Book Read Free

Drawn to You

Page 8

by Jillian Anselmi

  Chase pulls my chair out for me. I smile shyly at him and sit. A waiter comes over to the table. “Can I offer you any beverages?” he asks sweetly. Chase looks at me.

  “What would you like?”

  “I could go for a glass of Sauvignon Blanc,” I reply. He nods in agreement, taking a look at the wine list.

  “We’ll have a bottle of the 2010 Lail Vineyards Georgia Sauvignon Blanc and a bottle of Pellegrino please,” he says assertively. The waiter nods, and scurries back inside.

  I am reeling. When I agreed to go for a boat ride, this was not what I expected. Here I am, sitting in Bridgehampton with all the rich people wearing their expensive clothing, in a tank top and denim shorts. I stare down at the menu not really reading it.

  “You okay?” Chase asks, concerned.

  “I wasn’t expecting to go to a renowned restaurant for lunch. I’m a little overwhelmed.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Really, just relax.” He grabs my hands. He gazes at me for a minute, gauging my reaction. I sigh. I should suck it up and enjoy myself. It isn’t every day that I get to eat so well. I give him a weak smile.

  “Good, that’s better.” He smiles. “Did you find anything you like on the menu?”

  “There is a lot I like on the menu,” I profess.

  The waiter arrives with our wine. He puts the wine glasses down and seizes his corkscrew and twists. The cork comes out with ease. He pours a little wine in Chase’s glass and waits patiently. Chase reaches over for the glass and takes a sip. Satisfied, he nods his head to the waiter who pours wine into my glass, then back to Chase’s. He places the bottle in a wine bucket filled with ice and places it on a stand next to the table.

  “Did you need a few more minutes?” the waiter asks.

  “Yes, please,” I murmur. He smiles and makes a hasty retreat. I stare at the menu trying to make a decision. “What are you getting?” I ask still studying the menu.

  “Lobster macaroni and cheese. It’s not on the lunch menu but a nighttime summer special. It’s delicious.”

  “That sounds really good. The menu is making me dizzy. There are too many choices,” I acquiesce. “What would you recommend?” I look up at him.

  “What do you like?”

  “Everything, that’s the problem,” I giggle.

  “Well, the lobster roll is excellent. If you like steak, the filet is amazing. It depends upon your mood.”

  Ugh, this is going to be a difficult decision.

  “What kind of mood are you in?” he asks seductively. Oh. My.

  “I think I will get the lobster roll.” My voice is all breathy. He smiles as if he knows what he’s doing to me.

  As if on cue, the waiter appears from, where? He looks to Chase for an answer.

  “We’ll start with the Oysters Rockefeller. The lady will have the lobster roll with French fries. I will have the lobster macaroni & cheese.” The waiter nods his head as he writes down our order and then vanishes inside.

  “I’ve never had Oysters Rockefeller.”

  “Oh, are you in for a treat,” he says, smiling that enigmatic smile. I take a sip of my wine. It’s delicious. Crisp and light just like a good Sauvignon should be. Taking Chase’s earlier advice, I sit back and relax.

  The outside seating is right out front, so we can see people leisurely strolling. I sit and watch, sipping my wine. I’m a good people watcher, often amazed at the things I see. Chase is gazing at me, his thumb and index finger strumming his bottom lip, tugging at it, as if deep in thought.

  Wow is that sexy.

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?” he asks.

  “I’m not sure yet, why?” I’m suspicious. What’s he up to now?

  “I’m just thinking . . .” he trails off.

  “What?” I prod.

  “Since I had the boat brought over for the week, I should use it. Maybe head over to Martha’s Vineyard for a couple of days. Do some sightseeing.” He hesitates. “You could come with me.” Oh, that sounds fantastic. Although, I get the feeling he might have other things in mind besides sightseeing. Like, maybe sightseeing me naked. Not that I’m complaining, but I’m not ready for all weekend sex just yet.

  “Chase,” I say trying to find the right words. “We’ve just met. I don’t think that would be such a good idea.” I try to placate him. “Maybe when we know each other better.” He nods his expression dismal. Just then, the waiter brings over our appetizer. He shakes his head, seeming to snap out of his somber mood.

  I look down at the shells. “They’re green.”

  He chuckles, remembering my disdain for green foods from this morning. “Oysters Rockefeller are made with spinach, bacon, and garlic. Try one,” he urges. It seems all of my meals lately involve some form of spinach.

  With my fork, I remove the spinach covered oyster from its shell. Looking at Chase in indecision, he gives me an encouraging smile. I bring the oyster to my lips and place it in my mouth.

  “So?” he asks, his eyes alight with humor.

  “Not what I expected,” I say. He frowns. “It’s delicious. I’ll have another.” I give him my giant I-fooled-you smile. Relieved, he rolls his eyes at me.

  The oysters taste better than they look. Chase catches me watching him eat. His eyes are blazing, his pupils dilated. I flush crimson. He even makes chewing look sexy. I cross my legs and clamp my thighs together to keep my body from responding to that smoldering look. I concentrate harder on my appetizer.

  Just as we finish the last of the oysters, the waiter comes out to clear our plates. It’s as if he’s omniscient. He tops off our wine and disappears.

  “How long have you been coming here?” I ask, trying to divert my thoughts.

  “My family has had a summer house here for as long as I can remember, since before I was born. When we go out, this is one of the places we frequent.”

  “I have driven through Bridgehampton a few times but never actually hung out here.” I never saw the fascination with the Hamptons. The beaches are the same except there is waaaaay more traffic out here. The one road in, one road out is not fun when you’re stuck in traffic for hours. All to catch a glimpse of some famous person trying to enjoy their vacation.

  “I don’t spend too much time out here. Too many rich snobs,” he whispers conspiratorially, a giant smile on his lips. I can’t help but laugh. The waiter comes over with our lunch and once again disappears.

  “Looks fantastic,” he says, pleased with his macaroni and cheese. Mine looks fabulous too. The roll is huge with lobster falling out of it. Chase laughs at me as I try to figure out how to get it in my mouth.

  “They do know how to make a good lobster roll here,” he says with a chuckle, sipping his wine. I finally take a bite out of my roll. It tastes as good as it looks.

  He glances over at me mid chew with a shy smile. He puts some macaroni on his fork and brings it toward my mouth. He cocks his head to one side, his eyes twinkling. I open my mouth. With care, Chase places the fork past my lips. Tentative, I take a bite. Wow, it’s yummy. I savor the flavor as watches me. His look is smoldering, his eyes on fire. Just watching him watch me makes me blush. I grab my wine and take a quick sip, then staring down at my plate, pick at my lobster roll.

  Every few bites, I peek up at him and catch him watching me eat. His face is impassive, and it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking. I start to feel a little less uncomfortable the more time I spend with him. It’s strange eating out at a restaurant and not being with Evan. I try not to think about it as I attempt to finish the ridiculous amount of food still in front of me.

  I eat until I feel like I’m going to explode. “I am so full. I can’t eat anymore,” I say putting down my fork. I made it through half of my lobster roll and some of the fries. He managed to finish his whole lunch. The waiter appears to clear our plates.

  “Did you want dessert?” Chase jokes.

  He must be kidding.

  “No, thanks. I’m so full,” I moan. The waiter comes b
ack to see if we would like anything else. Before I realize what he’s doing, Chase pulls out his Black Amex card. Black card?? I have never actually seen one; I always thought it was a myth. Only the ridiculously rich carry that card. He hands it to the waiter without even seeing the check.

  “Black card, huh?”

  “It’s the family business card. All three of us carry one.” His lips twitch up into a smile. Of course they do. The waiter brings back the card and the receipt. Chase signs and hands it back to the waiter. “Ready?” he asks.

  “Whenever you are.” Chase picks up his phone and makes a call. “Ready,” he says into the phone and then stands up. Comes around to my side and waits for me to stand so he can pull my chair out. Charles comes out from inside the restaurant.

  “How was everything, Mr. Remington?” He sounds a bit nervous.

  “Fabulous as always,” he answers jovially. I can see a wave of relief sweep across Charles’ face. They shake hands, and he retreats inside the restaurant. We walk over to the sidewalk, and the Town Car appears from wherever it was hiding. Chase opens the car door for me, and I slide in.

  Back on the boat, Paul navigates it westward toward Davis. Chase and I take seats toward the back of the boat on the U shaped couch. The bay is calmer now so there is less of a bounce. You can barely feel the waves as the boat glides through the water.

  “What did you think of Bobby Van’s?” he asks, searching my face for a clue as to what I might be thinking.

  “It was very nice.” I frown. “I still felt underdressed, though.”

  “Next time, I will give you plenty of warning.”

  Next time?

  “That’s good. I hate surprises.”

  “Surprises are fun.” His grin gets bigger. No, I don’t like surprises. The last surprise I got was finding Evan and that tramp. Nope, I can do without surprises. “How long until we’re back?” he shouts over the engine to Paul.

  “Fifteen minutes or so,” comes the response.

  Chase turns back to me. “Is there anywhere else you would like to go?”

  “No, thank you. This was lovely.”

  “Are we still going to meet up for drinks later?” He reaches over and places his hand on mine, running his thumb up and down my fingers.

  “I’m exhausted. Can we make it tomorrow?” I can curl into a ball right here and sleep.

  “Whatever you want,” he purrs. He continues to strum his thumb back and forth over my hand as he looks out over the water. His touch resonates throughout my body, sending tingles everywhere. He is still looking toward shore when his hand moves so that his fingers are now running up and down my inner thigh. I shift in my seat. Goosebumps appear across my entire body.

  I stand up and walk over toward the helm so I can see where we are. Chase comes up behind me, pulling me close so I am flush against him. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. His hands begin to massage my shoulders. He runs his nose up the side of my neck to the back of my ear. His teeth clamp down on my earlobe.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he whispers seductively against my ear. I shake my head, stunned into silence. His voice is hypnotic, and I’m frozen where I stand.

  He spins me around so I am facing him, his hands still on my shoulders. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I can’t be affecting him the same way he is affecting me. A chill runs through my body. I need to have his lips on mine. Now. I lift my hands and cup his face, his stubble tickling my fingers. I can’t help but feel intoxicated when he’s near me. Staring up into his bewitching eyes, I lean into him.

  Without hesitation, his mouth is on mine. I throw my hands around his neck, bringing him closer. He grabs my hips and pulls me tight to his chest. Our bodies so close they are almost one. My hands run down his sculpted back, feeling his muscles ripple under my touch. He moves to my neck, nipping as he moves to my shoulder. I have never wanted anyone as much as I want him right here, right now.

  His hands move around to my ass, caressing my backside. I moan causing Chase to kiss me deeper, his tongue dancing with mine.

  The boat starts to slow down as we approach the no-wake-zone buoys near Davis. Chase breaks our kiss, leaning his forehead against mine as we both attempt to catch our breath. His eyes are closed. I wish I knew what he was thinking. “I need to go help tie the boat up,” he whispers between breaths. I can tell he’s not happy we’re being interrupted. Well, neither am I!

  Paul spins the boat around and backs it up between the giant poles that separate each boat slip. Reluctant, Chase lets go of me and heads toward the stern to tie up the boat to the dock. Paul turns off the engine and heads toward the bow to tie up the front end of the boat to the poles.

  Chase finishes tying the ropes to the cleats and grabs my bag that was on the floor toward the back of the boat. I collect my things, his steady gaze on me.

  “Thank you for an amazing afternoon,” I manage to say, still rather breathless. He gives me a sly smile.

  “The pleasure was mine,” he purrs. He jumps onto the dock where he places my duffel bag then helps me onto the dock beside him. Leaning in toward my ear, he whispers, “I hope you’ve enjoyed the day as much as I have.” He gives me a quick peck on the cheek, jumps onto the back of the boat, and disappears down the stairs. Holy fuck. In a fog, I pick up my bag and head down the walk.

  Back at the house, Brenda is nowhere to be seen, so I assume that she’s still down on the beach. Since I am in my suit, I grab a chair and head down the walk.

  Just as I suspected, she’s in the same spot I left her hours before. The only difference is she is now shielded by an umbrella and is reading a book. I plop my chair down next to hers.

  “You’re back early,” she greets.

  “You will never guess where he took me.” I’m still in shock. She shrugs. “I’ll give you a hint. We were in Bridgehampton.”

  “Bridgehampton?” she asks perplexed. “I thought you were going for a boat ride.”

  “That’s what I thought too.” I say. “Give up?”

  Impatient now, she says, “Will you tell me already?”

  “Bobby Van’s.”

  “As in the restaurant Bobby Van’s?” she asks stunned.

  “The very same.”

  She gapes at me. “Wow, he could have taken you anywhere and that’s where he chose?”

  “Yup. Look how I’m dressed.” I give an exaggerated wave of my hand to make my point. “I had my bikini on underneath thinking we were going out for a ride. I had no idea we would stop there.” I take off my tank top and shorts and take a seat next to her.

  “I’m not sure if he was trying to impress you or show off,” she says confounded.

  “I don’t know. I guess he thinks money is important. You know me; I could give a rat’s ass.”

  “If he was showing off, he’s an obnoxious prick,” she says with disdain. “If he was trying to impress you, that’s a different story.”

  “I don’t know. I did feel a little weird. He pulled out a black card.” That catches her attention. She sits up and spins around so she is facing me.

  “Shut up! Really!?” I nod. “I mean I figured he had money but a black card?”

  “I know. I can’t even afford to have the regular blue one.” I don’t have any credit cards. If I can’t pay cash for something, I can’t afford it, and I will not put myself in debt.

  “It’s about time that you got pampered. It’s not like the asshat ever took you anywhere nice,” she reminds me.

  “True,” I concede, “but we never had the money.”

  “Exactly. And it seems that Chase has more money than sense. Let him spoil you.”

  “I don’t see how we can be compatible. His wardrobe costs more than my car. His boat is worth more than my mom’s house. I don’t know.” I don’t see how this, whatever it is, can go very far.

  “Ohmigod, Liv,” Brenda says.

  “Right now, I want to relax and get rid of the anxiety I had all through lunch.”
br />   The next morning, the sun is shining bright. I want to make sure I look presentable for my date with Chase later. I mean, I think it’s a date. I grab my beach stuff and head down the walk.

  I settle in to my chair with my ear buds in and relax. The last thing I remember is listening to Skylar Grey singing about telling the world she’s coming home. It’s a very soothing song, and I must have dozed off.

  I open my eyes to find Chase staring at me. He is sitting beside me on a towel smiling his slow sexy smile that makes me tingle. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he murmurs.

  “Hi,” I whisper stunned. “How long have you been sitting there?”

  “Long enough.” His dazzling smile melts my heart.

  “What are you doing out so early?” I ask, beguiled.

  “I was about to head out on my paddleboard. Would you care to join me?”

  He is so sweet. “Oh, I’ve never been on one of those.” I’m a good swimmer, but I tend to panic when I’m in the ocean. I think I’ve watched Jaws one too many times.

  “It’s easy, I’ll show you.” He extends a hand.

  “Um . . . I . . . um.” I can’t think of a good enough reason not to go. He leans down and grabs my hand, yanking me up. Throws me over his shoulder and heads down to the water.

  “Put me down,” I squeal in embarrassment.

  “Not until we’re in the water,” he chuckles. Now he has me laughing.

  “Please . . . I’ll get in . . . I promise,” I say between giggles. He slides me down from his shoulder so that he is holding me in his arms. I throw my arms around the back of his neck and hold on tight.

  “Now what fun would that be?” His eyes are filled with mirth. He walks into the surf and heads straight for a wave. Still hanging on for dear life, I see that I’ve lost this battle. He jumps the wave with me in his arms and then sinks us into the cold water. “That was fun,” he says laughing.

  I don’t see the humor in it. I’m freezing.


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