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Nash (The Skulls)

Page 11

by Crescent, Sam

  When he bumped her clit, she jolted, chuckling as she did. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “You’re sensitive.”

  She nodded.

  Pressing the tip to her cunt, he pushed inside so only the head was inside her. “Then how does this feel?” He gripped her hips and plunged inside her.

  Sophia cried out, arching her back as he hit the hilt deep. The walls of her sex clung to him. He felt every ripple of her pussy through the one thrust. Edward stayed seated inside her, not moving.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared up at him. He saw her swallow.

  “Are you ready for me to move?”

  “Yes.” Pulling out of her tight heat, he glanced down to see his cock coated with her juices. Before he pulled all of the way out of her, he slammed back inside. It felt like he was going deeper with each thrust. Over and over again he pulled out of her only to slam deep inside her. He didn’t let up. The pleasure was too intense for him to simply stay still. Her hands gripped his forearms, her nails sinking into his flesh causing a biting of pain.

  “Edward, slow down,” she said.

  He caught her words but couldn’t stop. Opening his eyes, he saw the pleading look she was sending him. Gritting his teeth, Edward forced himself to slow down and to give her what she wanted. He stopped, pausing deep inside her.

  Shaking, he focused on her. She let go of him panting for breath.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Am I hurting you?”

  “I’m not used to it. Can you take it slow just this once? It’s too much for me.”

  Nodding, he settled down around her. Pushing the hairs off her face, he kissed her lips. “I can slow down for now.”

  His body was shaking from the need to fuck her hard. All of his life he’d fucked hard. Never once had he taken his time with a woman. He took deep breaths trying to slow himself down.

  She caressed his back, going down to cup his ass.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt, he made each move as slow as he could go, drawing out their pleasure. Sophia was tight, tighter than any pussy he’d ever been inside. She was also drowning him with her cum. Not only was she the tightest pussy he had, she was the wettest, and he fucking loved it.

  Kissing down her neck, he sucked on her flesh. She writhed underneath him, thrusting up to meet him.

  It didn’t take Edward long to love the slow pace of making love to her. He felt every ripple and relished every cry of pleasure. Making love slowly gave him the chance to catch every reaction his dick caused.

  “This is it now, babe. You’ve got me for the rest of your life.” Slipping a hand underneath her knee, he raised up, pulling her legs over his shoulders. Gripping the flesh, he glanced down watching his cock slide into her cunt. “Watch us together.”

  She looked down at where they were joined as one.

  The inner walls of her sex gripped him tighter. “That’s it, Sophia, come on my cock. Let me feel it.”

  He slipped a finger between her silken folds and caressed her nub. Within seconds she splintered apart around him. He didn’t know how he was ever going to last with the flutters of her pussy around his dick.

  Her cries lost him completely.

  Gripping her hips he fucked her hard, pounding inside her. He didn’t let up, and he realized she wasn’t pushing him away. Sophia was holding him tightly as he rammed into her over and over again.

  “I can’t slow down,” he said. “I need you too fucking bad.”

  “I don’t want you to slow down.” Her voice sounded breathless. A sheen of sweat coated her skin.

  Leaning down he plundered her mouth in the same way his cock was plundering her cunt. She met him thrust for thrust.

  He felt the stirrings of his orgasm in his balls. Edward kept thrusting inside her. Three deep thrusts and the first of his orgasm claimed him. Grunting from the power of the pleasure he spilled his release into her waiting pussy, flooding her with his seed.

  The only sounds to be heard in the room were their rapid breaths. Collapsing on top of her, Edward cushioned his head on her full breasts.

  She wrapped her arms around him.

  His head was buzzing. He’d just made love to the woman he loved. The fact he wasn’t wearing a condom didn’t bother him. If she got pregnant he’d deal with it.

  Rolling over her eased her onto his chest.

  “I’m too heavy.” She tried to push away, but he wouldn’t let her.

  Holding her in place, he kept his cock inside her. “You’re not going anywhere. We just fucked, and now we’re going to cuddle.” One of his firm rules was never to cuddle. He was breaking that rule for her. Also, he wanted to cuddle with her. Edward wanted to bask in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  “I’m sorry for telling you to slow down,” she said, easing her head against his chest.

  “This is your second time having sex. I loved taking my time.” He stroked her back, needing to touch every inch of her skin.

  “I’m sure you’re not used to women asking you to slow down. I don’t imagine Kate ever—”

  There was no way he was letting her finish that statement. Slapping her ass, he jerked her chin up to face him. “Don’t even fucking compare yourself to your sister. You’re nothing alike, and I’m not going to be comparing performance.”

  Taking hold of her hand he pressed it against his chest. “You’re here, Sophia. It’s about more than sex and fucking. You mean far more to me than getting a fuck. I can get a fuck from any willing woman. You’re different.”

  He saw her swallow and nod. “Okay, Edward, I get it.”

  “You’re not someone I’m going to let go of. You’re not a sweet-butt. I’m keeping you.”

  She smiled. “I’m not some kind of possession. I’m a person with feelings.”

  “Feelings for me, Sophia. I know you love me.”

  “It’s not attractive you being like that,” she said.

  Chuckling, he squeezed her ass. “I don’t care. I’ve not forgotten about the men who hurt you either. They’ll pay for what they did to you.”

  “Forget about them, Edward. They’re not worth it. We’re together.” She dropped her head.

  “I’m not forgetting about the bastards who dared to hurt you. I wouldn’t be a good Skull if I left them unpunished.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re not the law.”

  “In this town I am.”

  She looked up at him, resting her chin on her hands. “Don’t get yourself hurt.”

  “I won’t. I’ll earn back the guys’ trust, and then I’ll take them out. None of the guys like men who can’t respect the word no.”

  She rested her head back on his chest. “Am I going to wake up and all this be a dream?”

  “I hope not. This is the best I’ve ever felt in my life. When I wake up I want it to be the same.” Holding her tightly, Edward finally allowed himself to relax and rest.


  “Well, isn’t this a sight to wake up to,” Zero said.

  Sophia moaned, feeling Edward underneath her. Why was she hearing Zero’s voice? Last night had been wonderful. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d been so happy. Throughout the night Edward had made love to her, taking her to new heights of pleasure and back.

  “What the fuck, Zero?” Edward said.

  Opening her eyes she became aware of the gazes falling on her and Edward. She’d fallen asleep on his chest last night after he’d taken her for the third time. Wincing, Sophia became aware of the soreness of her body. Turning her head she saw several of The Skulls staring down at them. Yelping, she tried to cover herself with the blanket. In trying to cover more of herself, she ended up pushing the blanket off her entirely.

  Edward fixed her dilemma but not before his club got an eyeful of her body.

  Sinking her head onto his chest, she covered her eyes.

  “I see you used last night wisely,” Lash said.

  She kept her head covered not wanting to see the
smirking or the disgust on their faces.

  “You could have knocked or given us a warning,” Edward said.

  “Please, my father is not the one to be kept waiting. Besides, you should know him,” Tate said.

  At the sound of the female’s voice, Sophia chanced a glance to see Tiny’s daughter carrying a tray. “I came with coffees for me and Sophia. It’s time I got to know the woman in his life.”

  She heard Edward moan. “One morning with you and she’ll run away from me.”

  Tate glared. “Shut it, you.”

  Glancing around the room, Sophia saw the men were no longer gawking at her, apart from Zero, who looked like he hadn’t dropped his gaze.

  “Will you guys fuck off so my woman can get dressed without you looking at her?” Edward asked.

  “You’re not trying to get out of the beating you’re about to get, are you?” Butch asked.

  “No. I’m going to earn my place again, but when I’m back to being a Skull I’ll be keeping Sophia as my old lady.”

  The silence in the room was deafening. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her.

  “Sophia will always be protected. She’s an old lady now, but you’ve still got to earn your spot,” Tiny said. “Come on, men. Give them some privacy.”

  One by one the men filed out leaving her alone with her man. “My God, that was so embarrassing.”

  “Guys, I’m still here,” Tate said.

  Sophia jerked toward the small kitchen area where Tate was working the stove. “You can have your cuddly feelings later on. I’m working on my skills to woo the latest woman in our club.”

  Edward gripped her ass. “I’ve got to get ready, baby,” he said.

  He eased out of the bed, grabbing his shorts before standing up. She checked his ass out, and then he was moving toward the bathroom. Wrapping her body with the bed sheet Sophia approached the table.

  “Hi, I’m Sophia,” she said, introducing herself to the other woman.

  “I know who you are. I’m Tate. Tiny’s daughter and Murphy’s old lady.”

  Sophia shook hands with the other woman.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’d heard about you from the guys who were here the last couple of weeks. You earned their respect, and that’s hard to do unless you spread your legs for them.” Tate handed her a coffee. “It’s the good stuff. I can never make it like the shop downtown does.”

  Sipping at the coffee, Sophia took a seat at the table. The blanket covered her modestly.

  “So, you’re the latest addition to the club. Angel and the others are going to love you. Is your hair natural or out of a jar?”

  Sophia took a giant gulp of coffee staring at the woman before her.

  “It’s natural.”

  “You’re not very talkative.”

  Smiling, Sophia lifted the coffee. “I need a lot of caffeine to get me wired.”

  “Good, my kind of girl. The others will be joining us soon. The girls wouldn’t miss Edward earning back his Nash title. Especially after the shit he pulled at the diner. Angel’s special day and he fucked it up big style.”

  She listened to Tate prattle on. Edward left the bathroom ten minutes later looking refreshed and ready for the day. Getting up from her chair, she made to pass him. He caught her elbow and pulled her in close. “I loved last night.”

  “Me, too.” She pressed her head against his. The outer door opened letting in all the men.

  “Today I don’t want you to interfere. What you’re going to see is tough, but it’ll be worth it.” Nodding, she pulled away, heading toward the bathroom.

  Staring at her reflection she saw three marks from his lips. She blushed remembering the way he’d sucked on her neck.

  Dropping the blanket she checked out the other marks he’d left on her. Toward the end of the night, he’d become a very passionate lover. He sure liked to play rough, and last night he’d given her a taste of everything he liked.

  Well, actually, with the way he kept playing with her ass, she didn’t imagine he’d shown her everything he liked. The guy might have an ass fetish.

  Climbing into the shower she let out a gasp at the coldness of the water. The bastard had used all the hot water. She washed, dressed, and was back in the room with the rest of the men in no time.

  Tate was dishing out breakfast to each of the men.

  “You didn’t leave any hot water,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Yeah, sorry about that.” He patted his knee for her to sit down.

  “If Murphy didn’t leave me any hot water he wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month. I’d kick his ass that bad.”

  Sophia laughed. She looked at the big man and couldn’t imagine Tate hurting him. All of the bikers looked like forces to be reckoned with. Their cuts displayed their part in The Skulls.

  The other woman handed her a plate. Sophia took the plate and sat on Edward’s knee to eat. He caressed her leg going between her thighs. She slapped his hand. “You didn’t leave any hot water. I’m not in the mood to play.”

  Tate chuckled, clucking her tongue at Edward.

  Sophia ate breakfast, every now and then slapping his hand away. Sophia didn’t care about the hot water, but she liked the way he kept trying to touch her regardless of it. Once breakfast was finished she helped Tate with the dishes. The men were talking about everything. Sophia couldn’t keep up, but Tate joined in without looking phased.

  “You’ll get used to it in no time,” Tate said.

  When the dishes were done Edward took her hand pulling her out of the room, deeper into the building. They entered a room that looked like a gym. There were mats on the floor. Angel, Eva, and a couple of other young looking men with the word “prospect” on their jacket were standing there.

  “Baby,” Lash said, opening his arms.

  Sophia watched as the blonde woman threw herself in Lash’s arms. “I missed you.”

  “Are you going to be able to handle this?” Lash asked.

  The fact Edward’s brother was asking that question unnerved Sophia. “You’ve gone all tense,” Edward said.

  “I’m nervous.” She watched all the men removing their cuts and cracking their knuckles. “Isn’t this a little childish?” She felt the panic rising up inside her. They were all being immature, and she didn’t like the idea of Edward being hurt. She’d only just got the man back. Yes, two weeks wasn’t that long, but Lash explained everything to her about the progress of getting his brother drug free.

  He cupped her face. “If you had a choice to have a man who you knew could defend you no matter what the cost or a man you had to take his word on defending you, who would you chose?”

  “That question makes no sense. I don’t need protection.” Edward wouldn’t let go of her face as she struggled to pull away.

  “Stop it. It’s important. These men are my family. If I can’t fight them and they’re the hardest men I know, then how the hell can I call myself a Skull?”

  She stopped fighting him, hating the fact he was right.

  “I love you, baby. Nothing is ever going to change that, but I need to prove that I’ve got their back. Not only that, I’ve got to prove they can trust me.” He pressed his head to hers. “I know you’re going to hate this. I haven’t got a choice.”

  “It’s time,” Lash said, invading the moment. Glancing behind her she saw the women were set up on what looked like bleachers at a high school. “The women love to watch.”

  Sophia doubted it. The women were sticking around to make sure the men were not hurt.

  “Let me do this.”


  He still wouldn’t let her go. “I love you.” Edward took possession of her lips. The feel of him brought the memories of the previous night came flooding back to her.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Come on, pussy,” Zero said.

  Pulling away she sent Edward a smile before taking a seat between Angel and Tate.

sp; “Everyone, I want to introduce you to Edward’s-slash-Nash’s, woman, Sophia.” Tate made the introductions. “That’s Angel, Eva, Sandy, Rose, Kelsey, and the two fuckers on the end are the new prospects. Their job is taking care of us and doing the mundane shit.”

  Sophia smiled at everyone before returning her gaze to the main floor.

  “I hate this more than the parties,” Angel said. “At least in the parties I know he’s going to be okay.”

  “We’re all worried. My babe is going to beat the shit out of him,” Tate said.

  Sophia winced as the fighting started. She didn’t recognize all the men, but Tate pointed out them all. Killer was currently throwing some punches at Edward. She pressed her hands over her eyes not being able to watch.

  “Kick him in the balls,” Sandy said, screaming out. “I love it when men fight. They look all sweaty, and I’m getting horny.”

  Sophia wished she could get horny instead of wincing every few minutes. The men were relentless in their attack.

  Chapter Ten

  Four hours later the guys backed away. Edward was standing on his feet but barely. Tiny and Lash hit the hardest out of all of the men. He didn’t know if they were going to let him back in the club. The one person he was having an issue with was Zero. The other man kept eyeing up his woman. Not that he blamed him. Sophia was the complete opposite of the club, and yet she fit right in. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a red and black checkered shirt. The top few buttons were open revealing an expanse of creamy cleavage. Zero was using every opportunity to look at her.

  “Sandy, come and check him out,” Tiny said.

  The blonde doctor came rushing down to check his war wounds. He stayed still staring at Sophia. His woman looked worried. Edward nodded his head for her to come down. She walked down, tucking some of her black hair behind her ear.

  Zero helped her down from the bleachers, lingering a little too long for Edward’s taste. Grinding his teeth he stayed still as Sandy poked and prodded him. He jerked when she prodded at his ribs.

  Sophia chuckled at whatever Zero whispered against her ear. Didn’t she realize he was copping a feel of her behind? The bastard knew what he was doing, and it was driving Edward mad. When he got his title back Zero wouldn’t be mauling his woman.


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