Karen, Lisa, and I set the dining room table while Carla pinch-hit for me on cooking duties. We set places for twelve at the large table, letting Justin’s two older kids and Johnny’s oldest sit with us. Then we set up the folding table in the waste of space area for the four younger kids to sit there. I think we all were hoping Gary’s twins would take a nap so they could eat in peace.

  During prayer, which was led by Mom, everyone bent their heads except Gary and me. We made faces at each other across the table until we heard Mom say, “And please Lord, bless my two babies, who are rude and disrespectful.” We both said Amen with everyone else then laughed.

  Dinner was really good, all except the turkey. I couldn’t stand the smell, even fully cooked, so I ate all the vegetables, potatoes and a piece of pumpkin pie.

  “I’ll get everything cleaned up; you guys can go in the living room and relax,” I said.

  “I’ll help you,” Carla said.

  As everyone was filing out of the dining room and making their way to the living room, Carla and I made quick work of clearing the dishes from the table. I had her set them on the counter as I loaded the dishwasher.

  By the time we got done in the kitchen, the kids were begging to go swimming again.

  I noticed Jim was asleep in the living room. “Looks like the turkey got the best of him,” I said to Mom and Gary.

  “He’ll be full of piss and vinegar in about an hour. I don’t think we’ll stay too much longer after the kids finish swimming.” Mom folded her arms and sighed.

  “Is something bothering you, Mom?” Gary walked over and put his arm around her shoulders.

  “I just have this feeling…” She dropped her arms to her side. “Well, I can’t help but wonder with Nikki getting married, if your father will make his way back to the surface.”

  “It’s funny you bring him up. I was thinking I should at least reach out to him. If he wants to come, fine. If not, that’s fine too.”

  “Well, you both are better than me, because I just don’t give two fucks about him. He could die and I wouldn’t give a shit or attend his funeral.”

  Chapter 26

  It was close to eight o’clock when everyone except Gary, Carla, and their kids left. I took Abby up to give her a bath, got her pajamas on, and tucked her into bed. I was exhausted. I sent a quick text to Georgia to see if we were still on for tomorrow’s rat-race shopping and meet-up. She baled on me.

  By the time I went back downstairs, Carla and Gary had their twins tucked in bed, and six year old Bianca was lying on the living room floor fighting to keep her eyes open. Carla had her head on Gary’s chest as they sat watching Cartoon Network, the channel of choice today instead of football.

  “Are you up for some Black Friday shopping tomorrow morning, Carla?”

  She lifted her head and looked at me with sleepy eyes. “How early are you thinking about leaving?”

  “Not too early, probably around six.”

  “Yeah, sure, why not?” She looked at Gary. “You don’t mind, do you, honey?”

  “As long as I’m not being forced to go, I don’t mind. You guys have fun.”

  “I’ll have Abby with me, so we won’t be out long.”

  “Get the hell out of here! You can’t shop in that madness with her. Leave her here
and I’ll take care of her,” Gary replied.

  “Are you sure? That’s four kids.”

  “I’ll be fine, trust me. I’ll probably end up at Mom’s before you get back anyway.”

  “Cool, I’m going to sleep so I have the energy to fight the crowds.” I went over and gave them each a hug. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” they both called at the same time. They were a very cute couple and complemented each other well.

  “Do you want me to take Bianca up?”

  “Sure, thank you,” Carla said. “B, go with Aunt Nikki.”

  Bianca gave them both a hug and kiss, then I picked her up onto my hip. She was much heavier than Abby.

  When the alarm went off, I thought I was still dreaming. I moved in slow motion to get it to turn off. It would’ve been cruel and unusual punishment to wake Abby up and drag her out of her bed.

  I was leaning against the counter sending a text to Jeff, letting him know my decision to brave the insanity, when Carla stumbled down the stairs. She looked almost like she was sleep-walking toward the smell of brewing coffee.

  “This is going to suck; I’m just saying it now,” Carla said with a stoic, straight face. I reached for a cup for her and set it on the counter.

  “Do you have anywhere you want to go?”

  “A toy store; anywhere, I don’t care.” She poured her coffee and refilled my cup.

  We finished our coffee and each took a cup with us.

  While we spent the day shopping, laughing, and having a great time talking, I filled her in on bits and pieces of my relationship with Jeff. She didn’t offer up any judgmental comments or make it seem like what I was doing was ridiculous. But she did ask that one bothersome question that stumped me: ‘Do you love him?’ Of course I replied yes because what else was I supposed to say? No, I don’t love him, but what the fuck, he wants to marry me for God knows what reason and he has a lot of money, so why not? That wouldn’t go over too well.

  When we reached the breaking point of shopping, she called Gary and found out he was still at Jeff’s house, so we drove back there. He was trying to get everyone and everything out of the foyer and loaded up in his car to go to Mom’s. We helped him, and all of us went over.

  I had lost track of time when I heard my phone chime, signaling an incoming phone call.

  “Hey, are you home?”

  “Yes, I’m home. And I’m not too happy about the way the house looks. The kitchen is a mess and something was spilled in the living room. I didn’t think I asked for too much, darlin’.” I slinked out of the house and took a seat in a chair in the backyard while I listened.

  “I’m sorry. We were out shopping. I didn’t check the house before I left. Gary watched the kids. That’s my fault.” Fuck! Why hadn’t I done a check of everything before I left?

  “Obviously I was wrong.” He continued talking to me and completely ignored what I had just said. “I didn’t want stains on the carpet or a sink full of dishes. Perhaps you just didn’t have a good understanding of what the fuck I had asked of you.” My stomach sank as Jeff scolded me.

  “I’ll be right there. Just let me --” He hung up on me. My eyes stung with tears, and my knee bounced out of control. I had to regain my composure before walking back into the house. I couldn’t let them see me looking out of sorts and being able to deduce what had happened on this call.

  After a few deep breaths, I rose from the chair and tucked my phone into my pocket. I put on my happy face and returned to the house like nothing was wrong.

  “I need to go home for a bit; Jeff’s back from his trip.”

  “That’s cool; why don’t you leave Abby with us? She and Bianca are having a good time. We’ll bring her with us when we come back,” Gary offered.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive; leave her and go see your man,” Carla added with a wink.

  “Okay, I’ll see you guys later.” I gave everyone a hug goodbye, told Abby I was leaving, and headed for Jeff’s house.

  The fifteen-minute drive was gut-wrenching. My mind was racing a mile a minute. I didn’t want to fight, and I didn’t want to get hollered at any more.

  I unlocked the door and walked into the house to hear Jeff talking. He turned in his chair and saw me standing in the foyer, then hung up his phone.

  “Hi, babe,” I said, my voice shaking with trepidation.

  “Hey, come in here. Where’s Abby?”

  “Gary kept her at Mom’s.” I walked with slow, small steps, edging my way into the kitchen, looking at the dishes left in the sink. “I’m really sorry; I swear –”

  “It’s not like it can’t be cleaned up. Come over here.” Okay, did I mention that my fiancé is neurotic? I walked over to him, and he scooped me into his arms and lowered his lips onto mine, consuming me as he held me tight to him, murmuring into my mouth, “I missed you.”

  He helped to maneuver my body so I was straddling his lap. His fingers were dragging down my back, and his strong hands were palming my ass cheeks, pulling me into him tight. His need was overwhelming. My flower responded and was silently begging for him, burning and aching to feel him as my hips moved forward.

  “Not in the house today, baby. I don’t want any interruptions. I don’t want to be heard, and I damn sure don’t want to be found.”

  He lifted me off of him and set me on the floor. I looked down at his impressive package waiting to be unwrapped, noticing the wet spot on the front of his pants. “Is that from me?”

  He ran his fingers between my legs, feeling my crotch through my pants. My legs spread for him. I could feel the moisture in my panties. “That’s compliments of you.” He rubbed his fingers against his thumb, then stood and took my hand and led me out to the pool house.

  I had never been in there; I never had a need or desire to go in there. There was a storage area with pool supplies and behind that was a door. Jeff led the way through the neatly stacked items and tools, then unlocked the door. We walked through the door, and I was shocked. There was a small studio apartment set-up. There was a bed, a sofa, a kitchenette, and a bathroom.

  He led me to the bed, sat down, and tugged me down onto him. He laid back and pulled me with him as our mouths fused together. His fingers abraded my hard nipples, causing my stomach to clench and my thighs to clamp together. His hand slid down my torso, over my hips and down across to my mound. His hands quickly unfastened the button and zipper of my pants. I reached down and helped shove off my pants and panties. Our lips parted.

  Jeff knelt above me, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it onto the floor, and then tossing my garments over with it. He lifted my shirt off over my head and unfastened my bra. I lay there, naked, waiting for him to use me however he wanted.

  “I have your surprise out here, baby.”

  “Okay.” I was a little apprehensive. I had never been a huge fan of surprises.

  “Close your eyes.” He stood from the bed, and as he walked into the bathroom. I closed my eyes tight. I felt him press into the bed. “Lie back and spread those luscious thighs for me, and make sure you don’t open your big brown eyes.”

  I loved when he ordered me and instructed what he wanted me to do. I felt his warm breath on my over-sensitive skin. I could have felt the breeze of a gnat’s wings flying in the air above me. His warm, moist tongue lapped at my folds, then the breath returned. His tongue stroked across my bud before I felt his heated breath on me. He dipped his tongue deep into my folds to my channel, licking at the opening before disappearing, making me want more.

  “You’re making me crazy, Jeff.”

  “You’ve already driven me out of my mind; welcome to the party. Keep your eyes closed.”

  His tongue lapped and sucked at my clit while my body curled in toward him. He was going to make me cum like this. But he pulled away, my body eventually relaxing as I waited in anticipation of his next touch.

  He scraped his fingers up my inner thigh to my flower, parted my lips gently, then ran
his tongue from my tight knot up to my bud, slipping his finger inside me. My hips rose slightly off the bed to meet his hand.

  “You’re so wet. You always are.” I heard him slurp and peeked to see his finger in his mouth. I closed my eyes. “And you taste so fucking good, sweet Nikki.” His finger found its way back inside me again. “My beautiful baby doll.”

  I felt something cool rubbing on my bud, not his warm tongue, and his finger stayed lodged deep in my crevice. I was confused and wanted to open my eyes, but resisted the temptation. Then there was a click, and the vibration began. Holy hot fuckness to death, he’d brought me a vibrator.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “Yeah,” I moaned as my hips gyrated.

  “Good. I want you to use this when you make yourself cum for me. Take it; you hold it.” My hands reached blindly down toward my clit. He steadied them up to the handle. I knew without opening my eyes that he had bought me the wand. Oh, joy!

  His fingers thrust in and out as the vibration on my clit pushed me closer and closer to tipping over the edge. He pulled them out, and his tongue resumed probing my cleft beneath the vibrating head. His hands slid under my ass, lifting me up to his skilled mouth like he was serving my pussy on a platter to himself. A bolt of lightning shot through me. I began to perspire. My heart raced as my stomach muscles contracted, curling my back off the mattress. “Good fucking God, Jeff.” Every muscle in my body stiffened as I reached my climax. The vibration on my swollen clit had me orgasming non-stop. It became nearly unbearable, yet felt so good at the same time.

  Jeff pried the wand from my hands. “Looks like we have a winner here.” He laughed. “You can open your eyes. Are you ready for me now, baby?” He looked so delicious with his jeans hung low on his hips and his muscles rippling.

  I was panting and writhing on the bed. “I’ve been ready for you.”

  “I like that.” He stood up and slid his pants down, revealing his cock to me.

  “Come here.” I motioned for him to bring that beast up to my mouth. The drip of pre-cum resting on the tip was hanging on for dear life, waiting for me to lick it off. I engulfed his length in my mouth and watched his head roll back.


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