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Taken By The Alpha (Timber Valley Pack)

Page 10

by Georgette St. Clair

  “If you’re trying to show me that you’re a sick, twisted asshole descended from a line of sick, twisted assholes, I already knew that.” Maddox bared his fangs.

  He clicked off the video, then clicked on another one. This was a live feed.

  Maddox struggled not to suck in his breath.

  Katrina sat tied to a chair. Her lip was swollen and bleeding, and she had a copper collar on her neck, preventing her from shifting. A man stood next to her. As Maddox watched, he cuffed Katrina on the side of her head. Katrina turned and spit blood into the man’s face, and snarled something that he couldn’t make out.

  Maddox shifted and lunged, and Roman shifted too. Maddox knocked Roman to the ground easily and stood over him, his jaws snapping at Roman’s neck.

  Roman didn’t try to fight back, just lay on his back with his paws in the air.

  Then Roman shifted back to human form. Maddox shifted too, kneeling over Roman and snarling.

  “Do you know how bad I’m going to hurt you before I kill you?” he growled.

  Roman struggled to a sitting position. “Nice fighting spirit. Save it for the Arena,” Roman said. “You’re going to need to make a good show of things before you throw the fight and let me kill you.”

  “Let’s add crazy to sick twisted asshole. You think you can get away with kidnapping Katrina? In what fucked up world do you think I’d let that happen?”

  “I always knew you had a thing for her,” Roman sneered. “You were panting after her every time you laid eyes on her.

  Comprehension dawned, swirling with his choking rage. “That’s why you let her go shopping in town. That’s why you hadn’t issued an edict or reacted to my ban. You wanted me to take her hostage.”

  “I played you like the stupid pawn you are. In case you’re wondering, I’m the king in this analogy.” Roman’s tone was loathsomely smug.

  “And you decided to have the death match in a month so I’d have time to fall for her. And you sent Teresa over to spy on us. She was the one who’d been calling your pack. She let you know that Katrina and I were mating. How the fuck did you get Lula to go along with your demented scheme?”

  “Teresa convinced her that she’d help Lula get together with you. Lula had no idea that I’m going to kill you,” Roman shrugged.

  “Teresa shot that grenade into Katrina’s room. She could have killed her.”

  “No, she couldn’t. The grenade was a dud. We just wanted to make sure Katrina would go running to you for comfort. Now, I want you to think about that video you just saw. If I’d do that to my own father, imagine what I’d do to a spoiled, disrespectful little bitch that I don’t even like.”

  Maddox let out an involuntary snarl. If Roman weren’t holding Katrina hostage, he’d have killed him on the spot for speaking about Katrina like that.

  He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He was letting Roman provoke him, and showing his hand. He was letting his emotions rule his head.

  “When we enter the Death Arena, you’ll make a good show of fighting for the first couple of minutes, and then I will rip your throat out. I can promise you it will be quick. Then I will let Katrina live. There’s an Alpha that wants to marry her, and his pack would make a valuable alliance. If you fight and succeed in killing me, my family will peel the skin from Katrina’s flesh.”

  “And you think her mother will let them get away with that?” Maddox snarled.

  Roman threw back his head and let out a harsh, barking laugh.

  “It’s been three years now and that bitch still hasn’t produced an heir for me. Right after I kill you, I’m dumping her and marrying Teresa. She’s excellent breeding stock, attractive, appropriately submissive and she’s proven that she is fertile and can give birth to sons. She’ll give me Alphas. Of course I’ll have to kill both of her sons, she’ll need to be one hundred percent devoted to my children, but I’m sure she’ll be fine with that. She won’t have much choice.”

  He stood up, closing his laptop, and walked to the door. He glanced back over his shoulder and said “I’m sure that you’ll make the right decision.”

  Then he left the room.

  Maddox sat there, gritting his teeth, his blood boiling. His mate was being held hostage, she was being hurt, and if he tried to rescue her Roman’s men would kill her long before he could get to her. Katrina, his feisty, beautiful, kind-hearted, Katrina was being hurt right this very minute and he was supposed to be protecting her and he couldn’t.

  His mate or his pack. His mate or his pack.

  What would he choose? How would he choose?

  Chapter Thirteen

  The testing was finally complete, and both Roman and Maddox had passed. The Council of Elders were satisfied that neither of them had used any enhancements, magic or otherwise.

  There was a massive crowd sitting in bleachers on both sides of the field, with dozens of Wardens standing by to keep order. Killingworths and their allies on one side, Mordhaus pack and their allies on the other side.

  The Council of Elders, of course, were sitting in front of the bleachers, where they could supervise the action and ensure there was no cheating.

  Roman strolled on to the field, waving to his pack, smiling hugely. Teresa was sitting in the front row. Confident of his victory, he’d already given Janet the news of her replacement the evening before and hustled her off to a small cabin on the far edge of the property. She’d wept and wailed and begged in a most irritating fashion; it had been a relief to get her out of his sight.

  He and Teresa had celebrated all night long; it wasn’t a full moon yet, so it was unlikely she’d be pregnant, but it wouldn’t be long now.

  Oddly, she didn’t look as excited as he would have expected. Did she look worried? She did. She actually looked panicked. Well, that was downright disrespectful.

  Maybe she wouldn’t make the perfect Alpha’s mate after all. He felt a ripple of anger run through him. How dare she give the appearance that she thought he might lose?

  There were plenty of suitable replacements who were eager for the honor of being his mate. He would tolerate no disloyalty, nothing less than the adoration and respect that he was due. That was one thing he’d say for Janet, she made it clear to everyone that she worshipped the ground he trod on. That was the only acceptable demeanor for an Alpha’s mate. If only she’d given him an heir.

  Maddox threw open the flaps of the tent where he’d been undergoing his own testing, and began striding across the field towards him.

  Roman cast a final irritated glance at Teresa – and saw her gesturing frantically towards the side of the field where the Killingworth pack was sitting. There was a Warden standing behind Teresa, Roman realized. Why was he there?

  Roman looked where Teresa was pointing – and a bolt of horror shot through him and made him gasp.

  Katrina was there – right in the front row.

  How? She hadn’t been there when he’d walked into the tent to get tested, but that had been several hours ago.

  Katrina blew a kiss to Maddox, then gave Roman the finger. She was sitting next to a female gopher shifter. Stacey something. And Stacey’s parents. No. No, he had them locked up. How were they here?

  He looked at the bleachers on the other side of the field, and felt sick. All of the gophers were there. All of the gophers were sitting together. That shouldn’t be. He always kept the families separate.

  Maddox was almost on him now. This could not be happening. Everything was falling to pieces. This never happened to him. He was Roman Coffman. Everything went his way.

  Wardens were standing in the bleachers next to his nephews, and his nephews looked frightened and angry.

  “Hey, old man!” Maddox barked at him. Roman swiveled back to look at him, his eyes wild with panic.

  “You know what gophers are good at, asshole?” Maddox flashed a feral grin. “Digging. Katrina told them where their families were, and this morning, as soon as you left your pack property, they dug a tun
nel and freed them. Then they dug Katrina out, with help from my men.”

  Roman’s fell back a step, and terror washed over him. He struggled for words, frantically tried to think of a way out, but he could only make gurgling sounds of panic. He was about to die.

  “Now, let me tell you what’s about to happen,” Maddox said grimly. “I will kill you, and then I will hunt down and kill everyone who helped you kidnap Katrina and imprison those gopher families. Your family name will be spoken with contempt and disgust for generations to come. And you know what? Your father was right. You are weak and pathetic and you’re no Alpha.”

  “I surrender,” Roman said quickly, eagerly. “I have money hidden. You can have all of it. Millions of dollars. You can have my pack. I’ll walk away.”

  There was no mercy in Maddox’s furious gaze. “Not after you kidnapped and hurt my mate and terrorized the god damned town, you won’t.”

  Roman reeled back. He barely heard the Elders stand up and make the traditional announcements, and before he knew it, Maddox had shifted and was running towards him. He was massive, his eyes were glowing with rage, and his lips were wrinkled back, baring his fangs.

  Roman shifted quickly and, panicked, turned and ran. He heard boos and jeering from the crowd.

  “Coward!” they screamed at him.

  Maddox slammed in to him and tore into his back with his fangs. He felt hot, searing pain, and blood pouring onto his fur.

  Roman was pinned on the ground underneath him. He lunged upward, aiming for Maddox’s throat, but his unhealed wound stiffened him and sent pain tearing through him when he moved too fast. Maddox dodged him easily.

  Roman managed to roll out from underneath Maddox and scrambled to his feet. He backed up, and Maddox advanced on him slowly, drawing the moment out.

  Blood coursed down Roman’s back, and his mind was blank with terror.

  He pictured his father’s sneering face, heard his shouted taunts, felt the agony of his father’s boots slamming into his ribs again and again. Was that his father, or was that Maddox?

  He let out a whimper of fear, and realized he’d urinated, the stench burning his nostrils.

  Maddox launched himself through the air again. The last thing Roman felt was Maddox’s teeth closing on his throat, and then searing, burning pain.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I thought I’d never see you again.” Maddox hugged Katrina, who had already been seen by the healer. Her split lip was healed, her bruises gone, the aches faded.

  “I knew you’d win.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest.

  They were alone in his room, and the Death Challenge had ended hours ago. It had been so short it had been pretty anti-climactic, actually.

  Lula had faced the ultimate penalty for killing Michael, and for her betrayal. Teresa had escaped after the game, and fled – abandoning her two young sons, who would be raised by their grandparents in the Mordhaus pack. Despite Katrina’s pleas, there was a kill on sight order for her. Katrina knew she deserved it for her treachery, but she didn’t want Teresa to actually be executed.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Maddox asked, standing back and looking over her anxiously. “We can call the healer back if you need more. You’re completely healed”

  “Well, mostly.” She tipped back her head and smiled at him. “But you know, it might be a good idea for you to kiss me and make it better.”

  He bent down and brushed his lips against hers, and she caught her breath.

  “Is that better?” he asked.

  “It’s a start.”

  He gave a slow, feral grin that made Katrina’s pussy tingle and her toes curl. Then he swept her into his arms, snatching her up as though she weighed nothing, and dumped her unceremoniously in the middle of the bed. He started stripping off his clothes, his eyes intent on her the whole time.

  Katrina’s mouth watered as he exposed smooth golden skin. The muscles in his arms and chest flexed with every deft, decisive movement, and when he pushed his jeans down over his thighs, his cock was already erect and ready.

  Katrina lost no time in following suit, wriggling out of her clothes, sending bra and panties flying, and she was naked as she watched him stalking towards her, his expression predatory. He wore nothing but a proud, possessive grin.

  “I feel better already,” she said breathlessly.

  Maddox crawled towards her on the bed, taking his time, and she sighed happily as he ran a hand up her calf, placed a kiss on the back of her knee. She spread her thighs and he dropped little kisses on the hot flesh as he worked his way up her body, dipped his tongue into her navel, briefly suckled on a pebbled nipple. Then he settled himself on top of her and kissed her. In contrast to the power of the man, it was soft and sweet. Exploratory. His tongue fluttered against hers. He cupped her face gently in his large hands.

  Katrina quivered with pleasure; with a slow, sensual burn. Then Maddox rolled them over, so that she was lying on top of him, and gave her that feral grin again. “I’ve shown everyone that you’re mine,” he said. His gaze was intense; Katrina couldn’t have looked away even if she’d wanted to. “Roman, the Elders, my pack – everyone. Now show me that I’m yours.” And deep in his eyes, there was the faintest flicker of uncertainty.

  And she understood. An Alpha — a true Alpha — was strong. He fought. He protected. He sacrificed. And he could never show weakness. But there was one place where he could be vulnerable. Where he could trust that he wouldn’t be challenged. Where he could stop fighting. And that was with his Mate.

  She kissed him. She poured everything she felt into it. Love. Want. Wonder that he wanted her too. His lips parted on a silent sigh and she flicked her tongue against his; invading, teasing. She straddled him and rose above him, drinking in the sight of him. He gave a crooked smile, and she gently brushed his hair away from his face.

  She ran her hands over the firm planes of his chest, and he gave a low whimper and allowed his eyes to drift closed when she tweaked his nipple between thumb and forefinger. The muscles of his belly twitched as she trailed her fingers over the hot flesh, and he groaned when she took his cock in her hand and positioned it against her slick opening.

  Her pussy was already drenched from the heady sensation of power it gave her to have this man submit to her; hand over his hard-won control to her. Her nipples were taut little beads of desire, and she played with one, rolling it between her thumb and finger, watching as Maddox’s pupils dilated and his breathing quickened. She could tell he was desperate to plunge inside her, but he lay still, trembling slightly with want and restraint.

  Then, achingly slowly, she sank down onto his rigid member, inch by tortuous inch. Maddox groaned, long and low, and clasped her hips in his hands, hard enough to leave bruises. His chest rose and fell with labored effort as he struggled for control.

  And then he was all the way inside her, seated to the hilt. Katrina felt full. Complete. Her pussy clenched around him as a wave of possessive arousal washed over her, and she began to move, slowly at first, until she found a rolling rhythm that built in wave after wave of electric sensation.

  Maddox moaned and ran his hands up to cup her breasts, kneading the soft flesh. Katrina gasped and tilted her head back, allowing the frissons of pleasure to run through her from her scalp to the tips of her toes. She felt loved. Powerful. Like an Alpha’s mate.

  She increased her pace, her pussy clenching as Maddox growled and began to move beneath her, thrusting in counterpoint to her movements, joining in the dance. His swollen length moved in and out of her slick folds, and a sweet pressure started to build in her belly and thighs. She whimpered at the intensity of the sensation, then she put her hands over his heart, continuing to work her hips against him. Voice husky, she said, “You’re mine, Maddox. Mine.”

  Then she leaned down and kissed him with every ounce of the passion she felt for him, claiming his lips, which opened greedily to hers. Maddox wrapped his arms around her a
nd they tangled together, lips and limbs and the unbearably sweet spiraling sensations of orgasm.

  Katrina moaned helplessly against his mouth as she came, and Maddox tumbled over the edge with her, his arms like bands of steel around her, his heart beating frantically against hers. For blissful moments, she hardly knew where she ended and he began.

  “Yours,” he whispered gratefully. “Yours.”


  “I’m going to be a flower girl, I’m going to be a flower girl!” Heather twirled around, her dress billowing around her.

  Katrina and Maddox stood on the common, enjoying the glorious autumn weather. It was September, and there was a faint, delicious chill in the air.

  Caroline and Peony and a dozen other women were gathered at the picnic table where Katrina had first met them – planning out the details of Maddox and Katrina’s wedding. Peony’s wedding had gone off without a hitch, and now her stomach was gently swelling.

  Heather danced over to their table. “I’m going to be a flower girl! See me spin!” she sang, spinning in circles. “What is a flower girl, anyway? Ooh, I’m dizzy.” She settled down next to Peony.

  “Heather will be the best big sister ever when we have cubs, don’t you think?” Katrina said, squeezing Maddox’s hand.

  “Cubs.” Maddox’s eyes lit up. “Do you know something that I don’t?” he asked hopefully.

  “No, not yet, you goon. I think we should wait one year – and then start doing it like bunnies on every full moon until I have a bun growing in the oven. What do you think?”

  “I think I love you.” He pulled her to him.

  “You think?” She punched his arm.

  “I know I love you, you crazy she-wolf.”

  “You should. I’m incredible.” She glanced at the women gathered around the table and let out a sigh. “I do wish my father were alive to walk me down the aisle. For that matter, I wish my mother hadn’t stabbed me in the back to the point where I don’t even want to talk to her. She’s still moaning about the utter disgrace of me not allowing her at our wedding.”


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