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Nash (The Skulls)

Page 13

by Crescent, Sam

  She didn’t think it was possible, but he proved her wrong by sending her over the edge once again. Edward was the one in control. He fucked her hard, touching her in ways that made her feel special.

  Only when he was ready did he let himself find release. She felt him jerk within her, his cum soaking her womb, making her think of babies and the future. When his orgasm started to ebb away, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  “I love you so much. We’re going to have a baby, and nothing is going to stop us getting what we want.”

  His arms wrapped around her. Sophia felt safe, protected in the sanctuary of his arms. She could face the world with him by her side.

  “You’re going to get your spot back in the club, Nash.”

  He tensed. “Don’t call me that until we know.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The following day he was getting testy. He fucking hated being cooped up in the abandoned factory while his fellow brothers, the club he ran with, were dealing with shit on the outside. Sophia was sat in a long denim dress watching him pace.

  “You’re going to get tired walking up and down like that.”

  “I can’t help it. My boys are out there.” Resting his hands behind his head, he walked toward the door and backed away. He was grounded to this place. There was nowhere else he could go, as otherwise he’d put the rest of the crew in danger. He understood the risks, but right at that moment he couldn’t think of a better way of spending his time than finding out what happened.

  Walking over to Sophia, he lifted her wrist into the air to read the time on the watch. It was a little after twelve. He’d eaten porridge and drunk fucking coffee. Now he was raving to go, and he was nervous about the results of yesterday.

  What if the reason they were staying away was because they no longer wanted him? Crap, he couldn’t handle this.

  “This is why Lash is keeping you out,” Sophia said, rising from her chair.


  “You’re not in control right now. The guy, the addict, he’s in control.”

  “They need me, Sophia. I can’t sit around and wait for them.”

  “Yes, you can, and you’re going to do exactly that, or so help me, I will chain your ass back to the wall.” She poked at his chest, her glare making him shut up.

  “I need to help them.”

  “Then help. Get better and do as you’re fucking told for them. You fucked up once. Don’t give them another reason for you not to be part of The Skulls.” Her hand rested to his chest. “Be in control. Be Nash.”

  Nodding, he wrapped his arms around her. His whole body was tense and on edge. This was the longest he’d ever been kept waiting for anything in his life. The only other person he’d waited for was Sophia, and now she was his. He was going to do everything in his power to keep her. Edward was sure of one thing, and that was his love for Sophia.

  He hoped by the end of the day he was back to calling himself Nash. Edward was such a pussy fucking name. No one was scared of Edward Myers, but Nash had a reputation all of its own.

  Two more hours went by with not a word. Sophia distracted him as best she could by playing cards or touching him. Nothing was going to distract him. Every single one of The Skulls had a decision to make.

  Just wait. Everything will be fine as long as you wait.

  Taking deep breaths didn’t help, and neither did pacing. Sophia stopped helping and watched him in between making coffee. For fun she started telling him where to walk. Even when he didn’t want to, he found himself laughing.

  The laughter was short lived as the door was opened. Lash and Murphy walked through the door. The looks on their face sent a shot of fear up his spine.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Our enemies are inside Fort Wills. We don’t know who they are, but Tiny’s contacted Devil. Chaos Bleeds is on their way,” Lash said.

  Murphy was white as a ghost. Looking between the two men, Edward knew they were keeping something from him. “What’s going on?”

  “Whoever our enemies are, they went after our women.”

  “What?” Sophia asked. She moved to stand beside him. The Skulls never hit at women or civilians. They followed their own code of how to handle things.

  “Tate is in hospital. She was rundown by a car with no license plate. There were witnesses, but everything is fuzzy.”

  “Is Tate going to be all right?” Edward asked. Murphy still hadn’t said anything.

  “They discovered she was pregnant, but she and the baby are doing okay even from the trauma. The doctors have warned it could still go either way,” Lash said.

  “That’s not all, is it?” Sophia asked.

  “Eva was attacked in a supermarket and is in a coma. Kelsey was shot in the arm, and Sandy was stabbed on her way to work this morning. They seem like completely random events, but they all have one thing in common … us.” Lash slammed his hand down on the table. “I’ve put Angel into lockdown. I think it’s time you do the same.”

  “I’m not known to be around The Skulls. I’m running out of clothes, and I need to get to my apartment. It has been a couple of weeks,” Sophia said.

  “No, you’re going to lockdown,” Edward said. Their women had been targeted. “The only women who haven’t been hit are the ones that had a Skull on them?”

  “Yes. Tate was leaving the Salon when she was hit,” Murphy said. “I didn’t even think to put a prospect on her ass. She was so excited about Nash coming back and Sophia being with them. I’m so fucking stupid.”

  Sophia caught his arm, forcing him to turn and face her. “You need to help your brothers. You can’t be worrying about me when they’re the most important.”

  “You’re not going home.” He was not willing to risk her life. Sophia was the only reason he’d fought so hard with the detox. If he lost her, he’d go back to using to find that high he always got around her.

  “I know it’s not appropriate, but we were going to come and tell you today that you’re patched back in. Everyone was amazed by your detox. Your strength has come through, and we all need you right now,” Lash said. He handed over the leather jacket he was holding. “Tiny got you another one made, and he apologized for the damage he caused. He wanted me to let you know he shouldn’t have gone off on you like he did. You deserved the beating, but not for the reason he gave it to you. Tiny wants to make sure everything is okay between the two of you.”

  “Of course. I was a fucking dick.” Edward was shocked by the jacket. No, he wasn’t Edward anymore. He was Nash. He’d earned his patch once again, and there was no way he was losing his patch again. Running his hands over the leather jacket he felt complete. This was everything he ever wanted.

  Looking up at the two men, he put the jacket on his shoulders.

  “It’s good to have you back, brother,” Lash said, embracing him. Murphy slapped him on the shoulder, and he turned to Sophia.

  She ran her hands up the front of the jacket. “You look sexy, Nash,” she said.

  He was back and ready to fight for his club.

  “It’s time to go to the clubhouse. The club needs you.” Lash left the room, leaving the door open wide for his freedom.

  “Are you ready to come home with me?” Nash asked.

  Sophia was smiling. “You were so worried they wouldn’t want you back.”

  “I’m never going to give them a chance to regret this,” he said.

  “They won’t.” She disappeared into the spare bedroom, and she came back with her case.

  “I’m not taking you home.” He took the case from her and headed out. Lash and Murphy hadn’t come on their bikes. They were in a truck. Helping Sophia into the back, he climbed in beside her and slammed the back of the door shut.

  Nash put his arms around his woman, holding her close. She rested her head against him. Her hands were freezing cold, but he looked out of the window wanting to be up to speed with everything.

  “Do we have any leads?�
�� Nash asked.

  “No. Tiny thinks it’s the drug lord’s family who attacked us last year. We can’t confirm it. Killer doesn’t think it’s The Lions. He believes his old club wouldn’t go quietly about taking over,” Murphy said.

  “What if it’s independent?” Sophia asked, speaking up.

  Lash was driving, but Murphy turned to stare at her.

  “What?” All three men barked the word out in unison.

  Sophia held her hands up. “None of you have a clue who is responsible for attacking you. I just think it’s a little foolish ruling everyone out that you already know. Why not think outside of the box? Maybe it’s a threat you’re not used to. Someone who has been watching and waiting.”

  Nash saw that she had a point. The last few months had been a little hazy with the drug taking. He was out of the loop on a lot of things.

  “Look, we’ll get to the clubhouse, and then you can fill Tiny in on all the crap when we get there. He’s freaking out with Tate and Eva down,” Lash said. “No, he’s not freaking out. He’s livid. He wants the bastards to be put down.”

  Holding on tight to his woman, Nash couldn’t even think about anything happening to her. The very thought of visiting her in the hospital made him feel sick.

  “Nothing is going to happen to me,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  The drive was a long one. The factory where he’d been staying was on the outskirts of town in the very opposite direction from the clubhouse.

  When sitting in the back of the truck there were no windows to see out of. He stared at the blank metal wall, wishing there was something he could do or remember to help. An unknown enemy was the worst type of enemy. Without knowing who had the problem, they were stuck on what to do or where to turn.

  The Skulls were a force to be reckoned with. Only a fucking idiot would take them on and think they could get away with it.

  “Look out!” Murphy yelled.

  Tensing, Nash turned to look as the truck was crashed into from the side. He was thrown forward with Sophia doing the same. Nash couldn’t hold onto her and watched, helplessly, as she slammed into the other side of the truck hitting her head.

  “Fuckers! Lash, watch out.”

  Another hit sent him into Sophia. He heard something break and didn’t know if it was him, Sophia, or the fucking truck.

  The tires were blown out, and the final jolt shoved the truck over. There was nothing for him and Sophia to hold onto. They were going with the truck with no source of help. He hoped his brother had his seatbelt on as they kept rolling over.

  The truck stopped, rocking upside down.

  Coughing, Nash felt something sticking in his arm. Glancing down, he saw some wire and pulled it out, crying out as he did. The doors to the truck were opened, and men in masks charged in. Before he could get up and fight he was pulled to his feet.

  “Remember, they’re needed alive,” a male voice said. It was the only thing Nash heard.

  Something stuck in his neck, and all he could hear was Lash’s voice. What terrified him the most wasn’t his brother’s voice. It was the fact Sophia hadn’t said a word. She wasn’t even moving.


  “Nash!” Lash shouted for his brother through the pain and fog. He couldn’t make sense of anything other than the fact his brother was being taken. When he saw Sophia being lifted he heard the sniggering from the men. Coughing, he fought the seatbelt that held him. Murphy was groaning at his side.

  At the sound of the truck that had knocked them over, Lash lost it. He started to tear at the seat belt containing him. He needed to get out of the fucking truck and get to his brother before anything happened to him.

  “Lash, calm down,” Murphy said, groaning. “Fuck, I hate being in truck accidents. I prefer my fucking bike.”

  “They took my fucking brother.” Reaching into his pocket he grabbed his cell phone. Forcing himself to act, he typed in the club’s number, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. The windscreen had broken, and glass was all around them. He was sure a couple of shards were embedded in his face.

  “Hello,” Angel said, picking up on the fifth ring.

  “Baby, I need you to put Tiny on the phone. Now.” She didn’t argue and did exactly as he asked.

  “If that was Tate she’d have my ass for speaking to her like that,” Murphy said.

  “I know. That’s why I’m married to Angel.”

  He heard the commotion over the line and waited for Tiny.

  “What the fuck is this, Angel? I’ve not got time for fucking phone calls.” When he saw Angel and got the chance to, he was going to give her the time of her life to make up for the way Tiny had just spoken to her.

  “It’s Lash. It sounds urgent.”

  “This better be fucking urgent, Lash,” Tiny said, speaking down the line.

  “Get Angel away from the phone. Tell her to go cook or something.” Lash waited for Tiny to give out the order.

  “What’s going on?” Tiny asked.

  “I’m currently upside down in the truck. Your seat belts work a charm. I can’t get fucking out.”

  Silence met his statement. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Long story short, trucks just rammed us off the road, blew out the tires, and whoever they are have kidnapped my brother and Sophia. Murphy and I are stuck. We need help getting out.”

  Tiny was hitting something.

  “Killer and Zero are on their way with the tow truck. Chaos Bleeds are just arriving. Get here quick.”

  The call disconnected, and Lash slumped down in his seat. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with today.

  “Do you think Sophia was just coincidence, or do you think they were after her?” Murphy asked.

  “I don’t fucking know. They were after Nash. We know that. I heard one of them say he needed to stay alive. All I know is that I need to get the fuck out of here and get to my brother. Anyone who fucks with him could send him spiraling down. I can’t let that happen.”


  Every part of her body ached. There was not a part of her that didn’t hurt. Sophia moaned, pressing her hands to her head only to be stopped as her arms were jerked back. Opening her eyes, she groaned again from the pain. Her head was hurting so bad it was making her feel sick.

  “Does she make this much noise when she fucks?”

  Frowning, Sophia turned her head in the direction of the noise. She couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes as the pain was too much.

  “Fuck off.” Nash’s voice forced her to open her eyes. Shooting pain unlike anything she ever felt made her close them again. She’d not got a clear visual of everything that was happening.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh met her ears. She winced as Nash’s cry of pain reached her as well.

  Open your eyes, Sophia. Open them.

  Slowly, she looked through slits. The room where they were was light, too light. Looking up, she saw the roof was made of windows, casting the sun down on them. Doors were swung open, and that was when she realized they were in an abandoned warehouse. There were a lot of them around Fort Wills after the recession. The nearest warehouse not owned by The Skulls in Fort Wills was about twenty miles south of the town. The warehouse had been abandoned for years. She heard rumors that a lot of the kids came here to fuck rather than do anything else.

  “I bet she’s a fucking rock star in the sack. A big woman like that needs to be able to put out. Why would anyone stay with her otherwise?”

  She didn’t recognize the voice. Nash’s voice was the only thing she recognized.

  “You’re a fucking dead man if you hurt her.”

  Laughter followed his statement. Someone yanked on her hair, sending electric bolts of pain through her system. Tears stung her eyes, and she tried to follow the action of the guy holding her hair. The pain was unbearable.

  “I’m hurting her, bastard. By the end of the night I’m going to be hurting her in ways that will make you cringe. Gill wants
her for himself, but his orders are to keep him alive.”

  The foul odor of his breath made her feel sick. Leaning over, she threw up everything she’d eaten at breakfast time. None of the man’s words made sense. Who wanted Nash alive?

  “This whore is nasty. I don’t know why anyone keeps her around.”

  The men were talking thick and fast. She couldn’t make out a single word. When she dared to open her eyes, she turned toward Nash. He was sat in a chair with armrests on either side of him. A belt was wrapped around the middle, and rope held his wrists and legs into place.

  She hated the sight of him tied down and wished there was something else she could do to help him. He was looking at her. His eyes widened when he saw she was awake.

  “We’re going outside for a smoke. Don’t try anything stupid.” The guy tugged on Nash’s hair before shoving him.

  Sophia didn’t recognize any of the men.

  “I thought you were dead,” Nash said, catching her attention. Opening her eyes, she turned toward him.

  “Why are we in a warehouse? What is it with guys and warehouses?” she asked.

  “I don’t know about this place. At least we know who the men are or at least what they look like.”

  “Are they friends of yours?” She lifted her hand and stopped. There was a metal cuff wrapped around her wrist halting her movements. She was chained to a table in the center of a warehouse. Don’t go panicking any time soon.

  “No, they’re not friends of mine or the club. What is the last thing you remember?” he asked.

  She focused on her last memories. Sophia saw herself in her mind’s eye. Nash had his arms wrapped around her, and then the truck jerked. She recalled slamming against the opposite side and then nothing. Everything that happened was a blur. After telling Nash, she waited for him to say something.

  “The hit must have knocked you out cold. They hit us a few times before we went rolling.”

  “We rolled?”

  “Yeah. Lash was okay. He was shouting me as we left the car. The bastards injected me with something though. Fucking knocked me out cold,” Nash said. “We’re going to get out of this.”

  Even through the pain, she started to laugh.


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